Arianna Simoncini The murder of Samuel Paty by a young radicalized Chechen refugee has reopened the French debate on secularism. This history teacher was killed
We live in a world where, in order to fight global warming, we are quietly considering sending sulfur nanoparticles into the atmosphere to reflect
"The world is crazy, the world is beautiful!" said the popular singer Julio Iglesias, forty years ago. Whereas almost invariably, at the beginning of
A friend writes to us: " Faced with the current disasters, you mention at the end of your Manifesto the chimpanzees of the future[note],
Those who constantly harp on the principle of journalistic ethics seem to reserve it only for others. Installed journalists, benefiting from the aura of
Growing up with a father who was a lawyer and then became a magistrate certainly gave me this construction of a loyal spirit in
Emilie Saitas Let me be very clear about this: there is not an ounce of seriousness in the article that I propose to deliver to
The word "populism" is a catch-all word that has always encompassed all our discontents. The Petit Robert tells us that populism is "a political
Taken by surprise by the vote of the parliamentarians on July 15th on the so-called "pandemic" law, we had the project to broadcast a
In its last newsletter,Neosanté shares an essential interview with Ariane Bilheran, doctor in psychopathology. For her, we are not in a dictatorship, but in
In our previous articles, we have observed that censorship is increasing in social media, such as Facebook or YouTube, which systematically punish points of

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