We received this testimony from a young Belgian teacher about what she experiences and sees in her school. Devastating. Outrageous! What is left when
Good evening you lonely people,I am writing to you in the grip of gloom and perhaps on a happy day, rereading these lines, I
Hello, following the testimony on your page concerning the situation of my brother Bruno trisomic, I send you my story. I am my brother's guardian
I have been a career military member since I was 16 years old and I am contacting you to talk about my situation and
On April 10, we received this letter: " Dear Kairos, It's been a few days since I got back on my social networks, after
We received this text from a soldier, denouncing the impossibility in our societies to express what one feels and to be heard, without being
Behind the media smokescreen, there is the reality of what people experience: contradictory results, pressures, threats, inconsistencies. Many testimonies have been received, including the

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