Many environmentalists, long-time or more recently acquired to the cause, develop a total confidence in the so-called renewable energies in opposition to the Evil
Unless you've spent your time watching lobster bands or listening to stories about pizza being delivered to a presidential house in France, the Pact
The school year is here. And, with it, the last wave of schools that are embarking on the drafting of piloting plans recommended by
We thought they understood. The publicists were trying to make people believe that they had become decent and that they would no longer despise
As always, when History suddenly starts to create something new and strikes the imagination, we are surprised, taken by surprise, lacking in reference points.
"Talking about freedom only makes sense if it is the freedom to tell people what they don't want to hear. George Orwell[note]. "Whoever promises to free
We saw in the "Advertising Threads" section of the previous issue of Kairos (No. 40) that more and more of the advertising industry's financial
"The parliament of animals gathered to discuss the sensitive issue of the extinction of the human species, which now seemed inevitable. "- Unless we
I believed in activism, I still do, but with a new lucidity brought by experience and current events. Depending on the individual, activism can
The many debates on ecology often use and abuse data and statistics. We try to convince people to stop eating meat by showing, with
Does the technological society still want good and evil?For her, it is only a question of operating with ever greater efficiency, not of discerning,
A few years ago, while passing through Paris, I was struck by the abundance of young people pedaling at high speed in the center
The deterioration of working conditions in the health sector is obvious. Doctors and nurses tell us that they now spend at least half of
L'Obs, an old reputable French weekly, had the headline on October 17 "Artificial intelligence disrupts our lives[note]. "On the cover, a portrait of Yann

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