Press conference on April 23, 2021 607 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
April 15, 2020 Press Conference 582 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically biased
Press conference on March 24, 2021 602 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
Press conference on January 22, 2021 590 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
Press conference on October 26, 2021 618 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
Press conference on June 18, 2021 614 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
Press conference on May 11, 2021 609 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
More than 300 people spoke out to ask the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo, for a real debate on covid and its management.Flood
Press conference on March 5, 2021 597 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
Press conference on November 27, 2020 586 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room " a politically
Press conference on April 14, 2021 604 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room "
Press conference on February 5, 2021 After the credits rolled during my question at a previous press conference, this time they cut off my microphone.
Never has the question of freedom been so instrumentalized and therefore so urgent to redefine. Serious philosophers sometimes proceed in three steps: first, they

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