Diabolical duo of contempt and misunderstanding

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Citizen reader, don’t be mad at me! I didn’t want to speak out and give my poor opinion on important issues anymore. But the news of these last weeks convinced me that I still had to dip my pen in the computer inkwell of a computer to which, out of respect and openness, I learned to speak in its language. I won’t stoop to reproduce myself here, I would be rather afraid that you would take me for one of these pedants that we like to make fun of or, on the contrary, for one of these uneducated gougnafiers that France-Inter makes fun of almost daily in a program broadcast in the afternoon and of which one of the hosts distinguished herself by showing a total disrespect for a pseudo-candidacy of a pseudo-politician who is not yet a politician, but who is saying things that are pleasing. Marni So instead of listening to the radio, and hearing rotten imitations of the Belgian accent (which doesn’t exist), mockery of right-wing voters (which comes from a kaleidoscopic prism of opinions), t …
  1. Et au passage, qu’il me soit permis d’exprimer ma profonde reconnaissance pour le Professeur Rollin, dont les spectacles sont des merveilles de langage sans jamais aucun mépris.

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