History of Codeco n°10

Press conference on April 14, 2021 

604 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room  » a politically biased question « , which  » is not the habit of journalists « , says Sophie Wilmès. The habit of journalists is to ask the questions that politicians expect and to comment on their decisions, rather than to seek the truth. The mass media do not play the role of a fourth estate, but rather manufacture consent. Not being adept at such collusion, the political power will close the doors of press conferences for more than eight months. We were not counting on our determination…

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Kairos will publish the 17 press conferences we attended. More than 20 unanswered questions. In front of them, no doubts, no questioning, no desire to understand, but a fixed, rigid end that justifies all their means.

Imagine for a moment if all these issues had been debated democratically. Do you think we would be there today?


-Alexandre Penasse: I would like to broaden the debate a little bit with regard to the ideological attachments that can justify certain decisions… So Mr. De Croo, Alexandre Penasse for Kairos, you were Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. You recently had a video conference with Klaus Schwab, president and founder of the forum. So it is Klaus Schwab who predicts that 80% of the hotel and catering industry will not recover from covid, who also says that the poor will be much poorer after covid, who also says that nobody will be safe until the world is vaccinated, whereas the results in the countries that have vaccinated should be discussed. The countries that have massively vaccinated like Brazil, Chile or Israel show its little efficiency, its effects on the variants and the risk for the health, some say that we are in an experimental phase and that we are in the end guinea pigs, but that we can discuss it again…

My question is: what does Klaus Schwab mean to you, Mr. De Croo, and how do the ideas of the World Economic Forum influence the political decisions you take?

-Alexander De Croo: Not in any way. We make our decisions based on scientific claims, as I said. On what we feel and what we think are prudent and realistic decisions. And those are the decisions we made.

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