Press conference on March 24, 2021
602 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room » a politically biased question « , which » is not the habit of journalists « , says Sophie Wilmès. The habit of journalists is to ask the questions that politicians expect and to comment on their decisions, rather than to seek the truth. The mass media do not play the role of a fourth estate, but rather manufacture consent. Not being adept at such collusion, the political power will close the doors of press conferences for more than eight months. We were not counting on our determination…
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Kairos will publish the 17 press conferences we attended. More than 20 unanswered questions. In front of them, no doubts, no questioning, no desire to understand, but a fixed, rigid end that justifies all their means.
Imagine for a moment if all these issues had been debated democratically. Do you think we would be there today?
-Alexandre Penasse: On November 27, I asked you a question for which I did not get an answer. Can you quantify the human socio-economic costs of your Covid measures in relation to these benefits? I think it’s important because of what the Belgians are going to go through for a month and I would like to add that from a psychological point of view, the psychiatric health care is overwhelmed and I have the impression that what is happening is very serious.
-Alexander De Croo: In any case, Sir, I see that you are here, so you have clearly not been forbidden to come and you have the opportunity to ask questions, so I don’t know what you mean. The cost! Estimating a human cost is difficult. But there are still 22,000 people who have died because of Covid. Sometimes old people, but sometimes very young people as well… And some countries that had thought at one point that measures were not necessary, at one point they took measures anyway. Afterwards, we will analyze the overall cost of the Covid pandemic and whether the measures we took were the right ones or not. But doing the evaluation now in the midst of a crisis, I think it’s a little difficult. The question you ask is clearly one that will be answered at some point.