Evacuating independent thought, imposing consensus, fact-fucking Recommendations of the MoLiPop Circle [Editor's Introduction:] The following text has crossed my imagination. But thinking about current "health" policies,
On December 7, 2020 water was listed on the American stock exchange operator Chicago Mercantile Exchange.The urgency to preserve water from privatization is undeniable
Speech at the march for freedom of the press This speech by Alexandre Penasse, written on December 28, was delivered in front of the headquarters
Letter from Dr. Colignon to the Order of Physicians Brussels, December 20, 2021, Mr. President of the Order of Hainaut,Members of the Commission of Inquiry, Dr. Michèle
Vincent Cheynet, editor of the excellent French newspaper La Décroissance, with which we regularly collaborate, makes his wishes for 2022. With reason, he believes

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