Search Results for: coronavirus

Dr. Parikka explains the coronavirus

With the sharp eye of a scientist, Kaarle Parikka, virologist and environmental microbiologist, shares her knowledge of viruses in an educational way.

Explaining the difference between a bacterium and a virus and their respective functions, he reminds us how essential they are to life.

Perhaps this is what we should learn from this: we have always lived with viruses and we will continue to live with them.

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« Coronavirus: here’s why it pays to buy in the middle of a stock market crash! »

That’s how our society works… It was on April 3rd, the article was accompanied by a video on the Boursorama website[note].

April 1, Le Soir, owned by the Hurbain family (133rd largest Belgian fortune with € 169,471,000 in assets)[note]), interviewed Viscount Etienne Davignon who explained what to do to get out of the crisis. Le Soir did not reveal who Etienne Davignon was and did not reveal his pedigree: « President of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT), Société Générale de Belgique, L’Union Minière, Vice-Chairman of Accor, Arbed, Tractebel, Fortis Belgium, director or member of the supervisory board of Anglo American Mining, Gilead, ICL, Penichey, Foamex, Kissinger Associates, Fiat, Suez, BASF, Solvay, Sofina, Recticel or CMB-Compagnie Maritime Belge. President of the AUME (Association for Monetary Union in Europe) since 1991, and of the Paul-Henri Spaak Foundation, he is today a member of the Trilateral Commission and Governor of the Ditchley Foundation. « [note], without mentioning his past functions in politics, notably as Vice-President of the European Commission. Thank you Le Soir, thank you Étienne, for making us think. We are waiting for the other Etienne, from Callataÿ, to tell us on the airwaves of La Première or in the lines of La Libre, how to get better[note].

A form of rage rises to your nose? Calm down, open an official newspaper or the television. It will pass you by. You have to swallow the pill, don’t you?

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The war against coronavirus cannot be won

On March 16, in a televised address that will have left its mark on people’s minds, the French President announced that his country was going to war against an unknown enemy, a coronavirus, officially named SARS-CoV‑2. The tone was set and almost all European countries, albeit in a less theatrical manner, adopted the same martial posture. The obvious objective was to convince the population of the imperative need to close ranks behind the governmental staffs and to adopt without protest the coercive measures, judged indispensable by these same staffs. To give credibility to the discourse, policy makers have created an ad hoc structure where experts supposedly speak on behalf of science sit. In Belgium, it is the National Security Council (NSC) which, throughout these last months, has decided and announced the rules of the general mobilization supposed to lead to the total victory over a devious and deadly virus. 

It must be said that the mobilization was not self-evident after the soothing words and the total absence of adequate initiatives throughout the previous 2 months. While the Chinese government reported the first case of Covid-19 disease to the WHO in December 2019, it was known as early as January 2020 that the city of Wuhan was home to an outbreak. At the end of the same month, a few cases announced in Western Europe are minimized by all governments. Belgian Health Minister Maggy De Block says  » the situation is under control, experts are following the situation closely, there is no reason to worry . » 

In China, the containment was decided at the beginning of February, with an arsenal of drastic measures supposed to prevent the spread of the virus. For European governments and the European Commission, the epidemic remains remote. In short, this is a localized epidemic and in no way a pandemic. On February 21, a 78-year-old man who had not been to China died in Italy and, the very next day, 32 new cases were declared in Lombardy; the following day, 100 new cases were reported and a third death was declared. The pandemic potential of the new coronavirus, announced by some experts, seems to be well confirmed, without however moving the European public health « leaders ». It is already clear at this point that cordon sanitaire-type decisions are urgently needed to prevent the pandemic: 

Immediately suspending trade with infected regions, and especially air travel, was the first step in limiting interpersonal contact with carriers of the virus; recommending the cancellation of the carnival vacations in Northern Italy and imposing quarantine on those who returned from them, after testing positive, was a matter of elementary logic.
Nothing was decided in the very short time that was needed. To allow the dissemination of the  » deadly enemy « , in the name of freedom of movement, was irresponsible, imprudent, economically and socially catastrophic. 

Declaring three weeks later the absolute primacy of health over all other considerations to justify the total confinement of the population and the paralysis of all sectors where human contact is essential became the solution. This was mainly to cover up the public unpreparedness for a pandemic: 

inadequate hospital reception ;lack of effective protective equipment (masks) ; Lack of reliable testing capacity.
It was above all a question of avoiding hospital overcrowding, which could only be achieved in our country by concentrating all efforts and resources on the war against the coronavirus. Therefore, the treatment of any acute or chronic pathology became secondary. The consequences of this policy for the health of many patients have not been evaluated, which makes it possible to conceal them, at least for the time being, without forgetting the collateral effects on the nursing staff, who are subjected to a great deal of overwork and permanent stress.

A few months later, we are still at war. Hospitals have been emptied and deaths have been reduced, but the virus is still with us. And it’s still circulating. 

The provisional balance sheet is not exactly glorious for the governmental staffs. It was known since Rudyard Kipling that the first victim of a war is the truth. This has always been true and is more true than ever today. 

Since the virus is still circulating, the answer that has the support of European governments is, in a few words, that the measures taken so far were necessary. The citizen is afraid, so he accepts the restrictions to the freedoms imposed in his daily life, as long as they appear reasonable and do not prevent him from living his life as a docile consumer. So much for human relations and social relations; it is enough to maintain them at a level bearable by the active population while convincing them that we are acting for their own good… while waiting for the saving vaccine. Brilliant teams of researchers are developing it. Hope is at the end of the tunnel. You have to be patient; it’s just a bad time to pass. 

This reasoning is, in my opinion, both erroneous and dangerous. Moreover, it is unacceptable if we want our children and grandchildren to live happily in a society of freedom, responsibility and fraternity, that is to say, the exact opposite of the one that is being proposed to us supposedly for our good. 

Let’s start with the promise of a miracle vaccine that should be available in a few months; this is a pernicious fable and serious scientists know it very well. A quick look at the history of the most recent communicable diseases (HIV AIDS, Ebola, Dengue, Chikungunya) shows how unlikely it is that a vaccine will be developed quickly. The WHO website presenting the list of available vaccines shows that no vaccine is operational for these diseases. As for SARS and MERS, the two coronaviruses that emerged in China in 2003 and in the Middle East in 2012, there is not even the slightest reference to them in the list of vaccines in development. So how could it be otherwise for SARS-COV‑2?

But perhaps we should be so optimistic as to forget common sense. In any case, even if a vaccine were developed, its effectiveness would be short-lived, given the rapid mutation of this type of virus. 

We must also be very vigilant with regard to the practices of the pharmaceutical lobby: there is a real risk that the pretext of urgency will be used to launch a vaccine on the market that does not meet the required safety criteria and will ultimately prove to be more dangerous than the virus. 

Let us then turn to the measures restricting fundamental rights that are imposed on us. They are acceptable in the event of an emergency in the face of a serious crisis; however, they cannot be allowed to continue and move insidiously from the temporary to the permanent. The malaise is already very deep in the society. Constraints aimed at limiting social and even family relationships to a strict minimum are less and less understood and will very quickly be refused or bypassed in the face of an invisible health risk. It is not acceptable to prevent children and young adolescents from living a normal life. They need contact, games, learning together, physical activities and sports. We cannot rob them of their youth in the name of so-called health protection for the elderly. Nor can we protect the elderly at all costs, including by condemning them to solitude. It is high time to question a policy full of contradictions and whose effectiveness is difficult to see and even less to understand. 

How can we understand that wearing a mask is now mandatory in the open air, when it was considered useless, even counterproductive, at the height of the health crisis? How can we understand the absence of measures to restrict certain industrial activities that are known to be sources of contamination? This is clearly the case for slaughterhouses, where many cases have been documented. This is also the case for long-distance transport of confined live animals. 

Doesn’t all the talk of a possible second wave do more damage to health than the virus? Clearly, everything points to the need to change course and abandon the pipe dream of eradicating the virus. No, we will not win the war against the coronavirus! We have to admit that we will have to live with it because it will be part of our environment, just like the countless viruses that have been around for a long time, such as the seasonal flu. 

And if we finally decided to approach the problem differently. Rather than relying on a specific response to a virus that we know little about, would it not be more realistic and effective to strengthen the immune system of the population? History tells us that individuals with weakened immune defenses are the most vulnerable to viral or bacterial attack. The ravages of the Spanish flu in 1918 were largely caused by malnutrition and harsh living conditions during four long years of war. 

It is time to launch a proactive campaign to strengthen the immune system of our citizens:

by promoting and facilitating access to healthy food, based on fresh products;by recommending the use of natural food supplements to fight against the most common deficiencies;by drastically reducing stress and pollution known to weaken the immune system, such as atmospheric, chemical and electromagnetic pollution.
At the same time, it is necessary to program the dismantling of industrial activities that favor the emergence and dissemination of pathogenic viruses, i.e., industrial breeding, international trade in live animals, and productions that involve the systematic deforestation of vast wild areas (palm oil and soy).

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« Measures against the coronavirus reveal totalitarian traits

Few phenomena have had such a profound global impact as the current covid-19 epidemic. In no time at all, human life has been totally reorganized. How did this happen, what are the consequences and what can we expect in the future? We asked Mattias Desmet, psychotherapist and professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University.

Patrick Dewals: Nearly a year after the covid-19 crisis began, what is the state of mental health in the population?

Mattias Desmet: At the moment, there are few figures available that track possible indicators such as antidepressant and anxiolytic use or the number of suicides. But it is particularly important to place mental well-being in the crisis of eu covid-19 in its historical continuity. Mental health had been in decline for decades. There has long been a steady increase in the rates of depression, anxiety and suicide. And in recent years, there has been a huge increase in sick leave due to mental suffering and burnout. The year before the epidemic, one could feel this discomfort increasing exponentially. This suggested that society was heading towards a tipping point where a psychological « reorganization » of the social system was necessary. This is what happens with corona. Initially, it was found that people, without knowing much about the virus, conjured up terrible images of fear and a real social panic reaction ensued. This happens especially when there is already a strong and latent fear in a person or population.

The psychological dimension of the current crisis is seriously underestimated. A crisis acts as a trauma that removes people’s historical awareness. Trauma is seen as an event in itself, when in fact it is part of an ongoing process. It is easy to ignore the fact, for example, that a significant portion of the population was relieved in a strange way during the first containment; they felt free of discomfort. I regularly hear people say:  » Yes, it’s heavy, but we can finally take a break. The routine of daily life having ceased, a certain calm has settled in. Confinement has freed many people from a psychological rut. This created an unconscious support for containment. If the population had not been tired of their lives and especially their jobs, there would never have been support for containment. At least, not in response to a pandemic that is not that serious when compared to the great historical pandemics. 

Something similar was happening when the first lockdown was about to end. At that time, there were regular statements such as:  » We are not going to go back to the way we were before, get stuck in traffic jams, etc. ». People did not want to go back to the normal pre-corona situation. If we do not take into account the discontent of the population with its existence, we will not understand this crisis and we will not be able to solve it. In the meantime, I feel like the new normal has also become a rut, and I wouldn’t be surprised if mental health really starts to deteriorate in the near future. Perhaps especially if it turns out that the vaccine does not provide the magic solution that is expected of it.

The cries of despair of young people appear regularly in the media. How serious do you think they are?

It is important to note that containment and measures are totally different for youth and adults. Unlike an adult, where a year is over in the blink of an eye, for a young person, a year means a period of time during which he or she goes through an enormous psychological development. Much of this is done in dialogue with peers. Today’s youth are going through this period in isolation and for the majority of them, this may well have disastrous consequences. But everything is complex, also among young people. For example, people who previously lived with social anxiety or social isolation may now feel better because they are no longer outsiders. But in general, young people are probably the group most affected by this crisis.

What about fear in adults?

In adults, there is also fear, but the object of the fear, what is feared, is different. Some people are most afraid of the virus itself. In my street, there are people who hardly dare to leave their homes. Others are afraid of the economic consequences. Others are afraid of the societal changes that these measures will bring. They fear the rise of a totalitarian society. So did I (laughs).

Are the mortality and morbidity rates associated with the spread of coronavirus such that you understand the intense fear reactions?

Illness and suffering are always serious, but the magnitude of the suffering is not proportional to the reaction, no. Professionally, I am involved in two research projects on Covid. That’s why I worked quite intensively with data. It is clear that the mortality rate of the virus is quite low. The numbers the media shows are based on, say, an enthusiastic count. Almost all of the elderly who died, regardless of the underlying medical problems they already had, were added to the list of covid-19 deaths. Personally, I know of only one person who has been recorded as dying from covid. He was terminally ill with cancer, so he died with covid rather than from covid. Adding these deaths to the covid deaths increases the number and increases the fear in the population.

During the second wave, several emergency physicians called me. Some have told me that their department is definitely not flooded with coronavirus patients. Others told me that more than half of the patients in the ICU either did not have covid-19 or had such mild symptoms that if they had flu symptoms of comparable severity, they would have been sent home to recover. But given the panic that reigns, this proved impossible. Unfortunately, these doctors wished to remain anonymous and their message was not broadcast in the media and public opinion. Some of them later told their story to a VRT journalist, but unfortunately nothing has come of it so far. I should also mention that there were other physicians who had a completely different opinion and who could very well identify with the dominant narrative.

The disappearance of the possibility to criticize the way of counting and the sanitary measures, even within the academic world where the scientific attitude requires critical thinking, is striking. How do you explain this?

Make no mistake: many people in academia and in the medical world are watching with amazement. I have a number of friends in the medical community who don’t understand what is going on. They say:  » Open your eyes, can’t you see that this virus is not the plague? But too often, they don’t say so publicly. Moreover, for every critical voice, there are thirty others that follow the dominant discourse. Even if this means that they have to give up their critical scientific attitude in this matter.

Is this a sign of cowardice?

For some, this is the case, to a certain extent. In fact, three groups can be distinguished everywhere. The first group does not believe the story and says so publicly. The second group does not believe in the dominant discourse either, but they accept it publicly anyway, because they dare not do otherwise given the social pressure. The last group really believes the dominant narrative and has a real fear of the virus. The latter group is certainly also found in universities.

It is striking to see how scientific research, also in this crisis of covid-19, brings to the surface very diverse results. On the basis of these results, scientists can defend almost diametrically opposed facts as the only truth. How is this possible?

The research on covid-19 is indeed full of contradictions. For example, regarding the effectiveness of mouth masks or hydroxychloroquine, the success of the Swedish approach or the effectiveness of PCR testing. What is even more remarkable is that the studies contain so many implausible errors that it is difficult to understand how a normal, sensible person could have made them. For example, when tracking the number of infections, we still talk in terms of the absolute number of established infections. But even a schoolboy knows that this means nothing until the number of established infections is put in proportion to the number of tests performed. In other words, the more tests you do, the more likely it is that the number of infections will also increase. Is that so difficult? In addition, it should be kept in mind that the PCR test can produce a large number of false positives if the ct values are too high. All these elements make the inaccuracy of the daily figures broadcast by the media so great that it leads some to suspect, wrongly but understandably, a conspiracy.

Once again, it is best to place this phenomenon in a historical perspective. Because the problematic quality of scientific research is a much older problem. In 2005, the « replication crisis » broke out in science. Various commissions of inquiry, which were set up to investigate a number of cases of scientific fraud, have found that scientific research is riddled with errors. Often, therefore, the conclusions proposed by the research are of very dubious value. In the aftermath of the crisis, several articles were published with titles that left little room for doubt. John Ionnadis, professor of medical statistics at Stanford, published « Why most published research findings are false » in 2005[note]. In 2016, another research group published « Reproducibility: a tragedy of errors »[note] in the scientific journal Nature, on the same topic. These are just a few examples from the vast literature describing this problem. I myself am well aware of the fragile scientific basis of many research results. In addition to my master’s degree in clinical psychology, I earned a master’s degree in statistics, and my doctorate focused on measurement problems in psychology.

How was the criticism received in the scientific world?

Initially, they caused a shock wave, after which people tried to resolve the crisis by demanding more transparency and objectivity. But I don’t think it solved much. The cause of the problem lies rather in a particular form of science that emerged during the Enlightenment. This science starts from a too absolute belief in objectivity. According to the followers of this vision, the world is almost absolutely objectivable, measurable, predictable and controllable. But science itself has shown that this idea is untenable. There are limits to objectivity and, depending on the scientific field, these limits are encountered more quickly. 

Physics and chemistry still lend themselves quite well to measurement. But in other fields of research, such as economics, medicine or psychology, this is much less feasible. The subjectivity of the researcher has a direct influence on the observations. And it is precisely this subjective core that we wanted to banish from the scientific debate. Paradoxically — but perhaps also logically — this nucleus flourished in its place of exile, which led to the totally opposite result of what was hoped for. Namely a radical lack of objectivity and a proliferation of subjectivity. This problem persisted even after the replication crisis, and they were unable to find a solution on the merits. The result is that now, 15 years later, in the covid crisis, we are in fact facing the same problems.

Are today’s politicians basing their anti-corona measures on faulty scientific assumptions?

I think so. Here too we see a kind of naive belief in objectivity turn into its opposite: a radical lack of objectivity with masses of errors and inaccuracies. Moreover, there is a sinister connection between the rise of this type of absolutist science and the process of mass formation and totalitarianism in society. In her book The Origins of Totalitarianism, the German-American philosopher and political scientist Hannah Arendt describes how this process took place in Nazi Germany, among others. Emerging totalitarian regimes usually fall back on a « scientific » discourse. They show great interest in figures and statistics, which quickly turn into pure propaganda, characterized by a radical « disregard for facts ». Nazism, for example, based its ideology on the superiority of the Aryan race. A whole series of so-called scientific figures supported their theory. Today we know that this theory had no scientific value, but at that time scientists defended the point of view of the regime in the media. 

Hannah Arendt describes how these scientists deteriorated to a dubious scientific level and uses the word « charlatans » to emphasize this. It also describes how the rise of this type of science and its industrial applications has been accompanied by a typical societal change. Classes have disappeared and normal social ties have deteriorated, with much undefined anxiety and discomfort, loss of meaning and frustration. It is in such circumstances that a mass is formed, a group with very specific psychological qualities. In principle, when a mass is formed, all the fear that pervades society is linked to a single « object » — the Jews, for example — so that the mass engages in a kind of energetic struggle with this object. On this process of mass formation, a completely new political organization is formed: the totalitarian state.

Today, similar phenomena can be observed. There is a huge psychological suffering, a lack of meaning and an absence of social links in society. Then comes a story that points to an object of fear, the virus, after which the population en masse links its fear and discomfort to this object of fear. Meanwhile, the call to join forces to fight the murderous enemy is constantly heard in all media. Scientists who bring history to the people receive impressive societal power in return. Their psychological power is so great that at their suggestion, the whole society suddenly renounces a whole series of social customs and reorganizes itself in a way that no one would have thought possible at the beginning of the year 2020.

What do you think will happen now?

The current policy related to the coronavirus temporarily restores some social connection and meaning to society. Fighting the virus together creates a kind of intoxication. This intoxication causes an enormous narrowing of the field of vision, which makes other issues, such as attention to collateral damage, take a back seat. Yet the United Nations and various scientists warned from the start that collateral damage could cause many more deaths worldwide than the virus, for example from hunger and delayed treatment.

Massification has another remarkable effect: it leads individuals to put aside, or rather, to psychologically ignore, all selfish and individualistic motives. We come to tolerate a government that suppresses all personal pleasures. To give just one example: hotel and catering establishments in which people have worked all their lives are closed down without much protest. Or: the population is deprived of shows, festivals and other cultural pleasures. Totalitarian leaders intuitively feel that tormenting the population perversely reinforces the formation of the masses. 

I can’t explain it in detail here, but the process of massification is inherently self-destructive. A population that has been seized by this process is capable of enormous cruelty to others, but also to itself. She does not hesitate at all to sacrifice herself. This explains why a totalitarian state — unlike dictatorships — cannot continue to exist. It ends up devouring itself, so to speak. But the cost of this process is usually a very large number of human lives. 

Do you think you recognize totalitarian traits in the current crisis and in the government response to it?

Yes, certainly. If we distance ourselves from the history of the virus, we discover a totalitarian process par excellence. For example: according to Hannah Arendt, a pre-totalitarian state cuts off all social ties from its population. Dictatorships do this at the political level — they make sure that the opposition cannot unite — but totalitarian states also do it within the population, in the private sphere. Think of the children who — often against their will — denounced their parents to the government in the totalitarian states of the 20th century. Totalitarianism is so strongly focused on total control that it automatically creates suspicion among the population, causing people to spy on and denounce each other. People no longer dare to talk freely to anyone and are less able to organize themselves because of the restrictions. It is not difficult to recognize such phenomena in the present state of affairs, among many other characteristics of emerging totalitarianism.

What does this totalitarian state ultimately want to achieve?

In the first place, he wants nothing. Its emergence is an automatic process linked, on the one hand, to a great malaise within the population and, on the other hand, to a naive scientific thought that considers that total knowledge is possible. Today, some think that society should no longer be based on political speeches or ideas, but on scientific figures, thus rolling out the red carpet for a technocracy. Their ideal image is what the Dutch philosopher Ad Verbrugge calls intensive agriculture/human breeding (‘intensieve menshouderij’). In a biologically-reductive, virological ideology, continuous biometric monitoring is indicated and man is subjected to constant preventive medical interventions, such as vaccination campaigns. 

All this is done to optimize your health. And a whole series of medical hygiene measures must be implemented: no handshake, wearing a mouth mask, constant hand disinfection, vaccination, etc. For the followers of this ideology, one can never go far enough to reach the ideal of the highest « health » possible. In the press there were even articles in which one could read that it was necessary to scare the population even more. Only then will they comply with the measures proposed by the virologists. 

In their view, stirring up fear ultimately serves the common good. But in devising all these draconian measures, policymakers forget that people — including their bodies — cannot be healthy without sufficient freedom, privacy and the right to self-determination. Values that this totalitarian technocratic vision totally ignores. Although the government aspires to a huge improvement in the health of its society, by its actions it will only ruin the health of the society. This is a fundamental characteristic of totalitarian thinking according to Hannah Arendt: it leads to exactly the opposite of what it originally aimed at.

Today, the virus creates the necessary fear on which totalitarianism is based. Will the availability of a vaccine, and the subsequent vaccination campaign, not eliminate this fear and thus put an end to this totalitarian outbreak?

A vaccine will not solve the current impasse. This crisis is not a health crisis, it is a deep societal and even cultural crisis. Moreover, the government has already indicated that after vaccination, the measures will not automatically disappear. An article in the press[note] even said that it was remarkable that countries that are already well advanced in the vaccination campaign — such as Israel and Great Britain — are strangely stepping up the measures. I rather foresee this scenario: despite all the promising studies, the vaccine will not provide a solution. And because of the blindness caused by massification and totalitarianism, the responsibility will be placed on those who do not conform to the dominant discourse and/or refuse to be vaccinated. They will be used as scapegoats. We will try to silence them. And if this succeeds, the dreaded tipping point in the process of totalitarianism will come: only after having completely eliminated the opposition will the totalitarian state show its most aggressive face. He then becomes — in the words of Hannah Arendt — a monster who eats his own children. In other words, the worst is probably yet to come.

So what do you think?

Totalitarian systems generally all have the same tendency to isolate methodically. For example, in order to guarantee the health of the population, the « sick » part of the population will be isolated even more and locked up in camps. This idea was actually put forward several times during the covid crisis, but was rejected as « not feasible » due to too much social resistance. But will this resistance continue if fear increases exponentially? You may suspect me of being a fantasist, but who would have thought at the beginning of the year 2020, that today our society would be in the current state? The process of totalitarianism is based on the hypnotic effect of a story, a discourse, and it can only be broken if another story is heard. That’s why I hope more people will ask questions about the real danger of the virus and the need for the current corona measures. And will dare to speak about it publicly.

How is it that this fear reaction does not occur with the climate crisis?

The climate crisis is probably not very suitable as an object of fear. It is perhaps too abstract and we cannot associate it with the immediate death of a loved one or ourselves. And as an object of fear, it fits less easily into our medical-biological conception of humanity. A virus is therefore a privileged object of fear.

What does the current crisis teach us about our relationship with death?

The dominant science perceives the world as a mechanistic interaction of atoms and other elementary particles that collide by pure chance and produce all kinds of phenomena, including man. This science makes us desperate and helpless in the face of death. At the same time, life is seen and experienced as a mechanical phenomenon totally devoid of meaning, but we cling to it as if it were the only thing we have, and for that reason we want to eliminate every risk or risky behavior. And that’s impossible. Paradoxically, trying to radically avoid risk, for example through covid-19 sanitary measures, creates the greatest risk of all. Just look at the colossal collateral damage caused.

You perceive the current societal evolution in a negative way. How do you see the future?

I am convinced that something beautiful will emerge from all this. The materialist science starts from the idea that the world is made of particles of matter. However, this same science has shown that matter is a form of consciousness. That there is no certainty and that the human mind cannot fully grasp the world. The Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr, for example, argued that elementary particles and atoms behave in radically irrational and illogical ways. According to him, they could be better understood by poetry than by logic.

Politically, we will experience something similar. In the near future, we will witness what will probably be the most ambitious attempt in history to control everything in a technological and rational way. In the long run, this system will prove to be ineffective and will show that we need a totally different society and policy. The new system will be based more on respect for what is ultimately elusive to the human mind and on respect for the art and intuition that were at the heart of religions.

Are we now in a paradigm shift?

Without a doubt. This crisis announces the end of a cultural historical paradigm. The transition has already been made in part in the sciences. The geniuses who laid the foundations of modern physics, of the theory of complex and dynamic systems, of chaos theory and of non-Euclidean geometry have already understood that there is not one, but many different logics. That there is something intrinsically subjective in everything and that people live in direct resonance with the world around them and all the complexity of nature. Moreover, man is a being who, in his energetic existence, is dependent on his neighbor. They already knew it for a long time, now the others again! We are now witnessing a final resurgence of the old culture, based on control and logical understanding, which will show at a rapid pace what a huge failure it is and how incapable it is of really organizing a society in a decent and humane way.

Interview by Patrick Dewals, political philosopher

*This interview was originally published on the website, an alternative media in Flanders. We thank them for allowing us to translate it into French and publish it.Translation proofreader: Ludovic Joubert

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Dr. Parikka explains the coronavirus

With the sharp eye of a scientist, Kaarle Parikka, virologist and environmental microbiologist, shares her knowledge of viruses in an educational way.

Explaining the difference between a bacterium and a virus and their respective functions, he reminds us how essential they are to life.

Perhaps this is what we should learn from this: we have always lived with viruses and we will continue to live with them.

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The left, coronavirus and death. Interview with Jean-François Gava.

Settling scores at O.K. Covid

Like Nietzsche, Jean-François Gava, occasional contributor to
The author of this book, who is also a professor of philosophy at the University of Montreal, uses a hammer to make philosophy, intertwined with solid historical knowledge. Of Marxian filiation at the beginning, he attacks here the left, accused, for more than a year, of passivity — in the best of the cases — or of collaboration — in the worst — with the psychobiopower. Let’s embark on a guided tour of Covidiotie, with a lot of huffing and puffing! And as a precaution, take out your dictionary, it’s Gava in the text, erudite and flowery!

B. L.: For more than a year, I have been dismayed to see the whole of the left aligning itself with the official narrative of the covid, except for two small isolated outbursts from Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the spring of 2020 and very recently. After having been the useful idiot of neoliberalism, has the left not become the useful idiot of covidism?

J.-F. G.: The Left has always been at home on the side of the State of capital, of the State of the capital-society! Since August 1914 at the latest, let’s say, when neither the Nazis nor the Bolsheviks were still playing the useful role of repulsors to explain the 30 million dead of the First World War (according to Kolko). She is quite at home in this totalitarian civilization of encasement, in a general way. She longs for the government, breathes in and out its air, lives only for it. How could it feel the carnage that comes out of its precincts, where it has been sitting for so long? The end of the rule of law (as a legal limitation of class violence) at home (with the colonies once outside) is not even a detail for her, she simply did not realize it after 9/11 and the Patriot Act. How can we expect the guardians of the salaried pedestrians to react? They have always embodied the religion of capital and its blissful faith in progress for the benefit of the working class. At the threshold of the capitalist era, with the French Revolution, the left (the real, historical left) eradicated a caste of premodern exploiters. But today Pasolini is right to say « I am a communist, not a leftist ». No, this internal police force of the labor movement is the worst thing that could happen to it in the 20th century. And we are still paying the consequences. Questioning the official version of the facts, an official discourse, doesn’t even occur to him! While we know that the right, since Edward Bernays, for example, thinks of the construction of a mass psychosis, in which we are wading with this sinister « sanitary » joke.

B. L.: Let’s take the case of the unions, they are totally in line with the government…

J.-F. G.: But party and union are the same boat! Rühle, the great biographer of Marx, had clearly seen during the creeping German revolution of 1918–1923 that the revolution was not a matter of party, nor of trade union (after having briefly believed in the possibility of a unitary, economic-political organization). The advent of machinism, of the OP (professional worker) after 1870, and even worse of Taylorism (and its OS, specialized workers) after the First World War made the Left play the card of the integration of the proletarianized working class in the sense of « deprofessionalized », rather than that of the interruption of modern development, since the tool was demolished to the benefit of the system of machines. Since then, the prospect of interrupting the galloping cancer of the commodification of access to goods and services has been blocked in the developed world. And the Third World has failed in its attempt to imitate it. Everyone sees today that work-for-capital, even and especially skilled work, is a vast piece of shit, and these leftist jerks insist on trying to save it. No, we have to promote compulsory workmanlike teachings, with energized tools no doubt, and therefore return to compulsory professional workman training from secondary school onwards, next to humanities, arts and pure maths, and restore the role of modern sciences in the history of thought to its rightful proportion of cabinet of curiosities. The rise of ecology could have been an opportunity to understand again that the industrial devastation of the thin biofilm, as Latour says, was not an option, even « redistributed correctly » — again: that is, after forgetting that the first victim of the destruction of the biofilm was the human race itself. But no! The workers for their organizations are a full part of this society, with internal interests in this society, instead of forming a counter-society in the enemy camp, with disruptive, incompatible interests, in order to dismantle this vast camp in question. Ecology could have revived the critique of political economy, it was the last missed reminder of interspecific, intraspecific and even trans-class solidarity against the classes themselves. It could have insisted as an implacable indictment against the industrial, that is to say capitalist, way of producing. Instead, if it is the last train taken by the left, it is the one that has for destination the accommodation of the disaster, that is to say the disaster itself. Governmental ecology or greenwashing are the same thing, which themselves are not distinct from disaster capitalism, a capitalism that feeds on the very disaster it engenders, in a final firework display. It is in this sense only a moment of the ongoing nothingness, which shines as its illusory solution. The Greens participate in the active nothingness of capital itself (Sergio Bologna had seen it well) while claiming to be Illich, who is turning over in his profaned grave. The anti-value Marx had already suffered a similar fate with those dogs of Marxists, ignorant as well as Christian (or atheist, which amounts to the same thing, as we shall see).

Today, instead of pointing out the causes of an otherwise benign pandemic (for once?) — deforestation, destruction of the habitat of wild species, industrial breeding and zoonoses -, we are communing with the official version, we consent to the terrorist violence of a psychosis wanted and planned by the governments-sigbited by Big Pharma The left in general never got on the revolutionary ecology train, which the Greens themselves had already abandoned long ago to the derailment and rusting of quasi-clandestinity. Who cares about Illich, Moscovici and so many others who, like them, saw that political ecology could only aim at dismantling the megamachine?

B. L.: The ecologists and the left are simply asking for more intensive care beds…

J.-F. G.: Exactly! They are bogged down in a bad kind of short-termism, since it is the accomplishment of the catastrophe in progress itself that is now in the short term, warns Yves Cochet, among others. Instead of stopping the disaster, they propose to erase the symptoms. Even the self-satisfied mediocrity of these sigisbées and towel-bearers will not pay at all very soon. But rather die than make a decent gesture, even if it is only a thought: that is the law of the world. They want an efficient « super-iatric » society, a vast « rest home », to organize a vast rotten house in reality, an efficient general hospital that cultivates its cripples, its defectives, its human ectoplasms, next to these other wards of the prison archipelago, to use Foucault’s beautiful image, that are what remains of factories and offices. Nice project!

B. L.: Can one be an ecologist without falling into hygienism? On the contrary, public health, and more precisely the non-death of the covid, seems to have become their Holy Grail…

J.-F. G.: You can’t be an environmentalist and a hygienist. Of course, they want « public health », but what they mean by this is the industry of repairing, of patching up these masses of weakened bodies, which is concerned with sending back to work a human herd that looks so much like flocks of frightened sheep, instead of concentrating on prevention and on the foundation of a healthy society, of strong, fulfilled bodies, skilled to the point of the ability to defend themselves. It is the industry of keeping people alive at all costs, as if this were an indication of civilizational progress.

B. L.: Some people say that the current hygienism is a new form of puritanism…

J.-F. G. : If we broaden the conception of puritanism beyond the question of morals, it can indeed characterize the vast modern enterprise of subtracting the subjects of capital from any corporeality embarked in innumerable links with the rest of the living world — of respecting and taking away at the same time. The ideal of the proletarian, from the point of view of capital, is a body without hands and without voice. A body not only not human, but not even animal, in short, because animals are much more skilful than the image of the domestic herd makes them seem. They hunt and make their habitat — without tools, of course. They even play. Umay Tülay and Jean-Claude Paye have analyzed all this.

B. L.: Like the governments that imposed it by default, the left advocates deontology, without even raising the question of utilitarianism. On the part of those in power, appealing to the ethics of the population is a crude manipulation. Titillating people’s altruism, their sense of morality, their empathy, and hammering home the point that all lives must be saved, means that we must also and above all defend the sanctity of all life for self-interest. The covid has not brought us out of individualism! Individualistic submission means obeying in one’s own interest.

J.-F. G.: When an old man dies of a serious illness, is he considered to have been sacrificed?

B. L.: Yes, if it is proven that the impossible was not done to save him…

J.-F. G. : It is true that he is sacrificed in a way a first time, because there is no reason to die regularly from serious diseases outside a pathogenic world. But he is sacrificed a second time, not by dying, but by undergoing the torture of therapeutic obstinacy, which only postpones death atrociously, and in the absence of which any death would be assimilated to professional misconduct, or even manslaughter! What indecency!

B. L.: But refusing to allow the use of prolonged therapy is, according to the left, tantamount to social Darwinism, or even eugenics.

J.-F. G.: I have heard that almost all those who enter the ICU leave with their feet first… In any case, eugenics and euthanasia are obviously confused here, which I think is a beautiful word. Eugenie is also a beautiful name, like Eugene. Then, a society emancipated from slavery is eugenicist by nature. Who is born bad who is not born in irons? These mass murderers without massacre want to see death alive, death in charge. As a result, death as an indispensable moment of life, and subject to life, is unthinkable to them. They want a (non-)world of the living dead.

B. L.: Certainly, but it is the intention that counts: saving lives is the absolute priority, as Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the Covid scientific council in France and a great deontologist, insisted in the spring of 2020. Utilitarians say that we should aim for the greatest good for the greatest number of people, not just the sick, the frail, and the caregivers, and therefore subject health to arbitration as needed. Saying this will earn you the wrath of the left!

J.-F. G.: Well, we are armed with strong shields against these poor fools, our enemies. The debate is really polarized!

B. L.: Yes. A comrade of the social democratic left argued to me that the aim of natural collective immunity was eugenics! Because along the way, the weakest will die. But a civilization worthy of the name never lets down its weak members, under any pretext…

J.-F. G. : The proof that your left defends this « mouroir » that it calls civilization. There is a difference between caring for the frail — children, the elderly, the sick — and therapeutic overkill. Spinoza spoke of deaths without corpses, when the vital functions are maintained while all the human faculties have disappeared. Saving a young accidented life, taking care of an old man or a sick person who has to come back to life, has nothing to do with the maintenance at all costs of a life that must and will naturally pass away… I see there only the incensing of medical prowess inhabited by the Faustian myth that Goethe himself turned into acid derision.

B. L.: False, say the deontologists, there is no question of discriminating against lives, unless we fall into a form of fascism.

J.-F. G.: Blackmailing fascism is all that remains for these bastards. Let’s come back to eugenics, which is the choice of the right birth, not the right death. Between euthanasia and therapeutic persecution, there is no photo, for me. The latter is equivalent to torture. One could then say that deontologists are pro-torture! I prefer a beautiful death to an ugly one, and even more so to torture which claims to prevent death! Therapeutic persecution is moreover an insult to all those who die in the prime of life. Under the guise of « civilization », it is, on the contrary, barbaric beyond description! If I feel a community of destiny with others, the very idea of dying for it is not a sacrifice; my life continues in the common. One dies to continue oneself in others. It is a plural self, not an egotistical self, a trans-individual bubble, if we want to speak like Sloterdijk. But in spite of the incantations, one feels very little solidarity in this society whose sinister and comical achievement is to culminate the concern for the other in its avoidance!

B. L.: I would argue that atheism, in these pandemic circumstances, is not an advantage, because one finds oneself in a purely desiccating materialism where the only tangible reality is one’s own biological life, to which one clings all the more and for whose preservation one demands that all of society « cut itself in half.

J.-F. G.: classical or « materialist » atheism (de-animist in reality, because the dead matter of atheists is not matter) is the opposite of the « great » religions only in appearance. In reality these religions are counter-religions, according to Latour, or derived religions according to the Egyptologist Assmann: if what you take care of — a very elegant definition by Latour, again, of religion — makes you sweep away what others take care of, and this is the whole meaning of conquering religions, then you install hell on earth. The earth is emptied of its teeming interests in favor of an impalpable afterworld and the destruction of all earthly composition of those interests; that heaven is empty, on top of that, does not change the matter: atheism accomplishes counter-religion as surely as this one does, with the terrible additional consequence that no foul promise of an afterworld is kept any longer. Atheists sow the same hell as the counter-religions, from which they come, whose atrocity they purify in a way. But Bataille and Reich had seen all this a long time ago, we must reread the true revolutionary authors of the XXth century!

B. L.: We must postulate a transcendence. If one is in immanence, it is despair, and consequently the risk is to throw oneself into the arms of doctors and experts without discernment…

J.-F. G.: We can imagine a trans-individual immanence, with no other back-world than the communities from which we come and where we are reincarnated. It is possible not to despair without believing in God, but by taking care of our worlds while composing with those of others, and not only of one’s own little individual envelope. There is a despairing atheism that can be counterbalanced by Romain Rolland’s oceanic feeling. Trans-individual immanence saves religious feeling while sweeping away all pantheons. But in the end, immanence as that which has its principle in itself — provided that « self » is understood as the possible composition of all « selves », Gaia, in short — and transcendence, not as that which lies beyond the sensible-intelligible but as the (trans-) crossing of individual limits for that which counts as earthly in the eyes of individuals, are not only quite… composable with each other, but characterize in a complementary way a renewed religious vision, which includes in religion its capacity to compose with all the others.

B. L.: To get out of this rut, we would need an
global. Alas, the masses, on the contrary, have allowed themselves to be manipulated by a psychobiopower that has sold them the deontology by opportunism, betting that this is the discourse that will work. And it worked! He has succeeded in taking the masses by surprise, after decades of hyper-individualism…

J.-F. G.: But what ethics? What counter-argument? These sheep of Panurge only commune in the politically aroused terror of being reached in their only and miserable individual envelopes, as Hegel said. Where is the solution of continuity with liberalism? It is the apotheosis of atomism, on the contrary! Immunity as the only religion at the expense of all com-munity: take care of me, avoid me! This is the Crown of creation, to use the ironic title of the rock band Jefferson Airplane, the apotheosis of this accomplished modern thanatocracy (well accomplished, I would say: that we really move on…). An im-munitarism that is all the more blind because it ignores its maximum exposure, not to the power of others, as in com-munism, but to the destructive power of capital armed with its state (its « Republic » etc.).

B. L.: Utilitarianism is a consequentialism…

J.-F. G.: Yes. But governments are not concerned about all the consequences of their management choices, such as bankruptcies, depressions, suicides, including of children, and divorces, which are not the least of the traumas. They have aggravated a pre-existing situation. How far will they go in inoculating the individualistic plague, while preaching solidarity? The ultimate in sociability has become the avoidance of others in order to protect them. Has there ever been a more complete perversion of all intelligence? It is comical in its absurdity, as well as being Orwellian. This could be the maxim of a chemically pure liberalism: take care of others, stay away from them!

B. L.: There is also an inversion of Eros and Thanatos, since in the prevailing opinion, the apostles of Thanatos are those who refuse to obey the « sanitary » measures. Whereas Thanatos is found on the contrary in all those hygienists, those pandemicists who want to prevent living in the name of « life ». They are carriers of death, not only social death, but in fine the death of bodies, those of others and of their own, since by depriving human beings of authentic links, they die slowly. This was evident in the Ehpads in 2020.

J.-F. G.: Absolutely. By banishing death, we finally put it in power. This is the covidism of the covidae and of all the inoculated, as the biologist Kaarle Parikka says. Hide this death that I cannot see! The best way to hide it is to make it govern, to install it in the living itself by destroying all links. Death in power is the life of the living dead, that is to say, of the living promised to death by the destruction of all bonds; in the long run, it is true death that triumphs anyway, but not only in individuals, as in the terrible vision of modern atheists, but in everything: the death that will triumph will no longer be even conceivable as a moment of the life of the species, since it will strike the species itself. Our « totalitarian » civilization, of tendentiously total domination, founded on the eradication of memories and of the transmission of the past as fertilization of the future, cannot accept true death, which reveals in an obscene way the emptiness of this same civilization. This expulsion of death, which is only the work of death in power, « the » death moving blindly within itself, as Hegel said about the industrial « market » emerging before his eyes, actually ensures its triumph for the species itself: not only in the figurative sense of a life devoid of meaning because without links between its individual moments, but because a life that connects nothing is doomed to death altogether. The death of the power of this civilization of the living dead, which is nothing less than perennial, in reality announces only the disappearance of the species…

B. L. : On France-culture, Jean-Pierre Dupuy affirmed that death is an absolute exteriority, and there can be no question of considering it as part of the cycle of life. One more intellectual fallen in the covidian faith…

J.-F. G. : You mean, in imbecility! If we think that everything ceases when we die, if nothing we have worked for is perpetuated, survives us and makes us survive, what meaning can we still give to our life? What a pity to see thinkers who were once so penetrating wallow in decay…

B. L.: What lies in the background of the whole affair is the anguish of death, which is then rationalized, in the Freudian sense, in speeches, arguments, postures…

J.-F. G. : I think that the anguish of death is proportional to the emptiness of current lives. The emptier the life, the more one fears, with good reason, to abandon it and to fall into definitive oblivion.

B. L.: That’s what that old nihilist Roland Jaccard says: the more you have a lousy life, the more you cling to it. As psychiatrist Jean Furtos says, being obsessed with not dying does not help one live.

J.-F. G. : A life deprived of deep and lasting joys, that is the crux of the problem. This is what capitalism has promoted with Calvinism and its general encasement in view of a predestination to be revealed. This psychosis has come to power. Max Weber was right, although he abjectly considered that it did not take away anything from the superiority of the West. Nothing less than Calvinist terror was needed to engender this world, which is not sick, as if it had ever been healthy, but simply monstrous — a monster is a sterile individual, who can leave no offspring — and which is happily ending before our eyes, each day more surely.

Interview by Bernard Legros, May 2021.

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External contributions

Open letter from a doctor at Gosselies Hospital

Following our publication Pic Pic Pic Hourra, featuring a communication from the Secrétariat de Direction de la Clinique Notre-Dame de Grâce in Gosselies inviting its staff to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 injection, Doctor Stéphane Résimont decided to challenge them. We relay his response here. 

« To the attention of « To the attention of

Management secretariat, Clinique Notre-Dame de Grâce, Gosselies

Medical Director, Clinique Notre-Dame de Grâce, Gosselies

Head of personnel medical services at Clinique Notre-Dame de Grâce in Gosselies

Sir, madam, colleagues,

I read with horror in the non-subsidized, non-orders press:

Hello everyone,

The sky is still blue, but winter is fast approaching.… so it’s time to think about updating our antibodies.…

Whether it’s against Covid-19, which is on the rise again this autumn, or against the flu, which is bound to return sooner or later.

This year, you can be vaccinated simultaneously against influenza and/or Covid.

To protect you, your family, your loved ones and, above all, OUR patients.
protect OUR patients.

You can choose either:

- Covid vaccine alone;

- the Flu vaccine alone;

- the 2 at the same time (1 in each forearm);

- the 2 vaccines 14 days apart.

We invite you to register via the online form to choose the vaccination time that suits you best. » 


In order to be able to break a tie in the vaccination best-off, please enter your department « . 

I’m afraid I’ve misunderstood you. You’re insisting that your staff be injected with an experimental Phase 3 soup that :

Vaccine » mortality: between 1/800 and 1/1000 people stungIn a very recent study, which you will find in the appendix, statistical extrapolation (using data from countries providing comparative VAX/non VAX death figures) gives the order of 17 million dead tall causes combined, following the injection of this experimental soup in phase 3–4.

The risk/benefit ratio is therefore completely reversed, except perhaps for the over-65s in very poor health (how many members of your staff are affected?).

Myocarditis in young people who have been bitten: around 1/450: these autoimmune myocarditis cases do not have the favorable prognosis of viral myocarditis.

The risk of miscarriages and fetal malformations « exploded » following the inclusion of pregnant women in this worldwide phase 3 and 4 experiment involving billions of unfortunate, non-consenting guinea pigs.

As you know, the Notre bon droit association has lodged a criminal complaint against the FAMHP concerning the catastrophic handling of the covid crisis and, above all, the marketing of a toxic substance whose toxic effects were quickly recognized.

Despite evidence of this fraud, the FAMHP did not follow up or withdraw these toxic and useless substances from the market.


The CSS: Conseil Supérieur de la Santé (Higher Health Council) turns back the clock!

This analysis of lethality leads the Conseil Supérieur de la Santé to follow the conclusions of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group and to give the following opinion on page 13:

Of course, mRNA vaccination deserves many other debates, but in the light of these elements alone, which are moreover supported by numerous studies conducted by researchers with no conflicts of interest, it appears that the doctors who advised against mass vaccination honored their Art and protected their patients!


You will find below more than 250 studies from the most renowned medical journals. So let’s stop the slaughter!

A criminal action against the doctors responsible is being prepared: lawyers will define the precise charges: lack of foresight, endangering the lives of others, failure to respect science etc. etc. etc. will be among the issues raised.


Subsequently or concomitantly, any person, colleague, group of people, scientific or learned society will have to answer to the same charges for having promoted and injected this iatrogenic, ineffective and often lethal experimental product without written consent.

Dr Résimont »

In English

In French


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He attacks Switzerland & Pfizer

Pascal Najadi, a dual Swiss-British citizen, former banker and consultant, is suing the States after being pressured to undergo an injection of experimental messenger RNA during one of the recent episodes of Coronavirus colds.

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Wokism: contradictions, double standards

Increasingly present in Western Europe in academic and artistic institutions, associations, trade unions, companies, the media, etc.[note]From (a)social networks to youth movements, the woke phenomenon is relayed in an apologetic mode, and generally manages to fly under the radar of serious philosophical criticism, beyond the correct or compassionate postures of convenience. That was all it took for Kairos contributes to this task.

Is wokism just a fad or an anthropological break with postmodernity? It’s hard to say at this stage. Audiences are expected to react to it in two ways: at the very least, with acceptance, or better still, with enthusiastic support. Drawn from the ranks of progressives, anti-fascists and institutional ecologists, his support committee does not accept his rejection or even his criticism, whether it comes from a minister, a philosopher or a journalist. It’s striking that associations[note], operating in schools and elsewhere, aim directly to combat transphobia[note], in order to take the wind out of the sails of critics and skeptics, short-circuiting any democratic, rational and contradictory debate[note]. It’s the tactic of the fait accompli, the imposition of a new normality and the acknowledgement of « what’s happening », as the followers of deconstruction (Jacques Derrida) and most sociologists, always complacent towards « new cultural practices », pedantically put it: « If it’s happening, it’s because it has good and legitimate reasons for happening, reasons that we must therefore bring to light, without making value judgments ». Faced with wokism (among other things), the postmodern intellectual renounces his judgment, becomes « a fanatic without conviction, an ideologue, a hybrid thinker, like those found in all periods of transition », and is prepared to « venerate any idol and serve any truth, as long as one or the other [lui] so that[il] does not have to choose between [sa] shame or [son] disaster[note] « . Dany-Robert Dufour saves the honor of the intellectual gentry! He made a clear distinction between the two meanings of transphobia. The first is passive and reflects etymology; it is perplexed and even worried by a current of thought and action that is « revolutionary » because it calls into question the immemorial landmark of female/male sexual differentiation[note]. What could be more normal and healthy than philosophical astonishment? But by role reversal, we present « the one who is terrorized as the one who terrorizes[note] « , which brings us to the second, active and non-etymological meaning: hatred of transgender people, to the point of attacking them in various ways. Need we point out that only the first meaning is ethically and etymologically legitimate? However, trans activists are careful not to make this essential distinction, so there’s no reason to take them seriously[note], especially since they’re not so far off the mark — as we’ll now point out. Since the danger of a pandemic (sic) has been averted (re-sic), they’ve been pulling out all the stops to make up for lost time. Have they read Sun Tzu, so that wokism wins? 


Etymologically, the term « woke » comes from the slang English word to be awake, meaning to be awake to the reality of all domination, injustice and social discrimination. So we’re dealing with activists who are more far-sighted than their fellow citizens, but who deny belonging to what they embody: wokism is just a pejorative term used by conservatives. What would Erikah Badu, who sang I stay woke in 2008, have to say? Isn’t the link also obvious with Black Lives Matter? Although they had already been beating the drum for several years, during the covidiotic they were suddenly no longer heard from, as it would have been inappropriate to bring up their very special cause when hundreds of thousands of their fellow creatures were at risk of dying from coronavirus, as the scientific-media clergy warned. The « woke » wokes (excuse the necessary redundancy, cf. below), usually so reactive, have not protested against health-political measures that are undeniably discriminatory and unfair (essential/non-essential professions, vaccinated/non-vaccinated), as well as being mostly illegal. Those who did were other « awakened » people whom the covidist and anti-complotist clique mocked, among other things, for their claimed awakening. So there are good and true awakened ones to respect, admire and support — the wokes — and bad and false awakened ones to despise, demoralize and put out of action — the petitioners against the pandemic mystification[note]. Freedom to change gender or sex as you please, but no freedom to refuse to wear a muzzle, to let yourself be locked up and covered up![note] Double standards, as usual, to which we’ll return shortly. 


« Mais où sont passées les Lumières? » sang Gérard Manset in 1984. Now he knows the answer. Progressive-antifascist-woke (PAW) claim to defend the legacy of the Enlightenment against the far right, focusing on just one of its components: emancipation. Either. But the Enlightenment is also universalism[note], which PAW fights in the name of respect for individual (trans) identities, intersectionality and the new racialist and essentialist anti-racism[note]. It’s also about free examination, rational discussion and freedom of speech and expression, which PAW abhors in the name of the fight against « nauseating » ideas and patriarchy. « The Enlightenment ideal saw Reason as the very basis of human emancipation. But with individualism, everyone thought they had to be right, and the process turned against itself[note] », sums up philosopher Michel Meyer. The tyranny of self-love and unlimited desire-fantasies, we behave « as if we were the lord of our own existence » (Christopher Lasch), whereas « the morality of the Enlightenment derives not from selfish love of self, but from respect for humanity[note] « . Are these Lights taken a la carte, while we wait to extinguish them once and for all? 


Here, the contradiction reaches its peak. For those who promote wokism and those who call for a multicultural Europe (« creolization ») are precisely… the same. How do PAWs imagine the two things coexisting? Do they think that immigrants/refugees/migrants from the global South will spontaneously fall for the charms of the transgender, queer gender fluid and other drag queens and kings who brighten up Europe’s housing estates? Don’t they know that a large part of humanity is still religious and traditional, that convictions, affects and prejudices don’t remain blocked at the border? As philosopher Ágnes Heller points out, « migrants are foreigners who come to us from who knows where, with customs, religions, traditions, legends, a different vision of what is true and what is false[note] « . Do PAWs hope to convince them of the moral merits of their cause with benevolent and inclusive speeches? How do you combine wokism and immigrationism? Combating both transphobia and Islamophobia and xenophobia? This can be achieved in two ways: by getting immigrant communities (and society as a whole) to accept the global project of wokism; and by fighting alongside them against the « systemic racism » of which they are victims. Good luck with those titanic tasks… Here again, double standards reign, as Dufour remarks: « We rightly stigmatize the excisions forcibly performed on young women from certain remote ethnic groups, but why does our era celebrate the young Westerner, a priori informed, who asks for the amputation of his intimate organs, i.e. voluntary mutilation?[note] « .


The accusation comes up again and again: many people feel an unreasonable fear of wokism, even a « moral panic » that needs to be overcome in order to evolve towards enlightenment and « be of our time ». Once again, a double standard: let’s not forget that political and scientific authorities urged us to be afraid of the coronavirus, as a matter of responsibility and solidarity (sic). Now they’re telling us — via their subsidized institutions and the media — not to be afraid of the great trans upheaval and to welcome it unconditionally, as a matter of openness, tolerance and ethics. Moral: just as there are good and bad awakeners (see above), there are also good and bad fearful ones. But we’re not panicking, dear wokes, we’re questioning your speech and your project, and we don’t agree with you. 

Is it so difficult to understand and accept? Does our (op)position hurt you that much? And then, are you democrats, yes or no? 


A few years ago, during an Internet exchange, a French man I assume to be of a recent generation[note] criticized me for drawing what he considered an incongruous parallel between the LGBTQIA+ movement and transhumanism, because he considered the latter to be an extreme right-wing ideology. Why not?[note]. But the wokes are not taking an official position on the subject. Why? Embarrassment or strategy? Isn’t Overton’s window still open enough? As the target of their propaganda, civil society is entitled to expect clarification from them. Let’s get back to it: hey, wokes, live or die transhumanism? Beyond trans(es), what difference do you make between this and transgenrism, transsexualism? Send your answers indiscreetly to the Kairos editorial team. 


Transgenderism is part of the biopolitics we’ve been living with for two centuries. « We can’t claim that the human condition has fundamentally improved as a result — unless we keep coming back to the petit-bourgeois-hedonist arguments of generalized health care and longer life expectancy (the limits of which we’ve begun to see in industrialized countries over the past fifteen years). The biopolitical state has steadily strengthened its grip by destroying our traditional ways of life, forcing us to be economically profitable, attaching ever more invasive control mechanisms to our individual freedom, turning us from subjects of rights into biological bodies to be « brought to life », replacing the law with the norm, scientifically and technically modifying our environment, managing the masses through statistics, and regressing politics, reformulated as moral and medical problems to be solved. « […] biopolitics refers to a particular art of governing, which is dependent on liberal techniques of social control and self-government[note] « , comments Thomas Lemke, thinking of Michel Foucault. Collective hygienic measures and individual claims by trans people stem from the same logic of biotechnological interventions based on administrative and legal procedures. That’s probably why Wokism has felt congruent with covidism, keeping a complicit silence on its exactions. « The paradox of biopolitics is that, at the very moment when security and the improvement of life have become an issue for public authorities, life is threatened by hitherto unimaginable technical means and policies of destruction[note] « , announces Lemke. For it is industrialism and militarism — not « patriarchal domination » — that remain our No. 1 problem. Often referred to only as a terrorist[note], the recently deceased Theodore Kazcynski aka Unabomber was also the author of a masterly essay, The 1971 Manifesto. L’avenir de la société industrielle, reissued by Editions Climats in 2009. Its radicalism continues to challenge us. (see pp. 18 & 19) 


How do you deflate the woke phenomenon, assuming it doesn’t deflate on its own? Firstly, by « decolonizing » from its influence all the bodies mentioned in the chapeau, as well as entertainment[note]. Then, by unplugging the Internet, the main vehicle for their hobby. Until further notice, these two hypotheses are highly unlikely! The thurifers of wokism will claim that there’s nothing new under the sun, that the proportion of individuals upset by their « assigned » sex or gender has been the same since Antiquity, except that it wasn’t known; the Web would do nothing other than finally bring them out into the open. Let’s put forward another hypothesis, not exclusive of the previous one: what if it was the web that propelled the phenomenon out of its original niche? Not only do (a)social networks bring together individuals with similar tastes and inclinations, they also ideologically influence their users by means of « cognitive bubbles[note] « , something that PAW both recognizes and deplores with regard to the rise of far-right ideas. That’s true, but why shouldn’t the same apply to their own commitments? Or maybe it’s just another double standard: « Brave social networks when they broadcast our PAW feelings, damned social networks when they do the fascists a favor ». It’s a safe bet that without the Internet, the trans phenomenon wouldn’t be what it is: a psychic epidemic affecting millions of young (and not so young) Westerners, either in the strong version by inciting them to « transition », at their expense but to the great benefit of Big Pharma (which will sell puberty blockers, then hormones) and techno-medicine (which will sell surgical operations) ; or, in the weaker version, by inciting them to indulgence as spectators, or even better, to exaltation as supporters — the latter being referred to as « allies ». Truly critical voices remain rare[note]. The public authorities are not worried by this epidemic; on the contrary, they support it, as do the media and, to a certain extent, the justice system. This « rapid-onset gender dysphoria » was highlighted by American researcher Lisa Littman[note]and psychoanalysts Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff[note] on this side of the Atlantic; so fast, too fast, that some transgender people regret their choice after a few years and try to return to their former condition by « detransitioning » (see the cases of Keira Bell, Layla Jane, Chloé Cole, among others). In any case, their misadventure will leave unalterable traces, at least psychological, if not physical if they have been through the scalpel, and we can already suggest that the rest of their lives are ruined — let’s remember the historic case of David Reimer (1965–2004), victim of Dr. John Money[note]. All in the name of Progress… 

Nicolas Bart

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Vaccinees still produce spike protein after two years

Contrary to what the authorities had claimed, Covid vaccines can modify DNA. Serious, long-term effects have been uncovered.

New research shows that Covid vaccines contain considerable proportions of DNA residues capable of permanently integrating into the human genome, causing chronic disease and cancer. This could also explain the excess mortality observed since the start of vaccination campaigns.

An article from*.

Act 1: disturbing blood tests

This investigation began with an intriguing publication by former Swiss banker Pascal Najadi. The author of a criminal complaint for abuse of power against the President of the Confederation Alain Berset is three times vaccinated and just as angry at the health authorities since a blood test revealed that his body continues to produce vaccine spike protein more than 18 months after his last Pfizer/BioNTech injection.

Contacted, the interested party provided us with the laboratory results, as well as a letter from Prof. Dr. G. B. B., the head of the laboratory. Sucharid Bhakdi confirmed that « the test results clearly indicate that Mr. Najadi is suffering irreparable long-term effects caused by the injected mRNA product manufactured by PfizerBiontech » (see resources at the end of the article).

A toxic protein

The banker’s blood tests revealed the presence of advanced protein, but not the nanolipid capsules found in injections. For the scientist, this indicates that the protein is not the result of the administration of a « vaccine », but has been recently produced by the body of the vaccinee.

A few searches later, we find a German lawyer, Mr Tobias Ulbrichrepresenting several customers who have also had their blood analyzed and come to the same conclusions as Pascal Najadi: their bodies are constantly producing peak protein, a toxic substance, and no one can tell them if or when it will stop.

Health authorities unable to explain

The former banker had contacted the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health about the matter. The latter was unable to give him any answers, arguing that he could not comment on an individual case. Pascal Najadi deduced from this that the board had no control over these new vaccine technologies.

The persistence of the peak protein detected in Najadi and other vaccinees remains officially unexplained, and is well beyond the 14 days communicated when the Covid vaccination campaigns were launched.

Act 2: the role of RNA

Everyone knows DNA, represented by a double helix and containing our genetic code. RNA consists of a single strand. The cell makes them as needed by reading part of the DNA, which it then uses to produce a protein.

One dose of Covid messenger RNA « vaccine » contains billions of strands of messenger RNA, which will trigger the production of as many of the SARS-CoV‑2 virus’ peak proteins in the cells where they arrive. These advanced proteins activate an immune system response.

In theory and officially — all the health authorities have insisted on this to reassure future vaccinees — Covid « vaccines » contain no DNA and there is no permanent alteration of our cells.

As we shall see, serious doubts unfortunately cast a shadow over official assertions.

The advanced protein was also presented as a harmless substance during vaccination campaigns, whereas it is known to be toxic to the human body and causes most of the complications of Covid, including inflammatory and allergic reactions.

Act 3: How are the strands of messenger RNA found in Covid « vaccines » manufactured?

To communicate, bacteria exchange important genetic « messages » using what are known as plasmids. For example, if a bacterium finds a new mechanism that increases its resistance to antibiotics, it will encapsulate this information in plasmids, which will be produced and ‘spread’ to other bacteria.

The process of manufacturing the RNA strands for Covid vaccines involves the genetic manipulation of bacteria using plasmids, into which the DNA sequence corresponding to the SARS-CoV‑2 peak protein has been introduced.

The plasmid is multiplied in bacteria and used as a template to mass-produce messenger RNA that will be able to trigger peak protein production in the cells of vaccinees. The DNA must then be removed and the messenger RNA mixed with lipids to produce nanoparticles capable of delivering the mRNA into our cells. We shall see that this is not the case.

Act 4: The bug in the matrix

It should be noted that the health authorities do not themselves check the various batches to ensure vaccine quality. Manufacturers alone are responsible for quality assurance of the products they market.

When Pfizer granted marketing authorization for its vaccine, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) had to be content with consulting the data supplied by the manufacturer. The AEM expressed surprise to the manufacturer that the final product had not been genetically sequenced to ensure that it contained only messenger RNA and no DNA or other residues, as German scientist Florian Schilling explains in a presentation (see resources).

Pfizer replied that it had voluntarily renounced sequencing, admitting that it was certainly not optimal, but that it was justified in order to reduce costs. Other manufacturers have also waived genetic sequencing as part of their quality assurance.

One of the alternative product evaluation techniques used by Pfizer is electrophoresis, which allows the elements present in a solution to be counted according to their size.

In the documents provided by Pfizer to the AEM, a diagram of which is reproduced below, the messenger RNA of the vaccine peak protein is represented by a high central peak. The anomaly is the « slopes » on either side of the peak, which represent mysterious genetic « objects » that don’t match the size of messenger RNA and shouldn’t be present in a purified solution.

The AEM wanted to know more, and asked Pfizer for the raw data. The manufacturer had undertaken to supply them, but to date they have still not been delivered.

Act 5: independent researchers come into play

A group of researchers, concerned in particular about the consequences of Covid injections for young people, decided in early 2023 to take matters into their own hands and sequence batches of Pfizer and Moderna « vaccines ». Their entire approach is explained in detail in an initial article and its companion piece by Kevin McKernan, a molecular biologist specializing in genetic manipulation and sequencing, who took part in the analysis.

Their findings are disturbing in nature:

Abnormally high levels of DNA — The presence of plasmids containing advanced protein DNA was confirmed in considerable proportions for Pfizer and Moderna « vaccines »: between 20 and 35%, well above the contamination limits set by the AEM (0.033%). A single dose therefore contains several billion of these plasmids, which were used to produce the messenger RNA and should then have been eliminated. This information is already proof that these products do not comply with current regulations.

Accelerating antibiotic resistance — Worryingly, the DNA of these plasmids contains genes that make them resistant to two antibiotics: neomycin and kanamycin. The introduction of billions of antibiotic resistance genes into plasmids with high replication capacity, enabling the selection of bacteria resistant to these treatments in the microbiome, should raise concerns about the acceleration of antibiotic resistance on a global scale. Even before the Covid crisis, some experts were already estimating that by 2050 we’d run out of effective antibiotics.

High copy error factor — Scientists say that the presence of a nucleotide called pseudouridine is very worrying, as it is reputed to have a copy error rate of one in every 4,000 nucleotides. This represents between 5 and 8.5 million possible copy errors per vaccine dose. And no one can say what these errors correspond to, as they are unpredictable.

Permanent and transgenerational integration — Vaccine plasmids can reach bacteria or human cells. This last case is considered problematic, as it is possible that the DNA strand contained in the plasmid is permanently integrated into the genetic code of the human cell, enabling it at any time to produce the vaccine peak protein autonomously, for the rest of its life. In all likelihood, this is what is happening to Pascal Najadi and Me Ulbrich’s clients in Germany. Prof. Dr. Bhakdi pointed out that each cell division is an opportunity for this imported DNA to modify the host genome. If this integration takes place in a stem cell, egg or sperm cell, the genetic modification will be passed on to subsequent generations. This is a serious matter, because science today does not offer a tool for removing a gene.

More incomprehensibly, the DNA of the plasmid used by Pfizer contains a sequence (SV 40) which enables it to be transferred into the nucleus even when the cell is not dividing, thus affecting cells. However, its presence is unnecessary for the production of messenger RNA in bacteria. This sequence is absent from the plasmids used by Moderna.

Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine poses an even greater risk of integration, as it is based on a DNA virus and uses a much more powerful promoter than SV 40, called CMV. This leads to a much higher risk of oncogenesis and continuous peak protein production than with messenger RNAs, » says Marc Wathelet, a molecular biologist and coronavirus specialist we consulted.

Since the DNA of the plasmid’s lead protein targets mammalian cells, there’s very little chance of permanent integration into the genome of an intestinal bacterium. While they may not become state-of-the-art protein factories, these bacteria — which are not human cells — could multiply vaccine plasmids, thereby increasing the risk of contamination of human cells, known as « bactofection » or « transfection ».

Act 6: the consequences — risk of cancer

Marc Wathelet confirms that while « the risk of contamination of microbiome bacteria remains low, it is the risks of inflammation and, above all, cancer linked to DNA contamination of the body cells of vaccinees that are more worrying ». The expert stresses that it is « impossible to quantify this risk ». He notes « an increase in certain cancers, but we don’t know whether this is due to the DNA, the mRNA, the weakened immune system, the lipids present in the nanoparticles, or a combination of these factors ».

The integration of advanced protein DNA may explain why the effects are not immediate after vaccination, but develop over time. Some scientists link the excess mortality observed in 2022 in all vaccinated countries with the ongoing production of advanced protein. An analysis by Jarle Aarstad points in this direction, demonstrating a worrying correlation: for every percentage point increase in the vaccination rate, there is a 0.1% increase in excess mortality the following year.

Act 7: And now what?

If future vaccinees had been warned that they were about to be injected with genetic material that was likely to integrate into their own genome, how many would still have accepted the injection?

The health authorities need to become aware of the problem and carry out genetic analyses on vaccinated individuals to see to what extent this vaccine DNA is integrated into human cells, and in which cell types.

Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi recently argued that messenger RNA vaccines are in fact gene therapies that should be withdrawn from the market. This is all the more important as, boosted by huge profits, the vaccine industry is currently investing in the development of hundreds of new messenger RNA vaccines.

We’re still in the experimental stage

Whatever the mainstream media and authorities may say, science continues to assert that these gene therapies are still only at the experimental stage, as attested by this excerpt published in Nature in July 2022:

« Although they offer several advantages over conventional protein-based approaches, mRNA-based therapies are still in the early stages of development. The instability of synthetic mRNAs and the immune responses generated against these synthetic molecules have been the main obstacles to the adaptation of this technology. » Nature, Scientific Reports, July 2022

For people like Pascal Najadi who are affected by this permanent production of advanced protein, they are currently forced to take lifelong treatments to reduce its concentration. Their immune system is constantly busy eliminating their own cells that produce the peak protein, but these continue to multiply with the genetic modification, making this a permanent and exhausting battle for the body.

Proven in human liver cancer cells 

One study, Alden et al, showed that human liver cancer cells could permanently integrate genetic material from Pfizer vaccines. Critics claimed that no conclusions could be drawn for healthy cells. However, these results should have called into question the use of these products in cancer patients.

Comparison with PCR tests

The silence on the contamination of Covid injections by DNA is all the more striking when we recall that, in the days of PCR testing, it was enough to detect in our nose a few viral debris incapable of reproducing, with a number of working cycles (CT, amplification) close to 40, to be declared positive and quarantined.

The DNA contamination we’re talking about here in vaccines can already be detected at a CT of 20. This is a concentration a million times higher than what was considered critical for SARS-CoV‑2, and this integrative DNA is injected beyond our mucosal defenses.

If PCR tests had also been carried out with a CT of 20, the number of Covid-positive cases would have been virtually nil, and there would not have been so much panic surrounding this pandemic.


Pascal Najadi’s blood results


Open letter from Prof. Dr. Bhakdi



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CSI n°100

[INTERVIEW] COVID injection: A disrupted immune system

Jean-Marc Sabatier is a research director at the CNRS and holds a doctorate in cell biology and microbiology. He has directed several academic research teams and is also the editor of the journal « Coronaviruses ». So he knows his stuff. In March 2020, he made a major discovery, demonstrating that it is not the virus that is directly responsible for Covid-19, but the dysfunction of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), a hormonal system that is present in every organ and tissue of the human body. As with others who spoke the truth, offered dialogue, offered their expertise to help people, he was censored, banned, ostracized. He talks about the importance of vitamin D, the dramatic side effects of injections, the importance of the RAS in human functioning and the major disruptions that these injections cause.

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Denial of death and capitalism during the health crisis

The least we can say is that the management of the covid-19 epidemic has not only affected the living, but also the dead. The orders were of unprecedented violence during what we will agree to call a major anthropological turning point: strict confinement of the elderly; prohibition of visits by relatives of residents living in rest homes; and burials rationalized by solidarity were the salient features of an episode that was in every way delirious. Contrary to what one might think, it is not finished insofar as it embodies an offshoot of the capitalist doctrine that has accelerated man’s entry into an ultra-digital era that was previously in gestation. In this article, we will link the denial of death that was at work during the pandemic to the denial of death as an essential part of the capitalist process. But what do we mean by capitalism? Inspired by the Greek philosopher and psychoanalyst Cornelius Castoriadis, we define this social model as a global enterprise of unlimited self-accumulation through the (pseudo) rational control of men over the environment and of men over themselves. What does this mean exactly? 

Unlimited self-accumulation indicates that the capitalist model feeds on itself and is anthropophagous. He does not perceive the limit of his expansion which wants to be infinite. It denies the lack as well as the desire to the profit of an economy of the Jouissance particularly nutritive since the fordian revolution. Hubris dominates its modes of production and consumption, as the German philosopher Anselm Jappe testifies in his book La société autophage : capitalisme, démesure et autodestruction, in which the author exhumes the myth of Erysichton[note]. The (pseudo) rational (pseudo) mastery consists in filling the lack through a total knowledge and an absolute domination of the Reason on the various dimensions of the existence. It represents a royal road that should lead man to Enjoyment. 

If every society has shown itself willing, in the course of history, to tame the environment that surrounds it, the capitalist dynamic is specific insofar as the process of mastery that it deploys is not only oriented towards exteriority, but also towards the interiority of the living, the latter being apprehended as Things useful to Growth. As Castoriadis explained, this will to cover Chaos is no longer based on God or on magic as it was in the past, but on Reason. This one is not only reified, but also deified. But why is this approach considered (pseudo)-rational by the philosopher? Simply because, as Karl Marx once put it, capitalism has built its framework on fraud and violence (notably through colonization and land expropriation), attitudes that are in every way irrational. This irrationality was particularly unleashed during the health crisis and continues its deployment everywhere in the spaces, including within the psychic sphere. The episode of covid-19 has, indeed, significantly revealed the existence of a form of totalitarianism of scientific Reason inviting men to use their human Capital in an adequate way, societies being globally managed like companies (Emmanuel Macron is a particularly clear example of this will of management of human souls). 


The interference of politics in the intimate bond that the living have with the dead constitutes an unprecedented anthropological rupture. By rationalizing funerals (remember that a strictly limited number of people were admitted to the funeral — when it comes to setting limits, an approach to which it is hardly accustomed, Capital embraces indecency), « health altruism » has demonstrated to what extent it is organized as an absurd extension of capitalist logic. From time immemorial, in fact, funeral rites have operated as a parade against the anguish of death. By denying this elementary fact, the hygienic measures 

have broken the sacred in favor of scientific Reason in order to preserve the unique biochemical existence. More than a defense against the dread of the finitude of life, the customs we are talking about promote the psychic digestion of the loss, that is, the process of mourning. Assuming that this process was broken during the crisis, one might ask what has replaced it? Everything leads us to believe that a defensive mechanism particularly present in perversions (and in capitalism) has tightened its grip on the rudder of souls, namely denial. While death was obscured, it continually recalled itself to consciousness in the form of an expression altered by the balance sheets. A pseudo-rational approach commanded everyone to operate as if they were masters and possessors of death and to declare war on an invisible agent, a war whose weapons were to be those of operative action. Reduced to a number, death evolved in the imagination of men as an ersatz and was not dramatized in the intimacy of the rite, but put on show through images laced with pathos. 


Capitalism is based on the enactment of a fantasy of omnipotence and absolute mastery that requires the denial of limits (as well as otherness) in order to convert nature and human beings into commodities that can be exchanged on the market of labor and consumption (reification). During the sanitary crisis, everything happened as if the word « virus » had shaken this fragile idea of infinite expansion, reminding men of their mortal condition. Unable to meditate on a conception of finitude that would refute their pretentious ambitions, societies (those, at least, where capitalism is well established) have defended themselves from death by proceeding with a delirious attempt to master it, an attempt that necessitated the denial of what death represents, namely, an entity that is essentially unmanageable. We have identified four modalities of denial at work during the crisis and in capitalism that we will now analyze. 

1. Denial of the link 

Capitalism perverts the link insofar as it is established almost exclusively on two fetishes: money and merchandise. In the world of pleasure, it is not only the obsolescence of manufactured objects that is programmed, but also that of human relationships. The relationships we used to build with our elders were largely instrumentalized during the health crisis. The farewell, for example — a way of coming full circle, as we say — addressed by the dying to those who remain (for a moment at least) on the platform of existence, has been disavowed. However, although death is the end of the being, it does not put an end to the links that are perpetuated in the interiority of the living. Not only delighted to confuse the relations of the order of love and those of the order of the Market, capitalism has implemented an unprecedented perversion where the link to death itself has been reified. 

2. Denial of the individual 

We will have understood that capitalism deploys a mechanism without which the process of unlimited self-accumulation would be inconceivable: reification. Historically, the working class was the first on which this process of chosification of souls and bodies was exercised. Then, until the perverse and puritanical principles of the bourgeoisie finally embraced all social strata, citizens of all horizons were reduced to the role of consumers (of products offered on the Market by the holders of capital, i.e. the bourgeois) and voters (of politicians who dethroned the nobles from their seats during the various revolutions of the 18th century, i.e. the bourgeois). During the health crisis, the denial of the subject working within Capital continued along the path that had been laid out for it. While slogans infected with pathos were pouring over the airwaves (« Think of me, stay at home ») and a wave of solidarity was imposed on the whole population (« all together against the coronavirus »), the elderly were rotting, alone, in hospitals and in rest homes dedicated to their attention. Confined, deprived of relationships other than the order of care, many let themselves die, which did not prevent politicians from listing these deceased in the charts of deaths caused by covid-19. Thanks to a hearty outpouring of solidarity, the dead were examined as data just good enough to push up the mortality curves in the same way that one would push up the economic growth curve. 

3. Denial of time 

Old age is an unbearable idea for the capitalist model, which goes so far as to develop a form of anti-old age racism (one only has to look at the number of commercials extolling the benefits of anti-aging creams, or the proliferation of cosmetic surgery to be convinced). To erase at all costs the effects of the passing of time is indeed the best way to safeguard the illusion of omnipotence so dear to the model and to preserve the feeling of eternity. The confinement of the elderly in nursing homes during the pandemic represented in this respect a collective anti-ageing cream of the latest kind, which made it possible to no longer confront the passage of time that one could not see (time was in fact largely suspended during this period). Yet, as Marie de Hezelle suggests, meditating on finitude is a philosophical attitude that is indispensable to any society that has not made its ruin an unavowed objective. By killing time — don’t we say, moreover, of an activity that we don’t appreciate much (often our work), that it nevertheless allows us to kill time? -, men are drying up en masse. Where thinking requires a consistent temporality, acting short-circuits time. And if it is certain that we have acted a lot during the crisis, it is no less certain that we have thought very little about it. 

4. Denial of death 

It is remarkable how death was obscured during the pandemic in a place where it has never been talked about so much. If we look more closely, what obsessed the discourse was not death as such but its copy, a simulacrum. Death was thus made a spectacle in the only way capitalism could: through numbers. The ban on visiting elders and the murder of funerals unconsciously allowed men to converge on the same expanse in order to preserve the oceanic feeling of omnipotence. Sanitary measures have thus become operative acts allowing the model to perpetuate the illusion of control. In order to protect strictly biochemical life as one would save data on a computer, we have jointly killed death. 


Like a magnifying glass, the crisis has revealed the details of the denial that was already at work in the foundations of the capitalist machinery. Since time immemorial, cultures have tried to create a space where death can be said, digested and thought about. During the pandemic, death was forbidden to speak, while it was constantly enunciated as pure information through the image (often televised). The way in which the reaper was administered is not insignificant. The way in which the reaper has been administered is not insignificant. By slipping into the most intimate part of man, the politicians have signed the death warrant of mourning. As the British psychoanalyst Wilfried Bion mentions, it is from mourning and the recognition of loss that thought is born. Hindering the process of mourning, as was the case during the pandemic, can only be seen in this light as a clever mechanism for the destruction of minds. In the end, the monstrous paradoxes that already agitated the beast were exalted: protecting the being from a certain end by preventing it from living, competing against the inert by fighting against the moving, eradicating death to the point of killing life are all attitudes that can be found at work in the capitalist approach as well as in sanitary measures. They testify to a double impulse present in each man, in which the eternal Eros delivers a relentless fight against its not less immortal adversary, Thanatos. Alas, the death drives seem to have taken on more zest in the age of unbridled capitalism. It is as if it were a question, for the man 2.0, of erasing, through hyper-consumption (of Big Mac, cars, smartphones, internet, travels, human relations), any trace of the loss in the hope to rally a place where the lack would be missing. 

A careful analysis of the management of Covid-19 indicates to what extent Reason leads the living towards this mortal ground from which it claims to distance it. Initially animated by a great enthusiasm to chosify the entirety of psyches and bodies (this is why this model can be considered a totalitarian movement, all the more perfidious because it differs from the others by its soft side), capitalism has passed to a higher level during a crisis in which it has applied itself to reify to death. The first elements of a ridge are now appearing, and we will know that it has been reached when society (certainly transhuman for the time being) will have made the fatal tumble. Unless there is a radical reflection on these impulses that are stirring within each person? Or, let’s not be utopian, let’s have a fraction of it cushion the fall. 

Kenny Cadinu

Antoine Demant

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Political violence, instituted violence

« Être libre pour la liberté signifie avant tout être délivré, non seulement de la peur, mais aussi du besoin ». 
H. Arendt[note]

Pascale Vanhal

« Pourquoi la guerre ? ». C’est le titre donné à l’échange épistolaire entre Einstein et Freud publié en 1933 par l’Institut international de coopération intellectuelle. Einstein questionne Freud sur ce qui anime l’homme : « Comment est-il possible que la masse, (…) se laisse enflammer jusqu’à la folie et au sacrifice ? ». Einstein questionne alors l’exercice du pouvoir et le droit. Freud, qui a l’art de dénicher les pulsions inconscientes dissimulées derrière les mots, suggère à Einstein de remplacer le mot de « pouvoir » par celui, plus cru et plus dur, de « violence »[note]. 

La gestion de la crise énergétique aura-t-elle la même saveur que la crise sanitaire ? Nous ne sommes pas à l’abri de voir réapparaître un pass ou un crédit écologique permettant une forme de contrôle social. La Confédération helvétique en est un bon exemple à travers sa campagne sur l’énergie sous l’égide d’un slogan : « L’énergie est limitée, ne la gaspillons pas », accompagné d’un cortège d’injonctions que la conscience morale s’empresse d’ingurgiter (« Luminosité d’écran trop élevée : énergie gaspillée », « Fenêtre basculante pour aérer : énergie gaspillée », « Laisser la machine à café allumée : énergie gaspillée »[note]). L’arsenal législatif prévoit selon l’article 49 de la « Loi fédérale sur l’approvisionnement économique du pays »[note], que toute infraction intentionnelle aux prescriptions sur les mesures d’approvisionnement peut entraîner une peine pouvant aller jusqu’à 3 ans de prison[note]. La possibilité de contrôles ponctuels est même envisagée[note]. L’application de ces contrôles exige une modification en profondeur de l’arsenal législatif puisque des agents seraient autorisés à pénétrer un espace privé pour… contrôler la température ? C’était encore inenvisageable quelques années auparavant, mais la crise sanitaire a instauré de nouveaux rapports entre les hommes. La présence de l’angoisse suscitée par le Covid a été l’occasion d’une résurgence de l’infantile. Ce dernier offre une vision du monde sans nuance, comme le font les enfants, séparant les bons citoyens des mauvais, les « pro-vax’ » des « anti-vax’ », les gens raisonnables des « complotistes ». Un groupe particularisé est alors tenu pour responsable de la chute de la civilisation et s’en protéger justifie tous les excès. Cette extériorisation de la responsabilité rend de grands services : l’État n’a plus à se questionner sur la politique qu’il mène puisque la cause du malheur, c’est l’autre. 

Les crises que nous traversons, Covid puis énergétique, sont en train d’instaurer une transformation politique durable. Nous dirigeons-nous vers un totalitarisme soft ? 


L’avenir des civilisations ne suscite chez Freud ni enthousiasme ni pessimisme. La civilisation ne porte pas en elle l’origine des perversions humaines, comme le suppose Rousseau, et n’évolue pas non plus vers une amélioration morale comme l’espère Kant. Il nous faut plutôt noter que le raffinement des moyens de répression et de coercition d’un peuple suit avec fidélité les progrès offerts par l’évolution technique, tels les camps de concentration. La civilisation n’est donc pas la voie qui nous conduirait vers une perfection toujours plus grande de l’humanité. L’histoire témoigne plutôt d’élévations ponctuées de chutes. Le progrès technique apporté par la civilisation n’est donc pas synonyme d’accès au bonheur. Il peut même à l’occasion être accompagné de son lot d’angoisses telles les armes nucléaires ou bactériologiques. Le vaccin contre le SARS-Cov‑2 n’échappera pas à la règle. 

Alors quels intérêts la civilisation présente-t-elle pour l’homme ? La civilisation peut atténuer la souffrance de l’homme sur trois aspects : (1) se protéger de la nature et de sa capacité de destruction (2), se prémunir de la fragilité du corps (3), se prémunir de 

l’agressivité entre les hommes en réglant les rapports entre eux[note]. L’exercice du pouvoir est une nécessité pour parvenir à ces fins. 

Comment sommes-nous passés de la violence, plus crue, à l’exercice du pouvoir ? Les conflits sont habituellement réglés par la violence. Sa réalisation radicale est la mise à mort de l’adversaire. L’autre possibilité est de soumettre l’adversaire plutôt que de le tuer. Cette indulgence doit alors composer avec la possibilité de rébellion du vaincu et de fait, celui qui exerce le pouvoir abandonne partiellement sa propre sécurité. C’est le début de la clémence qui sera très bien décrite par Foucault dans son ouvrage Surveiller et punir[note]. La violence a donc progressivement conduit au droit. 

Concrètement, la construction d’une civilisation débute par la présence d’un oppresseur. Les personnes violentées se réunissent et mettent un terme à la violence du despote. Une fois cette communauté suffisamment stable, elle édicte des prescriptions pour éviter le surgissement d’un nouvel oppresseur. C’est la naissance du droit. Le droit énonce alors des actes de violence légaux. Le droit a donc besoin pour s’exercer de la violence. 

Durant la crise sanitaire, les libertés publiques et fondamentales ont connu un net recul. Liberté de circulation, liberté d’expression, liberté de réunion, liberté de manifestation, liberté du commerce et de l’industrie, libertés médicales ont été largement remises en question. Une tentation, en forme de liste à la Prévert, à laquelle une bonne partie de l’Europe a succombé. Ce recul des libertés a débuté avec l’effondrement des tours et la bataille contre le terrorisme. Au nom de la sécurité, notre société poursuit la marche dans laquelle elle est engagée depuis plusieurs décennies en accroissant les actes de violence légaux exercés sur la population. 

Il existe un fragile équilibre entre le droit et la satisfaction de la pulsion. Le renoncement partiel de la pulsion est une nécessité pour que nous puissions vivre ensemble. La pulsion d’agressivité, par exemple, se doit d’être a minima contenue. Il y a des renoncements pulsionnels qui s’appliquent à l’ensemble du groupe (les plus anciens) et certains qui ne s’appliquent qu’à des groupes, des classes ou même des individus (tel le célibat sacerdotal). Trois renoncements pulsionnels sont aujourd’hui généralisés : l’inceste, le cannibalisme et le meurtre. Seul le cannibalisme est prohibé par tous, les souhaits d’inceste sont toujours présents même si interdits (d’où leur fréquence) et le meurtre est encore pratiqué dans des conditions particulières, même parfois commandé comme en temps de guerre[note]. Si l’ensemble de ces anciens interdits est relativement respecté, d’autres le sont moins. Ainsi, la cupidité ou le fait de nuire aux autres par le mensonge, la tromperie ou la calomnie restent très fréquents et ce d’autant plus que les auteurs restent impunis. 

L’auto-attestation de sortie (ou l’art de mobiliser l’autocensure), le QR-code, l’innovation biomédicale inoculée sans étude clinique aboutie sur l’homme, le chantage à la vaccination, le pass, la suspension des soignants en France… tout le monde s’y était habitué, ou presque. Pourtant, l’exercice du pouvoir, par l’intermédiaire de mesures légalisées, aura été d’une violence peu commune. L’exercice du droit et l’expression de la pulsion ne sont jamais très éloignés l’un de l’autre. 


En quelques paroles, le 12 juillet 2021 le Président français transforme le geste médical qu’est la vaccination en un acte politique. Ce dernier devient nécessaire pour celui ou celle qui souhaite continuer à faire société. Le vernis du « libre choix » permet de condamner les citoyens qui refusent la vaccination : en les excluant de la communauté et en les rendant coupables/responsables de leur auto-exclusion. 

Il n’existe pas d’un côté la psychologie individuelle et de l’autre la psychologie sociale. D’une façon générale, les discours qui courent dans la société interviennent sans cesse dans la vie de la personne, comme modèle, comme soutien, comme adversaire, etc. La pratique de la psychologie ou de la psychanalyse n’est donc pas intemporelle, elle dépend de ce qui se passe dans la société. Les grandes mutations historiques impliquent toujours des mutations cliniques. La subjectivité des gens change au fil des évolutions sociétales. 

La dimension politique de la parole peut conduire à un paradoxe : le sujet peut se perdre dans les objectivations du discours[note]. Cette aliénation provient de la civilisation scientifique. Le patient arrive parfois avec une explication sur son symptôme : « J’ai lu que c’était lié à un problème du cerveau. Ça doit être ça, c’est mon cerveau qui est malade ! ». Lacan dénonce cette objectivation constituée par une science qui commande dans la civilisation universelle. Cette science permet au sujet d’oublier sa propre subjectivité jusqu’à le déshumaniser. Il y a donc une dimension idéologique de la science au sein de la cité et de la façon dont elle est accueillie, comprise, énoncée. Nous pouvons observer des effets potentiellement pathologiques que le discours scientifique peut avoir sur les sujets. 

Comment cela peut s’entendre ? Le sujet ne soutient plus sa particularité. Toute sa communication est ravalée du côté d’un homme rationnel qui objective sa vie. Sa subjectivité, sa singularité disparaissent partiellement. La personne se soutient d’injonctions rationnelles : elle s’y soumet et en même temps s’en fait le relais. C’est ainsi que l’adhésion à la vaccination s’argumente des discours entendus et des slogans commerciaux : « Tous vaccinés, tous protégés ! ». Pour ensuite énoncer : « Moi, je me vaccine pour protéger mes parents. ». 

Lors de la crise sanitaire, le discours à l’œuvre présente deux faces. De façon empirique ce que nous observons c’est une exigence de la vaccination. Mais ce que dissimule cette exigence n’est ni plus ni moins qu’une attente d’obéissance des citoyens. Nous pourrions déduire que si la personne se fait vacciner, c’est qu’elle est en accord avec celle-ci. Mais il s’agit évidemment d’une farce. De nombreuses personnes ont fait le choix de la vaccination sous la contrainte et non pas parce qu’elles le souhaitaient. Un acte politique donc. De fait, refuser la vaccination devient également un geste politique. 


Freud a toujours envisagé le religieux comme une illusion. Mais le religieux ne se réduit pas à la religion. Il évoque, d’une façon générale, les dogmes en tant qu’ils résonnent comme une réponse à des souhaits infantiles. Les dogmes ne sont pas le fruit de la pensée ou de la réflexion. Il s’agit de réponses au souhait infantile de protection face à l’angoisse du petit d’homme quand ce dernier constate l’impuissance de ses parents (à le protéger, à le soigner, etc.). Tous les enfants y sont confrontés. L’état de désaide de l’enfant crée des conflits psychiques qui ne sont jamais totalement surmontés, mais qui, à travers le souhait vont pouvoir être dépassés vers une illusion admise par tous. La religion, dans sa promesse de vie éternelle et de justice est l’une d’elle. Mais il y en a beaucoup d’autres possibles, dont la science et la médecine. 

Une illusion n’est pas la même chose qu’une erreur. D’ailleurs, une illusion n’est pas non plus nécessairement une erreur. Une erreur serait, par exemple, de penser que le coronavirus provient d’une chauve-souris qui se serait soulagée sur un pangolin alors que les dernières publications laissent de moins en moins de place à une origine naturelle du virus. Ne doutons pas que cette hypothèse fera son chemin. 

Une illusion renvoie plutôt à un souhait intime. L’illusion se rapproche donc de l’idée délirante, mais elle s’en distingue par sa simplicité. L’idée délirante est souvent une construction complexe. Là ce n’est pas le cas. L’énoncé est simple et se résume à « vaccination = protection ». Par ailleurs, si l’idée délirante est en contradiction avec la réalité effective, l’illusion, elle, n’est pas forcément fausse. Le souhait est donc au premier plan, et on laisse de côté son rapport à la réalité effective (Freud, 1927, p.31–32). Si certaines « solutions » proposées lors de la crise Covid19 sont impossibles à discuter c’est parce qu’elles répondent à un souhait qui contrecarre l’angoisse. La vaccination est l’une d’entre elles, solution indiscutable comme peut l’être le sacré. 

De nos jours, la religion s’est dissipée, mais finalement elle laisse la place libre à d’autres doctrines. « Si vous voulez éliminer la religion de notre culture européenne, cela ne peut se faire que par un autre système de doctrines et celui-ci reprendrait d’emblée, en vue de sa défense, tous les caractères psychologiques de la religion, le même caractère sacré, rigide, intolérant, le même interdit de pensée. » (Freud, 1927, p.52). De nos jours la médecine s’est partiellement substituée à la religion. Bien évidemment, elle ne répond pas à la question du mystère de la présence de l’Homme dans l’univers, mais elle prescrit désormais un ensemble de comportements qui pourraient « sauver », « protéger » impliquant le traitement du corps (hygiène, sport, alimentation, sexualité), et non plus seulement l’organisme. La médecine a progressivement étendu son champ d’action jusqu’à l’intime. La sexologie peut ainsi prodiguer des conseils sur la fréquence des rapports nécessaires à « une bonne santé ». 


Du fait de la civilisation, nous devons consentir à renoncer à une partie de notre satisfaction pulsionnelle. Mais l’opposition pure et simple entre civilisation et privation pulsionnelle serait trop simple. En effet, le renoncement et le sacrifice des pulsions attendus relèvent des fonds religieux de notre culture (Freud, 1927, p.10). Notre conscience morale en témoigne. 

Freud a découpé le psychisme en différentes parties. Le surmoi est l’une de ces composantes[note]. Dans l’intimité la plus profonde de l’être humain, le surmoi est une instance hypermorale. C’est un peu notre « Jimmy » Cricket intérieur, l’œil qui nous regarde et nous juge : « Je dois manger moins de sucreries », « Je ne devrais pas être si agressive avec mes enfants », « Il faut que j’arrête de regarder d’autres femmes que mon épouse ». Nous entendons dans ces petites phrases combien le surmoi exige le sacrifice de la pulsion. D’ailleurs, parfois, chez l’une ou l’autre personne, tout le pulsionnel a disparu pour ne laisser la place qu’au surmoi. « Je dois aller faire mon jogging », « Il faut que je porte le masque », « Je dois manger équilibré », « Je dois prendre rdv pour la 4ème dose », etc. 

Aussi difficile que cela puisse paraître, le surmoi puise ses forces dans les pulsions elles-mêmes. Les caractéristiques en sont identiques et la personne en retire la même satisfaction. Les pulsions peuvent être envahissantes et féroces, le surmoi également. Le sujet prend son pied par l’accomplissement des pulsions, il en retire la même satisfaction en répondant aux commandements du surmoi. On peut donc y observer le même débordement : le surmoi peut tout dévorer sur son passage. Très curieusement, il ne dépend pas de l’éducation reçue. Il y a certes une indépendance, mais l’expérience montre qu’un enfant peut présenter une conscience morale sévère alors même que ses parents se sont toujours montrés indulgents à son endroit[note]. 

Le lien entre pulsion et constitution du surmoi nous permet de comprendre comment une société entière peut s’engouffrer dans un totalitarisme soft, quelles que soient les habitudes antérieures des personnes qui composent cette civilisation. 

La vaccination n’a pas manqué d’être présentée aussi comme un acte moral. Le surmoi a été convoqué : sacrifier sa personne pour le bien commun, renoncer à son désir ou à ses hésitations pour « sauver » l’autre, les anciens, les plus fragiles. La haine de soi peut être tapie dans l’ombre de cet appel. D’ailleurs, ceux qui en font l’apologie n’hésitent pas à diriger cette haine contre ceux qui ne sont pas vaccinés. Assument-ils leur choix ? 

Pour conclure. Certains propos tenus par des hommes ou femmes politiques peuvent parfois résonner comme un appel à l’abnégation. Mais où arrêtons-nous l’autre dans cet appel ? À quel moment indiquons-nous notre refus ? Il est nécessaire d’afficher notre désaccord et de l’assumer pour énoncer notre limite à l’autre. Une condition pour soutenir la vie dans notre civilisation. Parfois, il vaut mieux être rejeté qu’être accepté trop vite, ne pas toujours répondre positivement aux « bienfaits » de la civilisation. « L’inconscient, c’est politique ! »[note] car ce qui lie les hommes entre eux ce sont les discours, véritables opérateurs du lien social. À chacun de se positionner. 

Barbara Houbre 

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Reality « post » Covid

State of the struggles (2)*

For almost three years, in terms of political awareness and the constitution of new social bonds, we have witnessed something quite exceptional, which gives hope about the possibilities of real change in society[note]. The Covid event has indeed played, in spite of itself, a role of political lever allowing an awareness that was made concomitantly to the destruction of certain myths that were essential to a lasting voluntary enslavement. 

The main myths that allowed and still allow us to maintain our model of society are :

The state is there to do us good;

The purpose of the media is to inform us; 

Allopathic medicine[note] is at the service of people’s health and well-being; 

Educational institutions train citizens;

Governments and multinationals want to be « green », concerned about the biosphere.

If it is certain that nothing will be the same as before, it is no less certain that those who benefited most from these collective illusions will do everything possible to perpetuate the mass submission that these illusions ensured. Covid-19 was an experiment on a planetary scale, the tools that were useful for its implementation will be, and are already, recycled to be applied to other fields, such as the  » fight against global warming « . Klaus Schwab, mentor of governments (Macron, Trudeau, De Croo, etc.), has explained it well in his various books-agendas, including the famous Covid-19: the great reset[note].

The social division

The beginning of the Covid-19 event in March 2020 stunned individuals, creating two groups that became more distinct with time: those who from the beginning, or afterwards, were not anchored to the official discourse, and the others, who accepted the injection — and sometimes that of their children, and obeyed without resistance to governmental injunctions, justifying them personally if necessary. For the latter, the more time passes, the greater the risk of never admitting to the manipulation they have undergone[note] — one can also think that the time put to realize the spectacle that constituted Covid-19 is inversely proportional to the degree of conscience of the individual before this period (that is to say: the more he was with the knowledge of the world, the more quickly he dropped out of the official narrative of Covid, and vice versa).

For the first group, all the illusions listed above that were still blinding the subject did not collapse at the same time, but being intrinsically linked, like dominoes, the fall of one could only lead to that of the others. But these illusions fulfilled a role for the subject — as for the symptoms in neurosis -, assuring him a certain balance, precarious but necessary to life in society. This has not been without effect: their disappearance causes a form of imbalance in the person which can, roughly speaking, take two forms:

A personal disillusionment, which can manifest itself by depressive symptoms due to the collapse of a world, of this violent exit of the « Truman show », accentuated by a feeling of impotence;

a partial or complete change of life, anchored on the revealed certainty that the person was previously an active participant in the evil that must now be fought.

The awakening was brutal, which explains why some people still get lost in the labyrinth of the new found consciousness and go to pick here and there in all the available information, not always being able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, the perfect caricature being the one who will reject all « official » information and will acquiesce to the rest without checking (internet being also at this level a form of infinite reference of disinformation). Critical thinking is built over time.

The fact remains that Covid acted as a federator, a relational ferment that brought all those who disagreed with each other into agreement. The « end » of the Covid narrative revealed differences among people, galvanized as they were by the struggle against Covid omnipresence (and omnipotence). This is a good thing, as has been said, but it is also what marks the fragility of the construction. Because once the « great evil » Covid-19 has been removed from the media and political life (overnight, from the beginning of the war in Ukraine), people find themselves among themselves facing their differences. The focus on the Covid had indeed partially obscured who they were, and who they were not; they now discover that the other is sometimes different from what they thought, often idealized. The relegation of the C‑19 to the background of our lives, in addition to seeing a certain number of resistant people disappear, has thus brought to light conflicts and caused depressive passages that the overactivity had put on hold. This return of individual suffering has also been marked by an intellectual cacophony, where the flow of « new » information (new to the individual), creates a global confusion, making it go from 9/11 to gender ideology, stopping at man on the moon and the power of finance, without explaining — and sometimes understanding — each of these points too well.

We thus discover that the other was not only a being reduced to fight against the same thing as us — the Covid-19 Event -, that it is different, a third. And it is precisely this otherness, this difference, which tries to be denied today, the State wanting to reduce us to monads interchangeable at will, and modifiable to the liking of individual desires. All in agreement, all together.

What to do then? Realize that change will only be possible if everyone accepts to lose something. That all this will not be done without debate, without disagreement, without struggle, because as Slobodan Despot says in an interview to be published in the next Kairos[note],  » consensus is a foretaste of the peace of the cemeteries . However, we prefer to focus on what brings us together rather than on what can separate us. 

Those who want to impose their world on us want us to divide ourselves, to waste our time in quarrels that take us away from the most important thing, they also want us to be sad, good« consumer » subjects. 

Let’s not give them this gift. 

*This article is the second in a series on the state of the struggles. Find the first one here:

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The vaccine or the door?

Je te risque, tu paies… telle est souvent la réalité du fantassin qui met en péril sa vie sur la ligne de front. Cela pourrait aussi être la devise de l’armée belge en 2022 après presque 3 ans de Covid. L’article ci-joint « Le vaccin ou la porte ? »[note], est tiré du journal « La Sentinelle », revue d’un syndicat militaire réservée aux membres l’ACMP-CGPM. Il montre qu’aucun enseignement n’a été tiré de ces trois années dans les plus hautes instances de l’armée, et encore moins à la Défense.

Extrait du journal de l’armée La Sentinelle

Il n’est pas courant de découvrir aussi clairement dans un article émanant d’une instance officielle ce double langage propre au narratif Covid, nous rappelant un des slogans de 1984 de George Orwell : La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. Si celui-ci date de 2021, fin 2022 les sources internes à l’armée nous indiquent que rien n’a changé (voir document 1 et 2), leur imperméabilité au réel étant prodigieuse, à l’instar de toute la caste politico-médiatique: même chantage, après deux ans, maquillant inlassablement une obligation sous couvert de liberté, marque de la perversité, bafouant le principe de non-contradiction : « Le vaccin n’est pas obligatoire mais il est nécessaire pour certaines activités », traduisez : vous devriez avoir le choix puisqu’il n’est pas obligatoire, mais étant « nécessaire », entendez indispensable, vous n’avez pas le choix, il est donc obligatoire. D’ailleurs, la Défense indique en réponse à l’armée : « Il a décidé au sein de la défense que la vaccination contre la Covid-19 était dorénavant une condition indispensable pour qu’un militaire puisse rester dans la catégorie d’aptitude opérationnelle A (CatOps A). Le vaccin Covid-19 n’est pas obligatoire mais il est indispensable (sic) pour pouvoir partir en mission ».

Document 1Télécharger

Vous pouvez être « libres », mais vous le paierez

Celui qui fera le choix de ne pas se faire injecter un produit expérimental n’aura pas les mêmes perspectives de carrière que celui ayant obtempéré. Même si l’armée tente de se protéger en indiquant préliminairement que le refus ne peut légalement pas faire perdre la qualité de militaire, ce préambule ne fait qu’accentuer leur délire contradictoire et leur rejet de responsabilité : « Légalement, le refus du vaccin ne peut pas directement conduire à une perte de la qualité de militaire (démission d’office, inaptitude définitive, …). Cependant, il est clair que, par exemple, un militaire BDL ne pouvant être CatOps A pour cause de refus de vaccination ne met pas toutes les chances de son côté (Sic) s’il tient à évoluer comme militaire[note]. Il en est de même pour un candidat qui ne pourrait plus être CatOps A parce qu’il ne veut pas être vacciné ». Entendez pour cette dernière remarque, que les candidats militaires qui voudront partir en mission seront sélectionnés sur base de leur statut vaccinal. En toute illégalité donc. Et si ce ne devait pas être assez clair : « Les conséquences d’un refus de vaccination sont alors très importantes et signifient pour le personnel concerné un fameux frein (sic) dans la carrière opérationnelle. Par exemple, si un pilote d’A400M refuse de se faire vacciner, il va de soi que son futur en tant que personnel naviguant est sérieusement compromis, tout simplement parce que la composante Air ne peut pas faire « grand chose » d’un pilote qui ne peut plus partir en mission. Pareil pour un marin à bord d’une frégate, un para-commando, etc. Les militaires dans cette situation risquent en outre de s’opposer à des tracasseries (sic) : mutations défavorables, refus de formations, mauvaises évaluations, … Une stigmatisation (sic), voire une forme de pression morale (sic) qui peut à terme les pousser à démissionner  ». Menace, incitation à la délation, discrimination institutionnalisée…

Document 2Télécharger

Le plus consternant n’est toutefois pas cette obligation qui ne dit pas son nom, mais le fait qu’après autant de mois et de recul sur la « vaccination » contre le covid 19, les autorités militaires n’aient pas évolué concernant cette problématique. Car il est aujourd’hui évident que l’injection Covid n’empêche ni l’infection, ni la transmission, ni les formes graves, et que cela était connu bien avant que des centaines de millions de personnes soient inoculées à travers le monde. Comme l’indique le journaliste spécialiste en santé, Xavier Bazin, dans son dernier ouvrage, « Injectés dans les muscles, [les vaccins anti-Covid] ils avaient très peu de chances de bloquer l’infection. Ils risquaient au contraire de favoriser les contaminations silencieuses. Et parce qu’ils contenaient une seule protéine du coronavirus, ils risquaient fortement de favoriser des mutations, donc des variants… et de faire perdurer l’épidémie indéfiniment »[note]. Le journaliste poursuit, évoquant la forte probabilité que le « vaccin » puisse faciliter les formes graves plutôt que de les empêcher : « Peut-on imaginer qu’un vaccin puisse aggraver la maladie, plutôt qu’en réduire la gravité ? Est-il pensable que les autorités aient pu nous faire prendre le risque de subir une forme plus grave de Covid-19 à la suite de la vaccination, en cas de mutation du virus ? La réponse est oui. C’était même un risque reconnu tout au long de l’année 2020, au moment où il était encore permis de poser des questions sur la vaccination[note] ».

Pourtant, toutes les campagnes de vaccination européennes, même si elles sont aujourd’hui moins intrusives, incitent encore les citoyens à se faire injecter afin de limiter les formes graves. Sur les différents sites du gouvernement fédéral, on peut lire que : « le coronavirus est particulièrement dangereux pour les personnes de plus de 65 ans ou pour les personnes qui souffrent de certaines maladies ». Si cette assertion peut paraître mensongère dès lors que les traitements « alternatifs » (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectine, Azithromycine…) ont été écartés dès le début, mais aussi que les malades n’ont pas été soignés à temps, envisageons toutefois cette dernière possibilité. N’est-il pas dès lors interpellant que la composante médicale de l’armée ait imposé la vaccination contre le covid 19 à l’ensemble des effectifs susceptible d’être envoyé en opération, vu l’âge moyen du personnel militaire ?

En résumé, la composante Médicale dit préférer prévenir que guérir, mais ne finira-t-elle pas par devoir guérir tout court ? La vaccination contre le covid-19 est fortement recommandée par l’armée, pour une population qui n’est pas à risque, en parfaite santé et entraîné, quitte à mettre la santé de son personnel en péril.. Il présente dès lors des risques d’effets indésirables non négligeables, qui pour le coup, peuvent générer des difficultés de prise en charge sur le théâtre d’opérations. Une myocardite ou péricardite ne se traitent pas par une mise au repos de quelques jours. Pour reprendre l’exemple de l’article, il est difficile d’imaginer quelles seraient les conséquences de ce type de pathologie pour un pilote d’Airbus A400M, au bout du monde, en phase décollage. L’article de 2021 envisage d’ailleurs cette possibilité d’effets secondaires : « Nous avons aussi demandé à l’autorité si la Défense interviendrait en cas de séquelles ou complications à la suite de l’inoculation d’un vaccin contre la Covid-19 (…) La Défense n’accepte aucune responsabilité spécifique » : « Toute complication qui serait la conséquence de la vaccination contre la Covid-19 ne pourrait être constitutive d’un accident du travail. En effet, le risque de la vaccination en tant que tel n’est pas lié à la fonction de militaire » ».

Il est scandaleux que cette vaccination soit poussée, promue et encouragée, à tort et à travers, mais qu’en cas d’effets indésirables et/ou d’incapacité de travail, l’armée se dédouane de toute responsabilité. Cette expérimentation est globale et cette injonction paradoxale, ici exprimée avec évidence dans le discours de l’armée, mais qui est l’apanage de tous les gouvernements occidentaux. Toutefois, il aurait été cohérent que le commandement militaire se libère de ses chaînes politiques dans l’intérêt de son personnel dévoué, dans l’intérêt du peuple, et non dans celui d’une caste politique au service de l’oligarchie. 

Tout cela ne présage rien de de bon. Souhaitons toutefois que quelques-uns parmi les soldats, le personnel administratif, les sous-officiers, le personnel technique, les officiers, aient, à l’instar des soignants suspendus en France, refusé d’être victimes de ce chantage odieux.

Si c’est le cas, soyons sûrs que ceux qui les poussent à s’injecter, rejetant la responsabilité sur celui qui a le choix de ne pas avoir le choix, n’en diront rien…

Jérôme Delforge & Alexandre Penasse

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External contributions

To the end of an absurd logic

Of amazement. This is the violent feeling I had when, walking towards my workplace one gloomy autumn morning in Brussels, this poster jumped out at me, like a spider’s web caught with full force. The image of a smiling, radiant, confident face. That of a sixty-year-old man, a grandfather with reassuring wrinkles, rich in experience, making with his left hand the « V » sign of victory, that is to say « V » for  » vaccinated »:  » To protect myself and others, I say yes to the booster. Why stop there? « .

« The bigger the better », Jacques Chirac used to say with great finesse. In a few words, this pro-booster slogan, which was supposed to reach us like an obvious fact, revolted me to the core, witness that I was, among many other silent spectators, of the field of ruins generated by two years of a scandalous and calamitous sanitary management, in terms of public health. Forever etched in my memory is the bitter memory of our health ministers reducing their mission essentially to that of « ministers of Covid19 « .

What about this anxiety-inducing climate artificially developed by the systemization of high-sensitivity PCR tests, the positive cases of which were largely asymptomatic? Whatever the pathologies of the hospitalized or deceased people, as long as they tested positive for Covid19, they inflated Sciensano’s statistics. What about mental health in this diffusion of fear? What about the wearing of masks imposed on children? What about the isolation of individuals? What about the consequences of the economic disaster caused by arbitrary commercial closures and successive confinements? What about the monstrously underestimated side effects and deaths that have occurred as a result of these experimental RNA gene inoculations, called « vaccines »? What about my wife, who has been suffering from cancer for several years, suddenly suffering from acute myocarditis within ten days of her second dose, and whose tumors multiplied with lightning speed, to the great dismay of her oncologists, eventually taking her away in several weeks?

It is thus a question of this promotion campaign organized by Coronavirus.Brussels this autumn, under the umbrella of the Brussels public administrations, in consultation with SPF Santé Publique, of boosting the « booster », that is to say a fourth dose of this famous « vaccine » having demonstrated all its effectiveness against Covid19, and its less and less formidable variants. Logical. As soon as it was launched, this « vaccine » undoubtedly prevented the transmission of the virus, it was obvious, hammered from morning to night in the media. We were all morally, and then under the liberticidal threat of the health pass, obliged to « vaccinate » ourselves massively, including young and healthy adults and health care workers. Not only to protect yourself, but also to protect others, especially the elderly. To « vaccinate » was to paralyze the circulation of the virus. The health pass, a permit to travel.

The information did not make the headlines: this argument collapsed this October 10, 2022 in the European Parliament. At a hearing, Pfizer’s President of Global Markets, Janine Small, said that no tests showing that the « vaccine » prevents transmission were conducted before its intensive distribution. Therefore it was not demonstrated that being « vaccinated » protected others, since it was not demonstrated that the virus was stopped by the « vaccine ». And I hear some ostriches these days talking about the return of a sanitary pass this winter. My arms fall off.

In the same way that the numerous wars undertaken by the USA and its allies are decided for humanitarian and democratic reasons, it is obvious that the Covid19 crisis has allowed to demonstrate, obviously, that the neoliberal system, so honest and disinterested in money, totally alien to any systemic tax evasion, is above all concerned with the general interest of the populations, and particularly the most vulnerable. This new fact must be emphasized. To « vaccinate » oneself against Covid 19, an act moreover recommended without constraint by the WHO, an international institution mainly financed by private capital, without any conflict of interest of course, was a gesture of sanitary… and social solidarity. Duly noted.

The Holy Grail was the quest for herd immunity, in other words, the lucrative distribution of billions of doses on the global market. A « vaccine » immunity whose effects last only a few months, weakening in the long run the immunity of the « vaccinated » subject, who is encouraged to receive a booster once or twice a year. To the end? Until the end, hurried or not, of his life? This risk exists. It is real. Fortunately, the contracts signed by Ursula von der Leyen exonerate the pharmaceutical dealers from any responsibility.

Until the end, with the will to follow the absurd logic of our authorities, wouldn’t it be more appropriate, to convey in our public transport, on the Brussels territory, even in the whole country, and elsewhere… the attached alternative poster?

Theo Poelaert

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Appel du 10 décembre 2022

Le 10 décembre, diverses organisations à travers l’Europe demandent aux gens de rompre le silence et l’omerta médiatico-politique, en brandissant partout où vous le pouvez des portraits de personnes victimes de l’injection du produit expérimental censé protéger contre le coronavirus. N’ayez plus peur!

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Call of December 10, 2022

On December 10, various organizations across Europe are asking people to break the silence and the media-political omerta, by holding up everywhere you can portraits of people who have been injected with the experimental product that is supposed to protect against the coronavirus. Don’t be afraid anymore!

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Our new literary season

« Only free men are very grateful to each other.« Spinoza
We have to agree: most of the blogs of the resistance (the « conspiracists », as the innumerable CIA offices established in the West to supervise almost all the mainstream media say), are often very badly written. My explanation on this subject is disarmingly simple: God (if you’ll pardon the expression) does not discriminate between people. Those who are struck by the grace of truth have won the lottery, period. They have been given the opportunity to feel the deep political truth of our apocalyptic era; no matter how they are extracted, they must participate in the unveiling of this truth. There is simply no choice: it is a task, a vocation that cannot be cut. Many educated people, scholars, graduates, etc., will have understood absolutely nothing about the crisis we have been going through for the last two and a half years; and many modest people, with hesitant spelling or syntax, « commoners » as Kant would have said to illustrate the notion of « respect » (basically: a big-headed scholar who does the opposite of what he or she says deserves nothing but contempt, an uneducated peasant who obeys the moral law with his or her finger respect), understood perfectly what it was all about. The truth speaks through their mouths, no matter how clumsy the language.

Thank God (if you’ll pardon the expression), there are also considerable talents of the pen in the resistance, and even genius. We will see that it is an understatement to say so. As Nerval wrote (and I quote from memory), the Republic of Letters is the only one that must be tinged with aristocracy: for the one of intelligence and talent will never be contested. The proof (roborative) right away.

But before we get into the subject immediately, let us note that the title of this article (« Our rentrée littéraire »), does not refer to any strict « actuality ». All the works I will report on have been published this year, but rather before the summer. This is salutary: if there is something that, for more than half a century, has predisposed us to attend without slackening the installation of a totalitarianism of which those of the twentieth century were only the antipastis, it is one of the principal predicates that Debord attributed to the society of the spectacle: what he called « the perpetual present ». « What the Show can stop talking about for three days is like that which does not exist. For it then speaks of something else, and so it is that which, in sum, exists. » In the insipid world of French literary people, it is quite the same: one « literary event » keeps chasing another, and, of all the media circus that has been covering all authentic intellectual life for half a century, there is never anything left. Daily newspaper supplements, award folklore, media tours… Everything is done so that truly singular, innovative writing never emerges, and leaves room for almost totally standardized and sanitized books, those that are so precisely called « current events ».

The last two and a half years have thus made official what I had sensed for a long time: from now on, everything important that is created, in literature as elsewhere, will be done, until an event of worldwide magnitude liberates us, in hiding. And this is, all in all, very good: in times of absolute consensual coercion (I always say that consensus is when the assholes suck our blood), of totalitarianism new lookFreedom and sovereignty, without which no creation worthy of the name is possible, must live hidden, in order to live happily. And, compared to the steamroller of the « perpetual present », to dig in societal basement another temporality, which escapes the sacrosanct « current events of the day ».

And the least luxury allowed by such a temporal hygiene is that, among the hundreds of books and the few dozens of magazines that I could read on the subject that concerns us (the « Covid », what else?), one can in the long run sort on the shutterand select only the very best, the cream of the crop, the literary VIPs of the resistance. We then see with wonder a real alternative culture taking shape, a kind of aristocraticunderground , with feathers all more incisive, original, and enthusiastic than the others. I have therefore chosen to chronicle three books and one review.

I’ll start with the most literary of all the books I’m going to talk about. It is a certain Guillaume Basquin, author of several essays (on cinema, on cult writers such as Jean-Jacques Schuhl or Jacques Henric), of a first « novel » which has nothing to do with a novel (Paper book), director of the Tinbad publishing house (where the book is published, 2022) and of an eponymous magazine (which I have not yet been able to consult) and a specialist of Joyce (and of many other things, as we shall see).

The book is entitled: The Splendid Story. What is it about? Let’s let the main person concerned speak, in the back cover: « The splendid story is (…) the title of a book project abandoned by Arthur Rimbaud. » Which « spent his days reading and writing at the British Museum », to make this book « a real success ».the true history, literally and in every sense« The last sentence is from Rimbaud himself. Basquin, in this noble wake, proposes to « tell in the most polyphonic way possible the real background of History, on more than forty centuries, until the global accident of the instantaneous communications that was the crisis of the coronavirus, while mixing the languages in a Babelian way ».

Excited by this attractive program, we open the book. The dedication that zeroes in on the very first page doesn’t beat around the bush, and sounds a bit like the « You who enter, leave all hope » that opens Dante’s The Divine Comedy :« For my conspiratorial friends, not for the public. » One continues, and here is that one finds oneself in front of a radical distortion of the syntax, the typographical rules, the current punctuation, etc.: « I imagine the beginning of a book / in the beginning was neither the verb nor the emotion nor the sex: in the beginning was the cum! I imagine the beginning of a book / in the beginning was neither the verb nor the emotion nor the sex: in the beginning was the cum! & the cum was in the man ». We are on the move. From the outset, references that will recur throughout this book-monster telescope: the rhythm of Céline, the verbal syncopations of Guyotat. But we will meet many other references in this whirlwind text: Dante, Rimbaud, Guyotat and Joyce of course, the Bible, Greek and Roman authors, Hegel, Marx, Villon, Shakespeare, Sade, Chateaubriand, Lautréamont, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Artaud, Debord, Sollers, Daney, Canetti, Deleuze, Beckett, Schuhl, Boccaccio, Proust, Orwell, Huxley, Melville, Rabelais, Cervantes, Agamben, Pasolini, Genet, Hölderlin, Foucault, Burroughs, and so on.

This avalanche of authors, to which Basquin does not hesitate to measure himself to show us that he does not have the covid of the eyes, are as well abundantly cities throughout the torrential textual flow that grabs the reader by the throat from the very first page: but without ever the slightest quotation marks, and without most of the time saying whose sentence it is. It’s a kind of blind test for the literate reader, a kind of Sollers with sympathetic ink (Sollers exasperated a whole part of the public of his time by spending his time quoting the authors they read; not me, so exquisite is his taste in the selection of quotations: he is a virtuoso scholar of the rarest kind, comparable only to Borgès) One thinks especially of Isidore Ducasse, the real civic name of the Count of Lautréamont: « Plagiarism is necessary. Progress implies it. » And so to Debord and the situationists, great readers of Lautréamont: what they called détournement, that is to say, extracting a sentence from its context and placing it elsewhere, like a textual Marcel Duchamp. Walter Benjamin, a major writer-philosopher who will return more than once in this article, dreamed of making a book that would be composed of nothing but quotations; and Thomas Mann spoke of human existence as being a « life in quotation », which was a good idea, especially in these times: some prefer to quote the WHO, governments and the media mainstream, others prefer to quote Rimbaud, Artaud or Debord. There is some of this in L’histoire splendide, but in « trance » mode. And so I’ll do the same thing in abyme: this article will be largely « quotational » (but with quotation marks!). More generally, I will quote a lot of passages from the authors I review, to make people want to read them.

The real killer of The Splendid Story, which makes it irresistible, is its pace. Intoxicating, varied, virtuoso, it is he who envelops all the other immense qualities of the text (style, encyclopedism, modern lyricism, implacable lucidity on the time). This is why, more than Lautréamont, even more than Joyce, it is Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy (an unjustly ignored classic of Anglo-Saxon literature in French-speaking countries) that L’histoire splendide reminds us most of. The same constant cheerfulness of tone, the same airy grace of phrase, the same digressive freedom, the same almost psychedelic burlesque.

The book is divided into five parts. In the beginningThe first, whose opening sentence we quoted above, is a sort of hallucinated self-presentation of the author, coupled with an exposition of his project, resolutely turned, like a war machine, against the franchouillarde merchandise sold under the label of « novel »: « to limit oneself to a single story — a story — what an overignominy! » Later in the book, Basquin will say that « the novel as conceived by almost all my colleagues — colleagues in quotation marks that I cannot render here without this periphrase — is a moribund & worn-out genre by repetitions — of no interest to me — fi of the traditional plot! » No, this novel for newsstands (i.e. of the same level as the indigestible propaganda paper they contain), very little for Basquin (further on he will write: « there is no difference in substance between a newspaper & a vomitory: when one has puked it up / one feels better / & there is no other possible treatment »). These novels do everything to spare their reader’s comfort, in the sense of railway of freedom (« you are free to go where I tell you to go » says to us in substance the system since two years and a half, that is to say since always), is what the mass tourism is to the expedition in Amazonia. No, because « nothing is more frightening than a labyrinth that has no center — this book is exactly that labyrinth ». This literary Amazonian jungle, this real textual UFO in the current editorial train, we have it well and truly at hand. The proofs in a row.

The second part of the book is entitled, appropriately enough, « A Thousand Novels ». It takes the lion’s share of the books. It is divided, indeed, in thousand fragments, whose durations go from a few words to a few tens of scandalized sentences, there again without traditional punctuation, and of a poetry sometimes almost unbearable: « the knowledge killed the sun / & transformed it into a ball of gas / sown with spots — the knowledge killed the moon: it is not any more but a small dead earth — riddled with extinct volcanoes as by the small pox ». Or again: « I am a swallower not of swords, but of sabers — I compile the Egyptian mysteries / the Greek & Latin oracles / the rites and predictions of the Druids ». Or again: « incantation is the original form of poetry — & that’s why Pierre Guyotat was one of the greatest poets of the last half-century: the soldiers / helmeted / open legs / trample / restrained muscles / newborns swaddled in scarlet shawls ». You’d think you were there, especially in these times…

Nuggets like that, you will find hundreds of them in this river-fractal, abyssal part. This whole part makes us think of an equivalent, in language experience, to the Descent into the Maelstrom of Poe, my poet of bedside, and that Basquin could have perfectly « diverted » in his metapoetic symphony: « The edge of the whirlpool was bordered by a broad belt of luminous foam; but not a parcel slipped into the mouth of the terrible funnel, the interior of which, as far as the eye could plunge there, was made of a liquid wall, polished, brilliant and of a jet black (.…), turning on itself under the influence of a dizzying movement », and so on. It is exactly this kind of dizzying sensations that the reader of The Splendid Story is exposed to, mentally. And he asks for more.

I have deliberately used the word durations above : so much the question of musicality, one will have understood it, is essential to understand the nature of this book. There is regularly, in mirror, a side of « Traité du style », and this new rhythm that one meets in Basquin’s writing is explained point by point, for example the reasons why he maltreats the punctuation: « the punctuation it is the clutch / the clutch of the writing — the equivalent of the claws of the projector in the system of the cinematograph — ». Then, « 243: for a new bookish physics: the book will be quantum or it won’t be! » And Basquin totally keeps his promise: it is impossible, in a small article, to even scratch the surface of the poetic, semantic, epistemological and cognitive wealth of such a book. The equivalent, indeed, of a quantum bomb on the brain. To make the transition to the third part (and also to the fifth), let us quote fragment 216: « zombie comes from the Creole zombi which designates a dead person who has risen from the grave & made a slave of a voodoo sorcerer: this sorcerer’s name is for example Bill Gates ». That’s poetry in the strongest sense: to say everything, in one sentence. And, here, the entirety of an era is summarized in a single sentence as lightning.

I promise you, but this is the most impossible thing to put in an article: it is the way Basquin manages to make periods drawn from forty centuries of anthropological journeys collide. For example, fragment 57: « during the international crisis of covid-19 / nothing was more stupefying than the whole masked Chinese PC — the postmodern Gorgon appeared to us well under this form — very few were those to oppose him / like Perseus formerly / a modern magic shield: to close all the taps all the pipes / absolutely infected / of the continuous information ». Or again, even more dense and tangled, fragment 639: « in Epidemics / real dangers & false alarms by Pr. Didier Raoult I learn this: Napoleon’s Grand Army / during its retreat from Russia / was largely decimated by a typhus epidemic spread by lice — about 30% of the soldiers were infected according to a retrospective study by taking samples from the teeth of corpses in a cemetery in Vilnius — Raoult reminds us of an episode of War & Peace of Tolstoy where Peter observes the enemy soldiers throwing their lice into the fire / which cracks — as if very often epidemics play a considerable role in History / killing most of the time much more than weapons / from the Peloponnesian War to the Great War of 14–18 / passing by the invasions of the Americas by our forefathers — & if / in this crisis of the covid-19 / China had defeated us without shooting a single bullet? » Or, less historically dense, but even more edifying for today: « finally / and after much reflection / the worldwide reaction to the new coronavirus resembles in many aspects (CONfinements and masks for all) the so-called four pests campaign — rats / flies / mosquitoes & sparrows — from 1958 to 1962 in China when Mao decided the killing of all birds flying in the sky of the People’s Republic of China & that because the birds of the sky were stealing the wheat / corn & rice grains that belonged to men — verbatim: our comrades must kill the birds because they are thieves and no one steals the food of the citizens with impunity / I say: not even the birds of the air have the right to steal the bread of men & working animals / & if the birds don’t understand this / then we kill them all / as we kill criminals — every Chinese comrade has the right to kill the bird that dares to land on the soil of the People’s Republic to steal grain — but when there were no more birds in China to eat the worms & but when there were no more birds in China to eat the worms & insects / locusts devoured the crops & the land of China produced nothing — all the crops were compromised & there was a great famine & the country of China became desolate & ruined: 30 million starved to death — that’s what happens when you see things from one angle — lack of dialectical thinking & great leaps forward often breed monsters & produce the Evil you didn’t want to do. » I would simply contest the last point: it is not at all sure that Mao, who was more of a perverse sadist than a « well-meaning » psychotic like Hitler or Stalin (because Hitler and Stalin wanted to The fact that Mao, who had been in power for a long time, and who was sincerely concerned about the good of his people, and therefore « sticks » much more to Basquin’s conclusion than the case of Mao), did not bring down this absolute calamity, along with a few others (Cultural Revolution, etc.), on his country in a completely deliberate way. In any case, one can only appreciate the relevance of the comparison with what we have been enduring for the last two and a half years, and which makes one think of Pr Perronne’s remark: as if, in order to chase a fly out of the room, we had set the house on fire. This is why Mao’s famous phrase, which his groupies repeat over and over again, « a spark can set the plain on fire », has always seemed to me to have been understood in the wrong way, as a call to revolt which, by some lucky butterfly effect, could turn into an insurrection. Rather, it appears to me, in retrospect, as the perverse syllogism of the most convinced and self-conscious exterminationism ever. And if you replace « Mao » with « Gates », you can no longer have any doubt about the intentional nature of these policies of devastation; but I’ll come back to that later.

Let’s have a feast among friends, by concluding the chronicle of the most seismic part of the book, the richest, the most infinite (it’s a book I’ll reread regularly all my life, like all the classics), by this tribute to philosophy (but Basquin can have some pretty harsh words about it, cf. fragment 384, I will answer him elsewhere), and a dedication by proxy: « philosophy teaches us to doubt what seems obvious to us — propaganda / on the contrary / teaches us to accept as obvious what it would be reasonable to doubt — Aldous Huxley — any resemblance with the current situation of covid-19 would of course be quite fortuitous I dedicate this thought to Jean-Dominique Michel ».

The third part, therefore. It is soberly entitled Terror, and intends to establish the roots of the evil that has been eating away at us for decades, and has been exposed to the public since March 2020. It is, of course, the revolutionary Terror, initiated during the French Revolution and continued until Pol Pot or the Shining Path, passing through fascism and Nazism, to culminate in an absolute way in covidism, covidiotism, covidarchy or covidocracy, as one will want to call it. From the very first lines of this part (« since the world is the world & since men kill each other, never a crime has been committed without its author having found an appeasement & I knew that I would meet the names of not only Nietzsche, but Joseph de Maistre, Baudelaire’s favorite essayist, specialized in the polemic against the French Revolution, and a stylist of the first rank (like all the authors I am talking about here). Bingo.

As a philosopher, I like in art (literature, music, painting, cinema…) the strength to violently deport myself out of my comfort zone, to see if my conceptual conceptions are robust enough to resist such experiences. I say this in passing, because this third part is undoubtedly the most philosophical of the book.

The insights are in any case dazzling: « it is in the name of Jean-Jacques Rousseau that we ended up cutting the necks of young priests & enthusiastic young noblemen — it is in the name of Karl Marx that the Stalinist dictatorship spilled torrents of workers’ blood — & it is in the name of the boomers that we destroyed a year of our youth’s life in 2020–21 ». So be it! Impeccable diagnosis, and without appeal. But it cannot be ruled out that Rousseau or Marx (as well as Darwin, for example) have been made to say a lot of things that they never said. We will come back to this in its place. What counts here is the transition to the denouement of the book, the « sanitary crisis »: « there seems to be nothing left but the Terror to make us think that something is still going on & that’s why the covid-19 has occupied so much the pages of the media: the sanitary Terror is the last fight between men ».

We approach the denouement, with an « intermission » (Why I write such good booksagain, « hijacking » a chapter of theEcce homo of Nietzsche), a fourth part that fits in two pages: the fifth part, entitled « Diary of Containment » (well seen!), which begins as follows: « in the beginning was the virus close to the Big Bang clap ». A torrent follows, as at the end ofUlysse of Joyce, of prose devoid of the slightest punctuation: an « interior monologue » on the delirious and irrational world of the covid-19, and its grotesque parody of the Kantian categorical imperative (« live, think and act, in all circumstances, in such a way as not to catch the flu »). Even if Basquin went, in the antepenultimate part, of his diatribes against the French Revolution, there is here a small side « Committee of Semantic Public Salvation », and the nominal guillotine is at least generous. The whole world of Davosian biopolitical collaboration is represented: Macron, Buyzin, Véran, Lacombe, Preciado, Barrau, Salomon, Cohen, Thunberg, Cohn-Bendit, Zizek, Blanquer, Coccia, Bergoglio, Depraz… The heads roll one after the other at the feet of the reader, to his great delight. I’m not going to talk here about catharsis, of which I’m a specialist, but I don’t think less of it; and here, it’s very heavy, and very good.

There are still many vibrant tributes to the Jean Moulin of contemporary biopolitics, namely Didier Raoult, the most defamed public figure of all time in the French-speaking world. Let’s rewind a bit to the second part, which set the tone: « Professor Raoult invited to Pujadas at LCI / best of : there is no science without intellectual conflict — there is no scientific progress without polemics (from the Greek polemos / war / then polemikos / which concerns war) — defeatism (nothing can be done / so stay home & take Doliprane) / it’s the same as Pétain in 1940 facing the Germans: a cowardly capitulation: there is nothing more to do / we surrender: very little for him — I salute you here / old Raoult! »(The wink here — I spoke earlier about blind test with sympathetic ink — is to the Songs of Maldoror, where a whole sequence chants « Hail, old Ocean! »).

Let’s go back to the concluding part, which quotes Raoult himself: « when the informant multiplies by 20 a risk of mortality & divides by 100 another risk we are no longer in an exaggeration we are in another fucking world Dr Raoult we think all the same you are a genius ». On the other side, the message is rather: « you are all going to shut your mouth or fuck it (…) the absolute dream as no totalitarian state has ever dreamed of ».

The book concludes with a biting Epilogue , where the « normal » punctuation is finally restored. There are concrete proposals to give back to all the collabos of the « covid crisis » the change of their coin, and that I leave to the reader’s dilection.

Because that’s what it’s all about: the first world civil war in our history, as I’ve been saying to the public for a year and a half. Basquin : « it’s like guerrilla warfare as theorized by T.E. Lawrence of Arabia : a rebellion can be led by 2% active elements & 98% passive sympathizers — the few active rebels must possess qualities of speed / endurance & ubiquity / as well as the technical independence necessary to destroy or paralyze enemy communications ». First target: « the idiot in chief Bill Gates ». If you think I’m enthusiastic, think again: rereading myself, I still find myself too tender with this announced, and absolute, masterpiece of the history of literature; if of course the earth has not been transformed into a radioactive crater by then, so that Ukraine can enter NATO.

Let’s move on to the second book, Les indomptables, subtitled: Au-delà de l’effondrement (Talma, Paris, 2022), and prefaced by Louis Fouché. The author, Tristan Edelman, is a « total work of art » in his own right: before being a new and prominent writer, he is a choreographer, musician and energeticist. He has the IQ of an Oxford physicist, the erudition of Borgès, the physique of a Greek god (he is fifty years old, but one would give him just thirty-five). The common thread of his book, also very digressive and multi-polar (but in a very different style from the previous one, more intimate and slower), is the death of his two parents.

The book is in the form of a Journal. One thinks of an improbable mix of Montaigne (for the eclecticism and the variety of styles used), of Lévi-Strauss (for the meticulousness of the anthropological details) and of Genet of Journal du voleur (for a certain poetics of wandering). It is divided into two parts: Niki and Bernard. These are the two first names of his parents; in the case of his mother, it is an abbreviated nickname for « Nicole-Edith ». Both of Tristan’s parents died in 2020, the fateful year we all know, so this is a book of mourning, a kind of free-face death poem.

The first part accompanies Niki’s long agony through countless hospitals, each more sinister and cruel than the last. This breakdown of the health care institution precedes the « covid crisis, » as the book begins in January 2020. As soon as Tristan’s mother enters the system, she begins to experience a real way of the cross, a medical Golgotha. One thinks very strongly of Sokourov’s sublime film (argh! a Russian! Rauss!), Mother and Son, of which Les indomptables would be a kind of literary remake .

What Tristan’s prose shows is the decay of not only the public but also the private hospital: « The private one is necessarily better, since we pay a lot. They have acquired the latest high-performance technical equipment for pneumopathy; let’s not be picky. The most important thing: equipment, efficiency, expertise and money! Humans are secondary, harmful: they make mistakes. » Tristan falls from the sky, and quickly realizes that the private sector is not catching up with the public sector in any way. « I enter the clinic. A filth made of sterilizations and invisible detritus. I want to puke. Too many people. Immigration is piling up. A tension in the waiting and in the reception. Saturated staff seem to wander by chance. » He goes to his mother’s room. « At the bottom of the bed, entangled in the dirty pipes, bathed in a yellowish chiaroscuro, with that lingering smell of urine and bleach, I glimpse my mother’s face. Staring intently at the wall, she bites her lips. Underfed, abused, ignored, she struggles with depression. In a few days, she has lost a lot of weight. »

Faced with this private fiasco, our hero (what else can we call him?) takes his mother away from this lousy clinic to Bichat. The catastrophic reception, the interminable wait, the impossibility of knowing in time what was happening to her mother are described: in the end, « two consecutive strokes. The first in the private clinic Pasteur before the passage in the ambulance, where she loses the use of the body, the second in the public hospital Bichat, during the admission where she loses the use of speech. »

Tristan oscillates from then on between chronicle of the hospital ordeal, and retrospective digressions where he draws up the portrait of his mother: her passion of the first hour for political activism (and the numerous related readings, in particular Marx and Lenin), her complex relationship to the word and to writing, the obsessive link which unites her to the truth and to reality, her passion for psychoanalysis, her sickly modesty: « Unable to get physically close to her children, unable to express her emotions directly, unable to contact her wounded body and her failing memory, she had listened to the depths of her word until she melted into it. »

Tristan sees every day, ever more appalled, that the hospital is doing his mother far more harm than good: « I should have kept her at home! » It turns out that we have the real subject of the book, a subject that is particularly close to my heart in my philosophical work: Evil (System of the Pleonectic, Diaphanes, Berlin, 2020, eponymous entry). « The words of Hanna Arendt, « Banalization of evil », resonate differently: the more massive the crime, the less it is considered a crime. It becomes a fatality that leads to resignation. One of the effects of industrialization is to make crime odorless. To make it politically correct by means of blackmail, infantilization and guilt-tripping. To set in motion a cascade of disaccountability which falls on the citizen, so that he feels guilty of a barbarity which escapes him. Sometimes, we open our eyes. The future of an awareness. In my case: through pain. » One thinks here very strongly of Nietzsche’s word: « To understand the world from suffering: that is the tragic. »

Because yes! There is indeed, in Tristan’s book, the rediscovery of the way, forgotten by the philosophical tradition (from the exclusion by Plato of the Poet out of the City), of a tragic wisdom. Here again, nothing that could touch my philosophical fiber more: since I work in the wake of those who, like Hölderlin, Schürmann or Lacoue-Labarthe, will have wanted to reopen the access to this tragic knowledge that the essential of the philosophical tradition will have wanted to forget.

« Here, then, the health system is destroying Mam: intubation, artificial ventilation, taking anticoagulants late in life, endless protocols, examinations, antibiotics, injections, impossibility of sleep and recovery, poor nutrition, misdiagnosis, erroneous information, lack of nursing staff, lack of beds… Result: physical and mental decay. » And such is the « modern tragedy » according to Schürmann: the pathetic . Already two centuries ago, Hölderlin had genially announced what would be this « pathetic condition » of the modern subject: where the tragic death, for the Greeks, took a flamboyant, heroic and sacred form, we, we are summoned to raze the biopolitical walls, and to endure an atone, miserable and sordidly profane death: « Because it is there the tragedy, for us, that we leave the world of the living, packed in a simple box ». What Jean Beaufret still called, commenting rightly Hölderlin, the « tragedy of the slow death ».

As expected, the pandemic and its even more deleterious effects, like a kind of cerebral Theban plague, are invited into the modern Tragedy of « covid-19 ». From biopolitics, the reflections of the book slowly but surely slide towards politics, tout court: the « instrumentalization of the Covid virus » is organized everywhere so that, « from the fear of death and blackmail to social survival, an oligarchy always more concentrated, relying on the confidence and the submission of the crowds, organizes the terror. This has as its goal a banal restructuring of industrial Capital towards digital, the training of peoples for collective normalization, the acceleration of the utopia of the new man in the mode of cyberconformism. »

Here I irresistibly thought of the words of a contemporary thinker, philosopher and psychoanalyst, whom I have followed closely for more than two decades, and who answers to the name of Pierre-Henri Castel. His public silence about the events of the last two and a half years surprises me, so much what he wrote these last years, which is an innovative and sharp analysis, there again, of the question of Evil, was prophetic (I advise in particular, and all business, the reading of one of the most important books of philosophy of the last years, Pervers, analysis of a concept, Ithaques, Paris, 2015). Let’s judge instead: « It would be absolutely unreasonable, it would even be politically absurd and dangerous not to start from this hypothesis: the powerful know. They didn’t wait to read this. This is why, instead of talking about insensitivity and blindness, or even denial or auto-intoxication with pseudo-science, we should also seriously consider, in the face of the Evil that is coming, the possibility of a conscious and deliberate lie on the part of a few whose interest we underestimate, not only in denying, but in aggravate (to their benefit) social and natural imbalances. For (…) it is enough that only a few of us go ahead of us today on the path of our growing certainty of the end, and all the very real practical effects of this growing certainty will follow in cascade, up to the last ones, that is, to the worst. »(Le Mal qui vient, Cerf, Paris, 2018).

Like Basquin, Tristan observes the shipwreck of the overwhelming majority of intellectuals in the face of the blatant installation of a delirious biopolitical tyranny, with a scathing irony: « New blow of fate: the millennium virus! Without surprise, here are our ersatz intellectuals of the left who go straight to confine themselves by criticizing from their balconies « the bad management ». Always their balconies. Very few have questioned the total confinement and the madness of the 2.0 project which is as big as Pinocchio’s nose in the middle of the face. There is indignation after the fact. We criticize afterwards. We think afterwards. (…) They who speak of « event », of « situation », of « capital », of « fascism »… well… when that happens under their big tense nose, they remain interdicts. The beak nailed. A yellow vest, a crown virus, a lot of cops in the street, and here they are, staggering with their mouths open. The same people who were doing acrobatics about the free secular Republic without a veil on their face, here they are bawling in a plastic mask, a dose of artificial RNA in their blood and a QR code as a tattoo. » Cruel and severe, but perfectly fitting. The left-wing intellectual roars like a lion, but acts like a sheep.

Tristan then accosts (after very beautiful asides on his long stays in Vanuata and Brazil) the crucial event that were, for him, the Yellow Vests. He denounces the slanderous work of the media, the fierce repression of the government, as well as the misunderstanding of the overwhelming majority of the left, « radicals » included. As a yellow vest told me one day: « The extreme left? They are white bourgeois graduates, who only speak to other white bourgeois graduates, while claiming to speak of the people, for the people and in the name of the people ». Tristan’s Marxist-Leninist mother, after a very brief moment of hesitation due to her ideological formation, joined the movement and threw herself into the arena of rallies, demonstrations and traffic circles. « For a Marxist-Leninist like my mother (…), it was unbelievable to listen to her defend the peasants and not only the workers, to defend the small entrepreneurs and shopkeepers and not only the wage earners and the civil servants, to defend the whites and not only the immigrants »: I know some who, on the side of the bourgeoisie of the « radical chic », should learn from it… The analysis that Tristan develops on the Yellow Vests is one of the most accurate, in the sense of accuracy and in the sense of justice (hello Etienne! Chouard by name), that I have ever read from the pen of an intellectual.

The denouement itself begins, as in any tragedy: the end of the medicalized agony, the implosive death in the Hölderlinian « box ». These are pages of anthology. « In the center of the twilight between dog and wolf, I wake up. When the terrible hour whispers the secrets of your life. The signs line the windows. The gaps of the shutters write what must be written. (…) I return in her room. I place myself beside her. Suddenly, she stands up and takes my hand. She looks me straight in the eyes. (…) It is the strongest moment of my life. The most striking. A brand that you discover and that has always been there. A brand that accompanies you from birth. Maybe even before. The seal of continuity between life and death, between birth and the end. That from which, outside the grammar and logic of linear time, the flow of memories is elaborated. Listen to this silent mark. I listen to this silence. Here is the crucial point of a life and of an era. The ultimate meeting point of the transmission. The last message, the key to the enigma. I listen to this link on which we imagine the wildest and most contradictory constructions. » I can only encourage the reader to discover the following, which is truly sublime, in the sense of philosophical of the adjective: that which exceeds on all sides our capacity to measure an event, that which puts in failure our reason, that which carries the meaning of the words to the limit of the syncope.

Let’s move on to the second part, entitled Bernard, after his father’s first name: and that’s why I have always said Tristan here, and not Edelman. This is not out of misplaced familiarity (well, a little, and I’ll conclude this article on that!), but because Father Edelman was a jurist and essayist of great renown (« to the point of being designated by his peers — during his lifetime — as the greatest French jurist »). It seemed to me that in all respects, given the nature of the book, it was more appropriate to call him by his first name (Tristan of course, not Bernard).

Incipit The forced isolation of confinement exasperated melancholy, physical deterioration and the need for contact. Many of the older people who lived through World War II let themselves deteriorate during confinement. This is known as the slippage syndrome. They do not want to relive the absolute horror. The sensation of such a repetition is unbearable. They prefer to consciously or unconsciously let themselves slip — to death. »

Bernard Edelman is one of the victims of the « slip syndrome ». He is Jewish. He is a legal genius. He understands perfectly well what is taking place. His son visits him, he can’t write anymore, he wanders in his library like a ghost, himself haunted by his own memories: horror in abyme. He said to his son: « You see, during the war, when I was a hidden child, I experienced bonds as a threat. Today, everything is done to destroy the bonds. Before, I was in the cellar, now I’m in solitary. I am a helpless witness to isolation through terror. I feel like I’m going backwards. I don’t envy you my son. You’re in the prime of your life and you’re going to have to deal with an end of the world. »

Tristan then begins to retrace the path of the Ashkenazi Jew who is anxious to assimilate to France: he must show his love for France, for the Republic, for the institutions, and above all for « Europe-the-good-idea », which today leads us to the worst catastrophes imaginable. This « categorical imperative » of the newly-educated immigrant, Tristan explains, can only lead to a state of permanent anxiety: «  ‘the integrated’ will have to show the greatest possible zeal, but there is always more, and no one is indispensable.

Comes the Augustan, or Rousseauist, part of the confessional part. To give an idea of the intimate bond between him and his father, Tristan does not mince words: « My father took care of me like a mother. A Jewish mother who fills you up without worrying about your ability to receive. » Bernard keeps projecting himself into Tristan, « who puts you on top while you are still dragging yourself down ». « Then comes puberty: you are suddenly a rival, a wild animal. (…) However, Der mamen (in Yiddish, mom in all her glory) always wishes the best for you and, above all, that you be the best, even though it will always be impossible to be better than her. » Everything is said in this typically Jewishly humorous sentence (Tristan, even though he is not initially « technically » Jewish since his mother was goyim, was converted to Judaism, by ds Lubavitchs). But it’s not over yet, little Tristan is still growing. And, as a teenager, we move into the « all stepmom and no dad » phase. Let us judge rather: « The father is absent behind the Balzacian stepmother. It is no longer fashionable feminiarchy but an old school matriarchy : untimely judgments, acts of verbal violence, physical assaults, military rituals, food punishments, confinement, seclusion, psychological belittlement… »

Here, one is entitled to wonder if the fact that Tristan’s mother was a goyim does not explain this early « mortal transference » of the father into the figure of a « whipping mother », as Tristan also says (I have written a lot about sadomasochism in my philosophical work, we can talk about it again). Let’s remember that Niki, the mother, was a psychoanalyst, and that Tristan told us about her extreme modesty and her total stinginess in terms of physical signs of affection. The father coming to substitute himself, baldly as it is necessary, to the lack left by the maternal function, the result was run in advance. I may be wrong in this exercise of wild psychoanalysis; let Tristan prove me wrong.

Here, for dozens of pages, begins a « novel within a novel », more exactly a book within a book, since it is not a novel, and even more exactly a novel within a book, but not just any novel: a novel in the form of a dialogue, as was done in the eighteenth century. I might as well say that this is the most philosophical passage of the book, and therefore the one that speaks to me the most; and, for this very reason, it is the one I will speak about the least (as with Basquin…). Because, as in those dialogical novels of the eighteenth century, in the manner of Diderot (one scandalously underestimates the crucial importance that Rameau’s Nephew or Jacques the Fatalist had on the German philosophy that was to follow by a generation), the subject is almost impossible to summarize in a brief space. So I admit to myself that I am defeated: these dialogues are so dense, so rich in intellectual nuggets, that I give up trying to render their content. Above all, they obey a logic that is so specific to them, and the whole of the comments, on nearly forty pages, are so closely related to each other (i.e. it is impossible to understand the content of such and such a page without having read the whole I’ll just draw up a kind of (non-exhaustive) menu: starting with an essay on the fable of the wolf and the lamb, we’ll discuss themes as diverse and as hot as private property (hello Davos), reason and instinct, law, war, bioethics, technoscience, transhumanism, culture, the wage-earning system, progressivism, neoliberalism, sacrifice, intellectuals…

As with the previous part, the denouement arrives with velvet steps. Tristan describes how, long before the « Covid crisis », his father accepts his own death, first resolving to be a civic undead. « He knew that human madness could come back at any time and turn everything upside down. That it could erupt again and send you to the death camps. » Penetrating considerations on the relationship to language follow: « France was the French language. The French language was its first and last reference point. Writing was the consecration of the language. Its shield against reality, its escape from reality. » This whole passage speaks to me, who learned everything in Arabic until the age of eight: the French language as a weapon. « Rationality was an effective weapon, but language had the last word. To write well is to think well (…) Modernity hates language. It prefers the algorithm. »

The father’s agony thus begins with a loss of confidence in the prophylactic powers of language: « I saw his blood flow into the cartridges of the pen, his skin melt into the papers of the books, and his soul leave for the melancholy heights of the utopian sign. (…) When he confided in me, ‘I can no longer find meaning in writing,’ I understood that this was serious. He had lost the axis of his life. The end was near. He was no longer moving from his pigeonhole, his ivory tower, his tomb. (…) I understood that if I wanted to have — at last — a real dialogue with my father, I had to go back, and dive in my turn, to the holy place of the crime, where he had disappeared in the greatest discretion: his library. » A few poems follow: one by Bernard, one by Niki, one by Tristan. Curtain.

The book concludes with an epilogue, which begins as follows: « Time of crisis. Dear friends are dying. Too many brutal myocarditis and rapidly degenerating cancers. I am in permanent mourning. (…) Governments try to impose the idea that being a citizen with full rights is a temporary merit and that becoming a second-class citizen, an outcast, an outcast is a choice. » Tristan then describes the innumerable positive encounters he has had with the covidist swindle, to rebuild the world on a healthy basis, building new associative structures on all levels: « We understand, with our commando of jurists, parliamentarians, journalists, heads of networks and organizers of demonstrations, that we have arrived at the limit of the law, of democracy, of free information and claims. When a government crushes, with undisguised pleasure, the Constitution, the liberties, the information and the people, it is necessary to move on to another form of counter-power along with another form of society. « Amen.

The third and last book canonized by this column announces the color without sparing us: La fin du monde moderne, by Salim Laïbi (Fiat Lux, Marseille, 2020). Of all the authors we deal with here, Laïbi is, by far, the one with the most sulphurous reputation. Because of his past frequented pans (Soral, Dieudonné, Nabe…), because of his pan-Arabism and pan-Islamism, Laïbi is a golden example of what Debord called a « bad reputation »(Cette mauvaise réputation, Gallimard, Paris, 1993), in intellectual circles and far beyond He may have explained himself at length, and not with the spoon, about his past mistakes (Nabe has a foaming hatred for him, Soral considers him today as his « worst enemy in the world »); he may have developed, via dozens of authors from his very fine publishing house (Fiat Lux), a very intelligent, learned and rational vision of Islam and « Arabness », nothing has done. In the society of the Spectacle, the most normative that ever was, despite its incessant and hollow promotion of « democracy », « plurality » and « tolerance », reputation and brand image are everything, anathema and excommunication, without appeal.

I don’t care, or nothing. In these apocalyptic and genocidal times, no one will prevent me from seeing Salim (we did an interview, at his request, on my Colaricocovirus (Exuvie, Thervay, 2022); he didn’t know me until then, I knew him), nor especially from saying the greatest good of his work For a very simple reason: Salim is in my eyes a Hero and a Righteous, just like, say, Dr Perrone or Dr Mac Cullough, Dr Zelenko or Dr Ochs. This man is saving lives, and not just a few. He is, and has been for a longer time than those I have just mentioned, one of the most formidable whistleblowers active in France today; for this, there is almost a price on his head in the mainstream media. In particular, his knowledge of the criminal workings of the pharmaceutical industry has very few equivalents not only in our country, but worldwide.

Laïbi writes as he speaks (he makes many digital programs that are very followed in the entire French-speaking world): with a gouaille sui generis. His language is a kind of Algerian Creole where the French language is constantly contaminated by improbable turns of phrase, imprecise adjectives, incongruous punctuations, brilliant neologisms (the « doctators », the « zeticians »). There really is a « Laibi slang ». Since French is clearly not Salim’s first language, he visits French as a alienand, as Deleuze would have said, it « makes the language stutter » from the inside, which is the condition, adds Deleuze, of all style. Hence the almost always « tightrope walker » character of the Laibian sentence: at any moment it threatens to lose its balance and to fall, and it always finds in extremis a strange expression that « catches » it at the last moment, and gives the whole sentence its drawstring singular. The Laibian sentence does not cease to stumble, and however always ends up falling on its feet, in the metric sense of the term: there still, it is this absolute unicity of the rhythm of the sentences of an author which strikes them of the seal of the style.

The style being the man, as everyone knows, Salim’s explosive temperament in life is transferred to his writing, whose energy irresistibly infects the reader, plunging him into a strange euphoria, despite the horror of all that is described. And for good reason: more than any other author on the subject, Salim has chosen to treat it with burlesque, with a panoramic scope worthy of a grand opera (like Wagner, or Richard Strauss first period): so we laugh a lot while reading this book to the disproportion of its subject. For maximum comic effect, Salim never stops using the psychiatric register: in fact, March 2020 marks the date in the history of humanity when the whole world went totally mad (with, as an experimental preview a few months earlier, the China of Xi Jiping, Bill Gates’ friend). The book describes an open-air planetary asylum, and it’s as hilarious as a Monthy Python sketch on LSD.

It is thus by a striking paradox that Laïbi joins the great « monsters » of the French language that were Rabelais or Céline, so terribly droll too, and with whom Salim shares a stratospheric sense of imprecation (jealous, Marc-Edouard? Hold on to the brush, I’m taking off the ladder). Proud of his « Arabness » like Artaban, Laïbi is nevertheless a French author, in the fullest sense of the adjective. Yes, we are dealing with a phenomenon that defies the laws of nature, a sort of modern Leon Bloy muslim .

Moreover, of the three books chronicled here, The End of the Modern World is by far the most extraordinarily documented and sourced. Blended into an incoherent verbal flow, we get a kind of messy and exhilarating French equivalent of the instant classic of another Hero, Robert F. Kennedy Junior, and his The Real Antony Fauci (Children Health Defense, Peachtree, 2021): once you have read both, it is difficult to know who is better than the other in terms of encyclopedic knowledge of « covidology ». They are, in any case, two irreplaceable epistemological and cognitive bibles for the fight we are all leading together (« Yeah! Yeah! »).

The book is divided into six chapters, a conclusion, plus numerous appendices. For reasons of textual economy (this article is already quite long!); because the first chapter takes the lion’s share (almost half of the book!); because the whole book is, I repeat, an inexhaustible geyser of knowledge impossible to summarize in an article; but, above all, because the five other chapters deal with something else than the « Covid Crisis ». Strictly speaking, I will content myself here, to make the reader’s mouth water, with going through this chapter, plus a comment on the conclusion, and a few words on the swarming appendices.

This first chapter is soberly entitled: Covid-19 and the media. Laïbi had not read Debord when he wrote this book (he seems to have made up for it since then, following our intervention), but finally, his analysis places him in line with the situationist critique of the Spectacle. I told you there was a lot of laughter in this book, and Laibi starts off very strong, highlighting an anonymous quote from the internet: « The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose you are protected. Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, restrictions can be relaxed, because the sixth dose prevents the virus from spreading. I am calm and believe that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we have no reason to fear the eighth dose. The clinical phase of the ninth dose confirms that the antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose. The eleventh dose ensures that no new mutations will develop, so there is no longer any reason to criticize the idea of the twelfth dose. »

The chapter begins by beating the chronology of the film-catastrophe scenario « Covid » (because we know that it was indeed a story written in advance, a « plandemy »). Like Michel Jonasz in the jazz box, Laïbi immediately launches into the description of « Absurdistan », when for example « we learn that a libertine sauna is congratulated by the police for its respect of the sanitary protocol, whereas the restaurants are still closed since 10 months! The Ferris wheel of Lille will be allowed to turn, but without an audience! »

Laïbi then goes on to dissect point by point (and, I repeat, his knowledge of the question is truly encyclopedic, this man is a rabid stakhanovist) the lies and the numerous blunders of the « Covid » governance. The wreckage of the public hospital disguised as « France is ready, we have a perfectly solid health system » by the tooth puller Véran, by the removal of 90.630 general practitioners when they should have been the first to be requisitioned if the « pandemic » had really been a pandemic; tens of thousands of suspended caregivers disguised by the same Véran as 3,000; announcements of hospital bed openings when thousands are being closed… the reader is already bombarded with damning information. The journalists, « manipulators and mythomaniacs », do everything to amplify the facts and figures when it suits the government, then to minimize them when it suits them too. The AFP, with a thousand examples to support it, plays a role that makes the state apparatus of Big Brother look like hopscotch.

Then comes the « Lancetgate », « the greatest scientific fraud of the century, certainly of all human history ». In reality, Laïbi shows us, this total corruption of scientific literature goes back much further, and he gives us the history of this long decadence, which Debord will summarize in a few sentences as always canonical: « When the all-powerful economy went crazy, and the spectacular times are nothing elseIt has eliminated the last traces of scientific autonomy, inseparably on the methodological level and on the level of the practical conditions of the activity of the « researchers » » (Comments on the society of the spectacleGérard Lebovici editions, Paris, 1988). Laïbi: « The most important lie will of course be the one about mortality. INSEE has published a paper estimating that 68,000 people will die from Covid-19 in 2020! Except that there is a tiny problem, a slight concern that requires urgent resolution. According to the official figures of the INED or National Institute of Demographic Studies, there will be 55,257 more deaths from all causes in 2020 than in 2019. How is it possible that there will be 13,000 additional deaths due to Covid-19 alone? It is impossible, it is mathematically inconceivable. (…) While Italy was presented as one of the worst performers in terms of Covid-19 mortality, it turns out that of the 130,468 deaths recorded by government statistics at the time of this report (Oct. 5, 2021), only 3783 would be due to the virus itself. The comorbidities were numerous and serious: 65.8% with high blood pressure, 23.5% with senile dementia, 29.3% with diabetes, 24.8% with atrial fibrillation, 17.4% had diseased lungs, 16.3% had had cancer in the last 5 years, 15.7% with heart failure… »

We then move on to the autopsy of the rule of law in our beautiful country, so notoriously « democratic » (as in all the French-speaking countries: Belgium, Quebec…), assassinated in the name of a total war against the flu, without the enormity of the thing making the bulk of our fellow citizens squirm. Laïbi points out the aberration that consists in setting up from scratch a « Defense Council » to fight against a virus: « it doesn’t make any intellectual sense », but authorizes as we know the government to cut back on all your rights until they are totally suppressed, so that you are left with only « duties ». The constitution of an equally artificial « scientific council » for the so-called Good of all is no less insane, if we look closely: « « Ms. Clarisse Sand, a lawyer at the Paris bar, explains in a video (…) how the Scientific Council that is destroying the French economy and the mental health of the French in complete illegality since it respects absolutely no rules governing its operation! » Laïbi then makes a copious inventory of the judicial anomalies that have dotted the Covidian saga. Then he moves on to the « Mc Kinsey case », this American consulting firm that already has chemical holocausts on its conscience in its country of origin. Among the many proofs of the case, the one of conflicts of interest, as with the Scientific Council; except that to counter this argument, « the Parisian press has invented a new concept adapted to this grotesque situation, that of conflict of interest by « weak interference »! So we have a conflict of interest, but it’s okay, it’s not too pronounced. It’s very small, insignificant, barely visible up close and even then, with a magnifying glass. » (Incidentally, that last sentence is a perfect sample of the « tightrope walker » nature of secular style, which I mentioned above).

Then comes the turn of our darlings, the TV doctors, starting with the champions in the field, the most corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry; the first one, a very high ranking freemason, has inherited a name that is disturbingly similar to the most famous pedocriminal of the Middle Ages, Gilles de Rais. « Now let’s talk about the conflicts of interest of media doctors, the talking heads, what the Americans call KOLs, or key opinion leaders . We are going to deal here with a few cases, the most illustrious ones, those of Karine Lacombe and Gilbert Deray. There are a good thirty of them that everyone can recognize on TV sets because they spent their time blabbering on the air instead of going to treat the sick while affirming that the situation was dramatic and that the deaths were counted in thousands. (…) I was even surprised to see on TV some morticians several times in the same day, early in the morning and late in the evening (Bruno Mégarbane)! » « Heroine » of the unprecedented slanderous persecution that has, for two and a half years, relentlessly targeted Prof. Raoult, by name the pathetic Karine Lacombe, Laïbi sets the record straight in one sentence, summarizing all the serious deontological delinquency of which the media « doctors » will be guilty: « By publicly speaking and expressing herself publicly on the subject, Karine Lacombe has never stated her links of interest, thus depriving the public of crucial information able to allow it to make up its mind about the credibility of the remarks she has made. » « Concerning Gilbert Deray, it is even more unhealthy, because this head of nephrology has nothing to do with Covid-19! Internet users have posted, notably on the social network Twitter, information concerning obvious conflicts of interest between Gilbert Deray and the company Gilead. However, he had posted on his Twitter account on June 26, 2020 at 7:02 pm a message in which he denied any conflict of interest with Gilead following an article published by the news website France Soir. » Here we are.

After having paid for the medical « heads of gondolas » of the televised platforms, Laïbi still mentions a phenomenon consubstantial with the society of the Spectacle: « the perpetual present » once again, which allows the Spectacle not only to lie shamelessly about almost everything, but even to replace the lies of the previous day by new ones every day that God (if you pass me the expression again) makes. « One can be wrong except that the cathodic morticians seem to be devoid of any humility and never apologize at all. On the contrary, they will come back 5 days later with new predictions a la Madame Soleil, all as wrong as the previous ones with the same arrogance. »

In the series « champion of Raoult-bashing« We obviously want Patrick Cohen. This one describes Raoult, after having presented him years ago as one of the greatest microbiologists and infectious disease specialists in the world, now portrays him as « the meeting point of the power of social networks, unbridled media coverage and », hold on to your hat (I would underline), « of one of the worst bouts of misinformation and anti-science offensive.« Response from our semantic pistolero « Slim » Laïbi: « While this clown doesn’t even know what a virus is, let alone differentiate it from a bacterium, while he has no idea what a statistical average, a chi‑2 or even a linear regression is, he dares to accuse Prof. Raoult of doing anti-science! »

Laïbi is unparalleled in his ability to detect the innumerable contradictions contained in the covidist mythology and its « medical terrorism », as he puts it. Anyone who has opened even one book on modern psychiatry knows that psychosis always arises from what mental health clinicians call double bindThe double constraint: two contradictory psychic injunctions, each of which pulls in the opposite direction of the other, and thus cuts the subject’s consciousness in two, making him psychotic. But, with the covidolepsy that has taken hold of a majority of our fellow human beings (not for long, if they are « vaccinated »…), it is no longer two, but ten, a hundred, a thousand contradictory injunctions that bombard the subject at any moment, H24 and 7 days a week. In the very last appendix of the book, Laïbi gives a few crunchy samples: « confine yourselves, but go to work / don’t meet, but show solidarity / stay at home, but do sports / the mask is useless, but it is nevertheless compulsory / to protect our children, let’s accept to mistreat them / to save our seniors, let’s let them die of loneliness in EHPADs / to avoid crowds, let’s close small stores / to reserve our health, let’s close gyms / to save our hospitals, let’s ruin our economies, etc. » My favorite being: « by staying home, I save lives ». And this is one of the most profound historical innovations of « covidism »: it is the very first time that a power, globally coordinated (another historically unprecedented phenomenon), consciously decides to do everything to make the population totally insane.

But the contradiction, Laïbi shows us, is in fact on all levels. For example, and still in the psychiatric register that supports all the devastating humor of the book: « Let’s go even further into the delirium. If the state and the teletubbies — real little doctors — had really wanted to save the lives of the French, they would have had to go further, much further in this hysteria and start by immediately closing down all McDonald’s and other restaurants in junk foodThis is because not only are they the cause of several million deaths each year, but they are also responsible for the most serious comorbidity in Covid-19, obesity. The latter is responsible for high blood pressure and diabetes. It is worth remembering that cardiovascular diseases are responsible for nearly 30% of deaths in France, just after cancers. That’s 180,000 of the 600,000 deaths in France each year; far more than Covid-19. » « And bang in the gums, » as Beckett wrote. Referring further to famine, Laïbi mercilessly demonstrates that « the sociopaths who make the world believe they want to save our lives have been allowing the deaths of nearly 10 million people every year — a majority of them children — for decades and everyone thinks it’s normal. »

After long pages devoted to demonstrating the ineffectiveness of confinements (another case of the school of public psychiatry, since the same authorities who impose this measure officially recognize that 80% of contaminations are in the family environment), then to the apocalypse of the side effects due to vaccines (notably on the serious dysfunctions of the pharmacovigilance, deliberately organized so that the least possible testimonies do not go back to the ANSM: well-ordered genocide begins with…), to the fundamental stupidity of the vaccine passport (again and again the psychiatric treatment of the public, by forcing them to do absurd things, since the vaccine does not prevent contamination, nor transmission, nor serious forms of the disease, as promised by the laboratories), and finally to the scandal of the EHPAD (sadistic mistreatment, Rivotril, etc.)

Here, Laïbi dwells on the terrible precedent of the product Oxycontin, an opioid (we remember that Mc Kinsey was involved in this « genocide », as Laïbi does not hesitate to write). Everything is already there: falsification of data showing that this « medicine » made its consumers addicted; mythology on the positive effects of this poisonous product; thundering advertising campaigns and heavy corruption of medical staff; concealment, as long as possible, of the disastrous side effects, in addition to the almost systematic addiction; etc., etc. Any resemblance… Laïbi: « But where it becomes demonic, where it really becomes a criminal mafia system, is when you see that all the associations and other pain academies in the USA are also funded by Purdue Pharma [the producer of Oxycontin, NDMBK] (…). They are all financed by the company and they all produce documentation that will be used to promote their deadly poison (…) But where it is truly satanic is when you realize that even the patient associations, also financed by Purdue Pharma, promote synthetic opioids! (…) Curiously, only 2300 complaints have been filed against Purdue Pharma while deaths are counted in the hundreds of thousands! » Any resemblance…

After this edifying pharmacological parenthesis, Laïbi returns to the consequences of the « lamentable and disastrous management of this crisis », such as the pauperization of the population because of the confinement: « 1 million poor people coming from all social strata (contractors, craftsmen, temporary workers, students…), that everyone can observe during the distribution of food baskets (…) the economic collateral damage is dramatic. It is also common knowledge that poverty leads to more illnesses and that unemployment is a cause of increased mortality ». Moreover, and this is what demonstrates, among many other proofs, that all this is perfectly concerted and deliberate, under the cover of a « health crisis », the total destruction of the French public health system, which was one of the best in the world four decades ago, has intensified as never before in the last two and a half years; notably of course with the dismissal of the horrible « antivaxx » caregivers by the modern biopolitical Inquisition.

As long as we are talking about a new look Inquisition, it is impossible not to come to the main executors of the dirty work in France of the governmental policy: the Order of Physicians. As everyone should know, but almost no one does, which says a lot about the state of our « democracy » (we’re not laughing), this institution was created in 1941 by Marshal Pétain, first to excommunicate Jewish health care personnel as quickly as possible, then to ensure that the goyim did not associate under any circumstances with Jewish women and men (as for treating them…). Everything was, in this respect, under high surveillance, and the friendly atmosphere of denunciation that marked the collaboration finds here a kind of very concentrated sample, and revealing of all the rest. In this respect, too, it can be said that institutions are not fundamentally different from human beings or animals: they have a DNA, persistent, whose « character » has resurfaced with force in recent years, relativizing even the atmosphere of permanent snitching and slander that prevailed under Vichy. I am writing these lines on the same day (September 13, 2022) that Professor Perrone was summoned to this famous Order.

But the historical liabilities do not end there. Laïbi tells us a lot about the other precedents of the said Order. For example: « The Order of Physicians, it is indeed this official corporation which was condemned by the justice for having protected during decades a serial rapist, the gynecologist André Hazout! Indeed, the Order will finally decide to strike him off only after his own condemnation by the Court of Appeal for his lack of reaction and despite the numerous complaints sent by the victims for decades. On the other hand, as soon as it is a question of professors Even, Joyeux, Perrone or Raoult… the decisions rain down and are very severe. » The writer I’ve been thinking about the most for the past two years? Sade, whom I have commented on quite a bit in some of my books (and Castel, the thinker I quoted above, even more than me). Institutionalized cruelty and torture, atrocity in power, the « society of the friends of Crime », said the divine Marquis.

This is followed by scrupulous and fascinating investigations on the hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin « affairs », which I happily skip, even if these passages are really reminiscent of a much more rock’n’roll, and French-Algerian, version of Kennedy-the-nephew’s Real Antony Fauci . I’ll go straight to this dazzling quote, which indeed makes Laïbi the worthy unconscious heir of Debord (who used a lot, in his definitive descriptions of the Spectacle, the word « conspiracy »): « Covidism is a real threat to the mental health of the French. The only culprit for the establishment of this cult is nothing else than the ultra powerful media apparatus. While the cults of the three heavenly religions have only managed to set up a single weekly mass, the covidist cult has managed to celebrate a daily mass, 24/7 for the past two years. » These sentences irresistibly reminded me of the sentences of an immense German Jewish writer and thinker, Walter Benjamin, who lived very poor and died of suicide on the Spanish border while fleeing the Nazis: « Capitalism is perhaps the only form of a cult that is not expiatory, but guilt-inducing… a monstrous guilty conscience that ignores redemption transforms itself into a cult, not to expiate its fault, but to make it universal… and to end up taking God himself in the fault… »

Continuing the deconstruction of the Spectacle with the argumentative scalpel, Laïbi attacks this time the unfortunately sedentary scam, in our « democracies » in rabbit skin, of the polls. The awakening is hard in this respect too, like the prophetic sentence of Goebbels: « Politics is the plastic art of the State »; and the polls constitute, within the ultra-subsidized media apparatus (otherwise none of these television channels, of these national radios, or none of these so-called « big daily newspapers », would survive for one minute more, so much they struggle every day to find takers), the most pudgy fingers of the manipulation of the masses. Laibi: « It must be said that these famous polls allow for hours of ranting on TV sets when there is virtually nothing to say. » As the title of the great filmmaker Douglas Sirk’s masterpiece says: Écrit on wind: and the polls are, always have been and always will be cognitive zephyrs, a simulation of a great collective fart, which allows the government to say to the media: « This is what the people think! He wants to vote for this, or for that, he is for or against this measure, he is rather fleshy, uh no, he is rather fishy: semantic flatulence that has no relation with reality. From the Show. Laïbi: « It’s a way to occupy space and time and to dress up one’s words with mathematical figures that will give them a semblance of credibility, at least that’s what the stage editocrats believe when never in history have the media had so little credibility. Even the media’s trust barometer is manipulated by the media, everything is corrupted to the core. »

Laïbi then analyzes the role of « dress rehearsal » that the film and television industries have played for decades in the indoctrination of the people, by getting them used in advance, by brainwashing, to the psychotic state nonsense they have been subjected to for the last two and a half years. Laïbi cites Walking Dead, or TWD , for example. How can we not agree with this analysis? I only want to add this: in addition to these anticipatory visions and therefore educators of horror that so many films and television series promote (and I talk about it a lot in my philosophical work because, like Salim, I consider the subject to be crucial), there is also, in a way at least Also visible, for four decades or so, the feeding of the media geese with stupid programs, stupid songs, stupid books, with an intensity reinforced year after year. A medieval beggar had access to Culture only once a week: by going to the Church, where the Show had all the same a different look than Loft Story or Les Anges de la télé-réalité (or, four decades ago, Dallas or Dinasty), and where the liturgical songs, it was incontestably something else than the sonorous turnips of Gold or Patrick Bruel, that we are obliged to undergo incessantly in the conditions of the « modern world ». I refer to Benjamin’s quote above: Capitalism as the most extreme and brazenly buffoonish Cult that has ever appeared on earth: culminating today in the open-headed delusion of « covidism ».

Let’s not throw any more away. All of the above is only a timid overview of the amount of information that Laibi provides us with in a continuous stream, over nearly five hundred very tight pages. And let’s go straight to the conclusion, which has a Leninist title: What to do? Answers: first, to unite and create links. « We must therefore counter this strategy of division and atomization of society into isolated individuals by recreating the network (…). If we take the example of this health crisis and the extreme difficulty for the sick to find, for example, Ivermectin to treat themselves, the network can allow it without much difficulty via a simple phone call. (…) We will also have to think about putting bartering back at the center of our commercial relations. It will not only be a question of exchanging goods, but also skills. (…) African societies have been operating in this way for a long time and this is what allows them to survive in hostile environments, being governed by thugs. Moreover, absolutely no one can stop you while the money is traceable and the mafia state can stick its nose in at any time. » Laïbi, who devoted a whole chapter of his book to the coming cataclysmic economic crisis (« we know that the ATMs will be emptied very quickly »), a chapter not covered in this article, prescribes us to buy gold, to stock up on food (« at least three months »), to make a vegetable garden in one’s garden if one has one. The second answer given by Laïbi to the Leninist question is to secede (a very good book published by Fiat Lux is called Secession, the Art of Disobedience, by Paul-Eric Blanrue). It is a clearly anarchist program, even if the adjective is never used. « The state has been transformed over the years into a monster as incompetent as it is insatiable, incapable of providing any welfare to society. (…) Governments are methodically destroying every day what has worked for decades. The deputies vote more and more laws that slow down any initiative. Worse still, this State which is supposed to manage correctly the affairs of the citizens becomes voracious since it takes more than 50% of the GDP of the country’s wealth while repeating all day long (…) on the media that the coffers are empty and that it is always necessary to have more taxes, contributions, taxes. Of course, the more taxes you pay, the less public service there is. » Secession has therefore become « the only possible and desirable solution to get out of this chaos and the stranglehold of this state; it is all the more urgent as we are currently observing the end of the rule of law for the past two years, which takes away all credibility. From the moment that the government tramples, in a single decision, as much the Penal Code, as the Public Health Code, the Constitution and the various international agreements and conventions signed, it must no longer be respected; on the contrary, it must be fought, denounced and rejected with determination. » This would not have been out of place under the pen of a Bakunin… Laïbi then denounces the phantasmagoria of universal suffrage and representative democracy, which, as mentioned above, only allows the parliamentary « elite » to pass laws that are each day more absurd and restrictive than the next. On this point Laïbi has a remark that tickles my philosophical ear: « Common laws must be few in number, extremely limited, in accordance with a known principle of law: « Freedom must remain the rule, restrictions the exception.« And indeed, in my philosophical work, where the question of game I demonstrate, on the basis of the reading of the The stolen letter that the best games are those in which the rules are the easiest to assimilate. For Poe, as for me, checkers is in this respect a much better game than chess, or Whist than Bridge. And, in the same reflection, I explicitly say that this truth about games must serve as a concrete paradigm policy The coming social contract must be minimalist, and, as Laïbi says, « freedom must be total for all, except for the great principles (theft, murder, rape…) ». Here again, it is quite explicitly that, in my reflection on the game, I use its paradigm to propose a radical conception of freedom, on which I will not dwell here, simply referring the reader to it (Pleonectic systemop.cit., eponymous entries « Game » and « Freedom »), eager to understand what could be a concept modernIt is a clear, distinct and fully intelligible form of freedom.

In short: I can only welcome with my usual libertarian enthusiasm Laïbi’s conclusive program. The book ends with thirty or so fascinating appendices, including numerous statistical graphs, columns by Laïbi himself (often vitriolic, on the intellectual loukoum Caroline Fourest for example), inflammatory rights of reply to media slander mainstream (Salim spends a lot of time in court, and almost always wins), texts of other authors (Agamben, Vigano…), one or two open letters… I have a particular weakness for Appendix 15, which shows drawings of 5- to 6‑year-olds who watch less than one hour of television per day, and then children of the same age watching more than three hours of television per day. It speaks for itself. My son being about that age (he’s about to turn seven), I dedicate this article to him. Because he told his mother, a few months ago, simply to never turn on the TV again, too anxiety-provoking for his taste. I congratulated and rewarded him for that, afterwards. There are hereditary reflexes that cannot be explained: for my part, I haven’t turned on the television for more than twenty years.

Three fuoriclass books, as we say in Italian, and, to finish this chronicle, a review. Ligne de risque is one of the best French literary reviews of the last thirty years, and certainly the most singular. It was placed, at its beginning, under the invocation of Lautréamont, and under the patronage of Philippe Sollers (still him, our beloved Pope of the literature!). Moreover, it has only gotten better with time (the previous issue, Unveiling of the Messiah, was very high quality). The proof: the last issue is simply exceptional(Ligne de risque nouvelle série, number 3, Sprezzatura editions, Brest, 2020). It is entitled: Insights on the Immonde, and is subtitled: or the road to servitude. In only seventy-two pages, we have an impeccable analysis of recent events, and one that provides an even different perspective than the three books we have just read. The Editorial sets the scene: « From one end of this wandering star that is the earth to the other, a strange virus, from March 2020, has suddenly deprived of interest everything that was not him. Assuming absolute power over an information bubble that is constantly being inflated to its own emptiness, it has imposed itself on us on all levels, like a domineering ruler who would put the defeated under his yoke. He was the talk of the media, and even in private conversations, he was the talk of the town. Under the aegis of rulers who were both perverse and absurd, we were constantly assailed by agonizing orders and exposed to contradictory recommendations, constantly biting at each other. In short, we have been worked, as they say in witchcraft. We have been touched; first of all our psychic apparatus. Our ideas and our ways of feeling, we shuffled them; we deeply modified our conducts, and likewise our automatisms. »

The summary, in addition to the Editorial, includes: a text called Notes on the cancellation in progress (to which I will return very quickly), another In the name of science, signed by Sandrick le Mager, which analyzes in a very fine way the unfolding of the events, and on a world scale. The third text is a selection of large excerpts from the Senate’s Information Report n°673, where the program of installation of the most delirious totalitarianism that has ever been is confessed at each line (« if a « dictatorship » saves lives while a « democracy » mourns its dead, there are undoubtedly other questions to be asked », genre. One will appreciate the use of quotation marks, which sound like two slips of the tongue). Then comes a tasty anthology of quotations from collabintellos of covidian cretinism, from Onfray to Badiou via Gulcksmann, Einthoven and many others. Finally, a short text by Julien Battisti against the electronic book, much less irrelevant than it seems at first sight, as we will soon understand.

I have chosen to focus on the jewel in the crown of this issue, Notes sur l’annulation en cours, signed by the magazine’s main animator, François Meyronnis. Meyronnis is a rare, discreet author of a handful of essays, including a prophetic De l’extermination considérée comme un des beaux-arts in 2007 (Gallimard, « L’infini », 2007), and of a few novels, most recently the magnificent Le messie (Exils, 2021), which I will discuss elsewhere. The text is therefore entitled: Notes on the current cancellation, and begins as follows: « I have been saying this for a long time, and my contemporaries were tapping their temples with their index fingers, or at least refusing to take the message seriously. My point was simple, however, and ever more obscenely blatant: the world has ended. She has already took place. » Meyronnis dates this beginning of the end of the world from 1914, of a process of self-annihilation which, despite the many red alert signs that have arisen since then, seems never to slow down, and on the contrary to go from acceleration to acceleration (pseudo academic theorists, « of the left » as it should be, thought they were original, a few years ago, when they wrote a Accelerationist Manifesto to argue that, all in all, the ever-increasing technological acceleration should be pushed to the limit, like pressing the pedal on a car without a steering wheel).

Meyronnis evokes, at the end of the « der des der », a Viennese intellectual who is as crucial as he is unknown to the general public, Karl Kraus, and who writes a play on this subject. « The title alone proclaimed a terrible truth, still valid today — The last days of humanity. Obviously,only a handful of seditious of the intelligence had the ears to grasp the scope of such a visionary word; among them, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Walter Benjamin and Elias Canetti », Basquin often quoting the latter in The story is splendid.

The central question of this whole affair comes up again, the one that haunts the whole of my philosophical work: that of the Mal. But here is what Meyronnis writes: « Considering the world history of the previous century, one thing is obvious — it is the fact that the world has become more and more complex. something has happened to evil. This has resulted in a displacement of the evil, whose strange light now shines on our terminal era; a milky and morbid light, which draws its radiation from this double focus: Auschwitz and Hiroshima. »

Meyronnis’ sentence is slow, aristocratic, precise; it hits the bull’s eye every time. And Meyronnis, by beginning his text with the evocation of the atrocities of the twentieth century, which we are in the process of surpassing with our hands and on all sides, leads us, under the cover of a « health crisis » put together from scratch, to nothing less than a gigantic digital concentration camp. « Whether we realize it or not, we have become the cattle heads of cybernetics. With the force of lightning, the spectral instant of the networks expels us from the present, depriving us of the past as well as the future. (…) Indeed, how could we be alive enough to counteract this enormous fraud? Which goes hand in hand with the connection of all places on the planet; and with the ensuing hegemony of the distance-free , riveting our bodies to possible annihilation. »

It is against this background, says Meyronnis, that we must understand the so-called « pandemic », as its imprescriptible condition of possibility. Without the digital cybernetic spider’s web taking almost all anthropological flies in its threads, no « pandemic » at all (we know the famous slogan of the demonstrations: « the media are the virus »). « As the crowned virus began to soak our brains, we had no idea that this enemy of man would soon rule from the northern to the southern pole, passing through all the meridians; nor that we would worship him like a pagan god, like an omnipresent and sooty voodoo. » Benjamin…

Meyronnis then beats the recall of the measures: confinement, distancing, closing of almost everything, masks, and, to crown the psychiatric grotesquery, « each Frenchman [devait] sign to himself a detailed authorization to leave his home, under penalty of fine; and worse, in case of recidivism. The absolute ridiculousness of this last measure, its debasing character, did not provoke any uprising, not even a hurrah of protests: all it did was expose itself to the jeers of a handful of recalcitrants (…). But far from tempering the servility of the conformists, such sarcasms were received with the greatest harshness by the relays of power; as if the ironists were endangering, with their lightness, the precious health of the human flock. »

Meyronnis sees perfectly how, under cover of an inept « war against the virus », even though it is « remarkably non-lethal », we will have witnessed, dazed, a tectonic shift of civilizational paradigm. Witness: the banning, for a few months, of funeral rites, one of the most sacred seals, since the Neanderthals, of what a human being is. « Provided that the corpse was assumed to be a carrier of the virus, it was not usually the object of any funeral: the corpse was treated, no more and no less, as a waste product. » To support this major civilizational shift, the « government (…) began to lie every day with frenzy, supported in this enterprise by the voluble underworld of the media. Nuts were being turned in our heads, and the lie factory was running at full speed. »

« The nut turners began by explaining to each Earthling that he or she was out in the open, exposed to the crown virus, and therefore under threat of death. »

Evoking a perceptive expression of Huxley — the « neo-Pavlovian conditioning » -, Meyronnis goes into detail about some of the techniques of this conditioning, such as the nudge: « Not falling into the defects of a

ordinary propaganda, it instills in our minds links, dictates answers, arouses ideas and images that we have not formed. » And Meyronnis comes very quickly to the purpose that was, from the beginning, that of this gigantic staging, and of this conditioning: the « vaccines », « made in a hurry ». As Reiner Fuellmich puts it: if you believe that the « vaccines » were created for the virus, you remain in the insane fog of the official narrative. If you understand that it is the virus that was created for the « vaccines », everything suddenly makes sense, everything becomes coherent.

It is thus indeed the installation of what Meyronnis, borrowing the term from Agamben (quoted several times in the text), calls a Device. After the introduction of the health pass, the aim is becoming clearer, and is close to being admitted: « Whether we are happy about it or sorry about it, the electronic pass was imposed as the gateway to all social life. Unless you have it, no access to a normalized existence. » The « non-vaccinated » became pariahs, the dregs of the city; and « President Macron had finally proclaimed, with his usual aplomb, that an enlightened mind could only deny him the title of « citizen » ». All this, with the learned assent of our intellectual « elites » (to say nothing of the media), never stingy in sermons stamped with the seal of their beautiful soul, of their belonging to the camp of the Good, and of the perpetual watch to « never again ». Swallowing by there, and in all good conscience, the most abject political regime to have reigned in France since Vichy. Also in other French-speaking countries (greetings to Belgian friends).

« Prerogative of the Device: it stands on all sides at once. Indissociable from the advent of the digital, it is always fluid, occupies no determined position (…) », but is the creation of « strong globalized oligarchies, and these serve it, while serving themselves. Thus, in the absence of a general command, there are at least staffs, connected to each other and efficient. Professor Schwab, president of the Davos Forum, is usually recognized as one of the main syndicators of the global oligarchies. Now this German of power has published, as early as 2020, a report on the health crisis with a French comparse, subtitled in the language of the comparse — The Great Reinitialization. »

We know the rest: the hologrammatic « pandemic » represents a turning point, an unprecedented civilizational shift. « To start again from scratch is the order of the day. (…) Many things will remain from our old life; only, in the distance, according to a « new obsession with cleanliness ». Certainly, we will still exchange with human friends, colleagues — but through a laptop or a console. According to our guides, and they are right, the algorithmic grip will grow. (…) We will be afraid of each other: we will feed on this fear. We will wear biometric bracelets. We will be more and more gregarious, but we will be careful not to get too close. (…) As Bill Gates, the great oligarch, announced, we will enter the age of ‘software substitution’. »

After another recap of the earthquakes of the twentieth century and beyond (the two world wars, the Cold War, the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the dismantling of the USSR, the World Trade Center, the subprime crisis), Meyronnis takes an even closer look at the true nature of the global coup d’état of March 2020. « Thanks to His Majesty the virus, the Device, implacably, organized its playground at new costs. Nothing else matters in what is happening, while the fourth-hand placers of the opinion, suffocating us in the layette of our cowardice, put the accent on the sanitary aspect only. Yet this one has but a minuscule impact compared to what is indeed happening around us, and growing steadily. »

Meyronnis goes on to mention a statement by Elon Musk, at the same time as the beginning of the « health crisis », where we learn that « the language, according to the American billionaire, had only five to ten years left, at the most », which is happily relayed by our national Laurent Alexandre, the official preacher of the ten doses for all. But such was the struggle of Ligne de risque for twenty-five years, which made it stand out from the usual editorial lot: a struggle for the unveiling of the truth through language. Not only an aesthetic and literary fight, but also a political and philosophical one. Now, for France alone, language has been undermined for a long time, for four decades at least; that the definitive installation of the Spectacle has been accompanied by a commodification of literature, and thus by a pauperization of language, of style, of semantics; in a country that historically counts more major writers and poets than any other, and that therefore had more to lose than any other in this organized linguistic shortage. The Spectacle is only interested in its own binary, stereotyped language, which still wants to pass itself off as « democracy »; whereas the last two and a half years have shown that we are no longer free to do anything, on pain of anathema: neither to think, nor to question, nor to speak in a language of our own.

The program of the fourth transhumanist Reich is thus spelled out as follows: « the indefinite multiplication of the computing power of computers leads to the imperative need to « merge » the brain with the new digital architectures. It is a question of « increasing our capacities by stuffing neurons and synapses with electronic components. (…) Hence Musk’s proposal, which is as frightening as it is nonsensical: to swallow, along with the world, the word that carries it. Let’s be honest: this does not bother the reticulated petit-bourgeois very much. His conception of language is so poor and shabby that he hardly flinches when a cybernetic billionaire announces his end with the nerve of a salesman. Also, if « speech is all about using what average, why not get rid of this tool, if the Neuralink implant gives better results? » In the eyes of a transhumanist — who will make the appellation « Nazi » pass, in a few years or decades, almost as a compliment -, « to cross the word and be crossed by it, nothing more superfluous. With ardor, he chooses this other option: to cross the Device and be crossed by it. »

The secret design of the false « pandemic » is then shown under a blinding light; and Meyronnis, in abyme, to realize a performative tour de force with this text to the prose of goldsmith, and to the thought sparkling of lucidity: to make happen, at the right time, the truth by the word. Since it is obvious that the « pandemic », planned for decades by the « owners of the world » (Debord), is an attack under false flags, a communicational Trojan horse, which will have only aimed at smoothing the ground for « the development, step by step, of this cybernetic biocracy advocated by the masters of the earth ». It’s a bit like « Zorglub at WHO ».

« Another comparison gives to the so-called « sanitary crisis » the light that allows to grasp, for a moment, its real contours: we had tried to blur them under the guise of a public health problem, and here they suddenly appear with their jagged edges, meandering however, full of elbows and zigzags. Indeed, the contours are those of a perfect crime (…). It is about nothing else than to complete the remodeling of the world from the virtual to engulf what persists nevertheless of attested and observable, but also of living! »

What’s next in the program? Zuckerberg (who consonates with « Zorglub ») announced on October 28, 2021: the future will be Meta or it will not be. The « Metaverse » completes the installation of humanity in the artificial paradises of the digital and the virtual: to paraphrase Debord, when the « Metaverse » will have been connected on all the « available brains », all that was directly lived will have definitively moved away in a representation. « The Metaverse is a parallel 3D world, to which we have access through a visiocasque. What we discover there resembles an immersive experience, where each element of our sensory reality is simulated. (…) A computer program will artificially elaborate this virtualized pseudo-world, where billions of turkeys, farcical of their deception, will be able to interact live, impaled every second by this mystification which will make them live in a reality having for only consistency the algorithms (…). One more detail — Meta, the name of Zuckerberg’s holding company, certainly refers to its object: the Metaverse. But this word, in Hebrew, has a meaning that is not insignificant if we think of Middle-earth. Indeed, he means: the ‘Dead’. »

Apocalypse etymologically means: unveiling, at the right time. And what did the « writers, artists, intellectuals » do when they witnessed this literal apocalypse, this unveiling of truth unprecedented in our history? They have hastened to cover themselves with ridicule and dishonor, swallowing the fable of the « pandemic », and endorsing the « measures » by barking at the media pack (or « mediatist », as Meyronnis likes to write). At a minimumThey « looked away; they received prizes, decorations, to reward their chastening; they chatted, cackled, jabbered, generally about dull superfluities. (…) Like ostriches, they hid their heads, and still hide them; because they have absolutely no receptacles to welcome the event that is marching on them, as on the whole of the speaking beings, with an ever increasing rapidity. » The preoedipal hogwash that takes the place, in France, of president (married, as everyone knows, to a zombie ninja turtle), has warned them, however: « The beast of the event is here. »

The solution? For starters, « don’t lose all aplomb in the face of spurious and poisonous words, words such as ‘conspiracy’ and ‘conspiracy’; for they serve only to impose them on airheads. » Which makes me think of another word of Debord, in this immense book of unveiling that is Commentaries on the Society of the Spectacle (op. cit.), published 34 years ago, and yet it is as if it were yesterday: « The conspiracy has become so dense that it is spread out almost in broad daylight. » The « conspiracy theorist » is the one who has the misfortune to have kept one of the most precious things of existence, his childish soul; and to point out, like the child in the fable, even when the adults don’t move, that the King is naked as a worm, and the plot against humanity, perfectly transparent.

André Bercoff had asked me, in his program, about the fact that, in my Colaricocovirus (op.cit.), I wrote that « Hitler or Pol Pot are scouts next to Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates. » So I hand over to Meyronnis, it’s telepathic (that telepathy of styles, which no Artificial Intelligence will ever manage to coordinate): « We’re moving away from the Stalins, the Hitlers, the Mao’s; now appear monsters like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, to name the most fearsome leaders of Silicon Valley. » Meyronnis then responds to the argument that with these latter, the « Zorglub » 1, 2, 3, 4… of Silicon Valley, we are not dealing with the mad dictators mentioned above: « One might say: they are much less bloody than their predecessors. (…) their influence is rarely accompanied by an outburst of brutality; not everything is murder, torture and abuse in their rise. » Certainly. But in a sense, it’s much worse: Hitler or Stalin (Mao, I’ve shown, is different) didn’t hide, or so little, where they were going with it; they went forward openly, said what they did and did what they said, and really believed do well. With our « Zorglub », nothing of the sort: everything is wrapped up in a rhetoric of benevolence and public interest (especially, of course, « health »), and even philanthropy. As one commentator bitingly put it: saying that Bill Gates is a philanthropist is like saying that Jack the Ripper is an anatomy buff. That’s why I had retorted to Bercoff: « That’s why Colaricocovirus is subtitled: An unconventional genocide. À Knowing that we no longer use machine guns, gas chambers, or machetes as in Rwanda; but containment, masks and injections. » This is not only much more effective, but much more devastating: containment has brought our economy to its knees, plunged hundreds of millions of people around the world into misery, traumatized children and teenagers in the poorest segments of the population. The masks, too: they have dumbed down and martyred our teenagers and especially our kids, while stuffing into their brains that, for the first time in the history of all Civilizations and all Cultures without a single exception, it was no longer their elders who were responsible for them, but they for their elders; and that if they had to die of guilt for that, then so be it. Finally, the experimental injections, making the Earth an open-air Laboratory, have provoked an avalanche of often atrocious undesirable effects; the extent of the damage does not only compare with the abominations of the twentieth century: it will be realized that it will have exceeded them, when the accounts are more or less done. Hence the term « unconventional genocide », as we say « unconventional war »: and as the magnitude of all that will have happened in the tiny turn of two and a half years is obvious to a growing part of the population, there is nothing better than to declare a good old conventional war (except for the nuclear escalation, although there is the precedent of Hiroshima), to quell, as far as possible, the greatest humanitarian scandal of all times, by an even greater holocaust. As the great Vera Sharav says: « The ‘never again’ is now. »

The word of the end, it is well the least, to Meyronnis: « Of this « crisis », one will retain one day that it was the psychological moment of the virtualization; and that this process tends itself only to a cancellation of the beings and the things, taking besides the appearance of a structure in level. What would this motto be, indeed, if not an injunction to remove everything, to suppress everything; and to do it gradually, step by step. With coldness and method. But also with a rage increased tenfold by its own violence. »

Let’s summarize: masterful text. Of a mastery of which our university caciques have become, in their quasi-totality, incapable, if we except Agamben, Esfled, Weber and some other lost black sheep.

Let us add finally that to those who, because I am closely or remotely linked to all the authors mentioned here, would accuse me of cronyism and of passing the buck (Basquin has devoted a magnificent article to my Colaricocovirus (op.cit.), easily accessible on the web), I will simply oppose that in times of total war against the peoples, it is not simply an invaluable luxury to have such intellectual comrades in the trenches: it is, quite simply, now a matter of survival. That is why, in light of the events of the last two and a half years, Spinoza’s sentence appears to me to have been, in the future tense, the most important in the entire history of philosophy: « Only free men are very grateful to each other. » I dedicate it to all the resistant artists, who constitute today, as Deleuze would have said, not a constraining « school », but a movement; and certainly the most important, by far, of this beginning of the twenty-first century. Just as the artistic avant-gardes dominated the beginning of the twentieth century, and for much the same reasons: they were an enraged protest against the civilization that had given birth to the butchery of the First World War. There is a whole « conspiracy culture » that is being built up, with its cult films, its music, its art, its games (yes, for example, a hilarious and brilliant game has just been released, ÉEmergency statuscreated by Mickaël Dion and Jérémy Ferrari, about which I will soon write in Kairos) and, of course, his great books. Enjoy your meal.

Mehdi Belhaj Kacem

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Perseverare satanicum

Two years ago, Belgium came out of its first confinement.A number of us (including myself) naively thought at the time that the SARS-CoV‑2 hysteria would likely be over by September (2020), and we never imagined that the health crisis would last for more than 2 years and — at least — 5 waves (the number of waves differing according to the countries and the definition given to the notion of « wave » by the different experts).

The height of the problem was the application of the same sanitary measures (wearing masks, social distancing, confinement, etc.) in response to each successive wave (with an additional layer of absurdity with each wave), as if by magic the effects of the latter would eventually bear fruit.  » Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result » (phrase attributed to Albert Einstein). This « madness » can only be attributed to the incompetence of our leaders (and the experts who advise them) or to a malicious will benefiting certain individuals or organizations (this hypothesis invariably arouses the accusation of conspiracy to the one who emits it). Note that the first hypothesis does not exclude the second, and that the combination of the two is possible, even probable. Critics will say:  » What would you have done in their place?  » or  » No one could know how to react to an unprecedented threat! « … To this, one can answer that it is not necessary to work in a public health institute to have the political right or to be intellectually able to criticize health policy. It was up to the officials of these institutes to establish a coherent and effective action plan in case of a pandemic. However, demands for alternative management have been made abroad, for example, The Great Barrington Declarationwritten by three physicians and epidemiologists from the prestigious universities of Harvard, Oxford and Stanford and signed, at the time of writing, by 930,528 people, including 62,920 health professionals and scientists[note]. The Declaration called for a focus on protecting the population at risk rather than imposing measures on entire peoples. A report by the Commission of Inquiry on the role of pharmaceutical companies in the French Government’s management of the influenza A (H1N1) from the French Senate[note] dating from 2010 was also available well before the SARS-CoV‑2 pandemic. This paper reiterates several elements of the mismanagement of the H1N1 epidemic that could have been considered in the response to the arrival of SARS-CoV‑2. In addition to these documents, there are all the statements and speeches made at the beginning and throughout the pandemic by a multitude of experts in the field of health and microbiology, some of whom (for example, Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University), were authors of works published by entities recognized by several states, such as the WHO. 

There were therefore proposals available to our leaders for better management of pandemics before and during the COVID crisis, which means that the policy choices made by our leaders were informed. Some of the questions that are being asked today (even more strongly than before) include: What have we learned from the past 2 years? What health measures have been proven to work? How effective are the different vaccines used to prevent SARSCoV‑2 transmission? What real protection do they provide? How serious and frequent are the side effects? What is the relevance of the EU Digital COVID Certificate and the different versions of this certificate in the member countries (the COVID safe ticket in Belgium) to the management of contamination? What reforms should be made to our health care system (e.g., with respect to the number of hospital beds) to avoid future saturation? And above all: where are the real expert debates? 

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the media has focused on news from the front, leaving out the COVID. But now that the sanitary measures have been lifted (at least for the time being), shouldn’t we hear our experts discuss the effectiveness of these measures? The debate was supposedly not possible in the midst of a crisis, because we did not have figures and had to respect measures that would  » certainly » prove themselves and whose preliminary data were  » promising » . Today, there is an important scientific literature on the analysis of the different measures, with supporting figures, from several countries. Where is the exchange of views between experts on this scientific literature? 

On the contrary, during May and June 2022, virologist Marc Van Ranst did not hesitate to speak out against the abandonment of the wearing of masks on public transport, after stating that  » the coronavirus epidemic is clearly on its way back  » [note] ; the mandatory caregiver vaccination bill moved a step closer with the Health Committee approving it[note] French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed his desire to  » vaccinate everything that can be vaccinated. » [note] and the European Parliament and the Member States have agreed to extend the European health pass until June 2023[note]. If debates justifying these statements and decisions were held between experts on the effectiveness of masks, vaccination and pass In terms of health, they were not publicized, which would be strange, because for 2 years all the words of experts in favor of the measures (without figures) were carefully disseminated. 

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, in his article COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? (published in the scientific journal Surgical Neurology International — SNI infection)[note] lists a series of statements that were considered misinformation a few months ago, but which have since been verified. Here are some of them (the scientific references that support these claims can be found in Blaylock’s article): 

’ Asymptomatic vaccinated people spread the virus in the same way as symptomatic unvaccinated people; 

Vaccines cannot adequately protect against new variants, such as Delta and Omicron;

Natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity and most likely lasts a lifetime;

Vaccine immunity wanes after several months, putting vaccinees at high risk for infections and cancer; 

COVID vaccines can cause blood clots and other serious side effects; 

’ Supporters of the vaccine will require boosters as new variants emerge; 

Anthony Fauci will insist on inoculating small children and even babies with the covid vaccine; 

Vaccination passports will be required to enter a company, fly and use public transportation; 

There will be internment camps for non-vaccinated people ( this was the case in Australia, Austria and Canada); 

Non-vaccinated people will be denied employment;

Many hospitals were either empty or lightly occupied during the pandemic; 

Early treatment could have saved the lives of most of the 700,000 people who died; 

’ Vaccine-induced myocarditis (which was initially denied) is an important issue. 

It goes without saying that not all the arguments of the scientists opposing the sanitary measures have proved to be correct. But the debate among scientists is necessary and crucial to form a picture of what works and what does not. It is high time that the confrontation of ideas (with supporting evidence) takes place. The Latin phrase Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum means that to err is human and to persevere (in one’s error) is diabolic. This locution has been quoted several times in recent months in the context of this pandemic (in Kairos and elsewhere)[note]. After 2 years, perseverance is not even diabolical anymore: it becomes downright satanic! 

Joonas Parikka

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Kairos Weekly 7

This summer, the Kairos « Weekly » is written so that what we put into words and images this spring in a new format, is remembered. Because we are quick to forget current events, but remembering what has been allows us to better understand the present and to prepare for the future, and perhaps even to participate in it. 

In a globalized, hyperconnected world, there are many events in a week. Finally, since a few press agencies decide what will or will not be said, and the national media are subject to political and economic interests, which are now the same, the importance is not measured by any ethics, but by what can or cannot be said. We have thus heard little from the « international community » condemning Israel for the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, Palestinian journalist of Al-Jazeera murdered by the Israeli army on Wednesday, May 11[note]. To add humiliation to the crime, on the day of the funeral the Israeli hordes charged the crowd that had come to pay their last respects to the journalist and beat the pallbearers who almost dropped the coffin. No doubt, with these blows, these Israeli Nazis still wanted to spit out all the hatred they had against the journalist and a whole people.

Philippe Close, mayor of the city of Brussels, who knows how to command the troops and likes them to go to the charge, will affect the indignation, in a tweet where he will reserve well to name the culprit … The lobby watches.

Those who are supposed to defend journalists and freedom of expression, such as the Association of Professional Journalists, will not say much more. Defenders of the oligarchy’s media, they had already shown us the unfailing contempt they had for Julian Assange, whose portrait they should have permanently displayed on the front page of their site. But no, they prefer to raise the harmless banner of equality… 

Ah! It is beautiful this equality, when we know that in a deeply unequal system, diversity based only on gender will only lead to a false equity where, from now on, there will be a minority made of as many women as men to plunder all the others. After all, what is the difference between Ursula Von Der Leyen and Jean-Claude Juncker? What does it matter what they have between their legs, since they both practice the same destructive policy? The oligarchs, who talk about more diversity, do this only among themselves, sheltered from the indecency they create every day. They think they are right because they condescendingly establish the mix, in their oligarchic microcosm surrounded by the most abject misery.

They like this Equality, the one that divides, fragments the struggles, ensures the horizontality of the fights while we should all unite in a vertical charge against those who have the rudder in hand. They like these false struggles that focus our eyes on the finger, while they focus on the moon.  » She is Equal! « [note]. Already in 2018, Klaus Schwab’s colt was blasting away in Johannesburg.

He will move up a gear as Prime Minister, LGBTQI friendly, MK ultra puppet of the multinational pharma companies, always quick to talk about openness publicly to better conceal their closure.  » The Plan for an LGBTQI+ Belgium is about 40 pages long. It should be noted that in its communication, the federal government has remained with the title « LGBTQI+ », while the title « LGBTQIA+ » is increasingly used, where the « A » refers to the asexual nature of the person. « [note]

All is well.

The affected fight for freedom takes the same curves, whether it is for a more « inclusive » society or wallowing in the « good » to defend. And they all follow like real Pavlov’s dogs that salivate at the first Ukrainian flag. After Martine at the beach, Martine on a bike, we have the Ukrainian version 2.0, sponsored by Davos and the world’s media parrots: Zelenzky at the Cannes Film Festival, Zelensky calls Macron, Zelensky at Eurovision.

It has been known for a long time that it is not the musical quality that determines the choice of the winner, but rather the political interests. Now we know for sure. Notice also that the episode of Zelensky speaking in front of the audience of millionaires paid to distract us, the first to call for a vote for Macron, who will certainly thank them for it, notice that the scene is strangely reminiscent of the one of Big Brother gallivanting the crowds, in George Orwell’s 1984, a ritual allowing to maintain the cohesion of the group. All united against… Against? Fascism? Or with the Nazis against Russia. Finally, we get lost…

« Our courage impresses the world, our music conquers Europe »[note], reacted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Facebook. Let’s bet that the opposing goalkeepers will let the balls pass during the 2022 World Cup, which will take place in the country known for its great respect for human rights, I named Qatar. When we know that it had been considered to qualify directly Ukraine for the competition, because of the war … Finally, we are reassured, because the mafia of football excluded the Russians from all international soccer competitions. Now that’s sport!

We also forget that behind the immaculate press releases, there is blood, guts, organs and limbs. Macron has  » reaffirmed its full determination to respond to all requests for support expressed by Ukraine, including defense equipment, fuel, humanitarian aid, economic and financial support, and to fight impunity.  » He confirmed that French arms deliveries will continue and increase in intensity in the coming days and weeks (…) [note]

But the governments, as usual, take care of privatizing the benefits and socializing the costs. Thus, the money for the merchants of cannons, the burden of suffering for the natives, invited to welcome the Ukrainians, but not the others. Some people can’t take it anymore, and understand the game they have been caught in.

As such, we sometimes think that it would have been better if the victims of the July 2021 floods had been Ukrainians. Well, it seems impossible. But at least we would have found them a place to stay. Or there would have been more people at their human chain, 10 months after the terrible floods[note] that the authorities did not anticipate at all, although they had all the information to do so. The Cameroonians, Senegalese, Ivorians, and others should have been Ukrainians instead. Finally, in their misfortune they have at least the chance not to be Russian.

Guns make money. Like the Covid. And when selling sunscreen, it’s better to advertise the risk of heat waves than floods. Bill Gates is therefore warning us  » about the risks of a more transmissible and deadly variant [note] ». Thanks Bill. Meanwhile, the fear of the first announcement will ensure the success of the second:  » A dose of vaccine every six months from the age of 50 is necessary [note] ». The worst thing is not what a multi-billionaire psychopath says, it’s normal that he goes off the rails, he’s sick. The guy doesn’t know what to do with his fortune: he has everything he wants. He can expand his mansion, but he may have to drive around in golf carts; he can increase the number of his properties, his sports cars, but he won’t have time to live in them or drive them. And the guy freaks out, because he knows he’s going to die one day. How do you still accumulate two feet under? Here is a subject for a doctoral thesis in philosophy…

The worst thing is not that he is in the mass, no, the worst thing is that we listen to him. The guy knows nothing about medicine, admits that vaccines have been his best investment, and he is given access to all the editorial offices. In the meantime, the pundits of epidemiology who say something different from the official mass, and therefore also from Pope Bill Gates, are banned. The authorized discourse is relayed by all the officines, all the orders, blinded by their belief. And their interests. As for Alain Colignon, suspended for 2 years[note]. Amen.

The god Bill, who came to France recently, no doubt to refine the plan and prepare for the fall… As time goes by, it becomes clear what we knew: Covid was a plan orchestrated by the « big boys » of this world[note] to set up their new order, the one thought by those who will meet in a few days in Davos[note] to ensure the perpetuation of their domination. Cost to the taxpayer: 9 million euros, with thousands of police officers to ensure the safety of those who make us feel insecure[note].

The Concertation Committee is part of the show, with jerks, of course, like Schwab’s puppet De Croo, but where everything, above all, is decided in advance and the different parties haggle, barter, deal. As I said before, when there is nothing, there is a risk of:  » Talking about CSE again when the numbers of the coronavirus epidemic have not been this low for a long time may seem surprising at first. But this is not completely crazy in terms of timing. The legal framework surrounding the possibility of setting up a CST in Belgium will expire on June 30. If a variant were to land beyond that date and cause the barometer to return, for example, there would be no basis for imposing a sanitary pass. Ah, we get it. We have to move fast.  » Which means that this Codeco special covid is probably not the last one. We suspected it. I quote again:  » For the same reasons as Vandenbroucke, the European Commission has proposed to extend it by one year, « just in case ». « Just in case »? Fabulous! That is why the authorities over which the Davos masters have control, the European Commission in particular, will pretend to listen to the little people by inviting them to vote on the extension of the EU regulation on the digital COVID certificate. 385191[note] unique responses, outstanding, and a huge majority of people who rejected this project. What does it matter, as with the European Constitution Treaty in 2005 in France; they don’t care about your opinion.

They prefer you to worry about the weather. Don’t be mistaken, just because it rains a lot doesn’t mean it’s not dry. We are experiencing droughts that will have definite effects on the crops. Here… The crops. We are promised rationing and shortages in the fall. The Governor of the Bank of England speaks of apocalyptic price rises and declares himself powerless against inflation[note].

Meanwhile, governments pretend to care about your health, vote for mandatory vaccination while statistics show a clear correlation between the injection and cases of Covid. They are doing the same about your privacy and voted this week on the metadata law, aimed at allowing the systematic collection and retention of data generated during an electronic communication. Nothing is going on.

In closing: we told you that the Appeals Board for my press pass refused to listen to our arguments, i.e. I was not paid for 8 months in 2019 but continued to work for Kairos. Since I continued afterwards, I will reapply for a press card, but for that I need three journalists who can attest to my activity over the last two years. I already have one, I am missing two, we think that out of more than 5,000 accredited journalists in Belgium, there will be two who will have the courage to do this…

To see the original video:

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Dorian DE MEEÛS — Do what I say…

Dorian de Meeûs is the editor of La Libre. An unconditional supporter of mass vaccination, his media has consistently advocated the experimental injection of messenger RNA and denigrated any voice that spoke out against or advocated treatments other than vaccines.He did not hesitate, in April 2020, to ask in a tweet that the press card of Alexandre Penasse be withdrawn, following his question to the Prime Minister at the time.He validates in his newspaper the publication of assassinating articles against doctors who, following the example of Doctor Alain Colignon, claim the right to treat, especially with molecules such as ivermectin.However, it happens that Doctor Martin Zizi has the proof that Dorian de Meeûs, when he was contaminated by a coronavirus, was himself prescribed ivermectin to cure himself…

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« With ivermectin, vaccines and Remdesivir would have been useless ».

Interview with Jean-Loup Izambert[note]

Izambert Mickomix
K: You have collaborated with many media and written books. You have investigated the largest stock market crash involving 40 European banks, the embezzlement of funds from Crédit Agricole, the UN and more recently the virus and the president. But let’s talk about your latest book on ivermectin. 

J.-L. I.: At the beginning, I worked for more than a year with Claude Janvier on The virus and the president where we show how the political power in France instrumentalizes the health crisis, for which it is partly responsible by the reduction of the financial and human means of the health sector. This power uses the epidemic to hide the economic and financial crisis that is worsening. Claude worked on the North, I worked on the South, going to meet hospital staff in the demonstrations, but also shopkeepers, business leaders, trade unions, as well as ordinary people, after the imposition of the health pass. We have reviewed the main data of this crisis in a book that will be released in May, before the legislative elections in France. The assessment is based on 40 questions, one of which is about ivermectin. The mainstream media does not talk about the example of India, which defeated the covid epidemic thanks to it. Why then is this drug blocked by the WHO, the European Union and the Commission? In France, I have collected some amazing testimonies. We also show the fight of Jean-Charles Teyssèdre, the lawyer who initiated the first procedure to try to break the locks that block the use of ivermectin. It is practically forbidden and the Council of the Order prosecutes doctors who officially recommend it or refuse to vaccinate. It is a vicious circle because on the one hand, there is the National Agency for Drug Safety (ANSM) which does not prohibit ivermectin and on the other hand the Council of the Order which prosecutes, for example, Dr. Gérard Baudru who proves that ivermectin works and allows to save lives. 

K: The same thing is happening here to Pascal Sacré, Alain Colignon, David Bouillon and Laurence Kaiser, all of whom have been summoned to the Ordre des Médecins. Ivermectin is a sub-scandal of the general scandal. But most people don’t know what ivermectin is, which has been used for 40 years. 

J.-L. I.: Ivermectin is a molecule discovered in 1974 by scientists Satoshi Omura and William Campbell. They found that it cured a lot of parasitic diseases. Asia, Africa, Central and South America have quickly adopted it. There are still pharmacists and doctors who consider it as a simple anti-parasite drug, whereas over time it has been realized that it is also anti-viral and effective against a whole series of coronaviruses. When the covid pandemic occurred, some scientists realized that it could treat at all stages of the disease, as well as preventively, which is interesting for personnel who are in regular contact with the public. This scientific information is difficult for people to access. Professor Alessandro Santa simply explains that ivermectin works by creating a barrier between the virus and the body’s cells, which also makes it effective against variants. 

K: It is interesting to note that most EU countries, from the beginning, made the choice to follow the WHO guidelines and not to use ivermectin. And this decision will have enormous consequences… 

J.-L. I.: Yes. I used India as an example, because it is a giant laboratory. In this confederation of 35 states, 28 followed the WHO recommendation and the others did the opposite, even distributing ivermectin in a variety of public places. An Indian lawyer is leading all these proceedings against the WHO and some high officials who chose to ignore ivermectin. It was found that states that used it, starting in mid-2020, contained the epidemic, decreasing cases and preventing deaths, mostly. And it is the opposite for the other obedient states. In the United States, the same pattern is seen with the use of PCR tests, depending on the state. Those who use it the most have the most cases, but not necessarily the most patients. 

K: The PCR test is really the Achilles heel… 

J.-L. I.: Yes, since the person who developed it clearly indicated that it can be used to say anything, and that it should certainly not be used to detect an epidemic. To give an example, the PCR test does not differentiate between a dead virus and a live virus, nor between covid and influenza virus. So it can’t tell if a person is infected, sick or contagious. With an explosion in the number of tests, we will have an explosion in the number of cases. I took the case of India to show that the WHO indications were completely crazy. 

K: The media does not talk about India, except for the states that have implemented the WHO protocol. The misinformation continues. 

J.-L. I.: We should talk about criminality with regard to the leaders of the WHO. When there is a cheap and effective drug like ivermectin that can treat the population and the WHO advises against its use worldwide on the basis of a knowingly falsified report, this is very serious. Behind them are the vaccine lobbies, whose manufacturers are not aware of the side effects that are already causing millions of deaths throughout the world while they are still in the experimental stage. Information is starting to come in through pharmacovigilance. When you follow the curve of the number of people who get vaccinated and follow the curve of deaths or side effects, the link with the injection of the vaccine is obvious. Olivier Véran himself recognized before the Council of State that vaccinated people were those who could be most affected in case of reinfection. And to think that there are still doctors in France who recommend taking the fourth dose, the one that will save us, the first three not having been effective! 

K: You mention  » one of the greatest contemporary deceptions organized by a political power, hand in hand with the leaders of the EU and the big owners of finance and economy « . Coming back to India, a complaint has been filed against the chief scientist of the WHO, accused of causing the death of citizens, against the director general of the WHO and the director general of health services in India. The plaintiffs dare to talk about crime and conspiracy, it is very interesting… 

J.-L. I.: The conspiracy is at the head of the WHO. For example, ivermectin and the Russian vaccine Sputnik are banned in Western Europe. Instead, the people at the head of the French state have massively distributed experimental products whose manufacturers have demanded from the EU to be relieved of financial and legal responsibilities in case of side effects. They found their product to be 95% effective, yet the number of cases and patients continued to rise. 

K: The PCR test is certainly used as a policy tool to increase or decrease cases and decide on a health policy. It’s still incredible! 

J.-L. I.: The bloopers of covid-19 would have to be written. I know a septuagenarian who, by dint of watching BFM TV, went to take her third dose. Then she didn’t feel well over the summer, got tested, and she was positive! Either the vaccine is ineffective, or the PCR test is ineffective, or both. The person may also have a comorbidity. 

K: It is written in your book:  » The bottom line is that we can no longer rely on health authorities to conduct an honest review of the medical and scientific evidence. We therefore call on regional public health authorities and health professionals around the world to demand that ivermectin be included in the standard of care in order to end this pandemic once and for all « . On the other handLet’s talk about the famous Remdesivir. Quote:  » The European Union has confirmed a conditional marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency for a drug for which it did not know all the characteristics « and she started buying them immediately. So before the conclusions of the study in progress, which, this time, was convenient for him. 

J.-L. I.: Remdesivir is a scam. WHO scientists produced a study by asking Gilead to provide them with all the necessary elements. In the meantime, we realize that their product is not effective. This did not stop Gilead from pressuring the EU customer to buy it quickly. This is a forced sale. 

K: This is again something that serves the vaccine strategy, after having dumped a useless and expensive product… 

J.-L. I .: With ivermectin, vaccines and Remdesivir would have been unnecessary. But it does not interest the laboratories, which are looking for the maximum immediate profit. Let’s talk about Japan, a country with a high population density where contamination can easily spread. In August 2021, there was a state of emergency, and Japanese doctors, free to act, prescribed ivermectin massively; the epidemic was contained in three months, as in 40 other countries! In September, the state of emergency was lifted throughout the country. The journalists of the AFP (Agence France Presse), at the end of 2021, dared to write that there is no scientific evidence on the effectiveness of ivermectin, that it is a drug only to treat parasitosis. AFP receives subsidies from the State and advertising revenues from the pharmaceutical companies in question, which leaves it little room for editorial freedom! 

K: There can also be a contradiction between what the journalist says and what he does when he gets sick. In Belgium, the editor-in-chief of a major media outlet has been treated with ivermectin, while in his pages he denigrates it. There is widespread and endemic corruption. Let’s talk about the lawyer Jean-Charles Teyssèdre, who is introducing a request to the ANSM as early as December 2020 to allow ivermectin to be used as a treatment for covid-19. He received no response in the first few months… 

J.-L. I. : Teyssèdre is leading an exemplary fight. He has a very good grasp of this issue. When he discovers the scientific studies and verifies what his clients have said, he proposes to apply to the administrative court to obtain a temporary recommendation for use (RTU). An RTU is done for a drug that already has a marketing authorization (MA), which is less difficult to obtain than an unexpected temporary authorization for use (ATU), which is granted exceptionally to a drug that does not have a MA. Surprisingly, the Department of Health is being called in to provide input. Maître Teyssèdre then notes that the ministry does not produce any conclusions. Contrary to the treatment she would have applied to a private citizen, the magistrate shows sympathy to this poor minister who is very busy with his problems with public health. We’ll wait. What indulgence! So it makes its decision in the deliberation and obviously refuses the temporary use recommendation. Then Teyssèdre went to the Conseil d’Etat which then put the ANSM on notice to give an answer. It was not until March 2021 that its director responded that, due to insufficient data available to date, it could not respond favorably to the request for a temporary recommendation for use. It emphasizes the need for large randomized clinical trials to conclude on the basis of a methodology adapted to the possible use of ivermectin in the context of the disease. Remember that in March 2021, there were already 68 scientific studies that concluded the effectiveness of ivermectin. This means that the ANSM is either unaware of these scientific studies, which is serious, or that the pharmaceutical laboratories’ interests are making sure to avoid talking about ivermectin — a safe, effective, cheap drug — in order to get golden balls with an experimental drug for which they are asking to be relieved of the possible side effects 

K: In France, the ANSM systematically refuses to take into account other types of studies, the High Council of Public Health and the High Authority of Health reject any favorable study. On the other hand, Remdesivir received a marketing authorization in only 20 days… 

J.-L. I.: In the logic of these bureaucrats, the drug is not effective, so it is quickly approved. The Sputnik vaccine, effective against covid, is still blocked, for a lot of reasons. But Pfizer got approval for its vaccine within months. It is no longer incompetence, but corruption that affects the state. In March 2020, Macron created the scientific council to advise him. One wonders what is the use of the other civil servants, those of Inserm, CNRS, Institut Pasteur, who are competent enough to give advice. At the head of the scientific council, there is Jean-François Delfraissy, who had already proved himself in 2010 when Roselyne Bachelot, at the time confronted with the H1N1 virus, had called upon him. He had already advised to vaccinate the French twice. Millions of doses had been purchased and had to be destroyed. The Court of Auditors has made the assessment: around 700 million €! So as he was a good advisor, Macron took him back. In France, you don’t change a losing team! However, not a word about ivermectin in the documentation produced publicly by the Scientific Council. Curious from an organization that is there to advise the government… Macron will have to account for his two years of managing the epidemic, not only on vaccines, but also on McKinsey’s presence influencing government decisions for private interests. We are in a completely ubiquitous situation where the Russian vaccine and ivermectin are kept off the market, while experimental products, whose manufacturers are relieved of the side effects (including death), are massively distributed under the aegis of the WHO. 

K: The authorities have succeeded in putting in place such a Machiavellian plan that it is feared that they will never recognize it. With the risk of going to court, they will do everything to avoid this, unless people wake up. On June 17, 2020, the European Commission publishes its Covid-19 vaccine strategy, which I believe was already in the works for longer. It proposes an amendment to the regulation, which is submitted to the vote of the Parliament via an emergency procedure. On July 3, the Council voted on the Commission’s text, which aims to lighten the requirements prior to the start of clinical trials with GMO drugs; it was adopted as it was by the Parliament without any possible modification, without amendments or debates, at a time when the traumatized population was coming out of confinement! 

J.-L. I.: This shows what the EU is for: to promote the interests of Washington. When Pfizer representatives came to Brussels to sign the contracts, they demanded that U.S. law apply, thus absolving them of their responsibilities. It is a hegemonic will that is not surprising when one remembers that, since 1991, thousands of tons of bombs have fallen on the countries that opposed the Washington imperialists. But here it is very serious, because it affects the health of all. Today, health is threatened by the World Health Organization! Its decisions are under the influence of multinationals. On the contrary, it should alert public opinion to the number of deaths that occur after the third dose. Didier Raoult specifies that the risks outweigh the benefits, for the moment. Unfortunately, the population is used as guinea pigs. Let’s ask ourselves if Gates, Clinton, Pfizer executives, etc. did not want to set up a way to eradicate a part of the world’s population. If these RNA vaccines had an effect on the composition of the blood, it would be very serious. We would no longer be able to do blood transfusions, for example. Did these people know what they were doing or did the crime come to light during the WHO decision? The vaccine is experimental, but the lobbies are putting pressure on to impose their products through conferences, documentation, meetings, etc. Even if they thought that the vaccine, although experimental, would be positive in the end, the crime occurs when there are more and more deaths linked to the vaccine and we do not decide to say STOP and ask for an international investigation. This is what the researcher Tess Lori proposes, who, in a report to Boris Johnson, calls for a halt to vaccination and an investigation into the risk/benefit ratio. The WHO will be forced to come to the table one day. 

K: This would also have undermined the vaccine strategy…J.-L. I.: Yes, and there are precedents. Pfizer has paid several thousand

billion dollars in compensation to avoid public trials. There have also been drugs that had an honorable image and whose side effects were discovered. Four years ago, I met the Director General of the WHO who explained to me how far the influence of lobbies can go. He tells me that the WHO budget in the early 2000s was a mix of member state and voluntary contributions. These come from pharmaceutical companies that propose to the WHO to vaccinate a certain part of the population in Africa. Hundreds of millions of euros are thus being transferred to the WHO to carry out the operation, under the direction of Big Pharma. But today, we are talking about an experimental vaccine that could lead to a truly catastrophic situation on a global level! 

K: You conclude your book by saying that the French have the choice between continuing to survive shamefully in denial or disengaging this authoritarian power that has plunged France into an unprecedented political, economic, social and health crisis. This is the crux of the problem. These people who are supposed to lead us are no longer at the service of the common good, but of the multinationals. 

J.-L. I.: The next book that I will publish with Claude Janvier in May will be entitled Covid-19, le bilan en 40 questions. It is designed in the form of fact sheets that each address questions people have asked us: What is a virus? Is the virus virulent? Is wearing a mask dangerous? What is the mortality rate? What is the difference between an RNA vaccine and a conventional vaccine? Are PCR tests effective? Etc. I specify that we are conspiracy theorists, we only give the floor to great conspiracy theorists who do not have access to the information media in France, researchers from the CNRS and Inserm, scientific journalists from different magazines, lawyers. They give advice on how to file a complaint, defend one’s rights and oppose government measures. So there is an informative aspect and a practical aspect. I work on WHO and mass crime, because there is evidence of the link between the vaccine and the millions of deaths. Since the 2000s, things have gotten considerably worse. Vaccines are where the crime begins. At the beginning, the WHO management may have been misled by the manufacturers’ argument, but this cannot be sustained over time. 

K: If they really thought they were doing the right thing, they wouldn’t censor different speech… 

J.-L. I.: Of course. That is why in the book we publish the technical data sheets that the vaccine manufacturers, notably Pfizer and Moderna, submitted to the European Medicines Agency to obtain its provisional marketing authorization. They have organized the massive worldwide distribution of experimental products that have serious side effects. This is a crime and it cannot continue! I would also like to point out that messenger RNA products are a French invention that the United States tried to recover in order to open a new market. 

K: Thank you, Jean-Louis. I think this is a historic moment, we must stand up, especially by supporting the doctors attacked by the Order. 

J.-L. I.: Nexus has just published an interview with Dr. Gérard Baudru, who is also being sued by the Conseil de l’ordre des médecins. He explains that it is necessary to finish with this order of the past, a nomenklatura hidden in its offices, rich of millions of euros of subsidies. 

Remarks collected remotely by Alexandre Penasse in April 2022, transcribed and edited by Bernard Legros

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The Covid in Paraguay…

This testimony, beyond what it says about the political management of Covid in a Latin American country, poses the question of exile in order to find a better place elsewhere. A rolling stone does not gather moss?

Sad tropics, sad world

The famous coronavirus; I used to make jokes about it in the corridors, in the office. From the beginning, I was annoyed by the media circus, but I had no idea that this was a historic moment that would change so many things in my life. The first comments arrive, insidious: « he still kisses, it is not careful ». Fear has taken control of the minds. Nothing will ever be the same again. 

The first deleterious measure arrives. School closed, but from Monday. « You have to be organized, you see. I think it’s so over the top. It looks like an atomic bomb has fallen. I was not yet aware that they would go much further. 

A few days later, the show had a famous twist and I started to laugh out loud. « Containment », the word is out. For everyone, no jealousy. « You have to be supportive, you understand, little lady? ». Reversal of the burden of proof: everyone is considered sick except the one who can prove it with a test. And again, we are never sure: « You still have to stay at home, there are false negatives, you understand ». 

Three weeks to flatten the curve, they said. The gravediggers, self-proclaimed experts, and their death drives had taken over our lives. I understood right away that this was not a pandemic, but I didn’t understand why they were taking steps that would kill the economy. I started to reinform myself and to get interested in politics (the real one, the one that organizes the life of the city). Theories that I had rejected until now were finally making sense. 

The world’s leaders, anticipating the end of capitalism, permeated by its own contradictions, have decided to blow the whistle on the end of the game. Gone is the hyper capitalism of consumption, the human being has become cumbersome and obsolete. We are entering an era of rationing and transhumanism. 

Helped by technology and artificial intelligence, we are enjoined to consume less, move less and finally breathe as little as possible. « You’re releasing carbon, murderer! ». The ultimate goal, in the long term, is a process of depopulation. In short, the Great Reset. The shock is hard! Even though I’ve always hated them, knowing that they want to eliminate us is still pretty unpleasant. At the same time, it has the merit of clarifying the game. 

November 2020, after a new round of illegal and illegitimate restrictions, and having understood that « all this shit » won’t stop; the decision is made: I’m leaving, I’m exiling myself. 

To go and live in the deep countryside of the south of France or Spain, to do permaculture to aim for autonomy in food, water and energy, and even in education and health. A crazy project considering my gardening and DIY skills. My dearest is not very enthusiastic. I change my mind and propose to him to return to his country located in the Tropics, in South America. The situation in Belgium is so exasperating that I am obsessed with a radical change. Hesitantly, she finally accepts and here we are for a journey of more than a year. 

When I arrived in Brazil, the mask is omnipresent in the street, even on the faces of small children. Even though it is not mandatory. This is a bad start! The looks on the unmasked gringos that we are, are disapproving. Fortunately, as you leave the big cities, the mask becomes less common and it stinks less of hydroalcoholic gel. Sometimes we have to dodge a « sanitary barrier » (PCR test) but the indoor mask is generalized. 

When we arrived in Paraguay, and saw far fewer masks in the street, we said to ourselves that we had won. We found paradise and freedom. The joy was short-lived. At the entrance of the stores, sinks to wash your hands. Then a guard generously sprays your hands, and at the same time your children’s faces, with hydroalcoholic solution. He checks that your mask is on and that you have washed your little handcuffs. When oppression becomes laughable… 

But the coup de grace will come a little later. After two years of distance learning in a country where a large part of the population does not have access to a personal computer, the real school has returned. Oh joy, oh happiness! When my oldest son enrolled in primary school, we learned that the mask is mandatory (although it is not yet mandatory in Belgium). I hold myself back from crying with rage, after a journey of more than 10,000 kilometers to escape pseudo-sanitary totalitarianism, here it is catching up with us full force! 

After bitter discussions with my wife, I abdicate. With a heavy heart, I send my son with the muzzle on his face. I explain to him that it is a ridiculous obligation and to remove it as much as possible. Fortunately, he is rebellious and therefore inclined to break the rules. I try to reassure myself given the school’s very short post-covid schedule and check the oxygen saturation level. Nevertheless, I feel like a coward and I will never fully forgive myself. The mask is imposed in some preschools but we found one free of this obligation for our youngest son. Even if the fact of seeing some of his companions, and especially his teacher, masked will also have consequences. 

More generally, I do not recognize the capital of my adopted country. The atmosphere is gloomy and not very Latino. 

The streets are deserted and there is little animation. A mixture of fear, habit (« stay at home ») and economic crisis. Asunción seems to be extinct. Covidism has taken its toll everywhere. 

Sad tropics.

As in Europe, the measures have been greatly relaxed recently. 

Until when? The next pseudo-pandemic? As in Europe, inflation is high and misery is gaining ground in a country that is already very poor. 

It’s time to take stock. 

I will never get used to seeing these motorcyclists without helmets but conscientiously wearing their masks, these young children masked up to their ears, these obese diabetics thinking they care about their health by smearing their hands with chemicals, … Instinctively, I know it’s a death wish, the exact opposite of what they claim. Death is life. 

Sad tropics, sad world. 

I am therefore addressing all those who would be tempted by exile. You are free to do so, of course. But make sure you know the reality of the country. Paradoxically, in Guaraní land, many Westerners come to escape the vaccine but I discovered that the population in general was very fond of vaccines, including covid, and especially among children. This is something to consider. However, the covid vaccination rate is one of the lowest in Latin America. Another paradox, in this country where the people have a very good knowledge of medicinal plants. 

More generally, I think that exile for health reasons is wrong. It is our whole way of life that needs to be reviewed, in my humble opinion. And it’s easier to do in a country you know. So I’m going back to Europe. So I’m going to surround myself with conscious people and create a network. A lot has been built in the last year. Another society is being built and I intend to participate in it. 

They want to control us, lock us up and impoverish us. We will be elusive, free and united. 


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Dorian DE MEEÛS — Do what I say…

Dorian de Meeûs is the editor of La Libre. An unconditional supporter of mass vaccination, his media has consistently advocated the experimental injection of messenger RNA and denigrated any voice that spoke out against or advocated treatments other than vaccines.He did not hesitate, in April 2020, to ask in a tweet that the press card of Alexandre Penasse be withdrawn, following his question to the Prime Minister at the time.He validates in his newspaper the publication of assassinating articles against doctors who, following the example of Doctor Alain Colignon, claim the right to treat, especially with molecules such as ivermectin.However, it happens that Doctor Martin Zizi has the proof that Dorian de Meeûs, when he was contaminated by a coronavirus, was himself prescribed ivermectin to cure himself…

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External contributions

About journalistic ethics

Or how to send it to oblivion

It was at the end of March 2021 that the « affair » started with a letter sent to the CDJ (Council of Journalistic Ethics) protesting against the violation of ethics by the RTBF, accused of having broadcast propaganda films of the Israeli regime in the middle of the news.This protest, which became file n° 21–19, was forwarded by the Secretary General of the CDJ to the Director of Information of the RTBF, who passed it on to one of his deputies, the « Head of Editorial « World » » », to reply.

Some of the statements made by the company’s spokesperson can be found below. Some are worth their weight in peanuts or cuberdons. The following testimony will help to discover or verify that seemingly apolitical or innocuous topics and themes can conceal practices that one would not expect to encounter in a public service institution. Finally, the epilogue will show that our country is indeed a country of consensus and that the « little arrangements » between colleagues are still relevant… And so much the worse if ethics are trampled by an organization that claims to defend them. 

Such candid little films

They were only three short reports (3′ each) broadcasted during the RTBF news. So it’s not a big deal.Even if they glorify the Israeli regime?What do you mean? Propaganda films on our national TV?

Didn’t you notice?Normal, they didn’t really look like propaganda films.They did not praise the effectiveness of snipers shooting at civilians in Gaza, they did not welcome ethnic cleansing operations and settlers, they did not cheer apartheid laws… None of this! They only talked about culture, humanitarianism and love of animals. Innocent little films at first glance, right?

The first one paid tribute to archaeologists of the« Israel Antiquities Authority » who, in a cave in the Judean desert, had discovered fragments of a parchment written more than two thousand years ago.The second one praised the generous behavior of the Israeli authorities who offered a skateboard park to Palestinian teenagers in East Jerusalem.

The third one showed the development of a large wooded area to accommodate the mountain gazelles, the Dorcas, and thus save them from a certified imminent extinction.With an emotional voice and not a little proud of the initiative, the person in charge of the operation declared in front of the camera  » It is the future of a species that is at stake here! »

You really have to have an evil mind to criticize such moving little videos, don’t you?Well… There was a catch.These reports were either bogus or misleading, or both!What! You dare to say that our television, the one I pay for with my money, has broadcast misleading films? Mensongers ? And no one checked before putting them on the air?It is necessary to specify above all that these films were provided turnkey by an Israeli company, our national television intervening only for the presentation in French. The name of the supplier is not known, as RTBF refused to communicate it. As for the control of the veracity before broadcasting, obligation required for any journalist, we have no information either.What we do know is that in his reply to the CDJ, the « Head of Editorial « World » » of RTBF defended these reports tooth and nail and certified, with the greatest energy, the objectivity of their content.

And if we take a closer look

The discovery of fragments of an ancient parchment, first of all.Contrary to the comments of the RTBF locating this discovery in Israeli territory, it was made in the West Bank, in a cave in Nahal Hever to be precise.In occupied Palestine then!In its March 16, 2021 edition, the newspaper Le Monde confirms that it was indeed made « …in the part of the Judean desert located in the West Bank, a territory occupied by Israel since 1967 » 

Conclusion?For the UN (Resolutions 2334 & 2347) and UNESCO (1970 Convention), this is nothing less than a plundering of heritage, considered a war crime by the ICC (International Criminal Court). We should also add that in a 2021 report, Amnesty International points out that  » The Israeli government and the settlers are using archaeology to reinforce their control over the occupied Palestinian territories.But this is not at all, but not at all, the point of view of the RTBF delegate!In his reply to the CDJ, he stubbornly supports the Israeli thesis and, to nail down anyone who dares to contest it, he finds nothing better than to invent a geographical neologism by locating the place of discovery not in Israel, but in Palestine…« in the middle of the 1967 border « .

No doubt about it, our flat country is indeed the kingdom of the zwanzeurs and the statement of this new expert in cartography deserves to appear in a future blooper… Borders for Dummiessection .

For the second film, a skateboard park offered to Palestinian kids in East Jerusalem by the Israeli government, the RTBF spokesperson, once again in perfect agreement with the Zionist point of view, states in his missive to the Council of Ethics:  » I can tell you that the subject is shot in the Old City and therefore in East Jerusalem.

He also guarantees that these teenagers are indeed Palestinians since « … They speak Arabic and, as the images show, came through the alleys of the old city.Andthat’s it! The pain in the ass just needs to shut up!

Unraveling a beautiful muddle

First of all, let’s note that the RTBF spokesman is perfectly right about the location of the skateboard park. It is well installed in the Old City of Jerusalem… More precisely in the so-called Christian quarter, on the roof of a large administrative building located between the Jaffa Gate and the Church of the Redeemer.

And as for the young athletes, he is still right, they come from the district known as the Maghrebins of this same Old City.But there is a downside… A nice big downside!Contrary to what he claims, this Old City is not in East Jerusalem, a theoretically Palestinian area, but is located in Israel… As decreed by the Zionist government some fifty-five years ago.

A little revision of the contemporary history course would have allowed the expert of Reyers Boulevard to verify that this neighborhood of Jerusalem was annexed in 1967 — an illegal annexation according to the UN of course — and that, in defiance of international laws, Begin’s government had this annexation ratified by a Basic law passed in 1980 in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament.

According to the regime in power there, this neighborhood is now part of the State of Israel, and the plan circulated by its administration indicates that it is beyond the Lions’ Gate — quite far from the Old City — that East Jerusalem is located, a territory that includes the neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.

Conclusion?The kids that the Israeli filmmakers make walk in front of the shops of Al-Wad street are simply teenagers citizens of the Israeli state… Not young people from East Jerusalem! One particularity, however, is that apartheid is a well-established practice there — the report Amnesty International’s report of February 1, 2022, is instructive in this regard — the regime has given them a special identity card calling them « Residents of the State of Israel ».This identity card, of a different color than that of Israelis considered Jews, is issued by the army (!) and revocable without notice.Citizens of the State without being.

And this since 1967! More than half a century!But the patented cartographer of our dear television is not dismayed for so little and, supporting the attempt of mystification of the Israeli propaganda service, declares, peremptorily, that the Old City is on the Palestinian territory… Na, it’s me who decides!Did he really believe that no one would find out about the mix-up?

And a bonus, one!

In his stubbornness to defend at all costs the producers at the orders of the regime of Netanyahu, Bennett, Gantz and others, the RTBF delegate also « forgot » the testimony of Adel Trabelsi, one of the young skateboarders in the film.In the JT of February 12, 2021, all happy to be able to practice his favorite sport, he explains  » There is no skateboarding area in East Jerusalem. There’s no room. »

Wouldn’t the editorial director of « Monde » watch his own TV news?Does he also forget that the only Palestinians who can cross the checkpoints and enter Israeli territory are those who have a work permit?This arbitrariness, regularly denounced by organizations involved in the defense of human rights, has resulted in the fact that, for example, the vast majority of the inhabitants of Bethlehem, a Palestinian town located less than 15 kilometers from the Esplanade of the Mosques, have never been able to set foot there… And this since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948!

Checkpoints? Where did you see checkpoints?

It seems that for the representative of our national channel, the denunciation of the oppression suffered by the Palestinian population is only a bunch of nonsense.In his letter to the CDJ, he goes so far as to certify that there is not the slightest obstacle, not the slightest hindrance to the movement of Palestinians « Having been there two years ago, I did not come across any checkpoint to pass from East to West Jerusalem.

To fall off your chair!Was he tipsy at the time of his visit?Unless he believed that the military on duty at the gates of Damascus or Herod and those who control access to the Al-Aqsa mosque… Are they only there to give their machine guns a breather? Faced with such a lie, there is still humor… black humor!

We must save the little gazelles!

With the third film, we wade cheerfully into the zany.The RTBF’s « Monde » editorial manager attests that  » These Dorcas gazelles are on the verge of extinction and Israel is one of the last countries where the antelope lives in the wild « .Self-proclaimed protector of the fauna, he would end up giving bad conscience to a Gaia activist! Except that… Our « gazelle » specialist forgot to mention that these Dorcas live in the wild in the Sahel countries, in the Maghreb, in Egypt, in Ethiopia .… And even in the Arabian Peninsula! Their total number is estimated at 40,000, of which about 3,000 live in the Golan Heights, another territory illegally occupied by the Israeli army.

The ones in the film, about twenty of them, probably captured in the Golan, gambol fearlessly among the visitors of the Gazelle Valley Park located between Menachem Begin Boulevard and the Givat Mordechai fire station.

According to Tripadvisor, this small park of a few hectares is a popular attraction for tourists. Ah, the love of animals! It always works to draw a tear from the gogos!

Dear viewer, this emotional hoax has been graciously offered to you by RTBF!

And a cherry on the cake, one!

In addition to the cracks of the spokesman of the RTBF, a lawyer of the house made a virulent criticism of the behavior of the Secretary General of the CDJ!It accuses him, no more and no less, of« personalizing » this complaint and thus exerting  » unnecessary pressure on RTBF workers » resulting in a« certain effect on their health and safety » with« an impact on freedom of expression and the right to inform » .

According to this distinguished lawyer, the Secretary General does not respect the ethics in use in the institution of the boulevard Reyers, institution which wants to be exclusively« A collective assuming the responsibility of the audiovisual contents which it produces and broadcasts ». In other words, any direct criticism of journalists or managers of the RTBF company is forbidden! Faced with the average citizen, there are no human interlocutors, no responsible individuals, no faces… Only one façade, that of the building on Reyers Boulevard! 

Did this legal specialist draw his inspiration from Kafka’s The Trial?

Let there be no mistake, I am perfectly aware that these three short reports are to be classified in the news section, that they have no real importance for the information of the viewers.And I am also well aware that my testimony will attract the dislike of certain notables of the audiovisual nomenklatura.

Anyway, I no longer have a career plan… and never did.I am not a vigilante, Don Quixote or Zorro, nor do I have the slightest disposition for conspiracy.I just shudder to think that this breach of ethics regarding films presented as candid, when they are obviously propaganda, is recurrent and applied to information of primary importance to our fellow citizens.Since anodyne journalism does not exist, this lack of rigor seems to me to be condemnable.It is all the more so when we see that those responsible for this « slip » are not « front-line » journalists — need I say that I have great admiration for the competence and uprightness of many of them — but senior executives of a public institution.

Since neutral words do not exist either, the denials of the RTBF representative about established facts and his unreserved alignment with the declarations of the Israeli propaganda services, lead one to ask a question: What if the broadcasting of these films was voluntary, if it was sanctioned by the management of the institute?

This would be a case of objective complicity with the regime currently in power in Israel.

And to say that this regime is extreme right-wing is redundant or a pleonasm. So, three small films can — perhaps? — reveal disturbing practices.

In his reply to the CDJ, the RTBF representative also tried to drag the complaint into a polemical by linking it to the drama that is taking place there.

If it is undeniable that I am sensitive to the persecution suffered by the Palestinian people and that this feeling is reflected in my words, the reactions of the RTBF delegate suggest, the word is weak, of sympathy for the regime currently in power in this country.

We certainly won’t be going on vacation together!

But the motivation, the heart of my protest, is not there… Absolutely not!

It is essentially in the fact that the control on the veracity of the contents was not realized before in the fact that the journalistic code of ethics was not respected!

This code which says in its first article « Journalists seek and respect the truth because of the public’s right to know it. They only disseminate information whose origin is known to them. They verify their veracity and report them honestly.« In another fundamental text of the CDJ, it is also written « Every journalist has a duty to disseminate verified information (…) the responsibility of journalists to the public takes precedence over their responsibilities to special interests, to the government and to their employers. »

Unfortunately, this is not the case here.

On the way to the epilogue!… Just kidding!

No sooner had the CDJ Secretary General initiated the process than a freelance journalist, a member of the CDJ Board, withdrew from the case.This is quite unfortunate because this lady, linked to an association for the defense of the Palestinian people, is undoubtedly familiar with the situation and could have confirmed various points of the complaint.

Fear of having to contradict some of his colleagues? To get into trouble with them?

For its part, RTBF would have wanted to play for time and would not have done it any differently.After several weeks of silence, it took a call from the Secretary General of the CDJ for us to learn, at the end of June 2021, that the RTBF had « confirmed that it had indeed not sent a new letter, as it had the option. The matter will therefore be reviewed at a future full meeting of the JSC.« Did the RTBF spokesman prefer to keep quiet to avoid what happened to Pinocchio’s nose?

Our waiting room is at your disposal!

And here we are in September 2021.And here we are in October 2021.And here we are in November 2021.And here we are in December 2021… Nine months already since the beginning of the « affair ».

Ah! The time… Indispensable for achieving indifferent silence!

Time management is a well-known tactic in politics.Its stretching allows to reach the point of insignificance of any sanction or repair. Is it this quest for obsolescence that is applied by the CDJ?But no! Do you think!You really have to have an evil mind to say that!However, someone will have to explain to me how, with a board composed of about fifty members, active or substitute, and with modern technology (video-conferencing in particular), we manage to rule on, at best, four or five complaints per month… most of which were filed more than a year ago. A quick visit to the website of the CDJM, the French equivalent of our CDJ, shows that this institution handles eight cases per month… twice as many as the CDJ!

But that’s not all.The waiting time for a file to be reviewed and an injunction to be issued by the French agency is… Two to three months, maximum!

Another visit to the website of the« Raad voor de Journalistiek », the Flemish « CDJ », reveals that it takes between three and six months to examine and decide on the complaints!

Revealing, isn’t it?

A reading of the JSC meeting minutes shows that there is very little, if any, likelihood that complaints will result in any remedial action.After a year of waiting, or even more, the denounced facts necessarily go from « topicality » to « archives »… with the consequence that the injunctions of the CDJ have no effect.

And, when we know that it is since the creation of this CDJ (2009) that this procedure is applied, we can only deduce that it is reflected, voluntary.Is it conspiracy to think that there is no other way to discourage whistleblowers?

It is also notable that the complaints considered by the Council appear to be selected on the basis of the reverse of the relevance of their content.A simple reading is enough to see that some complaints are obviously unfounded with regard to the precepts of the CDJ. But they are still discussed at the monthly Council meeting… thus blocking the examination of more relevant complaints.

Don’t confuse saying and doing!

In addition to this « cooking among colleagues », we must also add the non-respect of injunctions.What do you mean? Are there any who refuse to implement the decisions of the JDC?Yes!Small example: at the end of a file (the 20–57), the CDJ enjoins the RTBF to publish a text on the homepage of its website.

It is necessary to literally search the site to end up finding it in a page… dedicated to the coronavirus. Another method is to publish the injunction on the CDJ’s website… a full week after the Council’s decision stating that it must be published within seven days.Thus, a text concerning complaint 22–07, elaborated in session on March 23, 2022, is only published on April 5… on the CDJ website! What about the media involved?Yes, that’s how it is, little average citizen, the seven days are over… No way to check!

This kind of practice, however, will not prevent the CDJ from stating in its « Recommendations on the Duty to Correct » the rectification must be rapid, i.e. without delay, as soon as the error is discovered and specifies that if this knowledge occurs too long after the error has been committed, the correction may lose its interest and relevance ».

And here we are in April 2022.More than a year since the 21–19 complaint was filed.And there is no chance that it will be reviewed before the summer… or fall!

After having been, for more than a year, confronted with the functioning of the CDJ, I am obliged to note that this « affair » will end, at best, by an injunction to the RTBF which one will perhaps be able to read, by looking well, on its Web site.It is therefore better to lower the curtain on this sordid vaudeville.

Remembering that in 2021 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to journalists Maria Ressa and Dimitri Muratov — she and he are the honor of their profession — it pains me to note that some of their colleagues in my country do not have the same approach to their function.The hypocritical silence of the majority of the press on the fate of their colleague Julian Assange, rotting in a British jail, is a striking example of this sad behavior.

Profound changes in the composition and functioning of this Council of Journalistic Deontology seem to me to be indispensable for it to become a tool truly capable of enforcing deontology and reacting effectively against abuses.

At the end of this interminable path, that’s all I hope for.

Rudi Barnet

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Pandemic and Brave New World by Klaus Schwab

Aith the dramatic and rapid progress in the implementation of the New World Order, where the re-election of the puppet Macron, Young Global Leader, foal of Klaus Schwab, was already inscribed, we thought it was essential to share with you this long article of Kairos 54, which has just been released. Having dissected his book Covid-19: The Great Reset (or Great Reset) to synthesize the most important ideas and draw the global project of the author, this summary will allow the one who has neither the desire nor the time to read the indigestible work, to get an idea of the roadmap of the most powerful men. It’s not just a dystopia, it’s a program, slavishly implemented by those you thought you were electing. But remember, if you can read this article for free, it’s because others subscribe and support us, allowing the free press to continue to exist.

« The enemy we are fighting is invisible; our family, friends, and neighbors can all become sources of infection; those daily rituals we cherish, such as meeting a friend in a public place, can become vectors of transmission; and the authorities who try to protect us by enforcing containment measures are often seen as representatives of oppression[note] « .

When reading it, one thinks one is consulting Le Soir, Le Monde, TF1 or RTBF; listen to a government press conference, a newscast, follow the radio news. Covid-19: The Great Res et (TGR), is a mental model, a ready-to-think, an agenda, a bible of an ideology avatar and final apotheosis[note] of the one that has conquered our societies since the 1980s. Whether it was written by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, or by a large consulting firm, it bears witness to a unique way of thinking that permeates all circles of power and aims to conquer minds. 

 » As weenter July 2020, we are at a crossroads, the authors of Covid-19: The Great Reset argue in the preamble. Only one way will lead us to a better world: more inclusive, more equitable and more respectful of Mother Nature. « The attentive reader will rightly ask the question: what do the authors want in writing this book, is it a roadmap, a kind of future planning, or a reaction to the present situation, full of uncertain assumptions about the future? For the work seems to oscillate constantly between description and wishful thinking, explanation and the will to see it happen, enthusiasm and powerlessness. If the two signatories describe it as  » mainly explanatory » , providing suppositions, it resembles above all an agenda of intentions of which we are sure that the masters of the world will do everything possible to see them realized, admitting it moreover in the course of a sentence: this book provides  » many conjectures and ideas about what the post-pandemic world
, and perhaps
look like » . It would indeed be too cynical to see in the dystopian nightmare described in TGR the work of a human will ready to unfold, and it remains preferable to present it behind this false uncertainty of a probable but undetermined future. Hence the recurrent use of possible opposites. 

In this controlled schizophrenia, this disturbing division between assumed will and feigned impotence, is written the desire to act quickly in a moment to be seized,  » our decisive moment » , a kind of diabolical Kairos: « We have to the possibilities of change and the new order that results from it are now unlimited and have no other brake than our imagination, for better or for worse . We don’t know who will decide the best or the worst:  » Societies could be on the verge of becoming more egalitarian or more authoritarian, or oriented towards more solidarity or more individualism, » says the head of the World Economic Forum, a forum that brings together the world’s largest destructive companies. But the analysis of the whole text draws, as we shall see, a probable and desired worst, considering that the negative and often disastrous consequences of their choices will be inevitable. 

Remember that the book is published in June 2020, just three months after the start of Covid and the first containment in Europe. 

The thought that unfolds there is not the consequence of a new experimentation, but a unique situation in which a representation of the world that has already been thought out — and that possesses the useful infrastructures — will be able to materialize. The prophet Schwab has already understood that Covid-19 constitutes a tipping point:  » Many of us are wondering when things will get back to normal. The short answer is: never « ; « A new world is going to emerge, and we must both imagine it and draw its contours. » 

The authors speciously establish a causal link between the pandemic and its economic and social effects, as if the latter flowed naturally from the former, without taking into account the policy measures that link them, as if the visible hand of governments were the hand of God. Measures that could have been quite different, but in order to « bring about a new world », it was not necessary to have a manageable epidemic but a terrifying catastrophe[note], which, as it is explicitly stated, was only going to benefit a handful who had the means to seize the opportunity:  » In the U.S., Amazon and Walmart have hired 250,000 people to meet the increased demand and have built a massive infrastructure to provide online services. This acceleration in e‑commerce growth means that the online retail giants will likely emerge from the crisis even stronger than they were before the pandemic. » 

Full of certainty about the outcome of the « pandemic, » TGR warns that  » radical changes » will form a  » new normal. » Drawing on historical examples, the authors show how quarantines/confinements give and legitimize increased government power:  » From the word quaranta (which means « forty » in Italian), the idea of locking people up for 40 days was born without the authorities really understanding what they wanted to contain, but these measures were one of the first forms of « institutionalized public health » that helped legitimize the « accumulation of power » by the modern state « . Traveling between the propitious accident and the fortuitous opportunity, one cannot get rid of the impression that there is no contingency, but event. It doesn’t matter here where Covid-19 came from, they did what they wanted to do with it: the « plague » of the 21st century. « Plague » that will allow to give the State, indispensable structure to organize the « pandemic », superior powers. « If such profound social, political, and economic changes
have been able to
be brought about by the plague in the medieval world, could the Covid-19 pandemic mark the beginning of a similar turning point with lasting and dramatic consequences for our world today? » 

No observer will have noticed the « error » in the above quotation, where, rather than seeing changes that were brought about by the plague (passive form), those writing see it as a possibility («  may have » ), an opportune situation to exploit. This analysis is confirmed by the fact that they know full well that the Covid does not represent a danger to humanity and that the dramatization is of the order of the spectacle:  » globally, in terms of the percentage of the world’s population affected, the coronavirus crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has seen in the past few decades. The last 2,000 years. In all likelihood, unless the pandemic evolves in unforeseen ways, the health and mortality consequences of Covid-19 will be mild compared to previous pandemics. By the end of June 2020 (while the epidemic still rages in Latin America, South Asia, and much of the United States), Covid-19 has killed less than 0.006% of the world’s population. To put this low figure into context in terms of mortality, the Spanish flu killed 2.7% of the world’s population « . 

So they had to play on the equivocation, feed it, they didn’t know but chose the voice of the worst:  » The high degree of uncertainty that currently surrounds Covid-19 makes it incredibly difficult to accurately assess the risk it poses » ;  » Since the start of the pandemic, we have been bombarded daily with an endless stream of data, but as of June 2020, about six months into the epidemic, our knowledge is still very incomplete and, as a result, we still don’t really know how dangerous Covid-19 is. « Rather than relativizing the disease, they put all the ingredients in place to make it terrible. In fact,  » the ‘sanitary measures’ imposed for the last 18 months are radically contrary to what we knew we had to implement to effectively manage an epidemic » . They should never have disrupted normal social functioning and should have implemented a strong public health policy[note].


« With the economic emergency responses to the pandemic now in place, the opportunity can be seized to make the kind of institutional changes and policy choices that will set economies on a new course »[note].

Only a pandemic could ensure the global management of all countries as one large enterprise and allow the establishment of the New Order ‘s own world government : « The 7 billion people who live on our planet no longer live in a hundred separate boats [pays]; they live in 193 cabins on the same boat.  » Klaus Schwab quoting Kishore Mahbubani, an academic and former diplomat from Singapore. In his own words, this is one of the biggest transformations ever. In 2020, he expanded on this metaphor in the context of the pandemic, writing,  » If we are now 7.5 billion people on top of each other on a cruise ship infected with the virus, does it make sense to clean and scrub only our personal cabins while ignoring the outside corridors and air ducts, through which the virus travels? The answer is clearly no. However, that’s what we did… Since we are now in the same boat, humanity must take care of the world boat as a whole. » 

In Covid-19: The Great Reset, they feign surprise at the horrors this world has created, as if it took Covid to reveal them: » The first effect of the pandemic has been to amplify the gargantuan issue of social injustice by highlighting the shocking disparities between the degrees of risk faced by different social classes. « While it is the policies that WEF advocates that have made this world: » In a surprising and sudden reversal, the idea, which would have been anathema just a few years ago, that governments can promote the public good while runaway, unsupervised economies can wreak havoc on social welfare, may now become the norm. On the dial that measures the continuum between government and markets, the needle has undoubtedly moved to the left. « We have now reached the era of perfect symbiosis between capitalism and communism. The governmental structures were the transmission belts allowing the implementation of a New World Order, they were indispensable to them:  » Only governments had the power, capacity and scope to make such decisions, without which economic calamity and complete social collapse would have prevailed. « On March 21, 2022, the Think Tank Business Roundtable (Apple, Visa, General Motors, JPMorgan, Walmart, United Airlines, Paypal, American Express, Alphabet, Amazon, Blackrock, BP, Boston Consulting Group…), received Joe Biden, who was clear about his objectives:  » Now things are changing. There will be a new world order and we must lead it. And we must unite the rest of the free world to do so. » 

One would have thought that they would tackle tax havens and financial crime… Not at all. The Covid-19 policy has enriched the largest multinationals as never before, favored the bankers, and deepened inequality and misery. While the globalization of the pre-covid era was responsible for millions of deaths and the widening of inequalities, TGR recites the fable of the  » it was good before, it will be even better after » , apart from the « ravages » that he evokes:  » Globalization (…) has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty . 


The object of a simulation a few months before its implementation in the real world (Z event 2021[note]), the Covid-19 event was also the perfect element to concentrate all the « struggles » and to ensure the perpetuation of the submission of the masses:  » Covid-19 reminded us that the biggest problems we face are global in nature. Whether it’s pandemics, climate change, terrorism or international trade, these are all global issues that we can only address, and whose risks can only be mitigated, collectively.  » (…)  » At first glance, the pandemic and the environment might seem like distant cousins, but they are much closer and more intertwined than we think « … which makes it possible to understand why from the beginning the European institutions have spoken of Green Pass; we will pass from Covid to climate by « contagion » , even if these are only postures, of the business as usual, a  » considerable opportunity » disguised as imperative necessity » . The New World Order will be made with the WHO at the top of the list,  » the only organization capable of coordinating a global response to the pandemic » , as Bill Gates says, quoted in the book:  » Their work slows the spread of Covid-19, and if that work is stopped, no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO more than ever. « In sum, failure, taken as an example, as well as strategic incapacity, will serve to justify the complete end of what remained of national sovereignty. They also plan to politically « sacrifice » the politicians of the Covid era, which will justify the transfer of power to supranational actors like the WHO, and they hope that the people will demand it:  » It is precisely this failure of global governance that Covid-19 depicts. « And the authors condition the « restart [note] « to this international cooperation. 

The time of hyperconnectivity will have enabled the Covid-19 scenario:  » More than half (52%) of the world’s population is now connected, compared to less than 8% 20 years ago; in 2019, more than 1.5 billion smartphones — symbol and vector of speed that allows us to be reachable anywhere and at any time have been sold in the world. The Internet of Things (IoT) now connects 22 billion devices in real time, from cars to hospital beds, from power grids to water station pumps, to kitchen ovens and agricultural irrigation systems. This number is expected to reach 50 billion or more by 2030. « The authors push the comparison of the speed of deployment of these technological advances with that of Covid, as if Covid were also a product of the system: » Nothing illustrates this more vividly than the breakneck speed at which Covid-19 advanced in March 2020. In less than a month, following the maelstrom caused by the dizzying speed at which the pandemic engulfed most of the world, it seems that a whole new era has begun to take shape. « The perfidy is pushed to the point of showing its cards shamelessly: « thehings tend to change gradually at first, then all at once. Expect the same for the « macro » reset. « Warned in time, the guinea pigs of this planetary social engineering would certainly have refused the menu of the world that was presented to them, but the progressiveness proper to the manipulation of the masses nipped at the heels of the crowds, ready to follow their executioner-savior. 

The writing of this book just three months after the onset of the pandemic, with astonishing clarity, demonstrates that the Covid-19 event becomes part of a system, takes shape and accompanies it. It does more than outline the need for people to obey new rules and behaviors, and points to the essential need for a global web of control, capable of ensuring the obedience necessary for the continuation of the project, disguised under health pretexts.  » A pandemic is a complex adaptive system made up of many different components or information (…) For this reason, it can and should be viewed as a « living network » that adapts to changing conditions (…) The management (containment, in this particular case) of a complex adaptive system requires continuous real-time collaboration (…).… To give a general and oversimplified example, containing the coronavirus pandemic will require a global surveillance network capable of identifying new outbreaks as soon as they occur (…) It will also accentuate one of the greatest societal and individual challenges affected by technology: privacy. We will see how contact tracing has an unparalleled capacity and a near-essential place in the arsenal needed to combat Covid-19, while also being capable of becoming a mass surveillance tool. « (…) « The pandemic could usher in an era of active health surveillance made possible by location-sensing smartphones, facial recognition cameras and other technologies that identify sources of infection and track the spread of a disease in near real time. » 

They knew even before Covid that an unprecedented economic crisis was coming:  » The global economic catastrophe we are facing today is the most severe since 1945; in terms of sheer speed, it is unprecedented in history. Although it does not match the calamities and absolute economic despair that societies have experienced in the past, it has significant characteristics that are disturbingly similar « . This « uncanny similarity, » despite Covid-19 being  » the least deadly epidemic in history ,  » has led to a form of controlled resignation: » History shows that epidemics have been at the origin of great reinitializations of the economy and social fabric of countries. Why should it be different with Covid-19? « , and « to accompany » the economic collapse:  » Covid-19 caused a crisis of supply and demand that led to the sharpest drop in the world economy in over 100 years. As economist Kenneth Rogoff warned about the pandemic: « It all depends on how long it takes, but if it lasts, it will certainly be the mother of all financial crises. « We could therefore use a conjuring trick to make people believe that Covid-19 was the cause of the financial crisis. 

It was necessary to organize the ignorance, that we learn nothing and that the questions multiply, leaving those who wanted to say something else and reassure us in the impossibility of doing it. Bill Gates’ foal, Peter Piot, cited in the book as  » one of the world’s leading virologists, » will say nothing else:  » The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more questions are raised. » 

From the beginning, despite all their « uncertainties », the « decision-makers » did not doubt for a single moment the only remedy to bring to the evil:  » The next hurdle is the political challenge of vaccinating enough people around the world (collectively, we are as strong as the weakest link) with a high enough compliance rate despite the rise of the anti-vaccine crowd. » 


« Most people, fearing the danger posed by Covid-19, will ask: Is it not foolish not to harness the power of technology as a means of helping us when we are victims of an epidemic and faced with a life-and-death issue? They will then be willing to give up much of their privacy and agree that, in such circumstances, public power can legitimately override individual rights. »
« With the pandemic, the « digital transformation » that so many analysts have been referring to for years, without knowing exactly what it means, has found its catalyst. »
Inevitable consequences or happy boons, it is difficult to distinguish when our two authors describe the post-Covid effects. It is obvious that they know that the Great Reset will require « creative destruction ». For the two are subsequently combined: when we destroy, we erect the new. From the controlled chaos, from the dust, their best of all worlds is built. 

The shock therapy of Covid-19 will have indeed allowed to set up or accelerate opportune  » strategic investments » and to  » take the digital high-speed train » [note] so much awaited:  » In the space of just one month, it has become apparent that many companies have leapt forward several years in terms of technology adoption. This advance was well received by digital enthusiasts, but much less so by others (sometimes catastrophically so). Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella observed that the demands of social and physical distancing have created a world of « remote everything, » bringing forward the adoption of a wide range of technologies by two years, while Google CEO Sundar Pichai marveled at the impressive leap in digital activity, predicting a « significant and long-lasting » effect on sectors as diverse as work, education, shopping, medicine and online entertainment. » 

While the confinement and the « social distancing » favored digitalization and virtual relationships, the pharmaceutical multinationals were busy preparing a product falsely called « vaccine » in the greatest haste, with a Europe that exempted them beforehand from the responsibilities regarding the risks inherent in such a haste. Knowing that what they would destroy would not come back, they conditioned, in a fabulous lie, the economic recovery and the return « to the life before » , in a blackmail of the sting:  » In the coming months, the unemployment situation is bound to deteriorate further, for the simple reason that it cannot improve significantly until a sustained economic recovery is underway. This will not happen until a vaccine or treatment is found « . 

Their robot company was already in the bins, but, and they know it, what the robot replaces, the man loses it, in all logic:  » In all likelihood, the pandemic-induced recession will trigger a sharp increase in labor replacement, meaning that physical labor will be replaced by robots and « smart » machines, which in turn will cause lasting and structural changes in the labor market. « [note] Automation, accelerated by Covid, will save workers time in the short term and fire them in the medium term:  » RPA (robotic process automation) solutions have helped some hospitals disseminate Covid-19 test results, saving nurses up to three hours of work per day ‚ » at the expense of a probable increase in unemployment » … Confinement and fear will make them ask what they would never have wanted of themselves and which the catastrophe will accentuate:  » Consumers may prefer automated services to face-to-face interactions for some time to come, so what is currently happening with call centers will inevitably happen in other industries. « Automation anxiety » is therefore set for a revival, which the economic recession will make worse. « States and individuals will have dug their own graves. 

Klaus Schwab’s recipe for tomorrow’s world is made up of artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, automation, robots, biotechnology, telemedicine, drone delivery, virtual meetings, digital schools, the contactless economy[note], e‑sports. (169). The end of what makes us human, sensitive and gregarious beings:  » Driving to a family reunion away from home for the weekend (the WhatsApp family group is not as fun, but again, safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly) or even attending a university lecture (not as satisfying, but cheaper and more convenient).  » ;  » The trend seems clear: the world of education, like other industries, will become partly virtual.  » (…)  » The pandemic could prove to be a boon for online education. » 

Recipe that the pandemic will have  » supercharged » :  » the pandemic will further accelerate innovation, catalyzing technological changes already underway (comparable to the amplifying effect it has had on other underlying global and national issues) and « supercharging » any digital enterprise or the digital dimension of any enterprise. » 

The massacre of the middle class will be accompanied by the massacre of those who have already been victims of this world for centuries, namely the working classes and the countries now called « emerging » and « poor and over-indebted », the latter taking the brunt:  » For them, this crisis will take on enormous proportions and it will take years to get out of it, with considerable economic damage rapidly translating into social and humanitarian pain. « (…) « It could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe and food crisis » (…) « Either way, the consequences of these risks will be greater instability and even chaos. » (…) « In the years to come, as the pandemic inflicts suffering on a global scale, the dynamics are likely to go in only one direction for the world’s poorest and most fragile countries: from bad to worse. In short, many states with fragility factors are at risk of failure. » 

These upheavals will be accompanied by social unrest, as the Davos Forum has already predicted:  » The societal upheaval triggered by Covid-19 will last for years, if not generations. The most immediate and visible impact is that many governments will be taken to task, with much anger directed at policymakers and politicians whose responses to the management of Covid-19 have seemed inappropriate or ill-prepared. « They are not afraid of the revolt, they have already anticipated it… it will allow them to sell their New Order.  » One of the most profound dangers of the post-pandemic era is social unrest. In extreme cases, it could lead to societal disintegration and political collapse. Countless studies, articles and warnings have highlighted this particular risk, based on the obvious observation that when people have no job, no income and no prospect of a better life, they often resort to violence. « The authors are even cynically lucid:  » Inequality could therefore decrease, but if history is any guide, this optimistic scenario is unlikely to prevail if it is not preceded by significant social unrest . 

Walk or die:  » Those who have fallen behind and missed the high-speed digital train will have a hard time adapting and surviving » (…)  » The « micro » reset will force every company in every sector to experiment with new ways of doing business, working and operating. Those who try to go back to the old way will fail. Those who adapt with agility and imagination will eventually turn the Covid-19 crisis to their advantage. « It is the infernal cycle of fear that feeds change that feeds fear: » In one form or another, social and physical distancing measures are likely to persist after the end of the pandemic itself, justifying the decision of many companies from different industries to accelerate automation. Over time, lingering concerns about technological unemployment will fade as companies focus on the need to restructure the workplace to minimize close human contact. « In the blink of an eye, they will have succeeded in generating the false solution (« social distancing ») to a minor problem (coronavirus) that they have presented as serious, generating fear and promoting new « solutions » (automation) to adapt to the world without contacts that they have set up: » Automation technologies are particularly well suited to a world in which humans cannot be too close to each other or are willing to reduce their interactions. Our persistent and perhaps lasting fear of being infected by a virus (that of Covid-19 or other) will therefore accelerate the relentless march of automation, especially in the fields most sensitive to it. In 2016, two Oxford academics concluded that up to 86% of restaurant jobs, 75% of retail jobs, and 59% of entertainment jobs could be automated by 2035. These three industries are among the hardest hit by the pandemic, and it is in these industries that automation, for reasons of hygiene and cleanliness, will be a necessity that will, in turn, further accelerate the transition to more technology and more digital « . 

Covid-19 is the self-fulfilling prophecy, the timely « pandemic », a silver platter to lead us to accelerate the emergence of a techno-totalitarian world where those who were already winning will surpass themselves by crushing the others. « It’s no accident that companies like Alibaba, Amazon, Netflix or Zoom have emerged as ‘winners’ from these confinements » (…) « It’s only natural that they are the main beneficiaries of the pandemic. » No, it is not a coincidence, Herr Schwab. It is « natural ». As  » these small businesses [qui] will suffer disproportionately as they struggle to survive the closures imposed by containment (or severe downsizing) and avoid bankruptcy. If they are forced to operate at reduced capacity with even tighter margins, many will not survive. « (…) « Take restaurants. This industry has been hit by the pandemic to such an extent that it is not even clear how the restaurant industry will ever recover. » (…) « In France and the UK, several industry voices estimate that up to 75% of independent restaurants may not survive the containment and subsequent social distancing measures. « So do not think that your submission will be rewarded, it will only hasten your downfall. 

 » If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face… forever » (George Orwell). 

Alexandre Penasse

Read more "

Pandemic and Brave New World by Klaus Schwab

« The enemy we are fighting is invisible; our family, friends, and neighbors can all become sources of infection; those daily rituals we cherish, such as meeting a friend in a public place, can become vectors of transmission; and the authorities who try to protect us by enforcing containment measures are often seen as representatives of oppression[note] « .

Illustration: Philippe Debongnie
When reading it, one thinks one is consulting Le Soir, Le Monde, TF1 or RTBF; listen to a government press conference, a newscast, follow the radio news. Covid-19: The Great Res et (TGR), is a mental model, a ready-to-think, an agenda, a bible of an ideology avatar and final apotheosis[note] of the one that has conquered our societies since the 1980s. Whether it was written by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, or by a large consulting firm, it bears witness to a unique way of thinking that permeates all circles of power and aims to conquer minds. 

 » As weenter July 2020, we are at a crossroads, the authors of Covid-19: The Great Reset argue in the preamble. Only one way will lead us to a better world: more inclusive, more equitable and more respectful of Mother Nature. « The attentive reader will rightly ask the question: what do the authors want in writing this book, is it a roadmap, a kind of future planning, or a reaction to the present situation, full of uncertain assumptions about the future? For the work seems to oscillate constantly between description and wishful thinking, explanation and the will to see it happen, enthusiasm and powerlessness. If the two signatories describe it as  » mainly explanatory » , providing suppositions, it resembles above all an agenda of intentions of which we are sure that the masters of the world will do everything possible to see them realized, admitting it moreover in the course of a sentence: this book provides  » many conjectures and ideas about what the post-pandemic world
, and perhaps
look like » . It would indeed be too cynical to see in the dystopian nightmare described in TGR the work of a human will ready to unfold, and it remains preferable to present it behind this false uncertainty of a probable but undetermined future. Hence the recurrent use of possible opposites. 

In this controlled schizophrenia, this disturbing division between assumed will and feigned impotence, is written the desire to act quickly in a moment to be seized,  » our decisive moment » , a kind of diabolical Kairos: « We have to the possibilities of change and the new order that results from it are now unlimited and have no other brake than our imagination, for better or for worse . We don’t know who will decide the best or the worst:  » Societies could be on the verge of becoming more egalitarian or more authoritarian, or oriented towards more solidarity or more individualism, » says the head of the World Economic Forum, a forum that brings together the world’s largest destructive companies. But the analysis of the whole text draws, as we shall see, a probable and desired worst, considering that the negative and often disastrous consequences of their choices will be inevitable. 

Remember that the book is published in June 2020, just three months after the start of Covid and the first containment in Europe. 

The thought that unfolds there is not the consequence of a new experimentation, but a unique situation in which a representation of the world that has already been thought out — and that possesses the useful infrastructures — will be able to materialize. The prophet Schwab has already understood that Covid-19 constitutes a tipping point:  » Many of us are wondering when things will get back to normal. The short answer is: never « ; « A new world is going to emerge, and we must both imagine it and draw its contours. » 

The authors speciously establish a causal link between the pandemic and its economic and social effects, as if the latter flowed naturally from the former, without taking into account the policy measures that link them, as if the visible hand of governments were the hand of God. Measures that could have been quite different, but in order to « make a new world emerge », it was not necessary to have a manageable epidemic but a terrifying catastrophe[note]which, as explicitly stated, was only going to benefit a handful who had the means to seize the opportunity:  » In the U.S., Amazon and Walmart have hired 250,000 people to meet the increased demand and have built a massive infrastructure to provide online services. This acceleration in e‑commerce growth means that the online retail giants will likely emerge from the crisis even stronger than they were before the pandemic. » 

Full of certainty about the outcome of the « pandemic, » TGR warns that  » radical changes » will form a  » new normal. » Drawing on historical examples, the authors show how quarantines/confinements give and legitimize increased government power:  » From the word quaranta (which means « forty » in Italian), the idea of locking people up for 40 days was born without the authorities really understanding what they wanted to contain, but these measures were one of the first forms of « institutionalized public health » that helped legitimize the « accumulation of power » by the modern state « . Traveling between the propitious accident and the fortuitous opportunity, one cannot get rid of the impression that there is no contingency, but event. It doesn’t matter here where Covid-19 came from, they did what they wanted to do with it: the « plague » of the 21st century. « Plague » that will allow to give the State, indispensable structure to organize the « pandemic », superior powers. « If such profound social, political, and economic changes
have been able to
be brought about by the plague in the medieval world, could the Covid-19 pandemic mark the beginning of a similar turning point with lasting and dramatic consequences for our world today? » 

No observer will have noticed the « error » in the above quotation, where, rather than seeing changes that were brought about by the plague (passive form), those writing see it as a possibility («  may have » ), an opportune situation to exploit. This analysis is confirmed by the fact that they know full well that the Covid does not represent a danger to humanity and that the dramatization is of the order of the spectacle:  » globally, in terms of the percentage of the world’s population affected, the coronavirus crisis is (so far) one of the least deadly pandemics the world has seen in the past few decades. The last 2,000 years. In all likelihood, unless the pandemic evolves in unforeseen ways, the health and mortality consequences of Covid-19 will be mild compared to previous pandemics. By the end of June 2020 (while the epidemic still rages in Latin America, South Asia, and much of the United States), Covid-19 has killed less than 0.006% of the world’s population. To put this low figure into context in terms of mortality, the Spanish flu killed 2.7% of the world’s population « . 

So they had to play on the equivocation, feed it, they didn’t know but chose the voice of the worst:  » The high degree of uncertainty that currently surrounds Covid-19 makes it incredibly difficult to accurately assess the risk it poses » ;  » Since the start of the pandemic, we have been bombarded daily with an endless stream of data, but as of June 2020, about six months into the epidemic, our knowledge is still very incomplete and, as a result, we still don’t really know how dangerous Covid-19 is. « Rather than relativizing the disease, they put all the ingredients in place to make it terrible. In fact,  » the ‘sanitary measures’ imposed for the last 18 months are radically contrary to what we knew we had to implement to effectively manage an epidemic » . They should never have disrupted normal social functioning and should have implemented a strong public health policy[note].


« With the economic emergency responses to the pandemic now in place, the opportunity can be seized to make the kind of institutional changes and policy choices that will set economies on a new course »[note].

Only a pandemic could ensure the global management of all countries as one large enterprise and allow the establishment of the New Order ‘s own world government : « The 7 billion people who live on our planet no longer live in a hundred separate boats [pays]; they live in 193 cabins on the same boat.  » Klaus Schwab quoting Kishore Mahbubani, an academic and former diplomat from Singapore. In his own words, this is one of the biggest transformations ever. In 2020, he expanded on this metaphor in the context of the pandemic, writing,  » If we are now 7.5 billion people on top of each other on a cruise ship infected with the virus, does it make sense to clean and scrub only our personal cabins while ignoring the outside corridors and air ducts, through which the virus travels? The answer is clearly no. However, that’s what we did… Since we are now in the same boat, humanity must take care of the world boat as a whole. » 

In Covid-19: The Great Reset, they feign surprise at the horrors this world has created, as if it took Covid to reveal them: » The first effect of the pandemic has been to amplify the gargantuan issue of social injustice by highlighting the shocking disparities between the degrees of risk faced by different social classes. « While it is the policies that WEF advocates that have made this world: » In a surprising and sudden reversal, the idea, which would have been anathema just a few years ago, that governments can promote the public good while runaway, unsupervised economies can wreak havoc on social welfare, may now become the norm. On the dial that measures the continuum between government and markets, the needle has undoubtedly moved to the left. « We have now reached the era of perfect symbiosis between capitalism and communism. The governmental structures were the transmission belts allowing the implementation of a New World Order, they were indispensable to them:  » Only governments had the power, capacity and scope to make such decisions, without which economic calamity and complete social collapse would have prevailed. « On March 21, 2022, the Think Tank Business Roundtable (Apple, Visa, General Motors, JPMorgan, Walmart, United Airlines, Paypal, American Express, Alphabet, Amazon, Blackrock, BP, Boston Consulting Group…), received Joe Biden, who was clear about his objectives:  » Now things are changing. There will be a new world order and we must lead it. And we must unite the rest of the free world to do so. » 

One would have thought that they would tackle tax havens and financial crime… Not at all. The Covid-19 policy has enriched the largest multinationals as never before, favored the bankers, and deepened inequality and misery. While the globalization of the pre-covid era was responsible for millions of deaths and the widening of inequalities, TGR recites the fable of the  » it was good before, it will be even better after » , apart from the « ravages » that he evokes:  » Globalization (…) has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty . 


Subject of a simulation a few months before its implementation in the real world (Z event 2021)[note]), the Covid-19 event was also the perfect element to concentrate all the « struggles » and ensure the perpetuation of the submission of the masses:  » Covid-19 reminded us that the biggest problems we face are global in nature. Whether it’s pandemics, climate change, terrorism or international trade, these are all global issues that we can only address, and whose risks can only be mitigated, collectively.  » (…)  » At first glance, the pandemic and the environment might seem like distant cousins, but they are much closer and more intertwined than we think « … which makes it possible to understand why from the beginning the European institutions have spoken of Green Pass; we will pass from Covid to climate by « contagion » , even if these are only postures, of the business as usual, a  » considerable opportunity » disguised as imperative necessity » . The New World Order will be made with the WHO at the top of the list,  » the only organization capable of coordinating a global response to the pandemic » , as Bill Gates says, quoted in the book:  » Their work slows the spread of Covid-19, and if that work is stopped, no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO more than ever. « In sum, failure, taken as an example, as well as strategic incapacity, will serve to justify the complete end of what remained of national sovereignty. They also plan to politically « sacrifice » the politicians of the Covid era, which will justify the transfer of power to supranational actors like the WHO, and they hope that the people will demand it:  » It is precisely this failure of global governance that Covid-19 depicts. « And the authors condition the « restart [note] « to this international cooperation. 

The time of hyperconnectivity will have enabled the Covid-19 scenario:  » More than half (52%) of the world’s population is now connected, compared to less than 8% 20 years ago; in 2019, more than 1.5 billion smartphones — symbol and vector of speed that allows us to be reachable anywhere and at any time have been sold in the world. The Internet of Things (IoT) now connects 22 billion devices in real time, from cars to hospital beds, from power grids to water station pumps, to kitchen ovens and agricultural irrigation systems. This number is expected to reach 50 billion or more by 2030. « The authors push the comparison of the speed of deployment of these technological advances with that of Covid, as if Covid were also a product of the system: » Nothing illustrates this more vividly than the breakneck speed at which Covid-19 advanced in March 2020. In less than a month, following the maelstrom caused by the dizzying speed at which the pandemic engulfed most of the world, it seems that a whole new era has begun to take shape. « The perfidy is pushed to the point of showing its cards shamelessly: « thehings tend to change gradually at first, then all at once. Expect the same for the « macro » reset. « Warned in time, the guinea pigs of this planetary social engineering would certainly have refused the menu of the world that was presented to them, but the progressiveness proper to the manipulation of the masses nipped at the heels of the crowds, ready to follow their executioner-savior. 

The writing of this book just three months after the onset of the pandemic, with astonishing clarity, demonstrates that the Covid-19 event becomes part of a system, takes shape and accompanies it. It does more than outline the need for people to obey new rules and behaviors, and points to the essential need for a global web of control, capable of ensuring the obedience necessary for the continuation of the project, disguised under health pretexts.  » A pandemic is a complex adaptive system made up of many different components or information (…) For this reason, it can and should be viewed as a « living network » that adapts to changing conditions (…) The management (containment, in this particular case) of a complex adaptive system requires continuous real-time collaboration (…).… To give a general and oversimplified example, containing the coronavirus pandemic will require a global surveillance network capable of identifying new outbreaks as soon as they occur (…) It will also accentuate one of the greatest societal and individual challenges affected by technology: privacy. We will see how contact tracing has an unparalleled capacity and a near-essential place in the arsenal needed to combat Covid-19, while also being capable of becoming a mass surveillance tool. « (…) « The pandemic could usher in an era of active health surveillance made possible by location-sensing smartphones, facial recognition cameras and other technologies that identify sources of infection and track the spread of a disease in near real time. » 

They knew even before Covid that an unprecedented economic crisis was coming:  » The global economic catastrophe we are facing today is the most severe since 1945; in terms of sheer speed, it is unprecedented in history. Although it does not match the calamities and absolute economic despair that societies have experienced in the past, it has significant characteristics that are disturbingly similar « . This « uncanny similarity, » despite Covid-19 being  » the least deadly epidemic in history ,  » has led to a form of controlled resignation: » History shows that epidemics have been at the origin of great reinitializations of the economy and social fabric of countries. Why should it be different with Covid-19? « , and « to accompany » the economic collapse:  » Covid-19 caused a crisis of supply and demand that led to the sharpest drop in the world economy in over 100 years. As economist Kenneth Rogoff warned about the pandemic: « It all depends on how long it takes, but if it lasts, it will certainly be the mother of all financial crises. « We could therefore use a conjuring trick to make people believe that Covid-19 was the cause of the financial crisis. 

It was necessary to organize the ignorance, that we learn nothing and that the questions multiply, leaving those who wanted to say something else and reassure us in the impossibility of doing it. Bill Gates’ foal, Peter Piot, cited in the book as  » one of the world’s leading virologists, » will say nothing else:  » The more we learn about the coronavirus, the more questions are raised. » 

From the beginning, despite all their « uncertainties », the « decision-makers » did not doubt for a single moment the only remedy to bring to the evil:  » The next hurdle is the political challenge of vaccinating enough people around the world (collectively, we are as strong as the weakest link) with a high enough compliance rate despite the rise of the anti-vaccine crowd. » 


« Most people, fearing the danger posed by Covid-19, will ask: Is it not foolish not to harness the power of technology as a means of helping us when we are victims of an epidemic and faced with a life-and-death issue? They will then be willing to give up much of their privacy and agree that, in such circumstances, public power can legitimately override individual rights. »
« With the pandemic, the « digital transformation » that so many analysts have been referring to for years, without knowing exactly what it means, has found its catalyst. »
Inevitable consequences or happy boons, it is difficult to distinguish when our two authors describe the post-Covid effects. It is obvious that they know that the Great Reset will require « creative destruction ». For the two are subsequently combined: when we destroy, we erect the new. From the controlled chaos, from the dust, their best of all worlds is built. 

The shock therapy of Covid-19 will have indeed allowed to set up or accelerate opportune  » strategic investments » and to  » take the digital high-speed train » .[note] long-awaited:  » In the space of just one month, it has become apparent that many companies have leapt forward several years in terms of technology adoption. This advance was well received by digital enthusiasts, but much less so by others (sometimes catastrophically so). Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella observed that the demands of social and physical distancing have created a world of « remote everything, » bringing forward the adoption of a wide range of technologies by two years, while Google CEO Sundar Pichai marveled at the impressive leap in digital activity, predicting a « significant and long-lasting » effect on sectors as diverse as work, education, shopping, medicine and online entertainment. » 

While the confinement and the « social distancing » favored digitalization and virtual relationships, the pharmaceutical multinationals were busy preparing a product falsely called « vaccine » in the greatest haste, with a Europe that exempted them beforehand from the responsibilities regarding the risks inherent in such a haste. Knowing that what they would destroy would not come back, they conditioned, in a fabulous lie, the economic recovery and the return « to the life before » , in a blackmail of the sting:  » In the coming months, the unemployment situation is bound to deteriorate further, for the simple reason that it cannot improve significantly until a sustained economic recovery is underway. This will not happen until a vaccine or treatment is found « . 

Their robot company was already in the bins, but, and they know it, what the robot replaces, the man loses it, in all logic:  » In all likelihood, the pandemic-induced recession will trigger a sharp increase in labor replacement, meaning that physical labor will be replaced by robots and « smart » machines, which in turn will cause lasting and structural changes in the labor market. « [note] Automation, accelerated by Covid, will save workers time in the short term and fire them in the medium term:  » RPA (robotic process automation) solutions have helped some hospitals disseminate Covid-19 test results, saving nurses up to three hours of work per day ‚ » at the expense of a probable increase in unemployment » … Confinement and fear will make them ask what they would never have wanted of themselves and which the catastrophe will accentuate:  » Consumers may prefer automated services to face-to-face interactions for some time to come, so what is currently happening with call centers will inevitably happen in other industries. « Automation anxiety » is therefore set for a revival, which the economic recession will make worse. « States and individuals will have dug their own graves. 

Klaus Schwab’s recipe for tomorrow’s world is made up of artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, automation, robots, biotechnology, telemedicine, drone delivery, virtual meetings, digital schools, the contactless economy[note], e‑sports. (169). The end of what makes us human, sensitive and gregarious beings:  » Driving to a family reunion away from home for the weekend (the WhatsApp family group is not as fun, but again, safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly) or even attending a university lecture (not as satisfying, but cheaper and more convenient).  » ;  » The trend seems clear: the world of education, like other industries, will become partly virtual.  » (…)  » The pandemic could prove to be a boon for online education. » 

Recipe that the pandemic will have  » supercharged » :  » the pandemic will further accelerate innovation, catalyzing technological changes already underway (comparable to the amplifying effect it has had on other underlying global and national issues) and « supercharging » any digital enterprise or the digital dimension of any enterprise. » 

The massacre of the middle class will be accompanied by the massacre of those who have already been victims of this world for centuries, namely the working classes and the countries now called « emerging » and « poor and over-indebted », the latter taking the brunt:  » For them, this crisis will take on enormous proportions and it will take years to get out of it, with considerable economic damage rapidly translating into social and humanitarian pain. « (…) « It could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe and food crisis » (…) « Either way, the consequences of these risks will be greater instability and even chaos. » (…) « In the years to come, as the pandemic inflicts suffering on a global scale, the dynamics are likely to go in only one direction for the world’s poorest and most fragile countries: from bad to worse. In short, many states with fragility factors are at risk of failure. » 

These upheavals will be accompanied by social unrest, as the Davos Forum has already predicted:  » The societal upheaval triggered by Covid-19 will last for years, if not generations. The most immediate and visible impact is that many governments will be taken to task, with much anger directed at policymakers and politicians whose responses to the management of Covid-19 have seemed inappropriate or ill-prepared. « They are not afraid of the revolt, they have already anticipated it… it will allow them to sell their New Order.  » One of the most profound dangers of the post-pandemic era is social unrest. In extreme cases, it could lead to societal disintegration and political collapse. Countless studies, articles and warnings have highlighted this particular risk, based on the obvious observation that when people have no job, no income and no prospect of a better life, they often resort to violence. « The authors are even cynically lucid:  » Inequality could therefore decrease, but if history is any guide, this optimistic scenario is unlikely to prevail if it is not preceded by significant social unrest . 

Walk or die:  » Those who have fallen behind and missed the high-speed digital train will have a hard time adapting and surviving » (…)  » The « micro » reset will force every company in every sector to experiment with new ways of doing business, working and operating. Those who try to go back to the old way will fail. Those who adapt with agility and imagination will eventually turn the Covid-19 crisis to their advantage. « It is the infernal cycle of fear that feeds change that feeds fear: » In one form or another, social and physical distancing measures are likely to persist after the end of the pandemic itself, justifying the decision of many companies from different industries to accelerate automation. Over time, lingering concerns about technological unemployment will fade as companies focus on the need to restructure the workplace to minimize close human contact. « In the blink of an eye, they will have succeeded in generating the false solution (« social distancing ») to a minor problem (coronavirus) that they have presented as serious, generating fear and promoting new « solutions » (automation) to adapt to the world without contacts that they have set up: » Automation technologies are particularly well suited to a world in which humans cannot be too close to each other or are willing to reduce their interactions. Our persistent and perhaps lasting fear of being infected by a virus (that of Covid-19 or other) will therefore accelerate the relentless march of automation, especially in the fields most sensitive to it. In 2016, two Oxford academics concluded that up to 86% of restaurant jobs, 75% of retail jobs, and 59% of entertainment jobs could be automated by 2035. These three industries are among the hardest hit by the pandemic, and it is in these industries that automation, for reasons of hygiene and cleanliness, will be a necessity that will, in turn, further accelerate the transition to more technology and more digital « . 

Covid-19 is the self-fulfilling prophecy, the timely « pandemic », a silver platter to lead us to accelerate the emergence of a techno-totalitarian world where those who were already winning will surpass themselves by crushing the others. « It’s no accident that companies like Alibaba, Amazon, Netflix or Zoom have emerged as ‘winners’ from these confinements » (…) « It’s only natural that they are the main beneficiaries of the pandemic. » No, it is not a coincidence, Herr Schwab. It is « natural ». As  » these small businesses [qui] will suffer disproportionately as they struggle to survive the closures imposed by containment (or severe downsizing) and avoid bankruptcy. If they are forced to operate at reduced capacity with even tighter margins, many will not survive. « (…) « Take restaurants. This industry has been hit by the pandemic to such an extent that it is not even clear how the restaurant industry will ever recover. » (…) « In France and the UK, several industry voices estimate that up to 75% of independent restaurants may not survive the containment and subsequent social distancing measures. « So do not think that your submission will be rewarded, it will only hasten your downfall. 

 » If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face… forever » (George Orwell). 

Alexandre Penasse

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External contributions

Two years of Sars-Cov2: what political situation has emerged from the pandemic?

The evolution of state measures and their contestation from mid-March 2020 to the end of January 2022

[Editor’s note: Since Covid-19 « left » as quickly as it arrived — which confirms that it was political before it was sanitary -, between the writing of this external contribution and its publication, the power media switched to the « Ukraine » narrative. It was known that bombers and bombed were defined as such only in the interest of the West, and that the status of « victim » was given only to those who were killed by its enemies. All this should not make us forget what they were selling us daily until a few days ago, nor the collateral effects of their « benefit-risk balance » which they never measured, but which we know were much more numerous; their policies killing more than Covid. We will not suddenly stop our attempts to understand and explain because the media-political power has decided so. As for Ukraine, we feed on those who talk about it without being mentally entangled in Western propaganda and will soon publish content on the subject (article, interview, video…)]. 

This time, we are there: for two years, the pandemic has settled on our world. The media and the states have made it their main theme of daily propaganda. The resulting situation is largely new, even though we have been able to demonstrate that the possibility of a pandemic was thought of according to a counterinsurgency logic since at least the early 2010s[note]. The aim here is to examine the main responses made over the last two years to this new health situation, which very quickly led to an unprecedented political development. Much has changed, and we will focus here only on the political aspects of the pandemic. It is difficult to establish a hierarchy between the importance of these changes, so we will start with what seems to us the most obvious: the rise of conspiracy.

The conspiracy and the announced catastrophe

From March 2020, the discussion centers on the origin of the coronavirus: a laboratory, an animal market, a pangolin, a bat? Or the Chinese — Donald Trump talks about « the Chinese virus »… Hundreds and thousands of Internet users start — as usual, one might say — to spread news in all directions.

Faced with them, the traditional media, newspapers, magazines, radios and television channels, appeal to the « experts ». But the experts also assert different and even contradictory points of view, without this leading anyone to reflect on the meaning of expertise in medical matters: is there only one medical truth? Is medicine as exact a science as mathematics? In medicine, there is a saying that if the explanation is simple, it is false, and that reality is always too complex to be explained in its entirety… The human body and life itself are indeed so complex that we can only approach a truth, and never hold it completely. But here is an obviousness that is far too subtle, and conspiracy theory feeds on simplicity, even absolute simplism!

The States, for the most part, have embarked on a policy of fear[note] They have frightened their populations, while taking contradictory measures, as in France where the government first declared that the mask was useless — because there were not enough in reserve — before making it compulsory and multiplying the inconsistencies with each new set of health measures. All the ingredients were thus gathered for a huge wave of conspiracy to develop: first of all, the main engine, fear, and the worst of all; the fear of dying. Then, the extreme complexity of reality, both that of the human body and that of the spread of a disease on a global scale; the repression of those who did not accept measures that they considered inconsistent or ineffective. Finally, the sometimes very serious insults propagated with impunity, which amounts to throwing oil on the fire.

Over time, a real scapegoat is created by the media and the government: the « group » of non-vaccinated people, who are blamed for the spread of the epidemic or for the measures taken by the state that are contrary to freedoms. The creation of a scapegoat always leads to at least two consequences: dividing the population and increasing the level of violence. Unfortunately, this is what happened in France, where the vocabulary used by some vaccinated and non-vaccinated people alike became more and more outrageous as the months went by, including at the Élysée Palace.

The French government’s extreme stance can be seen in the incessant deluge of interventions by the President of the Republic, his ministers, the experts of the Scientific Committee and the Health Defense Committee, two organizations lacking any « democratic » legitimacy, which drown the media and the citizens under an avalanche of alarmist statements. The leaders have only created fear, which leads to the inability to reason simply, and, for example, to ask the government why it continues to close hospital beds, why the health budget is only 1.8% of the national budget, while that of the army is 6.65% and that of the police 3.3%?

Lying or distorting the truth results in what an American think tank, the Rand Corporation, calls « the truth decay » [note]. When a government or the media constantly changes its mind and propagates news that wants to steer public opinion in one direction, the Rand Corporation is experiencing a phenomenon of « decredibilization » of the speeches made by the State or the media: part of public opinion refuses to be manipulated, and goes to look for information elsewhere. That is, on the web! For the Rand Corporation, it is more the media that has lost its credibility than the social networks that have taken it away. The half-truths or outright lies of the media, the fact that they uncritically relay the state’s propaganda was enough to make them lose their credibility. The problem is that, at the same time, thousands of more or less crazy websites have gained some. As if it were impossible to carry out a serious and complete reflection on what oppresses us, and as if we had to fall from one oppression to another… Endless?

At the beginning of 2020, faced with the unprecedented situation caused by the pandemic, by the fear that was taking hold of the population and by the flood of conspiracy theories, think tanks immediately began to draw up scenarios on the number of deaths, on the most effective sanitary decisions, on the likelihood or not of a vaccine, on the way out of the crisis. For example, a French think tank, Futuribles, could, as early as April 2020, only six weeks after the « official » start of the pandemic and containment measures, provide three scenarios based on the number of deaths and the government’s policy on containment, travel restrictions, etc. What is surprising politically is that this type of drift is widely known and documented, especially in revolutionary circles. But they have been more or less unable to respond to the flood of catastrophic scenarios and apocalyptic forecasts, and have allowed themselves to be trapped in a drift of one-upmanship that we will examine. Rather than looking for « what’s going to happen », it would have been better to analyze why we were so caught up in a phenomenon that was largely foreseeable, that films had anticipated, that think tanks had announced, that Google thinkers or World Bank experts had practically modeled.

Incoherence that infuses society

It is no longer necessary, two years after the official start of the pandemic, to recall the contradictions of the state and the decisions of its two covid-19 committees. Note, however, that incoherence has become a political form in its own right, as if it has infused society itself, at all levels. It will be necessary to see further who manages to resist it.

Thus, revolutionary activists, who have long been opposed to the takeover of our lives by the trusts and in particular to the gigantic pharmaceutical companies that pour tons — literally — of antidepressants, anxiolytics, neuroleptics and antipsychotics into our bodies every day, are going to be vaccinated by Pfizer at the simple behest of the state. They forget in particular that it is perhaps possible not to be vaccinated against a disease which has killed, since its appearance two years ago and according to official figures, each year, only 0.04% of the world’s population, that is to say 3 million people out of the 7.8 billion that we are; each year, about 60 million people die in the world, a quarter of them of heart disease or stroke, a tenth of them of respiratory or pulmonary diseases; some years, according to the FAO, there can be 10 million deaths due to famines. However, only 0.04% of humans died from covid-19 in 2020 and the same number in 2021 — including those who died « with covid » (and not « from covid »), as recognized by Santé Publique France in a note dated April 2020[note]as well as Insee[note]. Is it politically reasonable to enrich Pfizer to the tune of billions for such an obvious danger?

The first major policy inconsistency here is not fear, because everyone has the right to fear for their lives — even if it is more dangerous not to quit smoking than to contract covid-19. The major political inconsistency is not to look elsewhere if there are no alternatives for treatment, and not to choose to boycott Pfizer. Thus, we do not drink Coca-Cola because alternatives exist to this drink symbol of a toxic capitalism; we do not eat Nestlé products because this company shamelessly exploits the farmers of the South; we do not change our smart phone every year or choose the Fairphone because we do not want to be complicit in the slavery of Congolese children in the cobalt mines. And when revolutionaries say that after all, we tolerate prisons in our societies, migrants who are treated as subhuman, the invasion of plastic, car travel or our lamps that are powered by nuclear energy, then the evidence is that the incoherence is not superficial; on the contrary, it is now deeply rooted in our reasoning.

It is indeed easy to answer these arguments that have been heard so many times in the last two years: the prisons, the situation of migrants or the structure of the electricity network and many other realities of our daily life are fundamental problems that we will only solve by ending this productive and oppressive system, and not by individual decisions. On the other hand, there are other situations against which we already have the means to act, including at the personal level. Thus, we are not obliged to acquire plastic objects or the latest Iphone or Samsung, since alternatives exist; we can decide to heat ourselves with wood instead of electricity, or travel by train when the network has not been destroyed by the State. As for the vaccine, the alternative is even more obvious: we can treat ourselves preventively[note].

It appears that the health and political incoherence of the State ends up rubbing off, in a way, on those who have made a profession of changing the world and who are no longer able to reason beyond their own fear. Moreover, since the decline of the emancipatory movement, from 1975–1985 in France, we have « held on » to the positions we occupied in companies or in the state or hospital sector, among others; we have fought to defend them against the so-called neoliberal normalization and against these destructive policies of the social link, of education, of the health system, etc., that the States have implemented. We held these positions to prevent every advance made from 1945 until the 1960s from being nibbled away by the state and the capitalists. With the refusal of the vaccine, we had a great opportunity — offered by the pandemic — not to give in, and even to counter-attack at least on one very precise point: we want more hospital beds and a real recognition and (re)valorisation of the professions of care for others.

Countering aggravated social control

Especially since the most serious and incoherent thing is not the eventual refusal of the vaccine, but the political necessity that there was and still is to refuse the new step of intensification of social control that the QR-code represents for all. Since the first Vigipirate plan, French society has been constantly on the alert. As of 2020, this alert is no longer a terrorism alert but a pandemic alert. In order to fight the pandemic, the State chose to impose a system of control by smart phone and QR-code, first called health pass, then intensified by the necessity of the vaccine, which transformed this health pass into vaccine pass. 

The vaccine pass[note] is a fundamental attack on our freedoms, relegating a part of the population to a position of quasi-parias; it establishes a real internal border. Non-QR-coders who do not have an internal passport find themselves, like second-class citizens, in a situation partly comparable to that of undocumented migrants, for example — only partly, but the shift towards this situation is obvious — or like the black Americans before the abolition of the segregation laws. This time, the segregation is not due to a racist ideology, but to a hygienic ideology propagated by states and mega-corporations, including Pfizer, Sanofi and their colleagues; the difference is obvious, but the result is almost identical, since some places are already off-limits to non-QR-coded people.

In terms of inconsistency, let’s quote again an astonishing argument from people who claim to be supporters of emancipation: the QR-code would not be an infringement on the lives of vaccinated citizens. The opposite is true: the QR-code is an attack on the life of all citizens, since we are all members of the same « city », and our « citizenship » only has meaning collectively, and even collectivized, and especially not divided or subjected to any conditions whatsoever — including the deprivation of liberty for incarcerated people, which should not deprive them of their quality of citizens. A citizen can only regret and should even fight any situation that discriminates against people who, on the contrary, should have the same rights as him, such as undocumented migrants and, from now on, non-QR-coded people. Incoherence has a bright future ahead of it.

Political balance sheet

These various inconsistencies, of which we have only outlined the main ones here, lead, two years after the start of the pandemic, to four main political positions, which we have only sketched here in broad strokes.

First of all, a good part of the French population, probably almost the majority, has adhered to the discourse of the State and the media. This very large share is very much in favor of the vaccine and the QR-code, and is not interested in the non-vaccinated or those who refuse the control that the QR-code establishes. In the worst case, the « opponents » must even suffer, according to the most fundamentalist part of this group, a stronger discrimination than the one they suffer today: suspension of their rights (allowances or right to vote, for example), suspension of their access to health care, fines, or even incarceration, as this possibility has been expressed several times in some media. This part of the population is undoubtedly representative of what Erich Fromm denounced in The Fear of Freedom: it is more comfortable to follow the herd, where one feels less alone, than to risk assuming one’s own freedom.

A second part of the population is vaccinated, but reluctantly, forced by external realities. It may be the fear of dying, which we consider as something external to the person, since we all know that we are going to die and that this pandemic leaves 99.92% of the population alive; it is therefore necessary that incoherence has taken hold of some people to « force » them to be vaccinated outside of all logic, since death is, whatever we think, the exit door that we will all have to use… The majority of the reasons for vaccination, however, are much more obvious: simply the need to be vaccinated in order to keep one’s job or to be able to visit a sick relative or a relative in a nursing home. This time, the constraint is such that it is very difficult to resist. Among this large fringe of the vaccinated population, some people refuse to use the QR-code they have obtained, while others, finally, rally, sometimes with regret, to the position that, « after all, we have to live and we can’t do without everything ».

A third part of the population is totally conspiratorial, in the sense that it adheres perfectly to the most extreme speeches on conspiracy: this vaccine is only intended to kill a part of the human species (some announce that it is only intended to preserve 500 million human beings in total, that is to say more than 90% of humans eliminated… by the vaccine); it contains substances that allow the total control (sometimes even at a distance) of individuals. There are other variants of conspiracy theories around the vaccine, and this arguably small portion of the population is very useful to the state, the media, and the citizens who support vaccination and QR-code; it allows them to criticize without qualification all citizens who have taken a critical political stance toward QR-code or even the vaccine.

Finally, another part of the population rejects the vaccine and the QR-code, which they feel will lead to increased social control. This refusal aims to defend the freedoms we still possess, or « freedom » as such, as an existential and collective possibility. This part of the population is currently the least well represented in the media, whether traditional or web-based; its position is assimilated to « anti-vax », whereas it is a political refusal to see social control increase further — and not a refusal of the vaccine alone, either for a priori non-political reasons. Very often, however, when representatives of this anti-QR-code political position explain their line of action to emancipation activists, they are again equated with anti-vax or even fascists. Incoherence has thus crept into the relations between individuals at all levels, including among the advocates of human emancipation, through the false evaluation of the precise political positions held by individuals. Yet, this consistent position of absolute refusal of the QR-code implies discrimination suffered in daily life, which gives weight to this position since the non-QR-coded now live a reduced existence. Similarly, undocumented migrants, because they live their situation of discrimination, appear to us as extremely voluntary people who take enormous risks for themselves and most often also for their families who are far away. It is therefore surprising that the refusal of the internal passport is not better considered by some « critical » vaccinated people, because it could constitute a real common axis in the fight for our liberties.

In this struggle, the non-QR-coded are not the « vanguard » of anything; they are just individuals who chose total consistency, or were able to « construct » that choice, because in the final analysis, they did not need the QR-code to work, or had managed to organize their lives outside of a job requiring that vaccine pass. Compelled vaccinated people and people refusing the QR-code have therefore obviously a common interest in criticizing the QR-code and asking for its abolition.

It is quite unfortunate that some individuals, aware of the danger that the sanitary and then the vaccine pass poses to liberties, have nevertheless taken the trouble to defend their position on the vaccine tooth and nail when the real political issue is, in reality, for the past two years, the advanced restriction of liberties that results from the confinements and then the passes. This is a collective political issue, whereas the choice of vaccine is individual. However, some emancipation activists have asserted a rigorously apolitical point of view by saying that the only valid position is to protect one’s fellow man by accepting the vaccine. This is despite the fact that these people are not experts, neither in medicine nor in pandemics, and while otherwise rightly criticizing experts, not to mention that some of these emancipation activists even claim to be opposed to the power of the state and mega-corporations such as Pfizer — inconsistently.

Refuse all forms of restraint

So we have lost a lot of time and accumulated a lot of disappointments and defeats since the spring of 2020. As in other recent eras, it is time to take political stock of these mistakes and refocus on what makes sense. It seems to us that the situation can be summarized as follows:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, with the official death toll from covid-19 being only 0.08% of the world’s population, it is now apparent that the states and mega-corporations taking advantage of the situation[note] are pursuing another goal than our protection. This goal is obvious: the political and social control of humanity, without forgetting a more diffuse control through the restriction of the cultural possibilities offered to the population. Finally, the hospital policy followed in most States (restriction of the number of beds, no revaluation of the profession of care worker, etc.) indicates enough that the health of citizens is not the main concern of the States.

The fundamental political question today is: do we agree on this minimum program? If we are not, it is feared that the silence and low involvement of some « coerced » vaccinees will lead to ever greater discrimination against non-QR-coders. This discrimination would quickly lead to the use of this new scapegoat by those in power, thus paving the way for ever more dictatorial policies. 

This organization of society based on profit monopolized by a few at the expense of the many (called capitalism) is in crisis. This crisis that capitalism is going through is such that the enemy has no way out. We can estimate that the main instruments through which it hopes to survive and continue to oppress us are first of all the distribution of money in the form of various allowances, including a minimum income, in order to silence the protests (since we would then always have too much to lose in the face of growing uncertainty about the future). Second, the use of drug and « vaccine » restraint of the population. In the United States, 55% of Americans are already dependent on antidepressants, anxiolytics and neuroleptics, and the American Psychiatric Association’s goal is to increase this rate to 75% in the coming years, all for the « good health » of Americans. In France, it seems that 50% of the population is already on antidepressants, anxiolytics or antispychotics at some point in their lives.

Through the antiviral vaccine, the pharmaceutical industry, supported by the obligations imposed by the state on its citizens, achieves two related objectives. First of all, it manages to secure a windfall of « pharmadollars » for many years to come (if the vaccine requires regular booster doses to remain effective), in much the same way as, since the 1970s OPEC countries have secured a steady stream of petrodollars by keeping the price of oil neither too high nor too low (so that non-producing countries do not try to outgrow the « oil » stage of their economies too quickly, while paying enough for oil to ensure substantial gains for OPEC). Then, through the QR-code allowing to control the vaccination status, the pharmaceutical trusts are inscribed in the mental landscape of our societies in a prevalent and lasting way, just like the car and oil from the 1950s.

As Simone Weil wrote in 1932 about the global crisis that followed the crash of 1929,  » the ruling class [se trouve] forced by the crisis to constantly aggravate the oppression it exercises[note]. Thus, our societies are evolving towards what Weil called, in the same article,  » an absolute fascism, that is to say, a suffocating hold on all forms of social life by a state power itself serving as an instrument of financial capital. And, we might add, to the industrial capital represented in this case by global mega-companies such as Google, Facebook, Pfizer, Sanofi or Amazon.

The result is not a given, as the « grip » is only « suffocating » for the unvaccinated and those who, although vaccinated, refuse to use their QR-code and are therefore forced to create a new social and cultural life almost from scratch.

The struggle is now clearly at this level: refusal of the QR-code and of pharmaceutical restraint products; creation of another social and political life, with the aim of countering and even overturning this « absolute fascism » that our masters see as one of the few ways out of the crisis that their system is going through — the other being undoubtedly war, civil or foreign.

It would be helpful to propose a petition that reads something like this:

We who refuse the QR-code and who are not vaccinatedWe who are vaccinated but refuse to use the QR-code in solidarity with the unvaccinated and in opposition to restraint in general,

We demand the immediate abolition of the vaccination or health pass, the renunciation of any possible confinement and the massive transfer of budgets devoted to repression (army and police) to public health and education of citizens.

The current political moment is, in fact, tense and very important. On the capacity to join us on the absolute refusal of the QR-code — thus its non-use by the forced vaccinated — depends the possibility of a reflux of the dictatorial measures, or at least their mitigation. If we do not manage to join together, on the other hand, the way is clear for the imposition of an ever more authoritarian, muscular or even worse order.

HUKO Group (Huxley, Ubu, Kafka, Orwell) 


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The end of the pandemic will not be televised

December 14, 2021

Translation of the article: http: //–068094

Tables of numbers about the pandemic dominated the screens and helped track the progress of COVID-19, but
David Robertson
Peter Doshi
explain why they may not be enough to determine when it will end.

As the year 2021 began, the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be in retreat. Discussions and predictions about a « reopening », a return to « normal », and the acquisition of herd immunity were in the air[note] [note] [note] [note]. But for many, the optimism faded as cases and deaths emerged in India, Brazil and elsewhere. Attention turned to variants of the SARS-CoV‑2 virus — and more recently, with the emergence of the Omicron variant. Just when it looked like the end was on the horizon, this feeling was replaced by the idea that the pandemic was far from over [note] [note].

Unlike any previous pandemic, COVID-19 has been closely monitored using charts to report the progress and effects of the coronavirus in real time; these charts include indicators of laboratory tests, hospital and intensive care unit admissions, transmission rates, and, most recently, vaccine doses that have been administered. These charts — with their grids of numbers, statistics, epidemic curves and attendance maps — have invaded our TV, computer and smartphone screens. At their core is the appeal of objectification and data to hold on to, while we are plagued by uncertainty and fear. These elements helped people to visualize the need for rapid containment and control, to guide general sentiment, to fuel pressure for action, and to maintain a climate of urgency [note]. They provide a sense of control when cases decrease as a result of certain measures, but can also lead to a sense of helplessness and impending disaster when cases increase.

The problem of defining the end of a pandemic

There is no universal definition of epidemiological parameters that mark the end of a pandemic. So what indicators will tell us that it is really over? The World Health Organization has declared the existence of the COVID-19 pandemic. But who will tell us when it will end?

The ubiquity of these graphs has contributed to a sense that the pandemic would be over when all indicators reach zero (zero infections, zero cases, zero deaths) or 100 (in percentage of vaccination). However, the respiratory pandemics of the 20th century show that the end of an epidemic is never clearly established, and that it is better understood with the resumption of social life, and not in the achievement of epidemiological targets[note] [note].

The respiratory pandemics of the past 130 years have been followed by annual seasonal waves fueled by viral endemicity that generally continues until the next pandemic [note]. What grows decreases again, and the difficulty of dating the end of a pandemic is reflected in the historical and epidemiological literature.

Although many researchers describe said « Spanish Flu » as occurring in three waves, from « 1918 to 1919, » references to a pandemic from « 1918 to 1920 » are also abundant, usually encompassing what some call a « fourth wave. »[note]. Similarly, the mid-century « Asian flu » pandemic is generally described as a two-wave event, from 1957 to 1958, while others include a third wave, placing the end of the pandemic in late 1959 [note].

This variability in the dating of historical pandemics underscores the imprecise nature of using mortality rates to determine, even retrospectively, the « end » of a pandemic and the beginning of the inter-pandemic period. For example, the CDC(Center for Desease Control) now states that approximately 100,000 Americans died during each of the influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968[note] [note]. But these estimates include deaths occurring at times that many would consider to be intermediate periods between two pandemics (in 1957–1960 and 1968–1972, respectively) [note] [note].

The notion, reinforced by epidemic dashboards, that a pandemic ends when the number of cases or deaths falls to zero, contradicts the historical evidence that substantial influenza-related morbidity and mortality continue, season after season, between pandemics. During the 1928–1929 inter-pandemic season, for example, an additional 100,000 deaths related to influenza A/H1N1 (1918 pandemic virus) are estimated to have occurred in the United States in a population one-third smaller than today [note]. In addition, it may be difficult to determine which deaths can be attributed to the pandemic and which are in the inter-pandemic phase. These distinctions are not unimportant, as excess mortality is the classic measure of severity[note]. Inter-pandemic years have sometimes seen a higher number of deaths than in subsequent pandemic seasons: this was the case in the 1946–1947 season that preceded the 1957–1958 pandemic (Fig. 1)[note]. Therefore, the end of a pandemic cannot be defined by the absence of excess mortality associated with the pandemic pathogen.

(fig. 1) Monthly rate of all-cause deaths in the United States, with bold arrows and dates indicating the onset of pandemics, from January 1900 to September 2021. The red line indicates the average every 12 months. Note that from 1905 to 1909, the U.S.Bureau of the Census provided only annual (not monthly) data. 

Interruption and resumption of social life

Another way to declare the end of a pandemic is to consider the imposition and lifting of public health measures or restrictions. The measures used in previous pandemics were more transient and less intrusive than those implemented in COVID-19. Even for the terrible Spanish flu, which killed three times as many people in the United States as COVID-19, with an average age of death of 28 years [note] — life returned to normal in a short time, perhaps only because there was no other option. Before the Internet and its food delivery apps and video conferencing, widespread and prolonged social distancing was simply not possible, and indeed it is a situation that remains for many workers in what is considered the « essential » sector. Indeed, a brief look at past pandemics in the United States shows that there is no fixed or determining relationship between the pathogenicity of a virus and the intensity and longevity of public health interventions.

Compared to previous pandemics, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented disruptions in social life. Populations have always been plagued by tragic illnesses or unexpected deaths throughout pandemic and non-pandemic periods. But the COVID-19 pandemic is historically unprecedented in that the interruption and resumption of social life was so closely linked to epidemiological indicators.

Box 1: Contrasting historical approaches to pandemic respiratory viruses- 1918: The Spanish fluIn 1918, the first wave of the pandemic was mild and « attracted relatively little attention » [see note 11]. In response to the second wave, which « snuck up on the world, » some U.S. cities implemented non-pharmaceutical interventions such as school closures and restrictions on public gatherings. Most countermeasures were relaxed within two to eight weeks, and the disruption to social life was relatively short-lived [note]. John Barry, a leading historian studying the 1918 pandemic, explains, « It all happened very quickly. Unlike covid-19, he said, « the stress was not continuous, » noting that many places experienced « several months of relative normality » between waves [note]. New York City and Chicago, the nation’s two largest cities, never officially closed their schools, although Chicago’s schools reached an absentee rate of nearly 50 percent. When schools closed, they remained closed for a median of four weeks (range: 1–10 weeks) [note].- 1957: The Asian fluThe 1957 « Asian flu » pandemic reached American shores by mid-year.During the next nine months, which included two waves in late 1957 and early 1958, an estimated « 80 million Americans were bedridden due to respiratory illnesses » [note]. In the first wave, about 60% of students were sick, and absenteeism rates were as high as 20–30% [note]. Yet even when it was estimated that 40 percent of students in some New York City schools were absent because of the flu, the city’s superintendent of schools said there was « no reason for alarm and, on the advice of the health department, we did not curtail any activities. » [note] In late October, college soccer games were cancelled across the country because many players were ill. Team managers scrambled to find last minute replacements and in the end no major competitions were cancelled. [note] As with the Spanish flu, the health effects of the new H2N2 virus did not end when the 1957 pandemic was « over. In 1960, Newsweek reported that « without the fanfare of two years ago, [le] Asian flu virus was quietly affecting almost everyone it didn’t the first time around » [note]. At the beginning of that year, it was estimated that 20 percent of Los Angeles schoolchildren, or about 120,000 children, and more than 15 percent of industrial workers were absent from school because of the flu. Despite their magnitude, these epidemiological impacts did not give the impression that society had fallen back into a pandemic.- 1968: The Hong Kong FluTen years later, another pandemic virus arrived, which officials later estimated killed a million people worldwide. But its impact on public health and social life has been minimal. Historian John Barry writes that for the United States, « the episode was not significantly more deadly than a typical seasonal flu episode, » noting that « some people who had experienced it did not even know it had happened » [note]. Historian Mark Honigsbaum points out that « during the height of the epidemic in December 1968, the The New York Times described the pandemic as « one of the worst in the nation’s history, » while there were few school closures and businesses, for the most part, continued to operate as normal.  » [note]

Epidemic boards: to fight or to feed the pandemic?

Although visual representations of epidemics have existed for centuries [note], with COVID-19 it is the first time that tables of numbers broadcast in real time have saturated and structured the public’s experience in this way.

Some historians have observed that pandemics do not cease when the transmission of the disease ends « but rather when, in the attention of the general public and in the opinion of some of the media and political elites who direct that attention, the disease ceases to be seen as a media issue [see note 8]. » These tables of epidemic numbers provide endless fuel, ensuring the constant currency of the COVID-19 pandemic, even when the threat is low. And in doing so, they can prolong the pandemic state by inhibiting the sense of a way out or a return to the way things were.

Turning off or disconnecting ourselves from these dashboards may be the most effective action to end the pandemic. It’s not about burying your head in the sand. Rather, we must recognize that no single or combined indicator in these dashboards can tell us whether the epidemic has stopped.

The end of the pandemic will not come by itself

History tells us that the end of the pandemic will not simply result from the achievement of herd immunity or an official declaration, but will occur gradually and unevenly as societies cease to be mobilized by the shock indicators of the pandemic. The end of a pandemic is mainly a matter of lived experience, and is therefore more of a sociological than a biological phenomenon. And so the epidemiological tables — which do not measure mental health or the impact on education, and deny the importance of social connections — do not provide the tool that will tell us when the pandemic is over. Indeed, if we consider how societies have come to use epidemiological tables, they may prove to be a tool that prevents a return to normalcy. Pandemics — at least those of respiratory viruses — simply do not end in a way that can be translated into a table. Far from a theatrical « end », pandemics gradually fade away as society adapts to a new infectious agent and social life returns to normal.

The COVID-19 pandemic is part of an extraordinary period in which social life has been turned upside down. It will end when we turn off our screens and decide that other issues deserve our attention. Unlike its beginning, the end of the pandemic will not be televised.

Authors and sources: DR is a doctoral student in the history of science at Princeton University. He has published in the field of medical history and infectious disease epidemiology. PD has been studying the science and politics of infectious disease outbreaks for nearly two decades, focusing primarily on influenza. Both authors contributed to both the research and analytical aspects of the article, and both were responsible for gathering secondary sources related to COVID-19 and the history of influenza pandemics. Primary sources as well as mainstream media sources from the press and elsewhere were largely processed by DR, while PD processed all-cause mortality data. The data and calculation method are available at Both DR and PD are responsible for this.

Conflicts of interest: we have read and understand the BMJ (British Medical Journal) charter on declaration of interest and declare that: PD has received travel funding from the European Respiratory Society (2012) and Uppsala Monitoring Center (2018); grants from the FDA (through the University of Maryland M‑CERSI; 2020), Laura and John Arnold Foundation (2017–2022), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (2015), Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (2014–2016), Cochrane Methods Innovations Fund (2016–18), and UK National Institute for Health Research (2011–14); and is an editor at BMJ. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of their employers.

by David Robertson (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA) and Peter Doshi (University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, USA) 

Translation by Vera

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