Dorian DE MEEÛS — Do what I say…

Dorian de Meeûs is the editor of La Libre. An unconditional supporter of mass vaccination, his media has consistently advocated the experimental injection of messenger RNA and denigrated any voice that spoke out against or advocated treatments other than vaccines.
He did not hesitate, in April 2020, to ask in a tweet that the press card of Alexandre Penasse be withdrawn, following his question to the Prime Minister at the time.
He validates in his newspaper the publication of assassinating articles against doctors who, following the example of Doctor Alain Colignon, claim the right to treat, especially with molecules such as ivermectin.
However, it happens that Doctor Martin Zizi has the proof that Dorian de Meeûs, when he was contaminated by a coronavirus, was himself prescribed ivermectin to cure himself…

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