Was Julian Assange « security cleared »(1) when he released hundreds of confidential documents? This is the question that should be asked to Didier Reynders, whose cabinet, that is to say himself, is at the origin of a bill aiming at punishing journalists and whistleblowers who would publish information that is sealed by those who have the power to decide what is or is not secret, with a fine of several thousands of euros and months of prison.

Not content with having been able to get away if he had been appointed Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Didier Reynders is guarding against future revelations about himself. The man is dragging some famous pots and pans, and one can be surprised that he has not yet been seriously worried by the justice system, the placement in a cell having more relevance for him than for whistleblowers and other journalists who do their job. Certainly, the death of his « friend » Armand could not have come at a better time, and it is said in the mysteries of hospitals that some doctors are wondering about this strange death(2). Finally, is this not « classified » information and do these doctors have « security clearance » (in the novlanguage, « the power of not saying things that should be known to all »); and isn’t it incongruous to « question ourselves » in these times of multiple crises, when it would be enough to buy to « boost growth », an activity that requires little critical thinking or knowledge?

Of course, Didier Reynders, assured of having at his side most of the reverent journalists, watchdogs of the system, had nothing to worry about, apart from those few exceptions, resistors from the paid media or recalcitrants working in the world of « alternative journalism.

In the face of the depredation of life in which you and your boss friends have participated, in the unprecedented nature of our common human situation, we will publish all the information that could serve the common good*.

He wants to kill them, to reduce their word to nought so that he can continue his business in peace. Because, when it comes to revealing « secrets », which are « secret » only because they concern the most private interests of the political and financial caste, more than one journalist will think twice about the risk of having to pay thousands of euros and the possible imprisonment.

However, this is the fear that we should not fall into: we will not shut our mouths Mr Reynders. In the face of the depredation of life in which you and your boss friends have participated, in the unprecedented nature of our common human situation, we will publish all the information that could serve the common good.

« Serving the common good » is a consideration that is totally foreign to you, Mr. Reynders. You are not Julian Assange, who, if extradited to the United States, faces the death penalty, or 175 years in prison, for revealing the truth and serving the common good.

To conclude, we are pleased to share again one of the six diagrams with which we illustrated the article written by Eric Arthur Parme « Welcome to plutocracy. Kazakhgate, Africa, networks… the MR on all floors ».

Auction picture, who says better: 5.000 euros?

* We will communicate in September a code allowing you to contact us in complete security and anonymity.

Notes et références
  1. Le Projet de loi prévoit « la possibilité que les personnes qui ne sont pas titulaires d’une habilitation de sécurité et qui utilisent des informations classifiées sont passibles d’un emprisonnement d’un mois à trois ans et d’une amende de cent euros à cinq mille euros ».
  2. Voir http://www.kairospresse.be/article/la-mort-darmand-de-decker-ou-le-just-…

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