[INTERVIEW] Rémi TELL: the place of technology in our societies

Remi Tell, journalist and author of Manifeste pour la jeunesse d’ici et d’ailleurs (Edilivre, 2014), Vaincre le Covidisme (Perspectives Libres, 2021), Paroles Révoltées (Perspectives Libres, 2022), and La Chute de Prométhée, was the guest of Les Soeurs de Tibériade in Pondrôme, where he was interviewed in public by Alexandre Penasse.

An opportunity to share his thoughts on the place of technology in our societies, at a time when he has just published a retranslation of Theodore Kaczynski’s Industrial Society and its Future. But not only that… lucid about his times, fuelled by his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding, he talks to us about journalism, the question of truth, transhumanism, freedom… A must-listen!

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