Waltz with Tina

 » There Is No Alternative « . A shocking formula, the motherhood of which is attributed to Margaret Thatcher. A maxim that he used in the 1980s to reject any criticism of his neo-liberal ideas in a market economy. « TINA »: the breadcrumb trail of the government’s « covidian » communication. A political slogan, to which the dominant media offer a formidable sounding board, an amplifying effect. It is no longer a question of « thinking » society, of making choices, but of following its « natural laws », formulated by technoscience. Its corollary: to discredit, even muzzle, any dissident speech. Identify the opponent well. In the Middle Ages, the witch, the heretic, were hated. In the 19th century, the cursed citizen was labelled a « socialist ». In the twentieth century, at the time of McCarthyism, he became a « communist ». Secondly, the terms « Poujadist » and « populist » are used as political scarecrows. Today, the word « conspiracy » is used as an anathema. A ban. A catch-all term where we throw i …
  1. Alexander De Croo: «Le moment où l’on va déconfiner n’est pas très loin» (vidéo) Le Soir
  2. L’UE bloque la demande de dérogation temporaire de certaines obligations liées à l’accord de l’OMC sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce (ADPIC), déposée par l’Inde et l’Afrique du Sud.

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