Vaccine: the future has already begun

The law on the « covid health pass », voted in the Assembly, goes before the French Senate. Flexibility guaranteed: paper formats accepted, presentation of a simple test — instead of a vaccine — tolerated. Gauges of up to a thousand people are established, ensuring the attendance of many bars, restaurants and cinemas. Nothing to worry about. We are not at the point of these extremities, which have been stirred up by a few furious people: biopolitical control, techno-sanitary totalitarianism, sorting of populations. Out of concern for preserving life above all (without specifying the content attributed to this « life »), lined up in cohorts mobilized in the war on the virus, we have accepted the mask as a benevolent accessory: if not for yourself, do it for others. That sensitive individuals who share public space appear to each other through the expressiveness of their faces is too prosaic a reality to counterbalance fear. So a vaccine, just think. It would only complete all the othe …

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