The watchdogs watch over « your » interests: don’t disappoint them!

Defending the traditional parties since always, the press which is at their service is preparing its weapons, ready to ostracize all those who will be plebiscited by the people disappointed by the usual ones (MR-CDH-ECOLO-PS and their Flemish counterparts). The watchdogs therefore brandish and will continue to brandish without moderation the scarecrow of the « extremes »: of the right and of the left, without offering explanations on what could have provoked the growth of the electorate of both, but especially by insidiously associating in the mind of the spectator a rapprochement between the one and the other… henceforth a bit the same. On May 19, following a poll on voting intentions indicating that the PTB and the Vlaams Belang could be respectively the third party in Wallonia and in Flanders, Le Soir put on its cover a photo of Raoul Hedebouw, spokesman of the PTB and federal deputy, with the title :  » The rise of the extremes . What they are saying is obviously  » beware little people, getting closer to the extreme left makes you a little fascist ! Stay calm, vote as before  and forget your intentions ».

They will not say, however, that the shift to the left is something relative, especially since their point of reference — the government — is different from the center to move away towards the right, the subjective impression answering of this logic. Not content to avoid complex explanations, the media limit their analysis to the « problem ». loss of confidence in the traditional parties  » and name the consequence  » serious « This bad intention of wanting to elect « something else » (like the French refusal to the European Constitutional Treaty in 2005), whether it be in an indiscriminate way on the right or the left :  » this disavowal has heavy communitarian overtones : the South always votes more to the left, the North more to the right « . The  » good choice « It is one of the four « traditional » ones, even if they have brought us to where we are, providing MPs, ministers, burgomasters who only work for the renewal of their position and the salary that goes with it even though they are all more or less involved in corruption, more often than not they use the revolving doors(1), live like princes and put the populace under the yoke of repression and austerity.

The mass media, multinationals, employers’ federations, governments and parties all want the same thing : change with continuity, i.e. nothing can be taken away from the rich and the world’s course, which is dictated by the growth of profit, remains as it is. The dominant order, always, is defended by the media, which makes its propaganda all the time :  » a country needs rich people  » (La libre, January 6, 2014) ;  » the market remains the most efficient way of organizing economic life  » (Beatrice Delvaux in December 1999, in Le Soir, which has not stopped its propaganda since).

The protests must therefore be carried out within the framework of the  » social dialogue  » and the austerity measures  » necessary « , peacefully accepted. Everything that goes against the capitalist functioning of the social body-system is diagnosed as a handicap, borrowing the medical-social vocabulary of impotence, the novlanguage of the employers :  » Belgian wages are still slipping. Lhe wage handicap [en gras dans le texte] of our country has increased compared to our close neighbors. A new reform needed ?  » (Le Soir, February 14, 2013)… paralysis, skidding, handicap, disturbance… while strikes, demonstrations, protests, violence in response to State violence, are defects, dysfunctions which, by their accidental reference, refuse to ask the question of what caused them. At worst, we will find in their emergence the effect of a bad communication of the power…

The people must keep silent, be convinced that they can speak and not feel like doing so; they must limit their displeasure — for anger is inadvisable, proper to a volatile mind that cannot control itself -, and make demands if they want to, but within a space and time frame defined by the power in place. What is there to complain about for these little people, whose members can always take the ramps of liberal society that will allow them to rise to the top and reach the heights of wealth ? What does he have to reproach to the one who arrived there, would he be jealous ?  The « Arab  » or the  » prolo  » who « succeed » thus become the symbolic figures who, as in the lottery («  And if it were you  » ;  » Who is the next  » ; « Lotto, creator of chances « …), prove to the rest that  » it is possible « , the highlighting of  » the example  » obscuring the extreme weakness of the probability.


Isn’t life great ? In Molenbeek, in a « D+ » school (read « positive discrimination », now taken over as « differentiated supervision » in the new novlanguage term), they try to extinguish the protest by sending Queen Mathilde in great pomp to listen to the speeches of  » those who have succeeded « (2)In addition, the socio-economic index of students is ‑0.30, whereas it is +0.08 in regular secondary schools.(3)) or drop out, making the one who does not manage to overcome his condition feel guilty and making him the only cause: you should have worked, guy ! Undergraduates are thus institutionally produced and distributed on the market of underqualified jobs in the service of the employers and shareholders who had organized their segregation upstream.

Disinformed about what is really going on, the subject plays the game, enjoys it, a kind of substitute for democratic life

In order to climb the ladder, the subordinate will have to show willpower, a spirit of conquest, a motivation that would seem to be sufficient and would go beyond the determinisms of birth and social class, whether one is the son of a prominent person or a worker, and would allow the average person to become « a man of the people ». someone  » from  » son of a nail merchant « (Albert Frère) to the migrant who has become a company director. And to maintain the illusion, to feed the dream, to appease the disappointed, we will organize the  » creation of chances « With the stars artificially produced by the media and their The Voice, Star Academy, Loft Story… giving largely and by proxy to the inert mass, whose probabilities to join the caste of the privileged are as big as to draw the jackpot, the impression, in front of the screen, to be a little the star of the evening.

In the meantime, the pack is muzzled by its desire and its hope, amazing of the revolutionary procrastination; by its admiration of the wealth that it should hate and whose representatives it should stone. Disinformed on what is really going on, attending the partisan castes retranscribed and created by the media in length of the news, the subject plays the game, enjoys it, a kind of substitute of democratic life. The indecency of a world with its shameful inequalities, the destruction of nature in order to preserve the Western way of life, the vacuity of most jobs, the march forward continuing as if nothing had happened, the media propaganda organs doing their job, describing in a revolting litany the partisan jousting, the opinions of the  » experts « , convincing us that their verbiage will only end when they are no more… all this is however not without resonance on the accepting and submitted being. But he doesn’t see how to do it, he suffers, he feels socially useless; but he is waiting for something.

The mass media, more than ever, will try to continue to make us believe, in these dark times, that thinking outside the box is not good ; that competition, success for oneself — and the failure of another — are to be sought, that the market is  » the most efficient way to organize . It is because they feel that the anger that could strike those who organize the established order — politicians and captains of industry — risks turning against themselves who have always established this order in the media.


Alexandre Penasse

Notes et références
  1. Aller-retour entre la sphère publique et privée, régulant et légiférant dans la première dans un sens qui leur profitera plus tard dans la seconde.
  2. Voir
  3. Indice composite constitué de différentes variables : revenu moyen par habitant, revenu médian par habitant, niveau des diplômes, confort des logements, taux de chômage, d’activité et de bénéfiiaires du revenu mensuel minimum garanti et activités professionnelles. Plus l’indice s’éloigne négativement de 0, plus le milieu socio-économique est pauvre, plus il s’en éloigne positivement, plus le milieu socio-économique est favorisé.

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