Psittacovirus Alert

We are all too familiar with the SARS-COV ‑2 coronavirus that we have been hearing about for over a year. Less known is the psittacovirus, which nevertheless wreaks havoc in anonymity. The psittacovirus is a virus transmitted to humans by the parrot. It infects many people but primarily attacks press representatives, who are high-risk patients. This virus has been deliberately disseminated by the WHO, the European Commission, most governments of industrialized countries and the experts who advise them.

It causes a very contagious disease, psittacism(1), whose essential symptom is well known and easy to diagnose: the affected patient mechanically repeats ready-made sentences, presented as obvious, without necessarily understanding them.

The most common are the following:

  • Widespread vaccination is the only solution to end the Covid crisis.19
  • Thanks to the vaccination, we will be able to live fully together again;
  • Side effects (including death from thrombosis) are extremely rare and do not call into question the favorable benefit-risk balance of vaccination.
  • Those who reject 5G, all-digital, screen assignment and express doubts about the usefulness, safety and efficacy of currently proposed vaccines are conspiracists or cowards;
  • Those who question the containment and social distancing measures are irresponsible or selfish.

Systematic screening is not necessary; the symptoms evoked are sufficient to establish a reliable diagnosis.

However, you can effectively protect yourself against psittacovirus contamination by adopting simple barrier gestures:

  • Stop watching news and so-called objective information programs;
  • Stop listening to the official experts and the radio news;
  • Avoid the comments and analyses of the main editorialists of the written press.

Beyond that, strengthen your immune system by thinking critically and, to that end, consult serious information sites such as Reinfo-Covid, Doctors for Covid ethics, Kairos, the International Association for Independent and Benevolent Science Medicine (IAIBSM), Children Health Defense or Parts and Labour.

Thus, it will be possible to protect ourselves and our loved ones by limiting the circulation of a virus more dangerous than SARS-COV‑2.

Notes et références
  1. Psittacisme – Répétition mécanique (comme un perroquet) de mots, de phrases entendues, sans que le sujet les comprenne (phénomène normal chez les enfants, fréquent chez les débiles mentaux) — Le Nouveau Petit Robert.

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