Notre Bon Droit (NBD) is the result of the meeting between Isabelle, a nurse from Pont-à-Celles, and Stella, a European lawyer living in Brussels. Isabelle, who granted us this interview, had realized by the end of March 2020 the abysmal gap between the alarmist speeches of the government, relayed as such and even amplified by the media, and the reality on the ground: « Where is the pandemic? Very quickly, she protests against the climate of fear aiming at making the citizens accept the battery of measures attacking their fundamental liberties. Both in her professional environment and on social networks, she tries to reassure people that the virus is really harmful but limited, and to warn against the security drift. For her part, Stella makes the same observation at the European level, where she notes another disturbing phenomenon: with a few exceptions — including Sweden -, the majority of the European Union member states spout, « to the point », the same discourse aimed at provoking p …
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- Depuis 2018, l’Union européenne s’est dotée d’un Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) dont l’objectif est d’accroître la protection des personnes concernées par un traitement de leurs données à caractère personnel.
- Terme utilisé par The Economist, l’hebdomadaire anglo-saxon de référence, pour désigner la Belgique en 2020.