Interview with Bernard Rentier
How was the association created?
Informally, the founding members contacted each other because at the time, in mid-2020, after being consulted by the mainstream media, we began to be confronted with a quasi-evangelical message that we could no longer debate. We all began to understand that there was no room for differing opinions. We called each other and concluded that we could not continue to let the official story run unchanged. Then we chose a name. In the beginning we were all academic, now we are not. But rigor and rationality remain academic.
Did you find the debate lacking in rationality?
Initially, with the support of Marius Gilbert, I criticized Sciensano because there were essential data missing. It was picked up by the press. Such a crisis could not be managed on the basis of unconsolidated data. The problem has been largely resolved. Secondly, we also protested against the hype of anxiety-provoking information. The number of « cases » …
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- Conférence traduite et portée à la connaissance du plus grand nombre par nos soins :
- NDLR : Une syndémie définit une conjonction de facteurs environnementaux et biologiques qui concourent ensemble à aggraver les conséquences d’une maladie (ex. stress, pollution de l’air, malbouffe, sédentarité ; obésité, hypertension, diabète…).