2) Resistant associations: Our Right, CovidRational, Children Health Defense, Reinfocovid

Resist: « from the Latin resistere, « not to advance » ». It is not an empty word to evoke the resistance about the associations that have emerged or have intensified their fight since the beginning of 2020 and the entry into the unprecedented era of Covid-19. If in 1943, the National Council of the Resistance could count on the support of certain unions, media and political representatives, today it is against them and their odious propaganda that the resistance must be organized. For all of them, except for a few details(1)They follow the official narrative and participate in the great masquerade. The four organizations we met recognize that it is this false official narrative that has motivated them from the start to tell the truth and to act: resistance to the dominant discourse by offering other information; resistance to brain atrophy through fear, by defusing the hype of the figures and proposing to recreate links; resistance to attacks by proposing tools of defense, notably …
Notes et références
  1. À l’instar du PTB qui soutient la politique vaccinale, mais demandait que les brevets passent dans le domaine public, ou encore les syndicats enseignants qui exigeaient que leurs affiliés soient vaccinés en priorité.
  2. Voir l’interview de l’auteur de l’ouvrage Pax Dystopia: https://www. kairospresse.be/pax-dystopia/
  3. C’est ce qui explique les censures des réseaux sociaux, des médias, mais aussi les censures dont nous avons été l’objet en conférence de presse.
  4. Voir l’interview écrite https://www.kairospresse.be/les-mesures-contre-le-coronavirus-revelent-des-traits-totalitaires, et l’interview filmée du 3/11 : https://www.kairospresse.be/interview-de-mattias-desmet-psychologue-clinicien-a-luniversite-de-ghent

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