Your attention please!

The alternative press is not without conditions.

Kairos is independent. It is neither subsidized nor sponsored (which is also why it is free).

It is an all-volunteer alternative newspaper. For each issue, we can count on the generous help of a growing network of about thirty people who regularly write, draw, correct, count, call and distribute. Without them, there would be no newspaper, so this is an opportunity to thank them again.

But in order for you to read this newspaper in its paper format and in doing so have a beautiful three-dimensional object (and not an extra screen) that you can give to your neighbor once you’ve read it, you need money. Each issue, from pen to bezel, costs about 2,000 euros. In order to be able to publish and distribute the only « anti-productivist newspaper for a decent society » in the world, sufficient funds must be available for the newspaper’s account. Money comes in through three different channels: subscriptions, single sales, and donations. For the moment, the accounts are balanced, but it is imperative that we have more subscribers to give the newspaper more stability.

You can help us: ask your vendor for Kairos! In June, Kairos is on the newsstands.

You could find the first issue of your newspaper in good bookstores, it continues.

You will now also find it at your local newsagent, next to other independent and friendly anti-productivist newspapers like La Décroissance, Le Sarkophage, Fakir, Article 11…

If your news vendor is not distributing Kairos, it may simply be because they don’t know that they can now do so! Booksellers have a list of several thousand titles that can be distributed, they must make a choice. To help us, ask your newspaper vendor to distribute Kairos. In this way, good ideas will find their readers.

You can help us: distribute Kairos!

In addition to newsstands, Kairos is present in several good bookstores. We hope to be able to place the journal in other such good places: if you know of a bookstore that might be interested, please contact us. If you want to spread Kairos yourself, it would be a pleasure! We will explain the simple ways to do this.

You can help us:
subscribe your friends!

If you wish, we ask you to talk about Kairos around you and to invite people who you think might be interested to subscribe to the journal. If you are part of an association whose social object has something to do with the defense of freedom of expression, of the alternative independent press, political ecology, social issues, emancipation, new forms of struggle, alternatives, media criticism and other subjects addressed in Kairos, propose to subscribe to it! This is an effective way to improve the diversity of the press in the French Community and to support the volunteer work of Kairos.

You can help us:
Kairos presents !

Finally, there is nothing like meetings to defend the alternative press. If you are organizing a meeting, a conference, a concert, a Spanish inn, a bicycle exchange, an invention contest, or any other event where you think it would be a good idea to present the journal, ask us and we will try to be there.

Thank you already for your help. Also note that a meeting of the friends of Kairos will be organized during the month of October. Details will be announced on our website and in the next edition, which will be published in mid-September.

The editorial staff.

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