The actions bloom again, their repression too…

This Saturday, June 6, a small demonstration without authorization, but respecting the instructions of distancing was organized to challenge the desire of the digital giants to push for the installation of the network of antennas that would allow the generalization of electromagnetic emissions of the 5G standard.

It must be said that those who contest this technology, which is intended to allow autonomous cars to arrive in our streets and communicating objects in our homes, have reason to be angry. Indeed, taking advantage of the health crisis, Proximus tried to deploy the beginning of a 5G network in 30 municipalities in Belgium (failed because of contestation from the municipal authorities) and the BIPT (regulator) wanted to grant provisional rights of use of new frequencies for 5G to some operators despite the absence of a full federal government, the only one entitled to do so…

About a hundred activists had gathered in front of the Bourse and, often masked, exchanged, from a respectful distance, information and projects to challenge the established disorder. Ropes of 1,5m were distributed and, each one separated from his neighbor by this distance, a colored chain was set off for the dispersion planned for the very close Mont des Arts. It was not easy for them: as they climbed up the narrow rue du Marché eux Herbes, platoons of police quickly surrounded them. True to its tradition of the trap, the police of Brussels-Ixelles blocked a good part of these anti-5G activists, as well as passers-by and tourists frightened by this disproportionate deployment of forces.

For the most part, annoyed at being forced to prevent peaceful citizens from walking in single file (except for the few bad guys who are always unnecessarily aggressive), the men in blue let it be known that one could get out of the trap by declaring, via one’s CI, one’s identity and by returning all badges, cards and signs daring to say  » STOP 5G  » (thanks to the shopkeepers who hid the flags and made the protesters look like innocent customers). The police seemed to be unaware of the reason for this control: unauthorized demonstration, offence of facies, too great proximity(1)? In fact, it was an unmotivated order from the top, from the Mayor Philippe Close, who wanted to assert his power and obedience to the dominant order.

Some people, unaccustomed to the use of legal violence by the forces of law and order, discovered the arbitrariness of power, but understood that any resistance was useless. Only one poor young man who did not have his identity card on him was taken away manu militari. As long as law enforcement blindly serves the interests of capital, there is little chance of significant political change. When are they going to realize that they are themselves from the people and that they are working against their interests? The ravages of 5G will also affect them and their children.

The deconfinement has really arrived: strong intervention brigades and activists have been bored for 3 months, but the season has started again. Some of them even made an appointment for the next day for the action denouncing (well…) the police violence that George Floyd died of in the United States.

Those who want to know why it is imperative to oppose 5G can check out the very complete site of the collective, or view  the report made live this Saturday afternoon by Kairos or go to any good bookstore to buy, from June 19, the special issue of Kairos, « 5G: in front of the fairy tale, the count of the facts » which shows well that we are confronted with  » a condensed version of technological imperialism « .

Notes et références
  1. Évidemment, coincés par les cordons de policiers, eux-mêmes serrés les uns contre les autres souvent sans masques, la distanciation physique légale devenait impossible.

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