Reinfocovid was born in France in October 2020 under the impetus of Dr. Louis Fouché and 400 French doctors, researchers and scientists, noting a gap between the sanitary and scientific reality on the one hand, and the insane information and measures (exaggerated mortality rate, generalized obligation to wear a face mask, confinements, infringement of therapeutic freedoms…) imposed by the government and relayed by the media, without any public debate.
The hope of allowing citizens to take a stand and refuse what was neither fair nor good for their health motivated different actions through social networks and media, but also through conferences and printouts.
Reinfocovid was created as a group of volunteers, articulated in a horizontal way in an active non-violence, around a double mission: on the one hand to recreate human links between the increasingly isolated caregivers, and then to convey a scientifically supported reinformation, where the official discourse misinforms, a …
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