Pfizer’s techno-viral bluff

In 1988, Jacques Ellul published The Technological Bluff in which he showed that the domination of our societies by technologism is the result of an extremely complex process of conditioning of consciousness that we must qualify with the term propaganda. In 2020, technocracy has greatly increased its domination over our hyperdeveloped societies and the Big Pharma multinationals are amplifying the process and making vague promises in the service of the indecent increase of profits for a few.

We are wrong not to go and look for information in places that we think are far from our way of seeing things. Not only does this protect us from the cognitive bias that makes us see reality in a one-sided way and in a way that confirms our prejudices, but we find very interesting information. Thus, while almost all the media were enthusiastic about the news of the advances on the research of a vaccine against Covid-19 developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, it is on the site of a stock exchange investment advisor that one finds analyses a little more argued than those which surf on the anguish of populations submerged by the anxious messages held by the same media.

The investor without a suit(1) is certainly a financial investment advisor who earns his living from his recommendations to stock marketers, but he has some scathing analyses, quite different from his colleagues in the field.

Premature victory shouts

For example, in the last few days, he has been publishing analyses that contrast with the naivety of the commentators of Pfizer’s victorious press release(2). The boss of the multinational, Albert Bourla, was really strong when he dared to declare:  » This is a great day for humanity, finally the light at the end of the tunnel, the greatest medical discovery for 100 years… ».

In fact, what did Pfizer & Co. say under the flimsy claim of 90% effectiveness? Guy de la Fortelle, the « non-suit » host of the financial blog summarizes: « 39,000 people received two doses of the vaccine or a placebo. Of these 39,000 people, 94 would have contracted the virus and of these 94, more than 90% would be in the placebo group. We can therefore imagine that 9 people who were vaccinated were infected against 85 who received the placebo. This means that on the one hand, 0.4% of the placebos were infected and on the other hand 0.05% of the vaccinated were infected. Of course the results are not presented like that because from this point of view the difference could be due to the margin of error. As they themselves half-heartedly say, the results are not really statistically valid: they could not yet study enough cases of infection. But we can’t know: they have NOT published their results.

Indeed, if you look closely, this announcement is totally premature. We are well into thethird phase of clinical trials of the candidate vaccine, but there is obviously not enough time to know if side effects will not occur. Nor was it emphasized that the vaccine should be stored at ‑70°C to be effective. We immediately realize that this very original vaccine(3) cannot be distributed in the 90% of the planet that cannot afford the gigantic refrigeration infrastructures and the stewardship that this implies.

But the unsuited investor goes even further: « . ..a clinical trial for a vaccine is hell, you have to give a drug to a healthy population and hope they don’t get the disease you want to fight. It is much more complicated than taking a patient, giving him a medication and seeing if he gets better (which is already not easy). You work with huge samples to isolate a few dozen cases. The potential for statistical error and bias is enormous and in this case :

  • they did not follow the patients long enough according to the standards of the American FDA;
  • they did not isolate enough cases to be statistically valid; 
  • they did not publish their figures which could not be verified by thescientificcommunity;
  • they don’t even know by their own admission what the real effect of the vaccine is on severe cases of Covid… which are the ones we’re really interested in. »

Why this media outing?

If a specialist in profitable investments is preoccupied with medicine and virology, it is because the real objective of this message, which is meant to be reassuring, is first and foremost to support the recovery so hoped for by the productivist system. Some of it is the recovery of the economy, which would be better if the virus disappeared, but a lot of it is the recovery of the stock markets. And it worked because, as shown in the chart below (source: Boursorama), a stock market like the CAC 40 jumped by 7.5% in the hour following Pfizer’s announcement, breaking the 5,000 point barrier and going straight to 5,300.

Pfizer’s share price (below), which had been stagnant for a year, also rose, but fell back quite quickly (did investors smell a scam?).

The investor without a suit makes the point: « We are not in the time of science, we are exactly in the time of politics, marketing and big shady business. They are now using a hackneyed manipulation technique: announce a mind-blowing result, with a lot of gravitas and emphasis, but above all no details, and once everyone is blissful with admiration and gratitude to the saviors of the virus, it will be too late to go looking for lice on this clinical trial. »

When we start asking questions about the dubious practices of multinational drug and vaccine companies, we discover a network of cross-interests that is more than surprising? Kairos has published several articles detailing this spider’s web of private companies, pseudo charitable foundations and public authorities exchanging insane amounts of money in the perspective of developing and especially selling vaccines against Covid-19. Already in the September/October issue n°46, we published the article « Vaccin anti-Covid-19 : la valse des milliards » (pp.16–17). On our site we have updated this data on the text « The race to the billions of Covid-19 »(4). We also spotted Pfizer’s move in the November 10 article  » Vaccine research advances, shareholders cash in « (5). But Guy de La Fortelle still raises other hares…

Surprising connivances

We know the controversy that has agitated the French landerneau (and beyond) between the supporters of hydroxychloroquine, led by the whimsical Raoult, and the supporters of official medicine, which is known to be very close to, and even dominated by, the Big Pharma multinationals. Without wishing to take a position in this scientific controversy, it should be noted that when the debate was in full swing, the world’s most venerable medical journal, The Lancet, published a study that affirmed not only the ineffectiveness, but also the harmfulness of hydroxychloroquine. It was on the basis of this study that France banned the use of hydroxychloroquine… Some time later, the study was withdrawn: The Lancet had published, without checking it, a fabricated study against chloroquine. The study was wrong, but the French ban remained.

Guy de La Fortelle reveals that  » behind RELX(6)the group that owns The LancetThere are the American asset management giants, including BlackRock. BlackRock owns 8% of Pfizer and 8.5% of RELX. « According to the Investor without a suit: » The conflict of interest for a shareholder who holds a dominant position in both the largest pharmaceutical companies and the largest scientific publishing group is monstrous. (…) …moreover, this conflict of interest is materialized by such a serious fault for a magazine of this scale « . Finally, he tells us that « BlackRock’s boss, Larry Fink, was one of the first to be received by Emmanuel Macron after his election and has been received regularly since, as Denis Robert reveals in a new book on BlackRock. According to former Minister Michel Sapin, Larry Fink  » formulates the opinion of this small Manichean world » of economic decision makers. It is he who holds the purse strings and dictates what France must do to be competitive « . It is understandable that, in the face of such economic power, the States and even the European Union are lying down. The EU has pre-ordered 300 million doses from Pfizer and France has pre-ordered 20 huge refrigerators to keep the multinational’s future (?) vaccines cold.

Another interesting revelation from our investment advisor: in the hours following Pfizer’s thunderous press release, its boss announced that  » it’s a great day for humanity « … sold 60% of his company’s shares(7) (when he hoped they would be at their highest).

Listening to an investment specialist, one realizes that what may appear to some as a vast conspiracy is not; it is simply the very clever strategies, not at all hidden, but very visible when one knows how to read the stock market prices and the annual reports of the multinationals: it is a system that has a name, globalized capitalism.

Notes et références
  3. Le vaccin de Pfizer consiste à injecter au patient une partie du matériel génétique du virus (ARN, acide ribonucléique) codant pour une protéine de surface de celui-ci. Ce matériel génétique s’intégrera dans les cellules humaines qui, détournées de leur fonction normale, synthétiseront la protéine virale qui induira la synthèse d’anticorps qui viendront provoquer la destruction du virus si celui-ci infecte le patient. On peut donc dire qu’une partie des cellules de l’humain vacciné (lesquelles ?) seront génétiquement modifiées.
  6. RELX Group est un groupe international d’édition issu de la fusion, en 1993, de la société britannique Reed International PLC et de la néerlandaise Elsevier. En 2009, le groupe était le second plus grand éditeur mondial et employait plus de 32.000 personnes réparties dans 200 pays.

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