Compteurs "intelligents", tableaux blancs interactifs, 5G… Peut-on encore dire non ?


6:00 PM — Documentary « Take Back Your Power » by Josh del Sol (2013).

7:00 p.m. — Intervention by Wendy de Hemptinne and Paul Lannoye

8:00 pm — Buffet (cheese from Chant des cailles, bread, soup and quiches from Farilu)

8:50 p.m. — Speech by Bernard Legros

21h30 — Debate: Alain Adriaens (moderator), Bernard Legros, Wendy de Hemptinne, Francis Leboutte.

10:15 pm (at the bar): Fred Deltenre’s concert


Catering: 5€ or 10€ / Reservations required!
Reservations HERE or at 02 672 14 39

The elected officials of the commune have been personally contacted to attend this evening (at least the debate at 10:00 pm): we want to know what they intend to do against smart meters and to define limits to the technology (in schools, on the street, etc.)

Invasive technology: « smart » meters, interactive whiteboards, 5G… Can we still say no?

The Brussels and Walloon parliaments voted this summer, in the greatest opacity, for the deployment of so-called smart meters (connected electricity meters that will communicate the reading of your consumption remotely); in schools, interactive whiteboards and tablets are becoming teaching tools; universities, politicians and companies are preparing the 5G…

Always presented as beneficial to the citizen, the deployment of these new technologies touches on the issue of technological invasion in our lives, which would require, like a manifestation of nature, no citizen debate.
But have you been informed of the health risks that these technologies entail, of the extraction of raw materials on which they are based, of the dangers of accidents that they represent, of the increased consumption that they imply?
The effects of « smart » meters and other tablets on people’s lives should be known and publicized. This would allow them to make an informed decision on whether or not to accept them.

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