The international appeal signed by 172,395 individuals and organizations from 204 nations and territories, dated November 6, 2019, is addressed today to the federal and regional governments of Belgium.
Around the world this week, the 204 nations and territories will address the call to their respective governments.

The deployment of 5G, the5th generation of cell phone standards, on land and in space is underway or being prepared in many countries. Dozens of 5G telecommunication satellites have already been launched by U.S. companies.

This new reality will lead to unprecedented environmental change on a global scale. To implement the Internet of Things (IoT), the industry is planning to install millions of 5G antennas, one every 50 to 150 meters in urban areas(1), and to put tens of thousands of satellites into orbit. Forecasts indicate that there will be 20 billion connected objects (transmitters) in 2020, 30 billion in 2022 and many more thereafter(2): up to one million objects per square kilometer could communicate.

Despite widespread denial, there is sufficient scientific evidence that the radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF)(3) used by wireless communication technologies already deployed are harmful to living things. More than 1,500 peer-reviewed scientific studies(4) provide clinical evidence as well as experimental evidence of DNA, cell and organ damage in a wide variety of plants and animals. Epidemiological data support the thesis that the origin of many diseases of modern civilization, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, can be explained, at least in part, by electromagnetic pollution.

If the telecom industry’s plans for 5G come to fruition, no living thing will be able to escape permanent exposure to man-made RF radiation that is already proven to be toxic. The probable consequences of the proliferation of 5G satellites make us fear the worst: degradation of human health and ecosystems on a planetary scale, disruption of the ionosphere and magnetosphere leading to a change in the electromagnetic properties of the Earth, destruction of the ozone layer and an increase in the greenhouse effect due to the combustion of the fuels of the rockets carrying the satellites

The technical characteristics of 5G differ greatly from those of existing technologies and pose potentially greater health risks to living beings than those induced by previous generations (2G, 3G and 4G), not to mention the concentrated power of 5G beams, which could result in local and instantaneous exposures well above current exposures. To date, no assessment of the health and environmental impacts of 5G has been conducted. Its deployment is a large-scale experiment on living beings. Moreover, in a climate and social situation where the urgency would be to act together to ensure the future of humanity, a technological headlong rush with projects like 5G is the worst way to go.

We therefore ask the federal and regional governments of Belgium to stop the deployment of 5G on its territory. Given the existing scientific studies and the dozens of calls from the medical profession and experts in the field(5)the precautionary principle must take precedence. On the other hand, the Nuremberg Code forbids experiments on non-consenting humans.

We also ask our governments to intervene at the EU, the Council of Europe and the UN for a global ban on 5G satellites and, at the very least, on their emissions over the European continent and adjacent international waters.

Immediate action must be taken to protect all living beings in accordance with ethical imperatives and international conventions:

- Stop the deployment of 5G on Earth and in space in order to protect human beings, specifically fetuses, children, teenagers and pregnant women, as well as other living beings.

- Comply with the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Council of Europe Resolution 1815 on EMF by informing citizens, including teachers and physicians, about the health risks of radiation from wireless technologies and how they can reduce their exposure.

- Prefer and implement wired telecommunications networks instead of wireless. Promote the use of wired solutions wherever technically possible, especially in homes, workplaces and places where children, pregnant women and vulnerable people stay (day care centers, schools, hospitals.).

- Immediately establish — without industry involvement — international panels of independent scientists, free of conflicts of interest, who are experts in EMF and its health and environmental impact, and who will set new international safety standards for artificial EMF that take into account the biological effects of exposure on all living things, not just the thermal effects on humans.

- Immediately form — outside of industry participation — international panels of scientists with expertise in EMF, health, biology and atmospheric physics. They will develop a comprehensive regulatory framework to ensure that outer space is safe for human and non-human beings, taking into account artificial EMF, gases and black soot ejected from rocket engines, and space debris resulting from this activity. They will take the measure of the impacts on the ozone layer, global warming, the atmosphere and life on Earth. Space technology as well as terrestrial technology must be viable for adults, children, animals and plants.

Collective to stop the deployment of 5G


Notes et références
  1. Une antenne tous les 150 mètres par réseau (opérateur) pour la 5G en ondes millimétriques.
  3. Les radiofréquences (RF) sont les ondes ou champs électromagnétiques (CEM) couvrant les fréquences de 20 kHz à 300 GHz utilisées dans les télécommunications sans fil. Les micro-ondes constituent le sous-ensemble des ondes RF qui va de 300 MHz à 300 GHz.
  4. ainsi que
  5. Quelques-uns des appels : — Un des premiers d’entre eux est l’appel de Freiburg de 2002 signé par plus de 1000 médecins demandant notamment la « réduction massive des valeurs limites, des puissances d’émission et des charges en ondes radio », un appel renouvelé en 2012 ( Au 15 octobre 2019, 252 spécialistes des CEM de 43 pays avaient signé un appel adressé à l’ONU, l’OMS et l’UE. Ces scientifiques, qui tous ont publié des travaux de recherche évalués par des pairs sur les effets biologiques et sanitaires des CEM non ionisants et constituent la majorité des experts du domaine, réclament des limites d’exposition plus strictes et demandent que les impacts biologiques potentiels des technologies de télécommunication 4G et 5G sur les plantes, les animaux et les humains soient réexaminés ( Dans un appel adressé à l’UE le 13 septembre 2017, des scientifiques et médecins recommandent un moratoire sur le déploiement de la 5G jusqu’à ce que les risques pour la santé humaine et l’environnement aient été pleinement étudiés par des scientifiques indépendants de l’industrie. Au 17 septembre 2019, il y avait 253 signataires ( L’appel des professionnels de la santé belges (2019)

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