Free Sophie!

When La Libre wrote a 4‑page article about Sophie Wilmès, the official website of the Prime Minister put it on the front page(1). Didn’t they tell you that the mass media were the government’s press service, the sycophants of power?

The one who signs the eulogy to Sophie, Francis Van de Woestyne, former editor-in-chief of La Libre, wrote in an editorial (January 6, 2014) following the Brussels visit organized by the unions to show the places where the tax-protected big money resides: » On the eve of the weekend, the trade union leaders went on a « safari » in Brussels, a mini-trip designed to point out the « protected tax species » of Brussels. Fun? (…) The systematic stigmatization of the « rich », as practiced by the unions, is deplorable. So what, you just have to be poor to be honest…? A country needs rich people. To invest, to take risks. The system should ensure that the wealthy, and others, have an incentive to invest their money in the real economy of the country rather than seeking high returns elsewhere. It is not the rich who are responsible for the crisis, but the sorcerers’ apprentices who took advantage of the flaws in the system to make it go off the rails(2) « .

Sophie Wilmès, from the class that Van de Woestyne defends, knows well to which journalist she can and must speak.

So you understand that we are no longer invited to press conferences.

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