In Brussels, farmers arrived en masse to make their demands heard, looking for ears to listen to their suffering. But
In Brussels, farmers arrived en masse to make their demands heard, looking for ears to listen to their suffering. But weren't they fooled, as
Report by Simon CHAVEE of the Maison de L'agroécologie: him here: 🙏 SOUTENEZ LE JOURNALISME LIBRE! 🙏 SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR NOS RÉSEAUX!👉 Telegram:👉 Odysee:$/invite/@Kairospresse
Kairos contributor Simon Chavée (Maison de l'agroécologie) is in Paris, accompanying the angry farmers. Here he gives us his optimistic vision of the future,
INVITÉS: Thibaut GODET: fondateur de la coopérative «Terroirist» Christine COOSMANS: les effets de l’alimentation sur son fils autiste Simon CHAVÉE: fondateur de la maison de l’agro-écologie
How to create a desirable and desirable future 1 - New and old paradigms: on what values can we build a new way of
Europe is in the process of changing its seed laws to harmonize them with those of the North American continent. The issue of this
On March 4, 2011, Federal Ministers Paul Magnette (Energy and Environment) and Laurette Onkelinx (Health) approved the field trial of genetically modified potatoes in
"The soil is the main resource of humanity and requires a global policy of safeguarding. Soil resources are limited and constitute only a thin

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