Subway-work-consumption…cellar, the rest is unimportant

Public transport and shopping streets are crowded, next to empty theaters, restaurants, bars, hairdressers, cinemas… The Prime Minister will not answer our second question at the press conference on January 22, but we hear that moving around — to consume and work — is « essential », as are certain businesses (supermarkets as well as clothing, hi-fi or smartphone stores), but not culture, reflection, meetings, conviviality.

He doesn’t answer us, he can’t answer us, he doesn’t know how to answer anything. What can we say in the face of double standards, in the face of injustice, in the face of the reality of a very low mortality due to covid, of a decrease in the number of patients, while the politicians maintain measures that destroy the economy and society as a whole?

The third question will be impossible… « You’ve already asked two »…

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