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In each edition of Kairos, the Foire aux Savoir-Faire offers you one of its recipes. 

The objective of the know-how fair is to give the taste and the techniques to *do it yourself* for the pleasure of learning, to exercise one’s creativity, to soften one’s impact on the environment and to adjust one’s consumption to one’s needs. As much as possible, the recipes she proposes during her animations, which are all listed on her website, are based on recycled materials. Its workshops are open to all, in a collaborative and experimental spirit; they allow everyone to come and make a repair, an object, test a recipe, invent one, using the tools and the material of recuperation put at disposal.


- a plastic bottle: shampoo, dishwashing liquid, shower gel, toothpaste tube.
— a quick-decorator
— a cobbler’s needle (arc-shaped needle).
— a pull tab
— a cutter or a knife
— a pair of scissors 


- Cut out the bottle where you want to position the pull tab.
— It is possible to adapt a pull tab that is too long by cutting it out and redoing the stop with a staple and a stitch.
— With the seam ripper, make regular holes where you will sew the zipper.
— We position the puller and we sew it by passing the curved needle in the holes. 

Find the recipes of the Foire aux Savoir- Faire on June 22 on the Place de la Monnaie and on the website:

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