Health in struggle in the next Kairos

While « La santé en lutte » organized yesterday, Sunday June 14, rallies in Belgium to shout its anger at a government that pretended, in the middle of the Covid crisis, to make hospital staff its heroes, the mayors of Namur and Brussels (Prévot and Close) forbade them. So, « heal and shut up! »; this government that was working a few months earlier to still and always deprive them of the means to do their job…

In the next Kairos (in bookstores June 26), we will publish an interview with a member of Santé en lutte.

The anger is rising, and the applause is insufficient. Many caregivers no longer want this system, whose choices are dictated only by a logic of profit. On September 13, let’s join them in Brussels for a big national demonstration.

Subscribe again this week to receive the latest Kairos, including an interview with Santé en lutte.

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