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During the demonstrations, this refrain of « the violence of the demonstrators » often comes back, justifying in a hardly hidden way the police repression. If we think that the popular reactions are part of a response to the daily violence of the state and the capital it serves, we must also point out that the demonstrators are often peaceful and that the provocation regularly comes from the police. Testimony of a demonstrator.

Present among others at the demonstration of the yellow vests this Saturday, I was able to see the considerable means implemented by the power to neutralize and subdue a legitimate and well-founded popular protest (the high cost of living, the difficulty to make ends meet, the increasing inequalities). 

There was no question of a gathering, since it was impossible to go to the heart of these European institutions which impose budgets, call together with the big employers for more and more social backwardness, more flexibility, more wage moderation, plead for more and more privatization, liberalization and austerity… 


Speaking of the Arts — Belliard axis, Ilse van Keere, police spokesperson, claims in the media that a free speech zone existed for people of good will who wanted to express themselves on their own themes. Nothing could be further from the truth! 

Before the beginning of the demonstration the police were already arresting people leaving the stations. For the other demonstrators bypassing the blocking devices and the barricades surrounding the districts of Europe, they had no other choice than to fall back on the Arts-Loi axis … where the forces of « order » were waiting for us. 

The « Michel Démission », « The police with us » chanted by the yellow vests will do nothing, the police will remain intractable. 

« The forces of order are unable to communicate with the demonstrators » says RTL. This is a blatant lie! The demonstrators have multiplied the attempts of peaceful dialogues with the police. I saw it, I heard it.

The repressive means implemented were colossal. They give a glimpse of what the power in place ‑this power in loss of legitimacy- is ready to implement to maintain itself while everything shows that we don’t want this government and this policy anymore: massively equipped police officers, certainly several hundreds, cavalry, pump cars and a multitude of vans. 

The notion of respect for order and the « wild » character of the demonstration will be evoked to justify the arbitrary: 400 arrests for 1000 demonstrators! Commissioner Vandersmissen was happy. 

Were there 400 thugs in our ranks? Nearly one in two demonstrators? Of course not! Besides, nobody will be able to give the exact number of the few marginal people who came to break, since the police acted indiscriminately. What she condemns today is that the people question economic and political choices! His methods are worthy of dictatorships. 

This is a historic day. It shows that our government has understood absolutely nothing about this movement and its deep aspirations, that it is not decided to take into account the suffering of the people, that it is even less decided to listen to them nor to question itself. We witnessed an unparalleled display of contempt, force and inflexibility. 

It is up to us to draw conclusions, to act accordingly where we can! 

Laurent Bodenghien
Illustration: Julie Dall’Arche

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