5G in the European Parliament: when technophiles pretended to debate…

In the closed world of Parliament, protected from reality December 10, 2019, the Bulgarian MP Ivo Hristov organizes a roundtable discussion, entitled « 5G deployment in the EU — opportunities and challenges ». Among the speakers, the only opponent of 5G is Paul Lannoye, president of GRAPPE and columnist for KAIROS newspaper. The four others? Samuel Stolston, moderator, « digital editor » at Euractiv, expert in 5G network; Jeremy Godfrey, Director of the European Regulators for Communications (Berec), whose function is, among other things, to promote the services, to support a digital economy, and to provide competitive, or enabling 5G; Marc Vancoppenolle, head of of government relations at Nokia Belgium; Lazlo Toth, Director of Public Policy at GSMA Europe, which represents the of the global mobile communications industry; Vladimir Poulkov, head of Intelligent Communications Infrastructures R&D Laboratory », in Sofia Tech Park, Bulgaria; George Oikonomou, Engineer on the 5G team at VMware. It looks like a joke, but it’s not a joke, but the most incredible thing is that we still playing in this game of fools. 

We offer you here the answer of Vladimir Pulkov to the question of journalist Alexandre Penasse, who perfectly illustrates the religious fatality of their discourse, and the omerta around their interest in defend these technologies that we did not ask for. 

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