In each edition of Kairos, the Foire aux Savoir-Faire offers you one of its recipes.
The objective of the know-how fair is to give the taste and the techniques to *do it yourself* for the pleasure of learning, to exercise one’s creativity, to soften one’s impact on the environment and to adjust one’s consumption to one’s needs. As much as possible, the recipes she proposes during her animations, which are all listed on her website, are based on recycled materials. Its workshops are open to all, in a collaborative and experimental spirit; they allow everyone to come and make a repair, an object, test a recipe, invent one, using the tools and the material of recuperation put at disposal.
Cooking with your alcohol stove, sitting by the side of the road to enjoy the landscape while eating some dried apricots, picnicking in a meadow, stopping quietly on a stone path to patch a flat tire, lying on the beach to wear your new bikini made of plastic bag hooks, so many situations where you would often like to have a good cushion for your buttocks or to support your head. Yet it is never practical
to carry a cushion.
That’s why we offer you the inflatable cushion of recovery.
1) Recover the inner shell of a wine cube
2) Rinse it
3) It’s over
You are the proud owner of a multi-purpose airbag that doesn’t take up much space. Your cushion inflates and deflates
through the tap. Roll it up and take it everywhere with you!
The multiple tests carried out by our team have highlighted the very high qualities of resistance of this cushion.
Find the recipes of the Foire aux
Know-How on the site: