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The Covid safe ticket violates fundamental rights: it should be abolished and not extended

On the eve of the Covid Safety Ticket application in Brussels, we share this carte blanche from the Résistance et Libertésmovement

With the adoption of the regulation establishing the European Health Passport (covid
digital) and giving Member States the freedom to define its scope of application,
the European Union has flouted the rights guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights
adopted in 2000.

It has also legitimized the shift to a socially segregated society of
discrimination, in the name of an alleged health imperative. In our country, the covid safe ticket, initially intended for mass events, should, according to the wish of the governments, be extended to activities of daily life,
such as cafes and restaurants and cultural venues such as the
libraries, theaters, cinemas and sports activities.

Insidiously, a generalized compulsory vaccination is being set up with an assumed, totally illusory objective: to eradicate a virus presented as devastating and likely to strike to death all those who are carriers of it. National and regional political decision-makers, such as Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and the Walloon and Brussels Minister Presidents, have not hesitated to stigmatize those who have the nerve to refuse a high-risk vaccination with experimental genetic vaccines (phase III clinical trials are still underway), the long-term effects of which no one denies.

Thus is programmed the installation of a society that is more and more similar to the one lived by the Chinese population with the social credit system. The deprivation of fundamental freedoms, the abolition of privacy, the repression, the stigmatization and the incitement to public humiliation are the obvious marks. The network « Résistance et Libertés », which respects fundamental rights, is determined to oppose these measures by all legal means, as soon as the texts are adopted (which is not very doubtful given the total absence of reaction from the parliamentarians of the majority).

Intellectuals with a high profile, obviously unaware of political strategies, have fallen into the trap of proposing a debate on compulsory vaccination for all to avoid segregation. They are right because this would imply the responsibility of the State in case of damage to health, which governments and vaccine companies cannot accept to assume given the unknowns on the long term effects of experimental vaccines and the important side effects already demonstrated.

It is therefore reasonable to think that this supposedly desired debate on the vaccination obligation is only a smokescreen intended to make people accept as reasonable a vaccination passport which, in appearance, does not oblige vaccination but, by making any social life impossible to those who refuse it, leads to the same result. The maneuver is Machiavellian as is all the liberticidal policy in force for 18 months whose main objective is to submit us, without debate, to political choices inspired by the dehumanizing technologist ideology that permeates the dominant political class.

The Network  » Résistance et Libertés  » will not cease to denounce these choices and to put sticks in the wheels of this totalitarian machinery.

For the Network  » Résistance et Libertés » : 

Aryan Afzalian
Fatiha Aït Saïd
Denis Brusselmans
Corine Dehaes
Patrick d’Ursel
Geneviève Hilgers
Alain Jossart
Paul Lannoye
Emmanuel Mignolet
Sylviane Roncins
Pierre Stein
Valerie Tilman
Thierry Vanderlinden
Carole Vanoeteghem

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