External contribution

Declaration of Civil Disobedience

The declaration

Alice Magos

Ministers, members of scientific councils, minister-presidents and other « decision-makers », we hereby inform you that we have disobeyed, we are disobeying and we will disobey again.

We will not stop singing, shouting, laughing and loving. We will still disobey because we will never accept that you declare the joys of life, the meetings, the family and cultural celebrations dangerous and outlawed.

We commit ourselves not to endanger the lives of others, on the contrary, we will respect the rules of hygiene fundamental to life in society, we will strengthen our collective immunity, without going mad with anxiety, which as you know would weaken our health and that of others.

We will continue to help our « vulnerable » parents, relatives and elders not to die of loneliness; our women and children not to be victims of intra-family violence, whether physical, moral or psychological. We will continue to introduce our newborns to our faces first.

We decided to disobey because we are in daily contact with women and men who are extremely anxious about this « new » disease, and who have sometimes suffered, themselves or their loved ones. We respect our fellow man and understand perfectly their legitimate distress. But we will not die for fear of living. We will advocate dialogue and common sense. We are aware that among our fellow human beings there are many who doubt and have, therefore, also transgressed some prohibitions. At the end of our rope, only these « gaps » allow us some form of survival.

Especially since the « flagrant crimes » are yours first.

We will disobey again because we can no longer stand your inconsistencies, your lies, your lack of empathy, your intolerance, your censorship and refusal to answer legitimate questions, your lack of transparency and hostility to any democratic debate.

When the state that you lead infantilizes and condemns whole sections of its population, that it leads our elders, our shopkeepers, our restaurant owners, our craftsmen, our artists, our hairdressers, our students, our young people and their families, to ruin, to misery, to the street and to suicide!

When this state sets itself up as a teacher, as a savior, while it has destroyed and is still destroying our public services, while it is strangling our hospitals and our caregivers through decades of budget cuts. And a year of health crisis has not seen any improvement in their situation.

While the State claims to be up to the task, we remain doubtful: where were you when you should have acted against what is making us sick? … The pollutants that saturate our lungs, the junk food that destroys our health on a daily basis, the increasingly mind-numbing work dedicated to the well-being of shareholders, the screens and connected toys that prevent us from thinking? Now you’re going to make us believe that you care about the common good?

We will still disobey because we do not believe in the expensive miracle cures that have come out of the Pandora’s Boxes of pharmaceutical companies, competing for the one who will get the money first, while these multinationals protect themselves preventively against the side effects of a vaccine that the State sells to us as harmless, while admitting that it does not even know if it protects us.

We reject the arrogance of those who manage a new disease with protocols of prohibitions and banish all other options, while the absence of debate is flagrant and censorship is rampant without shame.

We believe that respectful listening to divergent opinions, as well as the skills acquired by field practitioners, the use of old, cheap remedies, independent research and public debate would make it possible to manage and anticipate future developments of this disease, but also to « save lives » and avoid « collateral damage », to use the warlike vocabulary that some of you like… We know that we have a 99% probability of dying from cancer, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and even, why not, old age rather than from this virus.

Let’s not forget what Albert Jacquard, that great French humanist, geneticist and biologist, who died in 2013 from leukemia (a time when you could die from something other than the SARS-CoV‑2 virus…), repeated all his life: « I am the links I weave with others. Others are not our hell because they are other; they create our hell when they do not accept to enter into a relationship with us ».

We will therefore disobey so as not to be contaminated by your hell, your muzzles, your anathemas, your diktats and your speeches slavishly relayed by the media. We will disobey so that the world of tomorrow will not be worse than the one before and, above all, that it will be better, fair and decent, respectful of the Earth and all that lives on it.

We call for a boycott of all those who despise and prejudice us without any complex. We are eager to make disobedience contagious so that together we become aware of our healing power. That we decide together on our common future, by measures taken in respect of our democratic rights and institutions, and not by flouting them with states of exception and others.

If money and power are your driving forces, ours are freedom, as well as the law, in respect of the common good.

As the author Frédéric Gros so aptly put it, « From the moment we obey like machines, disobeying becomes an act of humanity.

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