
The new Kairos humor series, sometimes it is better to laugh at the absurd than to cry about it. *An original idea by David Schiepers
Hélène Gerray, française, artisane dans un petit village, avait beaucoup de « pourquoi? » au début de la crise Covid. Puis, pas beaucoup de réponses officielles, 
Alain Colignon, a physician specializing in vascular surgery, dared to criticize the Order of his profession. Revolted by the injunctions coming from above, preventing 
Prison does not  » resocialize « , as we know. It only punishes, we know that too. And for a long time. But behind the veil of the 
The program « Voisins, voisines » on alternative media broadcast on Wednesday, September 23 on RTBF 3 
The program « Voisins, voisines » on alternative media broadcast on Wednesday, September 23 on RTBF 3 

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