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Things are bad for the fire department! But shhh…

Following the testimonies of firefighters at Kairos, they were subjected to a disciplinary procedure, even accusing them of taking on the role of spokesperson for the Brussels area. Peter Vandenberk, leader of the Free Union of the Public Service, testifies to Anne’s microphone for Revivance, evoking obvious attempts at intimidation, but also the dramatic state of the working conditions.

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Kairos Weekly 2

Totalitarianism can be recognized by its zeal to suppress information that disturbs it.Indeed, the tireless efforts in this direction suggest that there is something to hide. Knowledge is power, and they… know it.Under the pretext of saving as many people as possible, they have confined, scorned, distanced.In Shanghai, the lockdown reappeared and desperate people shouted from their windows. Is shouting still enough? On the other hand, those who now try to denounce the side effects of the covid-19 vaccine are immediately vilified, if not worse. This was the case of Melodie, a citizen who alerted about the seriousness of the effects of the vaccine on women’s cycles. It was, as if by chance, the target of a hacking. Nothing surprising in a democracy…To end on a happier note, Kairos celebrates its 10th anniversary on May 28th. You are all welcome; more info will follow soon.

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The unbearable lightness of the net

Nicolas Drochmans

Commander une pizza ou un billet de train sur Internet, louer une trottinette électronique sur une plateforme de mobilité partagée ou encore surfer sur Vinted à la recherche d’une seconde main « tendance » : autant d’actions qui sont entrées dans notre quotidien et dont on s’imagine difficilement qu’elles puissent avoir une empreinte environnementale ou énergétique autre que nulle, voire même positive. Et pourtant, derrière un simple clic ou un banal « Like », que d’énergie dépensée et que de ressources insoupçonnées englouties. Car la face cachée du numérique est loin d’être aussi « verte » que les techno-prophètes de la dématérialisation et les gourous des GAFAM veulent nous le faire croire… 

Comme l’indique le journaliste et documentariste Guillaume Pitron, qui s’est livré à une enquête approfondie sur les dessous cachés du soi-disant vert paradis numérique, « l’industrie numérique mondiale consomme tant d’eau, de matériaux et d’énergie que son empreinte est triple de celle d’un pays comme la France ou l’Angleterre. Les technologies digitales mobilisent aujourd’hui 10 % de l’électricité produite dans le monde et rejetteraient près de 4 % des émissions globales de CO2, soit un peu moins du double du secteur civil aérien mondial[note]. » 

Énergivores, hyper gourmands en eau et en charbon autant qu’en métaux rares, et super polluants, les beaux joujoux électroniques des GAFAM ? Comment est-ce possible, alors que la petite musique qui nous est quotidiennement serinée tend à nous faire croire à l’innocuité environnementale des TIC[note] ? Si nous regardons des heures durant des vidéos en streaming, draguons sur Tinder ou sommes à l’affût des derniers potins sur WhatsApp sans nous douter un seul instant du coût environnemental et social que cela implique, ce n’est pas le fruit du hasard. C’est le fruit d’un marketing « vert » très efficace, d’un « e‑greenwashing » si savamment conçu qu’il confine à l’e‑brainwashing. Et le phénomène ne touche pas que les citoyens lambda. La très puissante Commission européenne elle-même ne jure que par la dématérialisation et la « transition numérique » censée nous amener en douceur, à l’horizon 2030 ou 2035, vers les meilleurs des mondes digitaux.[note] 

Derrière ce véritable matraquage publicitaire, on trouve des organisations bien implantées, ayant pignon sur institutions européennes et internationales. C’est par exemple le cas de Global e‑Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). Basé à Bruxelles, ce groupe réunissant acteurs privés du numérique et organisations internationales se définit comme « une source majeure d’informations impartiales devant permettre la durabilité sociale et environnementale au moyen des TIC. » En fait, pour Guillaume Pitron, le GeSI est un puissant lobby dont les membres principaux ne sont autres que des sociétés telles que AT&T, Dell, Deutsche Telecom, Huawei, et IBM. À coups de rapports et d’études à la méthodologie pourtant douteuse, ils arrivent à des conclusions telles que celles-ci : « Les émissions évitées via l’utilisation des TIC sont près de dix fois plus importantes que celles générées par le déploiement de ces technologies[note].» Et ce sont de tels rapports que reprennent, quasiment tels quels, des organisations aussi « sérieuses » que l’UIT (Union internationale des télécommunications), la Banque mondiale ou… la Commission européenne. 

Pourtant, des chercheurs et organismes indépendants ont assez rapidement contesté la validité de telles affirmations. Selon Françoise Berthoud, chercheuse au CNRS, les critères et hypothèses de base utilisés par le GeSI ne sont pas fiables. En outre, « ces rapports ne se concentrent que sur les émissions de CO2. Quantité de e‑déchets ne sont pas comptabilisés comme tels, comme les voitures connectées. » Et de conclure : « Aucun organisme indépendant n’a cautionné ces documents[note]. » 


Les mots sont trompeurs. Lorsque nous disons que nos données sont stockées dans le « Cloud », nous avons tendance à imaginer un sympathique nuage immatériel et transparent, parfaitement neutre du point de vue environnemental et énergétique. Pourtant, si le Petit Prince de Saint Exupéry avait demandé à un concepteur ICT de lui dessiner un tel nuage, il aurait sans doute été fort surpris du résultat. En effet, au cœur du Cloud se situent des infrastructures bien matérielles, les fameux data centers ou centres de données qui stockent les précieuses traces que nous laissons sur Internet. Et les plus grands d’entre eux peuvent atteindre la taille de plusieurs terrains de football. Comme l’indique Guillaume Pitron, c’est le cas au Nord de Paris « où la communauté d’agglomération Plaine Commune, qui compte déjà 47 data centers, s’apprête à accueillir une usine numérique de 40.000 mètres carrés, soit cinq fois la taille de la pelouse du Stade de France[note] ». Or, l’un des principaux problèmes rencontrés par ces monstres numériques bourrés d’électronique, c’est que les centaines de serveurs qu’ils abritent chauffent telle une cocotte-minute et doivent donc instamment être refroidis. Pour ce faire, on utilise principalement de l’eau, dont les data centers sont grands consommateurs, et des gaz fluorés aux propriétés refroidissantes, dont on revêt généreusement les semi-conducteurs et autres circuits intégrés. 

Dénommée HFC, la principale famille de gaz fluorés a, heureusement, remplacé les fameux gaz CFC, dont on s’est aperçu qu’ils détruisaient la couche d’ozone. Mais, en réalité, on a seulement déplacé le problème. En effet, s’ils gardent nos puces électroniques au frais, les HFC ont par contre la fâcheuse tendance à réchauffer l’atmosphère. Selon Bas Eickhout, un eurodéputé hollandais en pointe dans la lutte contre l’utilisation de tels gaz, « Une seule molécule de ce type de gaz est beaucoup plus puissante que le dioxyde de carbone . Leur pouvoir réchauffant est 2.000 fois supérieur en moyenne. Le NF3 retient 17.000 fois plus de chaleur dans l’atmosphère que le CO2. Quant au SF6, le coefficient avoisine même le chiffre impressionnant de 23.500, ce qui en fait le gaz à effet de serre le plus puissant jamais produit dans le monde[note] ». 

Les impacts du Cloud et des usines numériques qui en sont l’armature ne se limitent pas à leur gourmandise en gaz fluorés. Ils sont également consommateurs effrénés d’eau (pour refroidir les installations) et de charbon (pour produire l’électricité nécessaire). Sans compter qu’ils s’étendent souvent démesurément au détriment de terres agricoles ou de forêts, comme à Ashburn, en Virginie. Qualifiée de « Silicon Valley de la côte est », cette agglomération située à environ 50km au nord-ouest de Washington est devenue en quelques années la capitale mondiale des data centers, par laquelle transite pas moins de 70% du trafic Internet mondial. Mais au fur et à mesure que le Cloud étend son ombre sur cette partie agricole et forestière de la Virginie, c’est l’environnement et la biodiversité qui trinquent. En 2018, rien que pour la construction d’un seul data center, le True North de l’entreprise Compass, ce sont 43 hectares de forêts qui ont disparu. Et avec le développement annoncé de la 5G et des objets connectés (Internet of Things, IOT, ou Internet des objets), la tendance n’est pas prête de s’inverser. 

On le voit, à l’instar de son homologue dantesque, l’enfer numérique est lui aussi pavé de bonnes intentions. Mais derrière la belle façade d’un monde hyper connecté et, soi-disant dématérialisé et favorable à l’environnement et au climat, la réalité qui se profile est nettement moins idyllique. Alors, que faire contre la puissance tentaculaire des GAFAM, adossés aux industriels des télécom et déjà talonnés par leurs concurrents chinois, les BATX (pour Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent et Xiaomi) ? Dans les conclusions de son enquête, Guillaume Pitron prône notamment une plus grande sobriété dans la consommation individuelle de services numériques, voire un encadrement étatique fort, visant à limiter la pollution numérique, ce qui passerait notamment par la limitation du débit des infrastructures. Sera-ce suffisant pour brider les forces conjointes de notre hubris technologique et celles du libre marché ? Ou, comme certains le pensent, faudra-t-il en passer par une catastrophe de nature planétaire pour en revenir à plus de sagesse ? 

Alain Gailliard 

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Special Doctothon « Side effects of Covid injections » — From 6:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 April

Millions of injections for a disease that is not very lethal, and whose curative properties were hidden by governments in the service of multinationals, are now revealing their disastrous effects on those who really played the laboratory rats. For 24 hours, dozens of people from all over the world will take turns to describe what they see and experience.

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Livestock of humanity: hating our own freedom?

La pandémie est loin d’être terminée, mais il est désormais évident que la liberté des humains est menacée au premier degré par les mesures que les États ont jugé nécessaire de prendre. Pour notre survie ou la leur ? Quoi qu’il en soit, l’ensemble des décisions actuelles convergent vers la transformation rapide de l’humanité en un cheptel de producteurs-consommateurs apeurés les uns par les autres, dans une spirale d’agressivité et de destructivité qui est fort connue depuis des siècles. La cheptelisation de l’humanité devient une perspective crédible à très court terme, mais il ne tient qu’à nous qu’elle soit aussi la dernière carte que nos maîtres peuvent jouer avant leur effondrement.

Arianna Simoncini

Le QR-code du laissez-passer sanitaire ou vaccinal, la 5G, la généralisation du téléphone intelligent (smartphone) comme outil de base permettant la vie en société et tant d’autres éléments bien connus des lecteurs de Kairos tissent autour de nous un véritable filet de contention, et, désormais, de contrôle social et culturel, donc politique, aux mailles de plus en plus serrées. Nous ne sommes plus très loin du contrôle social total à la chinoise, à travers ce que l’on appelle là-bas « le crédit social ». D’ores et déjà, les applications « anti-covid » nous permettent de nous contrôler les uns les autres. 

Cependant, beaucoup de Français refusent d’utiliser leur QR-code et ne se sont fait vacciner que contraints et forcés, sinon ils perdaient leur emploi ; certes, d’autres l’ont accepté avec joie et entrain. Ces derniers sont d’ores et déjà phagocytés par la discipline de la peur, ce moment politique où, comme l’expliquait Erich Fromm en 1941 dans La Peur de la liberté, une large part des humains abdique sans le moindre regret sa liberté pour se fondre dans un troupeau rassurant. La liberté implique en effet de construire sa vie, de prendre des décisions parfois en opposition avec le consensus, de nager à contresens du courant dominant, et tout cela est non seulement fatigant, mais générateur de doutes. Dans une ambiance d’incertitude absolue, l’abdication de sa propre liberté devient une solution facile, et le troupeau est toujours accueillant puisqu’il se reconnaît dans chacun de ses membres apeurés qui ont pris l’ultime décision de ne plus prendre de décision ! 


Si le troupeau sied au régime de dictature, alors, autant survivre dans le troupeau que tenter l’aventure improbable et dangereuse de la liberté. Le processus d’abdication est d’autant plus facile que nous avons l’impression, même si nous sommes des millions de « rebelles » à l’utilisation du QR-code, que nous faisons face à un pouvoir extrêmement fort. Mais le pouvoir est-il aussi fort que nous le jugeons à première vue ? 

Tout d’abord, remarquons, avec Simone Weil, que « ceux qui ordonnent sont moins nombreux que ceux qui obéissent. Mais, précisément parce qu’ils sont peu nombreux, ils forment un ensemble. Les autres, précisément parce qu’ils sont trop nombreux, sont un plus un plus un, et ainsi de suite. Ainsi, la puissance d’une infime minorité repose malgré tout sur la force du nombre. Cette minorité l’emporte de beaucoup en nombre sur chacun de ceux qui composent le troupeau de la majorité » (Méditation sur l’obéissance et la liberté, 1937–1938). La force du pouvoir auquel nous faisons face provient donc surtout et avant tout de notre propre incapacité, ou en tout cas de notre difficulté, à nous ressentir comme une masse. Nous ne sommes encore qu’un plus un plus un… 

Or, non seulement nous faisons face au pouvoir des Comités qui ont usurpé le pouvoir gouvernemental (en France, le Conseil scientifique covid-19 et le Conseil de défense sanitaire), mais qui plus est nous devons également affronter, chaque jour, la masse du troupeau apeuré qui est passé d’une discipline de la peur à une « discipline de la haine » (cette dernière expression est due à Régis Duffour, dans un texte qui porte ce titre et n’a, hélas, pas connu le succès qu’il aurait mérité). 

La discipline dont il s’agit se remarque chaque jour : les chefs d’État, les Comités ou Conseils a‑démocratiques dont ils se sont entourés pour lutter prétendument contre la pandémie, l’intensification du discours médiatique en faveur du « lobby vaccinal », le rôle de plus en plus répressif joué par des organismes de contrôle professionnel comme l’Ordre des médecins, l’incertitude générale concernant l’avenir et tant d’autres facteurs négatifs jouent tous à fond pour renforcer cette discipline de la haine. La division du corps social s’accentue chaque jour, en désignant un bouc émissaire fort commode : le non-vacciné, le non-QR-codisé. 


La situation sociale en France se caractérise désormais par la division du corps social en trois fractions : les vaccinés heureux et haineux des autres ; les vaccinés par contrainte qui refusent d’utiliser leur QR-code dont ils sentent à quel point il est utilisé à des fins de caractère dictatorial ; les non-vaccinés qui le refusent pour la plupart, pas tant par rejet du vaccin que par l’horreur absolue que leur inspire la société totalitaire montante et désormais en construction sous nos yeux enfin dessillés. Les vaccinés heureux constituent vraisemblablement une grosse minorité, ou alors une très faible majorité, mais, dans les médias, leur position est archi-majoritaire. Se pose donc pour nous l’éternelle question : que faire ? Comment renverser le cours des choses ? 

Dans un régime antidémocratique comme l’est devenue la France, dans lequel l’Exécutif assume la totalité du pouvoir et a anéanti le Législatif et le Judiciaire, la lutte ne semble pourtant pas terminée au cœur même de l’État. Certains éléments regrettent semble-t-il le « monde d’avant », celui où, justement, l’Assemblée ou les magistrats avaient encore quelque rôle à jouer. Il est tout à fait plausible que ces contradictions parmi les tenants du pouvoir expliquent l’incohérence des mesures prises. Mais, on en conviendra aisément, si la lutte contre l’évolution totalitaire ne se situe plus qu’entre les diverses factions qui se disputent actuellement le pouvoir, cela n’augure rien de positif ni à court terme, ni même à moyen terme. 

L’histoire peut sans doute nous inspirer, même si elle ne repasse jamais les plats, selon l’expression consacrée. Les plats, sans doute pas, mais certaines situations à travers l’histoire offrent des similarités troublantes. En l’occurrence, nous assistons, depuis deux ans maintenant, à la décomposition évidente d’un monde, d’une civilisation – et pas seulement d’un système productif fondé sur l’industrie comme dans les décennies d’après-guerre. Nous avons été nombreux à anticiper ce déclin irréversible depuis des années et même des décennies, mais peu importe. Ce qui compte désormais est que nous sommes nombreux à comprendre que le monde d’avant n’existera plus jamais, que des pays comme la Belgique ou la France n’auront plus rien de démocratique ni de républicain (au sens où la « chose publique » doit être au service des citoyens) pour les années à venir (ou peut-être une ou deux décennies, qui sait ?), et qu’il nous faut donc nous retrousser les manches pour inventer autre chose. De toute façon, c’est bien ce monde d’avant qui a accouché de ce qui advient. Posons-nous donc la question de savoir comment nous en sommes arrivés là, et tâchons de comprendre enfin ce que nous devons construire pour que, dans un avenir pas trop lointain si possible, nous puissions enfin voguer vers des cieux beaucoup plus cléments pour les humains et pour cette planète à bout de souffle. 

Philippe Godard 

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Can our « democracies » become democratic?

Voies pour un transfert du pouvoir à la société civile

Les événements autour du covid-19 font apparaître plus que jamais à quel point les choix de société ne sont pas le fait de ce qu’on nomme la société civile. Entre autres, divers remèdes et approches sont ignorés ou dénigrés par les autorités, alors même qu’ils suscitent l’intérêt de nombreux citoyens (renforcement de l’immunité, traitement précoce du covid-19…)[note]

Parallèlement, l’option vaccinale est imposée, contre la volonté de beaucoup et suite à l’influence de l’industrie.[note]

Ces faits devraient nous rendre plus que jamais attentifs aux modes d’organisation alternatifs, notamment aux voies qui permettraient de conférer un vrai pouvoir décisionnel à la société civile dans son ensemble. De telles voies et dispositifs sont développés depuis longtemps, dans le courant du socialisme libertaire. Parmi les penseurs actuels qui mènent des recherches dans de telles directions, il y a l’économiste Michel Laloux[note] (qui, plutôt que de socialisme libertaire, parle de démocratie évolutive, mais ces approches se rejoignent à de nombreux niveaux).

Un puissant levier de transformation ?

Un exemple des dispositifs traités par ce chercheur : l’orientation individuelle de l’impôt[note]. L’idée est de donner au citoyen la possibilité de choisir lui-même les projets et organismes d’intérêt public qui bénéficieront de ses impôts ; qu’il s’agisse d’organismes actifs dans le domaine de la recherche, de l’enseignement, de l’information… De plus, dans l’approche de Laloux, les organismes finançables de cette manière incluraient également ceux qui émanent non pas du gouvernement, mais de la société civile, pour autant qu’ils soient d’intérêt public (c’est-à-dire à buts non lucratifs et accessibles à tous) : p. ex., associations, médias alternatifs, coopératives à buts non-lucratifs dans leur phase de développement, etc.

« …la morale n’a pas d’autre source, d’autre stimulant (…) que la liberté »Mikhaïl Bakounine

Cette idée soulève différentes questions, auxquelles nous allons venir, mais ses potentiels sont certainement très importants. Par exemple, y aurait-il grand monde pour choisir de contribuer au développement de fléaux comme les pesticides, le nucléaire, les OGM, ou encore un projet comme la 5G… ? Il n’est sans doute pas trop optimiste de penser qu’une grande partie des citoyens choisirait d’orienter ses parts de financement vers des initiatives sociales et des activités soutenables écologiquement : énergies durables, médecines alternatives, agro-écologie, médias manifestant un vrai souci d’information et d’indépendance, etc. Et le fait que les organismes finançables de cette façon comprendraient ceux qui émanent directement de la société civile augmenterait considérablement les possibilités de celle-ci d’expérimenter et développer ses propres projets. Plus fondamentalement, comme le note Laloux, une telle approche permettrait même un transfert progressif à la société civile du pouvoir exécutif dans son ensemble. Transfert qui ne devrait pas poser problème, car les initiatives et organismes dont il s’agit seraient développés par des praticiens des domaines chaque fois concernés – des gens certainement plus à même de gérer ces domaines que le sont les politiciens. Ce transfert serait bien sûr fortement renforcé si on ajoutait à tout cela la possibilité pour les citoyens de proposer, voire de voter des lois.

Au sujet des questions que posent de tels modes de fonctionnement, il y a celle de savoir s’ils ne causeraient pas un émiettement, une décentralisation excessive. Une autre crainte possible est celle d’un développement d’institutions sectaires ou prosélytiques (en particulier dans l’enseignement). Autre interrogation : ne risque-t-il pas d’y avoir convergence de fonds vers certains organismes au détriment d’autres, qui seraient aussi importants ? Michel Laloux traite en détail de telles questions. Par exemple, au sujet du risque d’un émiettement, il fait observer que celui-ci pourrait être évité par la création de conseils de coordination liés à chaque domaine, et rassemblant les praticiens de ces domaines. Concernant la possibilité de dérives sectaires, il constate que les lois pénales existantes permettraient de prévenir ce risque. À propos de la question de la répartition des fonds, Laloux met en avant la possibilité d’élaborer des règles qui établiraient que si les montants reçus par tel organisme dépassaient un certain plafond, l’excédent pourrait être transmis à un autre organisme basé sur des objectifs équivalents[note].

Illustration : Noir & Clair

Responsabiliser en donnant des responsabilités

Une autre observation encore contribue à mettre en valeur les potentiels de ces idées : la liberté et le souci du social sont intimement liés. Cela s’est déjà vérifié lors d’initiatives qui vont dans la direction ébauchée ici. P. ex., comme l’a noté Michel Laloux (même s’il est critique sur l’initiative en question), une expérimentation comme les chèques éducation. Si cet instrument pose divers problèmes, il a cependant l’intérêt de permettre au citoyen de contribuer davantage et directement au financement du type d’enseignement de son choix. Ce qui a permis cette observation très intéressante : dans les quartiers défavorisés où ce système a été utilisé, on a constaté une baisse de la violence ; conséquence, visiblement, de la remise dans les mains des citoyens de ce pouvoir de décision[note].

Dans ce sens, Bakounine déjà avait bien saisi qu’un des meilleurs moyens de responsabiliser est précisément de donner des responsabilités : « (…) comme la morale n’a pas d’autre source, d’autre stimulant (…) que la liberté, et comme elle n’est elle-même rien que la liberté, toutes les restrictions qu’on a imposées à cette dernière dans le but de protéger la morale ont toujours tourné au détriment de celle-ci[note]. »

Espérons que les dérives outrancières actuelles amènent un maximum de personnes à prendre mieux conscience de tout cela, et à promouvoir des approches comme celles abordées ici.

Pour d’autres idées de ce genre et bien plus de développements, voir e. a. :

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Contemporary violence, at what address?

« La persuasion et la violence peuvent détruire la vérité, mais elles ne peuvent la remplacer. »[note]Hannah Arendt

« […] face au mal, c’est au mal lui-même qu’il faut recourir, et sans tarder, dans autant de situations où la morale ordinaire aboutit justement au genre d’inhibition teintée de culpabilité sur laquelle les gens malfaisants comptent pour étendre leur emprise. »[note]Pierre-Henri Castel

Bien avant l’offensive vaccinale actuelle, la violence a toujours été l’objet d’éclatantes divergences d’opinion dans l’intelligentsia et le public, sans oublier les militants. On peut en donner une définition large ou restreinte. Dans le premier cas, on qualifiera de « violents » des comportements aussi différents que le bombage d’une affiche publicitaire en rue, la destruction d’une antenne 5G, la simple voie de fait, un viol, un acte de torture, un assassinat… On voit directement le problème à la fois logique et moral de cette conception maximaliste. Mieux vaut donc resserrer la définition : la violence ne s’applique(rait) qu’aux êtres vivants et « sentients », c’est-à-dire capables de ressentir la douleur physique et morale, donc les humains et les animaux (avant tout ceux à sang chaud). Elle peut être physique, psychologique ou symbolique, « […] cette violence symbolique, ce travail d’imposition de sens et de valeur auquel certaines corporations (comme les journalistes) font profession de soumettre le reste de la population, en toute bonne conscience, comme si elles étaient en charge d’un ministère intellectuel et moral[note] ». À rebours de ce qu’avance la philosophie libérale — qui ne proscrit que la violence physique —, une forme n’est pas plus ou moins grave que les autres. Tout le reste relève de la destruction de biens, du vandalisme ou du sabotage. On peut certes réprouver ceux-ci, mais il ne faut pas confondre les deux plans. 

À Kairos, aucun sujet n’est tabou a priori. Nous avons cette fois décidé de quelque peu élucider la violence contemporaine, spécialement par temps covidiens. A‑t-elle pris de nouvelles formes caractéristiques à cette occasion ou recycle-t-elle les remugles de sa tradition telle que la civilisation l’a toujours connue ? Est-elle moralement condamnable dans tous les cas et d’où qu’elle vienne, ou peut-elle prendre de nouveaux atours de légitimité, entre autres sous le prétexte de la santé publique ou inversement du respect des libertés ? À la fin de sa vie, en 1987, le philosophe Günther Anders rouvrait le dossier dans un essai sulfureux, La violence : oui ou non, paru en RFA dans le contexte d’un ressentiment anti-nucléaire, juste après la catastrophe de Tchernobyl l’année précédente. Ses propos lui valurent une avalanche de critiques, car « Anders y reste intraitable, creusant son sillon, revenant sans fléchir aux sources et à la forge méthodique de sa détermination[note] ». D’autres reconnurent ce texte comme majeur et encourageant. Depuis deux ans, les populations occidentales[note] subissent une violence étatique qui s’est montrée graduelle, allant du port du masque obligatoire à la pression aux vaccins (bientôt obligatoires eux aussi ?). Dans la plupart des cas, les électeurs-consommateurs y répondent chaotiquement, comme l’avait déjà remarqué Jacques Ellul il y a quarante ans : « Le caractère émotif de ce que l’homme moderne appelle sa pensée […] a d’ailleurs pour conséquence une extrême violence des convictions alliée à une extrême incohérence des arguments[note] », les réseaux (a)sociaux en étant la principale caisse de résonnance. Autant le savoir : toute résistance populaire s’expose à la violence physique (de la police et/ou de ses congénères), psychologique et symbolique (stigmatisation dans les médias, le travail et la vie quotidienne), et in fine à la mort. Mais comme l’annonçait Anders, « ce n’est pas parce que la lutte est plus difficile qu’elle est moins nécessaire[note] ». 

L’historien des idées François Cusset, l’essayiste-troubadour Hervé Krief, les philosophes Valérie Tilman et Michel Weber ainsi que S. Kimo vous livrent ici le produit de leurs précieuses réflexions. 

Dossier coordonné par Bernard Legros et Alexandre Penasse 

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Kairos n°36

In a world in which states inscribe their future in a perpetual race to possess the ultimate « innovation, » there remains little possibility of a moratorium on technological deployment. Waiting before applying (and implying…) would give our brains time to reasonably examine the impact of any of these innovations on humanity. Inscribing our « thought » in a single dimension of comparison towards the « top », we would be unable to consider our level of civilization otherwise than in term of place, which, defining the position which one occupies in this arbitrary hierarchy, would place us more or less in advance on the axis of progress. Walt Whitman Rostow, an American economist, described, in a famous book[note]The first, corresponding to what would later be defined as « underdevelopment », characterized traditional society, while the last, the most successful, marked the « age of mass consumption ». 

60 years later, although this approach may seem most cynical, it is nevertheless its foundations that still dictate, perhaps more than ever, the functioning of our societies. We are summoned to move forward, always, in a hurry to escape death and convinced that we are on the right path; purchasing power colonizes all minds, from the extreme right to the extreme left. This headlong rush, however, always postpones the questioning of the criteria that would define our « development »: first of all, to move forward, again and again, the perpetual movement replacing the reflection and, above all, the extinction of the latter assuring the perenniality of the « Onward » setting. There is no possibility of thinking dialectically about the « delay » of others in relation to our « advance ». 

Looking up to see what we don’t have that others do, we will set purely arbitrary deadlines for ourselves:  » Everyone is talking about the future 5G, but will Europe, and especially Belgium, be ready for 2020? According to the timetable, every country in the European Union must have at least one city covered by 5G by 2020. Barely a year and a half left, and the clock is ticking « [note]. Taken from an online article by the Belgian public broadcaster RTBF, these words express all the power of time («  there is barely any left « ,  » the clock is ticking « This is the result of the dominant conformist thinking, a veritable technocracy that pushes, compresses, and enjoins us to go faster in order to accelerate, increase throughput and reduce connection time: rapidly deploying the technology needed for 5G in order to connect faster, a vicious circle that has no end, except for the irreversible changeover. 

However, leaving aside the technological criterion, who can say that a city equipped with 5G is more advanced than another, from a health, social or ecological point of view? The deployment of 5G will mean that standards in terms of electromagnetic emissions will have to be more « flexible » and that smartphones will have to be replaced to meet this new technology. The norms will therefore adapt to the technological and production needs. Meanwhile, in a completely schizophrenic dimension, you will be asked to sort and recycle; « zero waste » cities will be sponsored by the European Commission, while hundreds of millions of smartphones will end up in the landfills of Africa, where our slaves who ensure our way of life will extract, at the cost of their health, their lives and their dignity, the raw materials to produce… the new 5G-compatible smart-phones And the politicians will say:  » The 5G train is on the move… Wallonia cannot be left behind in the digital transformation « . « The clock is ticking », yet the (ir)politicians do not perceive the same ticking as we do. 

This world has gone crazy, and it seems that nothing
can stop it. Well, maybe we…

Alexandre Penasse

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Kairos N°39


Justifying the horrors that have allowed the current state of this world they worship today, hiding the social misery and the perpetual drain on nature that they maintain, more and more, the heralds-heroes of this world made for them see however that their speeches and reality collide, which risks waking up consciences that could, who knows, take action. It is that between what they say and what the most lucid observe, a deep chasm forms. Their productivist utopia, a fantasy out of the ground, gradually came up against reality and they had to find a new myth that would allow them to regain strength and vigor.

This time it was the gleaming and glorious  » energy transition « , 5G and smart meters[note]This is the one that would allow the perpetuation of this unequal and destructive world while giving the illusion that it would still open up new opportunities. for all « , of which the myth of progress had made its leitmotiv, signing this time the  » happy ending  » of a  » authentic ecological society »: « We will probably live, if city dwellers choose to do so, in friendly vegetated cities, with permacultures on roofs and terraces, markets with local products, pedestrian walkways, clean air, bicycle paths everywhere, shared mobility, but these cities will be stuffed with electronics (sic) to run the vast artificial intelligence systems optimizing their functioning. « [note]

Yes, madness has taken over and is written in the pages of a daily newspaper, La Libre Belgique, owned by the Le Hodey family, 410The company is thethird largest Belgian fortune (€35,841,000) and also owns 100% of the shares of Traxxeo, a specialist in the Internet of Things in the construction sector, managing resources via new technologies that collect data and remotely control workers, machines, vehicles and equipment.[note]. It would be hard to see these « heretics » who want to promote a harmonious society saying all the bad things they think about the digital world. The productivist terrorists, with their sick brains that no longer see the implausibility of what they are saying, persevere with the fable:  » The short circuit presupposes the long circuits of globalization. The collaborative economy resurrects conviviality and proximity but relies on digital platforms, servers, GPS, smartphones whose countless components are extracted and assembled in the four corners of the world « . Come on, let’s dig the kids out of the cobalt and cadmium mines, while here we’re doing short circuit work. In capitalism, no idea is lost or created, all are transformed. With the same totalitarian religion in the background: that of money and profit. 

For their part, the political employees of the multinationals continue as before: the more they talk, the less they say; the more they promise, the more they disengage; the more they quote, the more they silence; the more they evoke the « citizen » welfare, the less they claim the common good; the more they say they help us understand, the more they prevent us from grasping; the more they explain that they take into account everyone’s opinions, the more they play into the hands of a predatory minority Their slogans sound like vast nets they cast to catch electoral fish. With fish stocks becoming increasingly scarce, they compete in the void:  » With the NCM, it is possible « ;  » Otherwise. Now « (cdH);  » Clearly more just  » (Défi);  » At the heart of change  » (Ecolo);  » A roof and a job for all  » (PS). Finally, today, in the face of social and ecological disaster:  » It is possible to do things differently, clearly being more just and at the heart of the change « .. Finally, by then, we are sure that some will have a job — even when they no longer have one — and a roof over their heads, when we know that, for example, Laurette Onkelinx (PS) will benefit from 458,448€ gross parliamentary exit allowance when she leaves the hemicycle. However, when Raoul Hedebouw asked to put these severance payments on the agenda, not a finger was raised in the assembly[note].  » Otherwise « ,  » change « ,  » just « , mean something else to them.

Duly noted. The more they talk about the climate, the less they will talk about life; the more they will point to individual responsibilities, the less they will let us see the determining collective responsibilities, those of a few hundred multinationals that perish everything, inscribing their end date on life. They will ask the gilets jaunes to pay more for their fuel to go to work far away while they will allow the firms to pay less to pollute more.

Curious then that for 7 years, despite multiple and varied authors, files, themes, investigations, our newspaper has never been approached by the media and political powers… Wouldn’t that be a proof of our integrity, because if we had set ourselves the sole objective of being recognized, it would have been to the detriment of our ideas, right? We would have started out as valiant knights, only to compromise ourselves little by little, forgetting the basics and no longer knowing what integrity is, becoming malleable beings according to our interests. Power is exhilarating, and nowadays it only takes a few weeks for the  » climate rebels  » lined up without flinching next to an array of bosses on the evening of the launch of Sign for my future, when the only option would have been to boycott their business as usual. The others, those who are outside the framework, cannot exist in the dominant media reality. It is up to you and us to make a voice heard that disturbs and challenges the established disorder.

Alexandre Penasse

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Kairos 50

Will we save ourselves from ourselves?

More than 15 months that we hear only that, that we read only that, that there is every probability that strangers that we pass in the street speak about it between them, that all seems to have stopped to « save » humanity. We will therefore take the challenge in this editorial not to quote him once 

times: it comes out of all our pores, preventing us from thinking, from touching, from gathering. However, it should not be used as an outlet for a population at the end of its tether, because this poor virus can’t do anything about it, contrary to what the media and politicians have done[note]. Men, or history, will judge them. 

We are asked to talk about other things, but the paradox is that the monomaniacal focus of the political-media caste prevents us from doing so. We would like to evoke life, theater, nature, love, friendship, reading, poetry, travel (not « vacation »), the beauty of the world, of a painting, of a flower… they confine us to distancing, to the unilaterally and arbitrarily defined essential, to existential flight, to the fear of the other, to division, to screens 

The management of this virus, perniciously defined as « the pandemic of the century », has formidably highlighted the mismanagement of the States, their placing at the service of the interests of a few multinationals, assisted by Facebook and YouTube — zealous censors of incorrect speech -, their totalitarian functioning, their contempt for life… but it will also have allowed to draw the attention of some people to the crimes they were committing or allowing to be committed before. For what has become of those who accept that the poison of Roundup can continue to flood our fields; that industrial food makes our children obese, generates cancers, hypertension, diabetes, these « co-morbidities » that make the lethality of the « great evil » of the 21st century; that finance rules the world. Those who let people die in the streets while misery was endemic and the gaps in wealth were getting wider and wider; who tolerated that we were suffocating under tons of food while, every 5 seconds, a child was dying of hunger; that the air was becoming unbreathable; that biodiversity, which is the miracle and the beauty of this world, was being destroyed slowly? They are the same, they are always there. The planetary « evil » — the virus — generating the « state of war » and allowing to hide everything else. 

For 15 months, we could not talk about « evil » in any other way than the way the patent « experts » defined it. Now we have to accept its antidote: the « solution ». Their solution. As if a vaccine was going to eradicate this virus and promise us the nirvana of zero risk, a fantasy leading to the ultimate transhumanist delirium of the « death of death ». It would also allow us, one day, to return to the « world of before », a pretext which, after months of manipulation of the masses, will convince the quidam ready even if it is necessary to take the risk to die to be able to continue to live. 

Proof of this formidable alienation: people are now willing, and sometimes impatient, to be inoculated with a product developed in a rush that is more a result of shareholderhubris than a desire to save lives, all so that they can go on vacation. Or how to accept to potentially put one’s life in danger in order to continue to run away from it. The governments, zealous servants of the decision-makers from the multinationals, will have succeeded in doing something unprecedented and appalling: dividing the people into two, but also making each of these groups distrust the other, and the whole thing forming nothing more than a cluster of monads in which the Other is no more than a decorative element. 

The same people are still in power, those who want us to do « good », from the Boston Consulting Group, Friends of Europe, McKinsey or the pharmaceutical lobby, these big companies and other Think Tanks of « decision makers », magnanimous in communication, realistic in practice: 

 » Cures that heal immediately would be a tremendous benefit to patients and society, but could be a hindrance to those seeking a sustainable financial cash flow « [note].

These technocrats who, when the apartment burns down, hastily install 5G, LED lighting on the highways, wind farms … rather than calling the fire department, saving what is left, finally sitting down and thinking about the world to rebuild. For this is the moment, the kairos. There will be no more. 

Alexandre Penasse

Priscilla Beccari

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Looting, extractivism, blood minerals to supply multinational technology companies seem to be relatively well known and documented[note]. Yet gadgets continue to flood stores and homes. The question of how to move from eternal observations to real change in order to stop human rights violations and the degradation of our living environment constantly guides our approach.

Kairos regularly publishes articles critical of technologies, a moving subject as the technological surge follows its course at a frantic pace and confirming year after year the theses stated several decades ago by Jacques Ellul on the autonomy of technology. The progress that innovates as our friends of La Décroissance like to ironize.

The technophile propaganda occupies our daily life through advertising in the media and political speeches. It is impossible to escape it, difficult to make a discordant voice heard on the myth of the digital  » benefactor and dispenser of progress « . As we wrote more than a year ago while participating in the cycle « Mon père ce robot » organized by the Maison du Livre de Saint-Gilles, the public debate on this question is insufficient for the moment. It is crucial to discuss the choices of society, the one we would like, the one we refuse, and thus to reveal the social, democratic, ecological, sanitary and human impact of the « all-technology » that globalized capitalism imposes on us without an ounce of democracy.

So on November 24, 2018, mpOC, Kairos and the House of Books, with the support of Technologos[note] invited to a day of reflection around the technological surge and transhumanism. The purpose of this day was to present the book of Pièces et main d’œuvre The chimpanzees of the future, a manifesto against transhumanism, an investigator’s work in front of the damage noted in the technopole of Grenoble where reign the famous NBIC (nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, data processing and cognitive sciences) and concretize the project of machination towards the man-machine and the world-machine

This day of conference and discussions allowed to debate more widely the technological surge not chosen, not discussed, but imposed by the lobbies and the immense majority of the politicians.

Michel Weber focused his speech on transhumanist totalitarianism and sketched some analogies with fascism. Paul Lannoye, already alerted on the deployment of 5G and on the Smart farming recommended by the Walloon center of agronomic research. Bruno Poncelet demonstrated how the digital revolution is a political choice that causes a transformation of work through digital capitalism.

Sarah Dubernet, member of the Association de veille et d’information civique sur les enjeux des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies (AVICENN), told us about her experience as a nurse, in particular the way nanotechnologies are imposed without consent, with its direct health and environmental damage totally neglected by the decision-makers Afterwards, she continuously trained on the subject in order to be able to intervene in the public debate.

In the next issue of Kairos , you will read a reflection by this nurse who became a researcher out of necessity and the reappropriation of knowledge by anyone concerned about their environment, in the face of the dictatorship of experts.

In this dossier, Hervé Krief recounts how the cult of technology and progress was shaped at the beginning of the twentieth century, and in particular with the great mass of the Paris World’s Fair in 1900, which  » demonstrates the will of the European States to inoculate the veneration of this new science, at the service of the industrialists, in the soul and the flesh of their citizens « . He refers to the digital steamroller as the new stage of the capitalist technological system. To conclude, he calls for the liberation of our minds, monopolized by this industrial society that we did not choose.

Finally, at the time of the strike against the « reform » of the pensions in France, we publish a call of the collective Écran total which is organized since a few years to resist to the management and the computerization of our lives. How to resist, how to organize, is the main question we are asked in the face of too many reports of impotence. Écran total, which works in local groups, brings together people from very different professions who refuse the digitization of life and open gaps for a healthy life. Through the text Data Strike, these professionals from the health, social action and special education sectors call for a strike against management and computerized tools and propose a few ways forward for the many recalcitrants who are fighting against the degradation of their professions.

On April 25, 2020, we invite you to come and reflect and exchange on the resistances to the machine-world. Different facets will be addressed such as the mobilization against the digitalization of jobs, a radical critique of artificial intelligence but also smartcities and the machine-world.

File coordinated by Robin Delobel

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Connected humans in a sick world

Awareness and the sense of limits are defects at the time of electric scooters colonizing cities, smartphones as multi-functional prosthesis or « autonomous » cars…, products of the generalized connection. Science has taken the measure of this, and its aphorism is now more often read as  » science without profit is only the ruin of growth « . And therefore subsidies, and research… Huawei, which, with the arrogance of advertising omnipotence, displayed in English in the streets of the capital a few days before the triple Belgian elections:  » vote for 5G « , adding underneath  » Voting is not just about candidates, it’s about values! Vote for a smarter future with 5G « , knows it well. Already in 2015, it offered itself the services of the ULB and the VUB, penetrating the academic world and shamelessly undermining the independence that they used to brandish as a guarantee of their impartiality. The collaboration agreement between the universities, Proximus and Huawei, signed on the occasion of the royal mission to China[note], stated:  » Proximus and Huawei will provide and implement a state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure, including 5G technology (…) ULB and VUB aim to create a « campus of the future » in Brussels with a view to developing an innovative and visionary concept, taking advantage of the presence of their science and engineering faculties on the same campus (…) The next generation of wireless technology, including 5G technology for the Learning and Innovation Center, will be a key part of this collaboration. This will be one of the first applications of 5G technology in Belgium. Huawei launched its European Research Center (ERI) in May in Belgium to lead its research efforts to make 5G technology a reality » 

This is what they need to do: make their technological delusion a reality. And whatever the environmental, social and health costs, these are the collateral damage of a system where the search for profit takes precedence. Cancers, cognitive and relational disorders, the effects of pesticides, junk food… will be treated by hospital companies, the schoolcoaches and dating apps; infertility will be « solved » in the operating room and the desire for a child to be satisfied for whoever wants, the newborn child a commercial product like any other. Those who destroy and those who repair with only one pecuniary objective being the same, the profits will go into the same coffers. So it doesn’t matter if cities become digitized « relational » spaces, as long as it pays off. 

While the layers of environmental pollution are superimposed like those of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is understood that in terms of 5G, the latest scandal to come, despite the fact that no official decision has been taken (the minister having pretended to be concerned about people’s health a few weeks before the elections, cf. « The people of Brussels are not laboratory mice »), the operators are already proceeding, with the support of the state, to clean up certain areas that will host the devices. Here trees are cut for no apparent reason, there optical fibers are placed underground. How could it be otherwise for a project that marks a phase of metamorphosis (« disruption ») of capitalism without which it cannot prosper: connected objects are a new source of income for it, a windfall that will propel the production/consumption of new objects and put hordes of now useless workers out of work: drivers, local shopkeepers, teachers, etc. Who decides this: the same business lobbies that created the European single market, hand in hand with the banks, the advertisers, the industries, the concrete builders and the State. 

On the website of the Luxembourg economic and financial magazine Paperjam, one of the many hymns to 5G, we read:  » Yes, 5G is a new generation of mobile connection. No, it’s not just the successor to 4G. This technology is a major step on the way to a 100% digital society. Thanks to this network, all the devices that accompany our daily lives will potentially be connected to the Internet at very high speed. A revolution both technological and societal. (…) Telecom, energy, port and railway infrastructure operators; automotive industry, agriculture, health, finance, construction… 5G will affect all sectors for one simple reason: it will be able to connect everything that embeds or is likely to contain a microprocessor tomorrow. Devices that process huge amounts of data, such as virtual and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence will be able to run at full speed. 5G is the future of a digital world where everything will communicate with everything instantly and almost naturally. (…) « . Some say that there will be 30 billion connected objects by 2030. What happiness, right? Don’t you wish this world to your children? In fact, not much risk, they will become the most zealous defenders if from birth they are offered the combination of bottle holder and smartphone holder: watering in the literal sense[note].

However, not all scientists are driven by financial interests. We met André Vander Vorst to talk about his research on electromagnetic waves (Des ondes, des rats, et des humains…, p.10). If we do not necessarily share the same optimism about the government’s ability to take things in hand, we are united by the seriousness of the situation. Hervé Krief offers us a description of this sick and connected world(Humains connectés dans un monde malade, humains malades dans un monde connecté, p.13).

File coordinated by Alexandre Penasse 

Illustration : Louise Hendrickx

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Each of us knows, having heard it many times, that progress cannot be stopped. This adage reflects, without a doubt, popular common sense. Either it expresses an amused admiration for an unexpected discovery, or it expresses the fatalism of those who have to deal with an unwanted technological innovation. Since the evolution of technologies is no longer unanimous, it is also used to disqualify any voice critical of questionable choices. 

In the name of progress, it is appropriate to silence or minimize the possible ecological and social nuisances, to deny the attacks on human dignity and the threats to fundamental freedoms. In the name of progress, we should submit to an inescapable and necessarily beneficial technological evolution as long as the market supports it. 

I would like to share with you some recent innovations that are supposed to bring progress. 

1. For the past ten years, nanotechnologies have been presented as one of the most promising paths for our future. Manipulating matter atom by atom and recreating the world around us from the atomic level would make it possible to improve many manufacturing processes and bring to market more efficient, more practical products using fewer raw materials. An example: clothes. If the label announces promising functions such as « self-cleaning », « antibacterial », « antifungal », it means that silver nanoparticles have been incorporated into the fabric. Nano-silver has undeniable antibacterial properties. The problem is that this virtue is accompanied by some annoying defects: silver nanoparticles are toxic to mammalian cells and germ cells; in the environment, they destroy denitrifying soil bacteria. What is true for silver nanoparticles is unfortunately also true for nanoparticles in general: due to their small size, they present a new toxicity: 

living organisms have no specific protection mechanism; All studies indicate that nanoparticles can affect biological behaviors at the cellular, subcellular and protein levels; Most nanoparticles pass easily through the body, are deposited in target organs, penetrate cell membranes and can trigger harmful reactions; they cross the essential biological barriers that are the blood-brain barrier and the placenta.
In fact, it can be said that knowledge about the impact of nanomaterials on living organisms lags far behind their commercialization. In the name of progress, the 7th European Framework Program for Research 2007–2013 has allocated 7.5 billion euros to nanoscience and nanotechnology. 1% is devoted to safety, health and environmental aspects: there is no question of slowing down progress… 

2. Since the beginning of 2014, the multinational Facebook has included egg freezing in the health insurance offered to its employees. The freezing procedure is covered up to $20,000, with an additional $500 per year for storage. This way, executives can postpone their maternity and not jeopardize their career. Neo-feminists can rejoice: women are taking power over their life schedule. Above all, they allow companies to avoid compromising their productivity gains. This technological advance in the process of artificialization of the living and submission to economic interests will be appreciated as it should be. 

3. In July 2015, an agreement was signed between Proximus, ULB, VUB and the Chinese phone giant Huawei to install a 5G-enabled « campus of the future » on the sites of the two Brussels universities. 

5G is a telecommunications technology that promises speeds of around 10 billion bits per second, nearly 100 times what 4G currently offers. According to its proponents, 5G is expected to support a 1000-fold increase in data traffic per phone by 2020. Note that in 2014, the European Commission released 700 million euros for the development of 5G. 

5G’s primary objective is to support the Internet of Things: cars, fridges, elevators, watches, health bracelets, pacemakers, … a jungle of interconnected devices for convenience and security. According to experts’ forecasts, by 2020 there will be between 50 and 200 billion connected objects on the planet … According to experts, 5G deployment will require significant network densification with more relay antennas and more power. The exposure limits to electromagnetic fields will have to be re-evaluated upwards … whereas those currently in force must be considered as clearly too high in view of the nuisance caused by the pulsed microwaves of mobile telephony. It is reasonable to think that electromagnetic smog could lead to an explosion of cases of electro-hypersensitivity, which already affect 3 to 5% of Europeans. 

But, in addition, it is important to question the security of the system. The Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment 2014, published by Europol (the European police officer), addresses the topic of death by Internet of Things. The 4th chapter, entitled « The Future is Already Here », issues a warning that will worry even the most serene:  » With the proliferation of Internet-connected objects, we can expect an increasing number of attacks against existing and emerging infrastructures, as well as new forms of blackmail and extortion. Among the risks, there is of course the theft of data but also injuries or even death. » 

At a time of increasing terrorist acts, it is legitimate to think that the Internet of Things will not improve our security but rather contribute to compromise it. At the signing of the 5G agreement in Brussels, the Region’s Minister-President, Rudi Vervoort, hailed it as a  » beautiful challenge for Brussels that will see the immediate future of technological progress take shape. » 

Technological progress perhaps, but progress for humanity is questionable to say the least. Questioning the societal impact of technological innovation seems to me to be more and more essential since it is likely to threaten not only our environment and our living conditions but also our fundamental values and our dignity as human beings. 

The « technologist » ideology that confuses technological innovation with progress deserves to be questioned as to its foundations. The fact that it deeply permeates the Western world is also reflected in the vocabulary. How can we explain the non-existence of the word regress, when the verb regress and the noun regression exist, if not by the refusal to consider a sustainable evolution other than according to a trajectory of continuous progression, that is to say of progress. There is some reason to think that this trajectory can today make us regress durably since it leads us to submit to dehumanizing and totalitarian technologies. 

If we cannot stop progress, we could at least try to stop regress. 

Paul Lannoye President of the Grappe

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KAIROS supports the ZAD, against a sick world, and calls for the indignation to spread

The terrorist interventions of the French state against Notre-Dame-des-Landes are not surprising. Because what works differently, the « off-system » attempts, act as a mirror that reflects the abnormality of this normalized everyday life in which we indulge. And this pathological continuity, the capitalist state does not want it to change. We must continue to want to consume, produce, work, privatize, not share. The Frenchman has to waste his daily average of oil, driving, eating, living. The Belgian and the others too. Those who have not reached the level will only have to « develop ».

The ZAD should strike all consciences, give us the glasses that would allow us to see the reality of our societies for what it is: a zone of generalized nonsense. The city, in this role, is perfect. Let’s think about the stale air we breathe, while every day the traffic is getting denser; about those who scream about an obstacle to their individual freedom when we propose to close the street to cars one day a month (one day!), or to replace parking spaces by bicycle spaces, chicken coops, vegetable gardens… They are convinced that they are defending their freedom, while they are only perpetuating a way of life imposed at birth, and that they have made their own. Everything is the same: these waves that make you sicker and sicker, in the intimacy of homes, while the state and industry, with universities, are working to provide us with 5G(The « free « University of Brussels in particular). This continues with the obsolescence of the products we consume, programmed not to last, which therefore implies more work, more waste, more consumption. This is what is needed: more throw away to consume more and work more: until 70 years old, 38 hours/week. Growth.

Nothing goes right, especially when everything seems to work. Every day, in our jobs, our non-jobs, our under-jobs; in our food, pestiferous, with additives and colorings; in our supermarkets, monopsones* that put producers in competition, one against the other, create alienating tasks and destroy them whenever they want. Such jobs should no longer be defended, because this is only working to perpetuate what is harmful. Meaningful activities should be substituted. We should put an end to our wars, which serve no purpose except to enrich the multinationals and gun merchants, feeding the hatred of the West. It would be necessary to give up these supposedly essential smartphones, to refuse to progressively make digital school a pedagogical priority, with these technologies colonizing our brains and dumbing down our children. We should change our streets, our roads, our paths, where cars cause, every year in the world, 1.3 million deaths (the WHO predicts 2.3 million deaths and some 50 million injuries for 2030). We should clear our skies of air traffic that brings hordes of tourists colonizing the last virgin places on earth or joining the formatted tourist areas, releasing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. There should be other media than those that do not give any key to understanding the world and belong to the same people who make the wars, the banks, the supermarkets, the fashion.
The ZAD should strike all consciences, give us the glasses that would allow us to see the reality of our societies for what it is: a zone of generalized nonsense
 » Ethiopia is dying little by little »,  » We are the world, we are the children « … Ah, these shows affected by the good conscience of the West, which insidiously put in our children’s heads in the 70s and 80s, the idea that famines were accidents, the result of a lack of aid, of « development », while we were happily plundering them, constituting our reserves of slaves and foodstuffs. The success of digital technology would remind them that the West appreciates them and needs them to produce our useless objects and to recover the waste when we change them. A child dies of hunger every 5 seconds, let’s not complain any more: it is the price to pay on the altar of growth.

If the Notre-Dame-des-Landes ZAD can serve a global objective, it is, in addition to the indispensable localized struggle that it leads, that of no longer tolerating anything from this world that makes us less human every day, and thus distances us from nature and from each other. The State will not let go, it does not want this to spread, because private property (of the soil, of the places of life, of the water, of the seeds…) is the base of the bourgeois society.

However, all this will have made sense only if the revolt spreads. Everywhere. In all these indecent places and projects, it is obvious, but also, and especially, where we thought they were not: in the areas of « normality ».

Alexandre Penasse

* « An economic situation in which a company has the exclusive privilege of purchasing a product or service. »

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Until recently, « ordinary » advertising for connection-enabled items was not very pervasive. Many of our contemporaries are captivated by the new technologies that allow us to create a multitude of virtual links. The technique for baiting buyers is therefore subtle. Thus, Apple is a specialist in hooking potential customers. It announces the launch of a new machine, but leaves uncertainties about the technical advances of the novelty. The geeks get excited, exchange on the networks, the interest grows and the day of the launch of the new machine, Apple realizes a very mediatized event on which some tens of fanatics rush. The video of these unleashed people reaching out to snatch the object is widely circulated. Anyone who bought a similar item just a year ago will feel that they too must acquire this coveted device. In fact, they will never use the few new functions, but they will be able to proudly show off the new toy to their acquaintances, some of whom, out of jealousy, will acquire it in turn. René Girard would speak of  » mimetic desire « [note] and Thorstein Veblen of  » conspicuous consumption of the leisure class »[note].


It would seem that the fascination with this hardware is beginning to wane. The novelty is not really new anymore and then there are some spoils of trade: the telephone operators, to convince you to subscribe to them, offer you a smartphone for 1€… If it’s free, it’s worthless, say those who have well integrated the codes of the all-powerful market. 

It is therefore necessary to use the good old advertising methods but adapted to modernity. This is how Qualcomm starts to multiply the ads. Not familiar with Qualcomm? It is however a giant firm in the technology sector. Founded in the United States in 1985, it specializes in  » telecommunication solutions  » and has become one of the world’s leading companies in the design and marketing of cell phone processors ($24 billion in sales, 33,000 employees). She makes advertising videos which are very well done and which show us, for example, what a non-connected world would be like.[note] To sell one of her chips, she also made another video that could be the envy of the best science fiction film directors[note] (if we show them to you, it is not to let you be bewitched, eh!). 

Lately, in Brussels, Qualcomm has been using STIB buses and street TV (animated billboards) to get its message across:  » We invent. The world leaps forward. The tech the world loves « [note]. Technological imperialism, language imperialism: it is clear that they want to impose another world, theirs. 

But cell phones were only the vanguard of connected objects. Now, everything has to be connected and advertising is there to convince us of this. For example, a few days ago, the Vandenborre appliance store sent me an e‑mail with the following message:  » Imagine: a fridge that helps you shop. A coffee machine programmable directly from your smartphone. A food processor that prepares your meals automatically and groups its recipes on an app… Would it make your life easier? With our selection of smart appliances, you can create the connected kitchen of your dreams « . So this is the world they are preparing for us: a world where machines will do everything for us and where we will never be where we are[note] but in permanent link with the objects we will remotely control (I wonder who will drink the coffee I will have made in my connected kitchen and if my fridge will be polite with the drone that will come to deliver the groceries it has ordered). 

If we accept the logic of hyper-connection, it will not only be our kitchen that will be permanently connected, whether you like it or not: the connected electricity meters (soon to be mandatory?) should allow you to continuously measure your household’s consumption. For what purpose? To check if your fridge isn’t messing with your toaster? Or is it to find out your habits and send you advertisements adapted to your lifestyle?[note]

Finally, let’s not forget the constant advertisements for autonomous cars: they will only be able to move without too much danger if they are connected with a whole complex system. If they and other connected objects multiply, current microwave links will not be able to handle the enormous wave rates that this will represent. 4G, 5G, xG… will be necessary to broadcast these waves whose effects on our health are known to be absolutely deleterious. But you can’t stop progress, can you? Besides, these autonomous cars are not really desired by motorists who, in general, prefer to drive rather than to be passive. In fact, the real interest of these autonomous vehicles is to be able to do without truck, bus and cab drivers whose salaries prevent companies from making more profits. It’s like the Deliveroo & Co and other Uber bike deliverers whose activities are only possible thanks to their permanent connection with the central office that enslaves them. 

So expect to see more and more advertisements and other reports extolling the virtues of the connection, for the greater good of capitalism 4.0…

Alain Adriaens

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6:00 PM — Documentary « Take Back Your Power » by Josh del Sol (2013).

7:00 p.m. — Intervention by Wendy de Hemptinne and Paul Lannoye

8:00 pm — Buffet (cheese from Chant des cailles, bread, soup and quiches from Farilu)

8:50 p.m. — Speech by Bernard Legros

21h30 — Debate: Alain Adriaens (moderator), Bernard Legros, Wendy de Hemptinne, Francis Leboutte.

10:15 pm (at the bar): Fred Deltenre’s concert


Catering: 5€ or 10€ / Reservations required!Reservations HERE or at 02 672 14 39

The elected officials of the commune have been personally contacted to attend this evening (at least the debate at 10:00 pm): we want to know what they intend to do against smart meters and to define limits to the technology (in schools, on the street, etc.)

Invasive technology: « smart » meters, interactive whiteboards, 5G… Can we still say no?

The Brussels and Walloon parliaments voted this summer, in the greatest opacity, for the deployment of so-called smart meters (connected electricity meters that will communicate the reading of your consumption remotely); in schools, interactive whiteboards and tablets are becoming teaching tools; universities, politicians and companies are preparing the 5G…

Always presented as beneficial to the citizen, the deployment of these new technologies touches on the issue of technological invasion in our lives, which would require, like a manifestation of nature, no citizen debate.But have you been informed of the health risks that these technologies entail, of the extraction of raw materials on which they are based, of the dangers of accidents that they represent, of the increased consumption that they imply?The effects of « smart » meters and other tablets on people’s lives should be known and publicized. This would allow them to make an informed decision on whether or not to accept them.

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Mr. Chairman,

For a long time, I have been concerned by the problem of electromagnetic pollution and its consequences on living beings, in particular on human beings.

As early as 1994, I was the initiator of the position taken by the European Parliament in favor of the rigorous application of the precautionary principle with regard to exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, a position reaffirmed by the same Parliament in 1998.

I note that, in recent years, the scientific literature has been enriched by numerous publications confirming the significant risks to human health of regular exposure to pulsed microwave radiation at very low frequencies. And this at exposure levels far below the legal limits and too low to cause any heating of the tissues.

The postulate of the harmlessness of non-thermal effects is, in my opinion, thus definitively invalidated!

Moreover, the deployment of 5G, the fifth generation telecom network, planned for this year 2019 in Brussels, destined to be generalized in Belgium, Europe and the world, implies an increased exposure to microwave radiation and, what is even more worrying, to radiation in the millimeter wave range, at high levels given the proliferation of antennas required by this technology.

The knowledge about the impact of millimeter waves is far from sufficient at this time to support that their use for 5G is devoid of risks for human health.

With this in mind, a great many specialists with internationally recognized expertise sounded the alarm back in 2017 and then again in 2018.

In September 2017, more than 170 scientists and physicians from 37 countries expressed serious concerns about the ongoing and universal increase in exposure to electromagnetic fields from wireless technologies and called on the European Union to suspend any deployment of 5G until it is proven that the technology is safe for the European population, especially infants, children, pregnant women as well as the environment.

In April 2018, the International Society of Doctors for Environment (ISDE) called for the same moratorium under the precautionary principle. It denounces the experimentation, decided at the European level, which consists in testing in many European cities (including Brussels) the 5G network at frequencies above 6 GHz, before the introduction of the typical frequencies of 5G, above 30 GHz (millimeter waves).

In support of this request, ISDE cites preliminary scientific data on radiation exposure above 30 GHz:

- Alteration of gene expression;

- Increased skin temperature;

- Alteration of cell membrane functions and neuromuscular systems;

- Ability to modulate the synthesis of proteins involved in inflammatory and immunological processes leading to possible systemic effects.

Finally, very recently, at the end of 2018, an international call demanding a halt to the deployment of 5G on land and in space was made to the UN, WHO, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the governments of all countries on the Internet ( site by doctors, scientists and members of environmental organizations urging a halt to the deployment of the 5G network including from space satellites.

In addition to the impact on human health, serious damage to bacteria and insects is mentioned in their argument.

I personally co-signed this appeal with enthusiasm.

I do not know if the Superior Council of Health has been challenged by these positions and if it has considered the issue.

I would like to insist even more forcefully that recent publications (2018) bring new data that increase the burden of proof regarding permanent exposure to millimeter waves.

In September 2018, Neufeld and Kuster[note] draw attention to the fact that wireless devices operating in wide frequency bands, above 10GHz, transmit data in bursts of milliseconds to seconds. Although the temperature and power density values remain within acceptable safety limits for continuous exposure, these bursts can lead to temperature peaks in the skin of exposed persons. This can result in permanent tissue damage.

In February 2018, Betzalel et al.[note] demonstrated that sweat glands, which have a helix structure in the upper layers of the skin can act as antennas for millimeter waves. The consequence is a significant increase in the specific absorption rate for these waves.

Finally, and also in 2018, Thielens et al.[note] report their work on four insect populations exposed to radiation at frequencies ranging from 2GHz to 120 GHz.

All insects showed a strong frequency dependence of the absorbed power. All insects showed a general increase in absorbed power above 6 GHz.

This could lead to changes in insect behavior, physiology and morphology over time.

I think that all these elements are sufficiently challenging to justify a careful examination of the file by the specialists of your institution and a call for caution to the political leaders.

The history of the last decades has taught us that it is better for public health to question the dissemination of potentially dangerous technologies beforehand than to manage the consequences afterwards.

I hope that you will be sensitive to my arguments and please accept my sincere greetings.

Paul Lannoye

Doctor of Physical Sciences

Honorary Member of the European Parliament

President of Grappe

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The kairos 37 is out, in bookstores from today and tomorrow.In summary:With 5G… all guinea pigs?Paul Lannoye; Belgium and the restitution of African cultural goods, Robin Delobel; Ecolo Schaerbeek : Nepotism and unpaid overpayment, Claude Archer; Greece looks bad, Valery Witsel, Decarbonizing the climate, Michel Weber; Sons of pub, Alain Adriaens; The useful idiots of the imperial reconquest, Jean-Pierre Garnier; The identity refuge, Alain Adriaens; Venezuela, repetitions make the truth, Thomas Michel; The reality of squats in Brussels, Texas Vandervliet; « It’s a scandal! « , Jean Pierre L. Collignon; The class struggle and its future, Bernard Legros

Plus your short stories, reviews, free speech…

To subscribe for the next issue, click here: 18 euros for 6 issues.

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Do we remember when 5 years ago, 3 years ago, 1 year ago, seeing that the world we were in was sinking, we had the secret hope that a real change was coming. 5 years, 3 years, 1 year have passed and things have gotten worse, both in social and climatic terms. Slowly, we are going towards the abyss, who can still deny it?

But while we should draw the inevitable consequences, each time we forget to remember our past hopes, now disappointed. This faculty of not remembering what we hoped for in order to always start again from the present, if it is a condition of hope, remains however tragic, because it signs a submission to a perpetual present. However, we should always be able to imagine the future to anticipate how what we do now could lead us to regret it later.

But we have to admit that we are always one step behind, which makes us feel something infinitely desperate, that the worst continues, that no real change has yet taken place, and that the current measures are part of the continuity; and that, perhaps, the real change we are waiting for will never take place. Those who have children are afraid to leave them in a world that is likely to become a hell, the premises of climate change being there to remind us; those who do not have children yet tell themselves that they may never have any. But let us be « reassured », because if we can think the thing, it is because we are not part of these past dead or of these present survivors, dead in reprieve because of our ways of life. They don’t have the opportunity to philosophize and wonder if the future will hold hell for their child, it already does every day.

Poles are stretched out…

Yet, we have opportunities. But today, while the « yellow vests » are revolting and refusing the rules of the game dictated by the state, socio-reformist movements are asking ministers to act to save the climate. Where the former have understood that those who governed them had put them and left them in the misery of this abandoned peripheral France, the latter still beg those who have destroyed nature — with our tacit consent most of the time — and continue to do so, so that « they understand that the rules of the game must be changed at all costs ». It is there to show a fabulous naivety[note], while creating in the same time a consequent popular demobilization, to ask those who organized the chaos to now come to their senses.

You’d think it was a joke, but it’s not. Act for Climate Justice » has launched the  » Interpelle tes ministres! » action where  » everyone is invited to send a message to the four ministers in charge of climate and environmental issues: Marie Christine Marghem (federal), Jean-Luc Crucke (Wallonia), Céline Fremault (Brussels) and Joke Schauvliege (Flanders ). What do you think they give a shit about my dear? Wasn’t Mrs Marghem’s lesson enough for you, when two days after the climate demonstration, Belgium voted against a proposed directive on energy efficiency? Its nuclear inconsistencies either? Or those of Jean-Luc Crucke, Minister of Budget, Finance, Energy, Climate and Airports (yes, climate and airports…), who recently decided to replace discharge lamps (sodium and others) by LED lights on the entire Walloon highway network, which will cost the Walloon people 600 million euros, for the sole benefit of SOFICO, its suppliers and their shareholders[note]. Or Céline Fremault, who gives us the gift of 5G deployment in Brussels?

 » Politicians today are part of the problem, not part of the solution; indeed, the decisions that would have to be taken to bring about a significant change in attitude make them very unpopular, and they are well aware of this. Stephen Emmott, 10 billion

And even if the elected officials were to act in a way that would be unanimous, we can only expect it to be in a deceptive, fictitious form, following communication campaigns whose objective will have been to make us accept the project decided by the elites, that is to say to bring us where they want by letting us believe that we are the ones who have traced the path. Long before the public’s « climate » upheaval, they had already set about it with the National [« public-private »] Pact for Strategic Investments, launched with great fanfare at the Tervueren Museum on September 11, 2018… At the helm of this Pact: Michel Delbaere, CEO of Crop’s (production and sale of vegetables, fruit and frozen meals) and former boss of Voka[note]but also, among other multiple functions, President of Sioen Industries; Dominique Leroy, CEO of Proximus; Marc Raisière, CEO of Belfius; Michèle Sioen, CEO of Sioen Industries(world leaderin the field of energy efficiency) of the market for coated technical textiles and high-quality protective clothing.), former president of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB), Dutch-speaking manager of the year 2017, incidentally involved in Luxleak; Baron Jean Stéphenne, well established in academic and political circles, like his other acolytes, former vice-president and general manager of the pharmaceutical multinational GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, but also chairman of the board of Nanocyl, spin off of the universities of Liege and Namur, specialized in carbon nanotubes (batteries, cars, electronics…); Pieter Timmermans, administrator of the FEB[note].

The troops are moving in, or the planned breakthrough of the private

The CEOs have in this report « wanted to make concrete recommendations for urgent investments in Belgium. « So understand that, long before students were demonstrating on Thursdays or you were walking the streets of Brussels on Sundays, the « decision-makers » had other concerns and urgencies than the climate. They only expect investments that will  » strengthen the foundations of our economy. As a result, economic growth should accelerate and new jobs will be created. In this way, we can preserve the Belgian social model. « The  » Belgiansocial model « ? where one child out of 4 lives below the poverty line, where the number of people sleeping in the street is growing every day, where the poorer you are the more you miss out on school… ? In this pact, which is a real employer’s plan for the coming decades, there is no possibility of questioning the model of society and therefore no chance of « saving the climate ». The business leaders tell us  » promised, « we do not want a questioning of an economic model, but not the opposite either »  » (Le Soir, 06/02/19). Translation: they know what they want, but they don’t want us to know it.

The most naive might have thought that parliamentarians would be indignant about the composition of such a panel of business leaders who are supposed to think about the future of Belgium. On the contrary, they are all very enthusiastic, if not asking for more. This pact is only  » the starting point for the realization of these urgent investments « , organized at a transnational level and with relays in each country. It is interesting to note that very quickly after the signing of this Pact, but also the creation of an ASBL, Mandat climatique, which we will see acts as a grey eminence, leaders appear whose spontaneous character is doubtful[note]. The young Swedish woman Greta Thunberg launched a strike for the climate that would quickly be emulated in Europe, including Anuna De Wever and her friend Kyra Gantois, who launched the Youth for Climate movement, starting in July 2018. What is less known is that it is the start-up We Don’t Have Time that has  » orchestrated its media success. Indeed, the first photos of Greta Thunberg that circulated on the internet were taken by Mårten Thorslund, marketing and sustainability manager of We Don’t Have Time (…) tech start-up that intends to use the power of social networks to hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change « [note]. In Belgium, the organization Mandat climatique will play this role of  » making leaders and companies accountable  » by setting up real advertising campaigns, such as Sign for my future, which will promote its flagship product: the « climate emergency ».

Lhe climate, more political than ever

Youth for climate muse Anuna De Wever, who « does not believe in the political system  » and for whom  » the environment is apolitical and concerns everyone »[note]She loses her verve and her criticism when she takes the microphone in front of an audience of business leaders at the inauguration of Sign for my future on February 5, an initiative ratified by many multinationals such as BNP Paribas, Unilever, Bpost, Google, Colruyt, business leaders, NGOs and all the Belgian press groups owned by the largest fortunes…

Sign for my future wants to be « without any political color or commercial objective, neutral and different  » (JT RTL, 05/02/19).  » No commercial purpose « Even if Marc Dubois, administrator of the Spadel group (Spa, Bru, Devin…), will say this day of launching of the campaign: « In sustainable development, there are the three P’s, one of the P’s is profit, next to planand and people, so I have no problem talking about profit in a sustainable development framework, no problem with that « . It is obvious: no sustainable development without the P of profits, the other two (« people and planet ») being there only as a decoration-alibi.

Macron’s tendency to refuse to be of the right or the left is part of a modernity that wants to blur the lines, claims to be without ideology, apolitical, while maintaining that one can be a billionaire and save the climate. The melting pot of « Sign for my future » is proof of this, with the ambiguity of the « climate fight » slogan contributing to this confusion. It is necessary to reread these words which date from 1983 and could be written today, everything is said there:  » The alarmist campaigns about the planet’s resources and the poisoning of nature by industry certainly do not herald a plan by capitalist circles to stop growth. The opposite is true. Capitalism is now entering a phase where it will be forced to develop a set of new techniques for the production of energy, the extraction of minerals, the recycling of waste, etc., and to transform into commodities a part of the natural elements necessary for life. All this heralds a period of intensified research and technological upheaval that will require huge investments. Scientific data and ecological awareness are used and manipulated to construct terrorist myths whose function is to make people accept as absolute imperatives the efforts and sacrifices that will be indispensable for the fulfillment of the new cycle of capitalist accumulation that is coming. « [note].

If the media got carried away,  » from the Washington Post to the New York Times « The only reason why the media have been able to broadcast a message to save the climate posted on Facebook by a young unknown woman is that it does not carry any clear charge against the capitalist system and its principle of unlimited accumulation. As the sociologist Alain Accardo puts it,  » the generalized apology of « openness » and « dialogue » in all directions ignores the fact that the only dialogue that is well perceived in the system is the one that takes place between variants of a even and that the only audacities welcomed are those that come under the heading of ritual sacrilege and the passing excesses of fashion « [note]To believe that such a contestation could provoke a media tipping point was an ignorance of the role of the mass media in a capitalist system, which has been participating for decades in the teaching of ignorance. This Saturday, February 9, Anuna De Wever was on the cover of Le Soir, with a double-page spread inside. It is notably at BeCentral that she received the journalists of the daily newspaper for the interview. BeCentral is the new « digital campus », created and supported by 40 entrepreneurs, to  » fill the digital skills gap and help accelerate the digital transformation in Belgium « . Among its founders, notably: Bart Becks, CEO of, a platform for investing in startups, promoting the tax-shelter; Karen Boers, co-founder and director of; Chris Burggraeve, former commercial director of AB Inbev, who recently invested in greenRush, the largest online marketplace for the legal sale of cannabis; Herman Derache, director of Sirris, a company that focuses on business and technology strategy for companies; Pascal Van Damme, who works for Dell; Peter Hinssen, CEO of Nexxworks, which is a  » community of thought leaders that helps companies thrive in the age of disruption « ; etc[note].

Whether the leaders of these climate movements are victims or willing protagonists is not the most important thing, if we remember that their  » ritual sacrileges and temporary outrages  » are undoubtedly the result of a little-known communication strategy of the government, called astroturfing. This one  » is carried out through a variety of communication means (Web, printed documents, creation of a false interest group, fraudulent solicitation of support for a cause, etc.) that imply that they are of citizen origin and/or that they defend the interests of citizens. Rather, they are the work of another actor, keeping his real identity secret and having his own agenda not publicly admitted. Based on misrepresentation, astroturfing is part of communication strategies carried out daily in the public space, whether they are related to public relations, marketing communication and/or social advertising practices, among others « [note]. This is a modernization of the techniques that Edward Bernays, the father of « public relations », initiated at the beginning of the 20th century.

We were therefore a little hasty when we saw the « state of climate emergency » as a mobilizing concept. Indeed, this permanent « crisis management » has generated a state of perennial anxiety (« JI’m 17 years old and I’m guided by the fear of climate change « , 08/02/19, Le Soir;  » The fear of the climate guides me « , Le Soir, 9–10/02/19) facilitating the citizen’s receptivity to the messages created by climate propaganda agencies.

The urgency of some was not the urgency of others, and the legitimate urgency of a large part of the population in the face of climate disaster paradoxically constituted an opportunity to associate the need for speed, inherent in danger and fear, with the employers’ project of technological transition. « For almost 40 years now, we have been told by the voice of the oracles that time is running out, that we have only 10 years left to change course, to face this radically new challenge, « magnificent but formidable », etc. (in 1992, 1,600 scientists, including 102 Nobel Prize winners, signed a « warning to humanity » stating that « there are only one or two decades left before that we lose all chance of escaping the threats that lie ahead and that the future prospects of humanity are drastically reduced »). One could make fun of a state of emergency established with so little haste, but the explanation is quite simple. It was only necessary that, once a threshold had been crossed in the attacks on natural balances, known as « negative externalities », capitalist management learned to recognize the possible positivity of these and came to envisage, through the only « awareness » that can be attributed to catastrophist experts, a source of perpetual profitability, of which all that remained was to convince the principals and shareholders « [note].

Under the argument of climate change, the heist of the century is being prepared, organizing a massive transfer of public funds to the private sector. Sign for my future, together with the employers’ federations, is demanding, for example, an « investment plan » to come into effect by 2022 at the latest and a « climate law » to adapt the legislative framework for increasing profits. The signatories’ request is addressed to the whole political world. « The goal is to broaden the audience but also to show that the climate has no political color », explains Koen Verwee, who initiated this text and is also CEO of De Persgroep.[note]one of the major Belgian press groups, owned by the Van Thillo family, the 18th largest Belgian fortune (€1,066,410,000). It is almost a copy and paste of the employers’ demands found in the National Pact for Strategic Investments or in the documents of the European Commission. In this Pact, we read:  » If we do nothing today, we will miss out on tens of billions of euros of prosperity by 2030. If today this is unfortunate, tomorrow it will be a serious problem. We urgently need this additional growth and prosperity. Belgium is indeed facing a significant aging of the population. This means that fewer and fewer workers will be contributing to prosperity while we will need more and more money to pay for rising pension and health care costs. So we need to make sure we accelerate growth and create more prosperity. If we stay the course of prosperity, we will increase the means available to meet these costs. With greater prosperity, we can also continue to invest in education, research, development, mobility and the technologies of tomorrow. And that is how we will also preserve growth and prosperity for future generations and make Belgium a leader in Europe in all areas. « Growth, prosperity. Amen.

Strikes of destruction mass destruction

The targeted shootings then become multiple and varied, all the more impactful as they are not perceived for what they are (offensives of the economic world), but for solutions resulting from a political consideration of people’s concerns; this confusion itself resulting from a massive propaganda of the mass media which plays the role of prepare the opinion, the public channel RTBF excelling in this function. Thus, in a context of « digital transition », the Parliament voted in the middle of the summer the deployment of smart meters in Brussels; simultaneously, the Fremault cabinet was refining its strategy for spreading 5G throughout the Brussels territory, the texts of the draft ordinances and decrees having been approved in first reading a few weeks later by the government; on the teaching side, the SETT, School Education Transformation Technology, planned the « 1st Digital School Event » for April 2019.

Do you have reservations about digital in schools?  » Education must get involved and take the plunge. From basic to higher education, the school has the mission to shape the youth of today for the world of tomorrow (…) In many ways, the digital transition is already underway: you and all of your teachers are the key players . The French Community will even issue a circular (6960): « Two days to discover technologies adapted to the world of teaching « , which it will include in the catalog of teacher training. Interesting when you know that SETT will welcome as exhibitors Microsoft, Ricoh, Hewlett-Packard, Technobel (Competence Center specialized in digital), etc. On Monday 4 February 2019, the same « decision-makers » were present at the « FEB Electoral Forum », with Béatrice Delvaux (Le Soir) as master of ceremonies, accompanied by Christophe Deborsu (RTL), Indra Dewitte (Het Belang van Limburg), Ivan De Vadder (VRT) and Pieter Timmermans (FEB); since January, Good Planet, sponsored by Axa, Ikea, Deloitte, Delhaize, etc., has been proposing to  » tocollect the voice of young people on the climate  » (see the photo below, the forces of order protecting the bosses, at the entrance of the Beaux-Arts).

But it is the creation of The Climate Mandate VZW on July 13, 2018, which formalizes the employer’s concern to accelerate the pace by the establishment of an ad hoc organization, composed of advertising agencies and the voluntary sector. This one will officially have  » The aim is to carry out actions to encourage political leaders to take all necessary measures to ensure that the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement are met in Belgium. These objectives should limit global warming to a maximum of 2°C « . If this wish is in itself pious, being unfortunately too late to not exceed the 2°C[note], the only origin of the members of the ASBL lets suppose much less noble interests. They are: Guy Weyns, Tomas Wyns, Piet Colruyt, Annemie Goegebuer, Piet Wulleman, Sylvie Irzi, Davy Caluwaerts, Antoine Lebrun, Céline Tellier, Mathias Bienstman, David Leyssens, Frank Van Swalm[note]. If most of these names do not tell you much, except for Colruyt, the profiles draw three poles that trace the real aims of the ASBL.

1. The employer’s pole:

-Guy Weyns, formerly of Morgan Stanley, is the current director of Paradigm Capital Investments[note]

- Piet Colruyt is in the management of the Colruyt Group, cousin of the big boss Jef Colruyt. If the businessman seized the money that could be made on the misery he contributes to while providing some palliative care (called in the novlangue « social entrepreneurship »), Piet became aware a few years ago of the financial niche that the environment represented and that he absolutely could not miss the boat:  » A company that wants to contribute to sustainable development has every interest in ensuring that its project is profitable in order to ensure its sustainability. « [note]

2. The media/communicationsagencydivision:

- Koen Verwee is director of « news media » at Persgroep Publishing, a press group that publishes, among other things, L’Echo, De Tijd, Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen, and, in case anyone has forgotten, is owned by the Van Thillo family, Belgium’s 18th largest fortune. Koen Verwee was previously Vice President at UPC Cablecom, a Swiss operator (TV, internet, telephone) serving more than 1.2 million customers; he also held the same position at Telenet[note].

- Annemie Goegebuer has worked in ministerial offices after the cultural scene in Milan, Geneva, Paris, to land at the advertising agency Publicis where she is « strategic director ». At Publicis, she was responsible for communications for BNP Paribas Fortis, Orange, Hello bank and Carrefour[note].

- Piet Wulleman ishead of strategy at the advertising agency Guillaume Duval, a member of the Publicis group. He defines himself as a « consumer psychologist » with over 20 years of experience. His passion is  » helping creative teams find deep consumer insights to turn them into powerful communications « [note].

- Sylvie Irzi is a management director at Mediabrands, an advertising agency, after having held senior positions at Microsoft[note].

- Davy Caluwaerts, is the director of Publicis Emil Benelux[note].

- David Leyssens is responsible for the operational management of The Shift, a kind of organization that brings together actors, organizes trainings, notably on the theme of ecological transition[note].

3. The NGO/association pole: a sort of relay between the employer pole and the citizen:

- Céline Tellier is deputy secretary general of the Federation of environmental associations Inter-Environnement Wallonie.

-Mathias Bienstman, an economist, is policy director at Bond Beter Leefmilieu, a federation of more than 140 Flemish environmental associations.

- Antoine Lebrun is the director of WWF Belgium, the famous…[note]

The proposals of this capitalist caste

The pole that leads the dance is obviously the first one, which requires the services of a propaganda organ (pole 2) and a relay to « civil society » (pole 3) which will calm the doubts and worries of some. As our friend Demosthenes says in his recent book, this universe of young capitalists is characterized by four propositions of its own:

1. the first, political, would be:« We are the masters because we are the bearers of the spirit (knowing that the true masters are those who know how to bring the « slaves » to serve causes that surpass them) »;

2. then, about this art of governing by hiding:« We have the duty to hide our objectives (since we want them to succeed) »;

3. the third, neo-Malthusian, concerns the future of the world:« The survival of the world is at stake in the short term »;

4. the last and fourth, well described by the same author, refers to Mandeville’s fable of the bees, whose principle could be summarized as follows:« Private vices make public virtue and Only capitalism, because it is amoral, can save the world »[note].

The employers’ side of the Climate Mandate organization in fact condenses these four proposals. Didn’t Piet Colruyt, mentor of the ASBL, participate in the collective work  » All for the social 3.0. Will entrepreneurs save the planet? « He is therefore the bearer of the knowledge and spirit that the masses do not have (point 1); however, it is known that the shareholder of Colruyt has invested in multiple companies and start-ups related to the energy transition and renewable energies, but he hides his objectives under philanthropic and ecological values[note] (point 2); Climate Mandate is based on the primary principle of enforcing the objectives of  » limiting global warming to a maximum of 2°C  » and, on the social level, Piet Colruyt himself was won over by social entrepreneurship when he read How to change the world. Social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas. A savior, that is (point 3); finally, Piet Colruyt and his cronies urge politicians to take measures to « save the planet », but do everything possible to prevent these same politicians from taking measures so that families like his cannot amass indecent fortunes and occupy the second position in the kingdom in terms of wealth, with 2 billion 417 million euros.

The counter-insurgency

 » The bourgeoisie working for itself alone, exploiting for itself alone, massacring for itself alone, it is necessary for it to make believe that it works, that it exploits, that it massacres for the final good of humanity. It has to look like it’s right. And she herself must believe it « Paul Nizan, Les chiens de garde, 1932.

The « climate » protest, so far still harmless to the established order, should not turn into an offensive movement that would target those who are structurally responsible for the ongoing disaster, namely the big investors and other multinationals, and those who serve them, i.e. the politicians. Sign up for my future consecrates this first counter-« insurrectionary » act, anticipating an unexpected reversal unfavorable to capitalism. As we have seen, the employers, the marketing agencies and the press groups were already working together to perpetuate the plundering of the planet and to subjugate a majority of the beings. In the National Pact for Strategic Investments, Belgium’s top bosses clearly stated that  » Belgium urgently needs investments. That is why we hope that this report will result in a clear pact. We want to implement it by 2030 (…) It is clear that this Compact is only the starting point for making these urgent investments. The Strategic Committee wants to prepare the Belgian economy and social model for the next decade. The Committee therefore expects its opinions to be translated into concrete action quickly. To achieve this goal, we need the cooperation of companies, citizens and authorities. « So you have understood that if they have the collaboration of themselves (the companies) and the politicians, they absolutely need ours, that of the people. The bosses who sign this pact are indeed aware of the growing reluctance of a part of the population to the technological invasion of our lives. They therefore know that it will take « pedagogical » work, i.e. effective propaganda, to get the people to accept a transition that the employers are so keen to see, since it represents the ultimate metamorphosis of capitalism (which they call « the new world »). disruption  ») that will allow it to ensure profits for the next few decades, and to perpetuate the climate disorder due to the destruction of ecosystems.

 » A major obstacle to new installations is the opposition of a certain part of the public. It is therefore necessary to continue to inform and educate the public in an objective manner, and to dispassionate the debate as much as possible « . Fremault Committee on the health impact of electromagnetic waves.

The demonstrations of the last few months thus imply the implementation of a com plan aimed at defusing any truly revolutionary popular ferment, the war reference speaking for itself:  » The big guns were brought out: the marketers and ad agencies went full throttle to make the message as audible as possible. The press groups have offered the equivalent of 5 million advertising spaces  » (Le Soir, 06/02/19).

Advertising agencies making the message audible, i.e. disguising the reality to seduce the citizen-consumer and let him believe that it changes while it continues, and release of funds to ensure the promotion… We are really in a media war. The power in place operates strikes at various levels, which are mediated in reality by the press organs at their service. We know that the one that took place on the ground to extinguish the beginning of the Yellow Vests insurrection had used arbitrary practices worthy of the dictatorships that Belgium and Europe like to point to[note], such as arrests and searches based on posts on Facebook. If the people were not to be fooled and the war waged by the advertising belligerents and the big press groups were to be lost, we know that the authorities will move on to the second stage, the violent phase where they will physically repress the revolt. He is not thinking about it yet, assured for the moment that advertisements always bring in customers.

The big joke

In addition to all this, the demands of groups like Act for Climate Justice, promising to stop their disobedient actions on the condition that they are assured that « our » ministers will support and do everything in their power to pass this « special climate law » in parliament, are somewhat anachronistic. It is indeed too late to ask criminals to repent and change their ways completely. We must not exhort the guilty, but in every possible way increase the power of the people. The rest is a waste of time. Asking ministers to make decisions replicates the infantile, outdated act of embodying decision making in elected political bodies for decades. To urge them to do so is to deprive us of our freedom, to adhere to power rather than overthrow it, to admit defeat before fighting, is to tacitly accept the existing order proper to those compromises of which the middle class is accustomed, which consists of fighting within the system and not against the system, unlike the « yellow vests » who refuse to play the game of power.

This wasted valuable time. And to do that again today is to prepare for our disappointments, in 1, 3, 5 years. The people and only the people have the decision. Ministers and other rulers have never been at the service of the people, let alone of nature, and asking them to be what they are not can only lead us to a serious impasse, the consequences of which we will bitterly regret. We must not let ourselves be fooled and seize the historic opportunity to overthrow capitalism, to fight not « for the climate », but against capitalism and for life.  » What too many citizens have not yet understood is that the same historical evolution that led to the « globalization » of the liberal economy is also creating the conditions for overcoming this system. And far from the human race being condemned to the endless reign of capitalism, we can say on the contrary that never has the utopia of a liberated, fraternal and just humanity met in reality such solid material and symbolic bases. Still douIs it necessary to fight to take advantage of it, and therefore to fight also against the false pretenses and the decoys that the system implements to abuse, slow down and divert the struggles. The political function of social democracy today is precisely to recover for the benefit of the system the criticisms of which it is the object « [note].  » What characterizes today’s capitalism, the capitalism of « globalization » and « post-modernity », of « openness » and « mobility », of « innovation » and « flexibility », is that it has established as a fundamental operating principle the ability to accept, and even to take the initiative, of all possible and imaginable changes, as long as they leave the essential intact, namely the possibility of accumulating maximum profit in the shortest possible time for the benefit of the large investors « [note].

 » Signe for the future »… of profits

 » This transition is going to put at risk entire sectors of your economy, the most strategic ones. It will precipitate into distress hordes of redundant workers who will soon provoke social unrest and repudiate your democratic gains (…) The energy and digital transition will devastate the environment in unprecedented proportions. In the end, your efforts and the toll on the Earth to build this new civilization are so great that it is not even certain that you will succeed (…)your power has blinded you to such an extent that you no longer know the humility of the sailor at the sight of the ocean, nor that of the mountaineer at the foot of the mountain. But the elements will always have the last word ! »

Guillaume Pitron, The hidden face of the energy and digital transition.

Joining Mandat Climatique or the com campaign Sign for my future that the association has launched, is tacitly endorsing the position of advertising agencies and multinationals as credible actors in this society. If some signatories from civil society defend themselves from committing their organization when they sign as ambassadors, it is ambiguous, to say the least, when we see that the signatures of Arnaud Zacharie (CNCD), Céline Tellier (IEW) or, among others, of Olivier Marquet (UNICEF) sit next to those of Axa, BECI, BNP Paribas, Fortis, Cargill, Carrefour, Colruyt, Decathlon, DEME, EDF Luminus, Facebook, Groupe Rossel, Ikea Belgium, JC Decaux, KBC, PUBLICIS[note]…

We cannot hope to change things by joining forces with the climate murderers. Without this, those who (de)make this world will continue, well assured that  » if the young people have taken to the streets, it is not with the will to create chaos or to overturn the tables « [note].

Alexandre Penasse

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Radio program of our evening technological invasion: can we still say no. [note]

Following our evening « Technological invasion, can we still say no », organized in the cultural center of Watermael-Boitsfort, first part of a radio program of Micro Ouvert.In the face of the current uncoordinated and criminal deployment of 5G in Brussels, the words of the speakers of this evening are essential.…/MicroOuvert-InvasionsTechnologiques1-

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If this new year will undoubtedly see the vote of new laws which will allow to come to seek us even more easily at home for incitement to insurrection because of certain remarks which we will have dared, finally released from the burden of the fear, it is not serious, we will continue to say them. Let them come, their repression will have less impact the more we are numerous.

« Those who do not move do not feel their chain« right? The free media will be indispensable to this movement, parts of the revolutionary machinery, tools of conjunction between consciousness and action. The French popular uprising (which is expected in Belgium) is a terrible opportunity to grasp the fundamental importance of the free press in real social change, the contrast between reality and the reports of BFMTV, France 2 or TF1 in France, of RTL-TVi or RTBF in Belgium, underlining by itself the conformist and anti-subversive role of the media in the service of the maintenance of order and therefore of power. Our last article « Flagrant censorship at La Libre », taken from the September issue of Kairos, offering the most beautiful expression of the role of the media: above all, do not designate enemies and risk provoking revolt!

In Belgium, Kairos remains the only newspaper that holds an anti-productivist, radical, social ecological editorial line, taking into account the traditional struggles of the left but also underlining their sometimes deep contradictions: the redistribution of wealth cannot be done without thinking about the reduction of production and consumption; « purchasing power » is a demobilizing slogan that does not take into account the social and ecological destruction on which this « power » rests; renewable energies will not replace oil, a chimerical refrain that always postpones real change; liberalism produces its effects as much in the economic as in the cultural fields and defending the latter without seeing that they have the same clothes as the former is a nonsense and a powerful artifice. Basically, it’s about finally deciding what the people want and not basing our needs on those dictated by the advertising industry.

We love life, but we suffer from those beings torn out of existence because of our way of life, whether it is for the defense of the jobs of the FN of Herstal or the various gadgets filled with rare earths that our « purchasing power » will allow us to afford; we appreciate nature more than anything else, because we are nothing without it, and we suffer when a tree falls for an absurd real estate project or a piece of furniture from Ikea. This suffering is inscribed in commercial exchanges, in smartphones, tablets, connected objects, etc. It’s not about making people feel guilty, it’s about saying, and recognizing that we can’t do this anymore. If guilt ensues, it is only an effect that can be overcome.

In particular, 2019 will be a fundamental year for opposing 5G, smart meters and all the crap that technocratic power wants to impose on us. As such, we requested an interview with Minister Fremault about 5G technology. We want to prove that we should expect nothing from these zealous political servants of capital. After more than 8 emails, the minister’s office has just accepted that we ask our questions by email. We do not want and ask for a filmed interview.

Free information will be essential. It will be necessary to link the class struggle, the fight of the yellow vests, to antiproductivism. One will not go without the other.

Support us, subscribe while you still can!

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With a law passed in June 2015, the Belgian parliament ratified the choice of the Michel government and its Energy Minister, Marie-Christine Marghem, to extend the operating life of the two oldest reactors at the Doel atomic power plant, known as D1 and D2[note].

No doubt these authorities imagined passing this decision in the same way as the extensions of 2003 and 2012, that is, without consulting the citizens and ignoring international conventions and the law’s requirements. This was without counting on the annulment appeal filed by the associations Inter-Environnement Wallonie (IEW) and Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen (BBL) before the Constitutional Court, in January 2016. The appeal alleges violation of the Espoo and Aarhus Conventions as well as of several European directives, the Habitats Directive, the Birds Directive and the EIA Directive[note]. It is revealing of the functioning and practices of the state that, at the time the Aarhus Convention was transcribed into Belgian law in December 2002, the government was preparing the first law on the extension of atomic reactors, already without any consultation with the population.

In June 2017, a year and a half after the appeal was filed, the Constitutional Court found it necessary to ask the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) about the interpretation of these conventions and European directives, which had the first effect of extending the duration of the proceedings by 2 years. In fact, 3 and a half years after the appeal was filed, it was only on July 29, 2019 that the CJEU issued its ruling, which is summarized in the title of its press release as follows[note] :  » The Belgian law extending the life of the Doel 1 and Doel 2 nuclear power plants was passed without the required prior environmental assessments « ; with the subtitle:  » However, it is not excluded to temporarily maintain the effects of the extension law in case of a serious and real threat of disruption of the electricity supply « .

Clearly, by extending the life of the two reactors without first conducting an environmental impact study, Minister Marghem and the Michel government have violated the law, which more than any other they must know and respect. On the other hand, the only reason that could have or could today justify keeping these reactors in operation would be a  » serious and real threat of disruption of the electricity supply « . Yet all the evidence available in 2015 showed (and still shows) the uselessness of these reactors in terms of security of electricity supply:

- The Commission de Régulation de l’Électricité et du Gaz (CREG) had issued a negative opinion on the extension. This opinion had been ignored by Minister Marghem who also argued that the CREG should deal with prices and not volumes…[note]

- During the period 2012–2018, the average utilization rate of Belgian atomic reactors fell to about 70% instead of the 90–95% considered normal for this type of reactor, which is equivalent to the loss of a quarter of the nuclear fleet, i.e. the disappearance of a large reactor (1GW) plus that of a small reactor (0.5GW)[note]. Reactors D1 and D2 have a lot to do with it. Indeed, in April 2018, the D1 reactor entered the annals of national history by recording the first leak in the primary circuit of a Belgian reactor, which led to a 10-month shutdown, along with D2, its twin brother. These two reactors are therefore anything but a safe source of electricity, but above all these events have shown that it is possible to do without them, without the slightest blackout ensuing.

- 4 years after their extension, the safety upgrade works foreseen in the November 2015 agreement between the Belgian State and Electrabel, estimated at an amount of €700 million, have still not been completed. This work is finally expected to begin in late 2019 and will require a further shutdown of at least 7 months. Not to mention that nothing has been budgeted or planned to bring them into compliance with the new anti-seismic standard issued in 2014 by the Western European Nuclear Safety Association (WENRA)[note] — and the convention — under the pretext put forward by the AFCN that it  » has not been transposed into binding legislation « .[note].

From these elements, it is clear that it would be inconsistent and irresponsible to consider that such obsolete and unreliable reactors are essential to ensure the security of Belgium’s electricity supply, as Energy Minister Marghem has repeated throughout her mandate.

What is striking in the discourse of the authorities, but also in the highly technical considerations of the Courts of Justice concerned, is the total absence of consideration of the risk that these obsolete reactors pose to the Belgian and European populations. The older these reactors get, and the longer their expected life span of 30 years, the more dangerous they are and the greater the probability of a major atomic accident[note]. The priority is clearly that of Engie-Electrabel and its shareholders, at the expense of the Belgian citizens who, after having ensured large profits to the above-mentioned, must assume the risk of an atomic disaster and almost all the financial consequences that would result.

All that remains is for the Constitutional Court to make up for lost time and demonstrate its independence by confirming that the shutdown of the D1 and D2 reactors does not constitute a  » serious and real threat of disruption of the electricity supply « , ordering them to be stopped until an environmental impact study has been carried out.

Contact : Frédéric BlondiauFrancis Leboutte —

32 (0) -

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« For the love of wealth is the root of all evil.[note]

What was said in August 2014, when Didier Reynders was already trying to take the high road by being appointed to Europe, is still as true today:  » Whether Didier Reynders stays at the federal level or joins Jean-Claude Juncker’s team, it doesn’t matter, Jean-Claude Fontinoy will certainly remain in the circle of his close advisors . It is true that  » Jean-Claude Fontinoy has an arm as long as the Danube « , the journalist noted without being indignant, classifying the article in the  » People  » section.

Some will take offense at what is happening in the political spheres, seeing individual « excesses » that should be corrected. However, all this has nothing to do with the realm of the accident, which would occur as a kind of epiphenomenon of capitalism. Excessiveness is written in the DNA of productivism and it is funny to read in some comments of our interview with Nicolas Ullens[note]:« when I read « antiproductivist journal for a decent society », I don’t feel like anything « . If this is also the sign of our modernity — not being able to recognize that someone whose vision of the world and of the ways to change it we do not share, can write or say something with which we can agree -, the refusal to see is part of the will, unconscious or not, to remain in the comfort of criticism that does not commit to anything. This one is then offered as a decontextualized statement, where it would be enough for the representatives to  » get their act together  » and take into account the public thing: « please, get your act together », to allow us to continue…

Of course, everything must be done to prevent Didier Reynders from evolving and reaching the heights of the untouchable, but with an identical system the work will always remain endless, because after having removed one by one the political mafiosi — as far as it is possible while they all stand together -, the political organization will reproduce the same type of individual. It is obviously not a question of saying that vice is only determined by a socio-economic system and that the one who benefits from it is only a poor consenting victim. Those who are only there to defend their own interests, that is to say the great majority of politicians, are useless to the common good, because by a form of trickle down they only commit decisions that originate from a will to share the cake between insiders. In this system, the voice of the voter must not be heard between elections for anything that goes against the private interest: the latter are only blank signatures that will allow Moreau, Mayeur, Reynders… to continue their business.

Logically, it is always a matter of pretending the opposite of what one does, of not doing what one says and not saying what one does. Nuclear power, the 5G network or other deployments of electromagnetic waves, connected objects, mega malls, wars, the purchase of new fighter jets, « pacts of excellence » and other « piloting » of the school by private consultancy boxes. »[note]commercial advertising, industrial agriculture, the invasion of the automobile, public-private partnerships … Anything undertaken would always be for the common good. However, in a society where growth takes precedence over everything else, the lure of gain is the norm and most of what is done is for this sole purpose. Anything that doesn’t pay off must be eliminated or taken over by the private sector.

This society has therefore created a type of man who has conformed to this ideology and has often made excessiveness a way of life. But  » money is like sea water, the more you drink, the more you thirst « , said Schopenhauer. If this adage applies to the « governors », it is equally valid for the « governed ». The higher the individual climbs, the more thirsty he will be, and logically he will claim his 458,000 euros in allowances when he leaves Parliament, or will receive more than 900,000 euros a year for being the head of Proximus. Everything is to the point,  » In the current system, the rich are just as unhappy as the poor. The poor would like to become a millionaire, and the millionaire would like to become a multimillionaire « [note].

If the criminals did not wait to act until a system based on accumulation and the need to produce and consume more and more was established, it must be recognized that the latter has made it possible to make these mafia practices structural and globalized, and has therefore offered them the capacity to spread out in all directions, the apathy and silence of the masses also coming from a form of acceptance of the fundamental principles of the rules of the game.

So there will always be a conformist mass, which happily takes advantage of our iniquitous system, to denounce the robber barons, but which will not want to draw the conclusions for itself. Venal politicians must be removed from decision-making spheres, of course. But after, or during this stampede, everything will have to be changed, to make this world a bearable one, where we will no longer waste our lives earning it, by consuming the earth that welcomes us. And that is something quite different from the condemnation of an individual, even if it is necessary.

Alexandre Penasse

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