The return of Law?

INTERVIEW WITH LEGAL EXPERT THIERRY VANDERLINDEN* Kairos: It seems that the law has regained its prerogatives for some time now, after being sidelined by the executive branch during two years of pandemic, doesn’t it? Thierry Vanderlinden: I wouldn’t be so optimistic! It should be noted that the Constitutional Court dismissed the appeal against the « pandemic law » in its entirety: the law is now considered constitutional and applicable in its entirety. All the measures provided for in this law have been endorsed by the Constitutional Court, which has made a legal pirouette by transferring responsibility for their practical application to the burgomasters and provincial governors. In other words, when the latter actually take concrete measures (confinement, wearing of masks, ban on gatherings, etc.) in the event of a new pandemic, citizens will then have to lodge appeals with the ordinary courts and/or the Conseil d’État: we can only note that the Court has got rid of this question b …
  1. Il est erroné d’affirmer que les enfants ont une sexualité dès la naissance, sous prétexte qu’ils sont sexués, alors que la sexualité ne se développe qu’avec la montée des hormones à la puberté. Cela reviendrait à dire que parce que les enfants naissent avec des jambes, ils savent marcher !
  2. À ce sujet, il est vain de parler de « droits sexuels des enfants », notion inexistante en droit belge et international.
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