Jullie Dall’Arche
Kairos: Could you tell us the history of these energy systems since the Industrial Revolution?
Aurélien Bernier: From the 18th and especially the 19th century, it was the large manufacturers who developed energy production sites to meet their own needs. Thus, glass manufacturers, an energy-intensive industry, will exploit coal mines for their own account. States grant them concessions. The same will be true for the development of electricity and gas networks, when financiers invest in the industrial exploitation of inventions in these sectors. For example, Thomas Edison created General Electric thanks to the support of New York’s financial sector, particularly Morgan’s Bank. As the driving force behind the Industrial Revolution, these groups quickly made huge profits. Listed on the stock exchange, they will constitute real energy trusts, which control many production sites. Driven by the search for profit, these trusts will …
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Notes et références
- Engagé dans le milieu associatif et syndical, ancien membre d’Attac, Aurélien Bernier se définit comme un militant, qui travaille sur la mondialisation et les politiques environnementales. Auteur de nombreux articles et ouvrages, il a publié Les voleurs d’énergie qui étudie l’évolution de la propriété des systèmes énergétiques et leur accaparement par le secteur privé sous couvert de libéralisme.