If he does nothing, the small retailer will inexorably disappear. With the means at its disposal, it cannot resist the onslaught of large groups and their gigantic financial resources.
If it is not to die, it will inevitably have to completely rethink the way it operates and how it is organized.
To do this, it must base its strategy on 4 pillars:
- His customers: he knows his customers, apart from his own funds, and this is his real asset. Making the customer a partner. Ethnic » businesses in neighborhoods with high concentrations of immigrants are resisting competition from the big groups very well, because they have developed strong ties with their communities of origin. Their clientele is all the more loyal as these shops offer a wide range of goods and articles related to the specific uses and characteristics of these ethnic groups.
- His suppliers: should he keep them? Or turn to others? Move away from the supply networks run by the big groups, and opt for local producers? The latter case particularly concerns food retailers.
- Peers: other retailers of the same size. Pooling needs, defending against the rapacious, strangling state — 100 people fight better than one.
- Location: proximity can also be a strength, building customer loyalty.