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Addiction to new technologies is not natural

There are ready-made reasonings that circulate like a stream of evidence in our societies. Whether they are true or false does not matter to most people, the important thing is to join the ideological background murmur without having to question its true meaning. For more than a century, this has been the case with the frequent confusion between technical progress and human progress[note], one necessarily leading the other in a ballet that many imagine to be spontaneous, natural and happy, like an embracing couple dancing the tango of a brighter tomorrow.

In this contemporary fable, young people are often taken as an example for their open-mindedness towards new technologies, especially for their infatuation towards the digital world and its most beautiful digital finery: tablets and smartphones, connected objects and artificial intelligence, robots and social networks… Living embodiment of the future, young people would be naturally inclined towards new technologies, which they would appreciate and master much more easily than adults.


But this view is wrong: young people are not innately knowledgeable about new technologies. Often, their skills in this area are closely tied to the applications and software that their age group likes, but they become familiar or non-existent as soon as you take them out of the comfortable rut of their habits. Thus, more than one parent — taking their teenager for a genius of digital tools — had the surprise to suddenly rise in rank one day when their young prodigy came to ask for their help to… send an email or use a word processor! Proof by the absurd that young people are not predisposed to technical progress: like everyone else, they learn to deal with it through contact with others, and their only advantage over adults is that their behavior is more flexible and malleable because it has not yet been forged by decades of habit.

Moreover, their supposed attachment to high-tech tools is mainly motivated by the desire to have social contacts. In a way, their virtuosity in using social networks is comparable to the learning of language in songbirds (starlings, blackbirds, titmice, finches, robins…): it is by imitating more experienced fellow birds that the young learn to compose melodious songs and communicate with each other; without a tutor, no bird is able to sing properly! Moreover, mutual imitation of songs is often a sign of great emotional attachment. Thus, the ability of parrots to perfectly imitate voices (not only human) is a way to consolidate lasting bonds: by imitating each other, the female and the male mark their joint desire to form a monogamous couple for life. Similarly, in the siamang monkeys of Indonesia, the male and the female sing duets every morning, which are all the more harmonious because the partners have been attached to each other for a long time.


There is something similar in the « love » of young people (and adults) for new technologies. What interests them is not so much playing with technical novelties, but rather inserting themselves socially by imitating and adopting the behaviors in vogue around them. Of course, if certain tools allow for intense communication — that is, every day, at any time, whether you’re at school or at your parents’ house — they will quickly become popular with teenage tribes. An age when you need to assert yourself, if possible by joining a group of friends with whom you can totally identify. And if social networks allow young people to take on challenges on TikTok, to post their opinions on Twitter or to follow fashionable female influencers on social networks, it is obvious that being connected becomes a vital issue not because we like it in itself, but to be like others. To not feel left out.

Let’s take as a witness a singer to whom social networks have rather succeeded: Angèle. In his song La Thune, social networks are not a place of disinterested free expression. They are the mirror in which everyone seeks to exist in the eyes of others, which is why « teople only want to be famous, and only that, that makes them move, move their asses the time of a drink, photos on Insta it is obliged, if not in the end what is the use, if it is not even to show them? « On the other hand, time spent online is far from being a source of fulfillment for everyone, and even trendy singers sometimes say, « Here’s to What’s the point? You’re so alone behind your screen. You think about what people will think. But you leave them all indifferent. « In this mirror of illusions, the ritual of connecting is as much a personal desire as a social obligation (how can you not be there when everyone is present?), even if no one is fooled by the simulacrum of social relations offered by the digital world.

The long « social winter » in which the coronavirus has plunged us (this small invisible being that puts the human being back in his place of link, modest and fragile, within the ecosystems[note]) is a proof. While confinement practices affect us all, the 15–25 year old generation is particularly affected because this is the age when sociability relies heavily on meeting new people. However, if there is one thing that is obvious, it is the total dissatisfaction of young people to confine all their daily exchanges in the digitized pixels of digital pipes. Too many things are missing: the gesture, the look, the touch, the real interaction that constitutes the physical presence of others to feel their emotions by the vibrations of their voice, the movement of their eyes, their laughter or the postures of their body. As an empathetic species, we need these ingredients generated by real, non-distance encounters to fuel the richness of our social relationships. Faced with this ancestral reality, the digital world is only an unsatisfactory substitute by itself.


However, this ersatz human relationship is not without consequences on the world around us. At a time of global warming, the profusion of digital networks and connected objects is furiously aggravating environmental disasters — as the book La face cachée du numérique (by Fabrice Flipo, Marion Michot and Michelle Dobré) — the « Cash Investigation » program devoted to Unmentionable secrets of our cell phones, or Babette Porcelijn’s research on Our hidden footprint (everything you need to know to live lightly on Earth). But digital pollution is also mental: from online scams to revenge porn, there are countless toxic activities on the Internet. Extremely brutal, cyberstalking can destabilize even the most experienced users, and devastate weaker victims who — tested by the hell of online harassment — find only one way to disconnect: suicide[note].

Stemming such tragedies can hardly be done in a jiffy. Take bullying in schools: it takes time to become aware of the problem. It is also necessary to imagine adapted solutions whether it is at the family, school, institutional or political level. So many actors are involved: students (both perpetrators and victims), parents, teachers, school administrations, the Ministry of Education, youth welfare associations, judicial institutions, political parties… If the problem is to be tackled effectively, time is needed.


But time is sorely lacking. Because as soon as a threshold is crossed in the digitization of the world, the next step is imposed in force with the introduction of 5G today, and the advent of an electronic state desired by the current Belgian government. It is true that the latter is in line with the European digital strategy, which is itself tied to the political demands of influential business lobbies such as Digital Europe (the voice of the digital industry in the European Union) or GS1 (the global manager of the barcode, and the discreet architect of theInternet of Things). Through them, the digital market empires demand not only to devote our public tax money to the construction of a huge digital spider’s web (digital infrastructures, 5G, allocation of radio frequencies…), but also to imprison in it — willingly or by force — our biological bodies and the smallest moments of our lives[note]. Loves, friendships, hobbies, work, travel, private details, sexual affinities, products consumed, books read, meals eaten, Internet sites consulted, health or DNA data, political and religious convictions: in us, in us, everything interests them! Because the more and more precise the data captured in their electronic silos, the bigger their profits will be…

In other words, they intend to transform the entire planet into a high-tech interrogation room, where we will have to deliver (consciously or not) more and more personal data. In other times, in other places, this would have been called the inquisitive delirium of some dictatorship. In this case, the ideological background noise prefers to praise « entrepreneurial freedom », — often omitting to mention the active support of governments. But for what future?

Perhaps those that Jonathan Crary fears in his book Le capitalisme numérique à l’assaut du sommeil?

In any case, it is not for our individual liberties: because why put the cart of « technical progress » in high-speed mode, when our ability to adapt is linked to the slower, but courageous, rhythm of democratic debates?

Bruno Poncelet

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Waltz with Tina

 » There Is No Alternative « . A shocking formula, the motherhood of which is attributed to Margaret Thatcher. A maxim that he used in the 1980s to reject any criticism of his neo-liberal ideas in a market economy. 

« TINA »: the breadcrumb trail of the government’s « covidian » communication. A political slogan, to which the dominant media offer a formidable sounding board, an amplifying effect. It is no longer a question of « thinking » society, of making choices, but of following its « natural laws », formulated by technoscience. Its corollary: to discredit, even muzzle, any dissident speech. Identify the opponent well. In the Middle Ages, the witch, the heretic, were hated. In the 19th century, the cursed citizen was labelled a « socialist ». In the twentieth century, at the time of McCarthyism, he became a « communist ». Secondly, the terms « Poujadist » and « populist » are used as political scarecrows. Today, the word « conspiracy » is used as an anathema. A ban. A catch-all term where we throw in the same bag: « anti-5G », « antivax » or critics of the management of the health crisis. 

The conspiracist is the « pariah » citizen. And it works. It acts as a powerful anesthetic. A vector of self-censorship. The factory of the omerta. Coming out of one’s reserve to criticize the government’s management has become a balancing act, even a brave one. 

Scientific personalities, who have rowed against the current of the health doxa , have taken their toll. Among them: Luc Montagnier, the famous discoverer of the AIDS virus, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine, for whom the Covid 19 virus could be a human creation in the laboratory. A thesis, scorned by scientists, accredited to feed the conspiracy theory. Another example is that of the geneticist and former director of research at INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), Alexandra Henrion-Caude. The researcher, who is highly critical of the decisions taken to fight the virus, is accused of conspiracy. INSERM disassociated itself from his comments. Youtube censored it. 

What should the average citizen, « scientifically illiterate », think about the discrediting of such personalities, who were once distinguished by a prestigious career and a high-flying CV? Are we to believe that they are seriously mistaken; that they have lost their marbles? Or should we see them as « whistleblowers », playing the Cassandra, ready to sacrifice their reputation, even their career, in the name of the collective interest? 

The question deserves to be asked. Faced with the oppressive straitjacket of the single thought, what would be the motive of a scientist to go and pour out his stream of infox? Are we to believe that they are on the wrong side of the fence, knowing that science can be manipulated, as Pascal Vasselin and Frank Cuveillier demonstrate in their documentary, The Factory of Ignorance, broadcast last February 23 on Arte ? The latter offers an edifying example of the nauseating strategies developed by certain industrialists (like the tobacco and pesticidelobby ) to drown out inconvenient scientific truths, or even to produce counter-science, falsified studies, in order to continue to sell their dangerous products, to avoid too restrictive legislations or legal proceedings. 


According to Prime Minister Alexander De Croo,  » we have to trust science and analysis  » in the management of this epidemic[note].

« Science : one and indivisible. Has she become a deist? On the one hand, there is the « real » science, which the government listens to religiously. On the other hand, the underground « conspiracy » movement, which can be found on social networks? 

In the Middle Ages, the dogmatic obscurantism of the Church blocked all critical thinking. The Age of Enlightenment shattered the leaden cap that locked him in. For the scholars of that time, it was necessary to question the veracity of things. Is it no longer a healthy reflex to doubt? Why should the citizen, who doubts the integrity of Big Pharma, be seen as a « suspected conspiracy theorist », knowing, among other things, that in its negotiation of advance purchase contracts for vaccines, the European Commission has given precedence to business secrecy over information for citizens? That these provide for liability exemption clauses for manufacturers? That it favors the logic of « privatization of gains » and « collectivization of losses », since in case of medical problems following their injection, the responsibility falls almost entirely on the States? That some medical personnel are reluctant to be vaccinated? That in exchange for public funding, the EU did not require pharmaceutical companies to share technology? That it protects the interests of Big Pharma in the monopoly of patents, in the World Trade Organization[note], while paradoxically claiming that the end of the pandemic depends on the vaccination of the world population, etc. ? 

In the light of these facts, where it is obvious that money takes precedence over health, it is at least legitimate to question the management of the crisis. All the more so when investigative journalism tends to be eclipsed by propaganda. 


In the crusade against the virus, « TINA » is leading the way, including in the media. In his March 12 editorial, the editor of La Libre Belgique, Dorian de Meeûs, set the tone: « The first thing I would like to say is that I am very proud of my work. It’s time for vaccination. It is essential to convince Belgians to be vaccinated in an « informed, free and voluntary » way « . A formulation that sounds like an oxymoron. For there to be an informed choice, there must be a debate, with opponents. However, the background wave is the standardization of media speech. For example, the « erthean » interviews of Matin Première, including  » Le parti pris  » of last March 16. The guest debaters: two apostles of vaccination. Emmanuel André, microbiologist and virologist at the KULeuven, and Charlotte Martin, infectiologist at the CHU Saint-Pierre, for whom vaccination should be made compulsory for the entire population. 

The dominant media is preparing public opinion in this sense. Their ritual: the daily bludgeoning of figures on the Covid of the National Institute of Public Health Sciensano, which remain relentlessly bad, even alarming. This is the main argument used from one consultation committee to the next to avoid loosening the screws, or even tightening them. The way to keep the pressure on the population, until they are vaccinated. 

By demonstrating that it is possible to make figures speak in diametrically opposed directions, the director Bernard Crutzen, in his documentary This is not a conspiracy, has created a controversy. On the flip side: announcing that Belgium has passed the 22,000 death mark serves the purpose of dramatization. This makes him a dangerous virus that justifies the serious infringements of our individual liberties, including the right to exercise his profession. On the other hand, when compared to the Belgian demography, this figure is no longer worrying: 0.17%. Certainly, the percentage increases with age, blurring however the cause of death. Are seniors being swept up by or with Covid? The announcement, in the media, that the president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing was taken by the Covid, at the canonical age of 94 years (!), leaves one wondering. The obsession with transhumanism? At the very least, the expression of a strong cognitive bias: our relationship to death. And we live on the mirage of a science capable of curing diseases, of making us invincible. 

Today, the only narrative that is valid and percolating in the overwhelming majority of the media is that of « TINA ». In doing so, they are creating a breeding ground for intolerance. They pit citizens against each other. It is therefore necessary to break up with Tina. There is indeed an alternative to the « single thought » and it is on the way. 


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Hey, the ad, if you’d shut up…

It’s not easy to sell new cars in early 2021. The confinements, the obligation of telecommuting, the discovery by many of the joys of cycling… all of this has largely reduced automobile traffic. Cars wear out less, so they don’t have to be replaced so quickly… So car advertising has to be more energetic and cunning to encourage people to buy. 

This is one of the few positive consequences of the pandemic, road traffic decreased in 2020, for example by 20% in Belgium[note]. This has had positive consequences: the reduction of air pollution, which is so harmful to health, the reduction of traffic jams (in Brussels, the share of traffic jams has dropped from 38% to 29%), and the reduction of the number of people who are unable to get to work.[note]) and the decrease in the number of accidents (-20%) and deaths (-22%) on Belgian roads.[note] In addition to all this good news, there is another one for growth objectors: the drop in new car sales: ‑24.3% in Europe.[note]

The automobile system being at the center of the productivist logic, it is therefore necessary to « relaunch » the economic activity in this sector and to charge advertising with bringing up the « buying fever » of motorists without appetite. Frustrated by the lack of annual « car shows », the brands fell back on an avalanche of advertisements that made us drunk during the first months of the year. 

It is becoming increasingly difficult to surf on the sporty performance of cars (a Toyota advertisement was even censored in Australia for inciting dangerous driving[note]) or on the sublime exotic landscapes that would serve as a backdrop for the scrap heap promo. So Mercedes-Benz came up with a perverse trick: since confinements have revealed our need for social connections and talking to each other has never been more important, the ad suggests talking… with the car’s on-board computer… and also with the dealers who will do everything they can to push you to buy their latest product. 

That’s how the radio ad campaign centered on the slogan,  » Hey Mercedes, let’s talk  » came about. Let’s read how advertisers sell the concept: « … uA radio campaign with a human face, produced in collaboration with Publicis. Through emotional spots of 60 », 40″ and 20″, we are immersed in real slices of life. In a Mercedes-Benz, we hear conversations that aren’t always easy, but that make us feel good. Because talking to each other changes everything. « . A telephone exchange between humans (after all) ends with the on-board computer, which is called Mercedes, making the driver’s wishes come true:  » Hey Mercedes, can you turn down the heat a little? « , « Hey Mercedes, take me to such and such an address … »« Hey Mercedes, call my brother … ». Thus, the advertising campaign turns a real need, that of contact and exchange of words, into the proposal of acquiring a computer on wheels, equipped with a nice maid named Mercedes who will carry out your wishes without reluctance. Paradoxical, but assumed. 

Other car ads also surf on the mobility/on-board computer link to praise the car’s ability, thanks to its radars, to stop running over children, dogs or cyclists… (I admit I’m a little more seduced by this). We can see that little by little, we are getting drivers used to the autonomous car, the improved oxcart, the dream of lazy kings. 

In the same line of advertising that appeals to emotions, we see the use of the term « experience ». You are no longer buying this or that object, but  » experiencing  » the use of this object. Such pleas can be found not only in advertisements but in other forms. Thus, in a pseudo « white card » published by Trends/Tendances, a Principal Solution Engineer (sic) of a Digital Foundation For Business (re-sic), uses the same language:  » We live in a time where « lived experiences » are very important. Users have been fed a digital baby bottle, with the latter allowing them to place an order at the click of a button, stream movies via a given connection, use their cell phones as virtual reality headsets, real-time fitness monitors, wireless music speakers and much more. Never before have we been so dependent on these types of apps, generating digital experiences « . The barely concealed objective of this kind of talk quickly follows:  » So we need to find a solution that guarantees the user experience. Thanks to 5G, companies… etc., etc. ». 

If the popular wisdom says that  » one does not make a horse drink that is not thirsty « , advertisers want to convince people that they still have consumer desires, even if, to do so, they have to divert the basic needs of human relationships to technical artifacts. 

Alain Adriaens

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The Dead of the Covid. A state lie?

Christophe De Brouwer has been scrutinizing the covid figures for a year. The interview published here is an exclusive. He is — unfortunately — the only one to do this job. However, and above all, if his conclusions had been thought out, reflected upon and debated, we would not be where we are today — even if the world was already going wrong long before. 

Meanwhile, people are dying from their policies. This is the main thing we have to remember, we think. See the references of Christophe De Brouwer’s studies below

Study references:

C de Brouwer. Standardized mortality rate in Belgium in 2020. (preprint).…/350879459_Taux_de…

Additional references:

The impact of the crisis on the under 65s: µ

- C de Brouwer. Standardized mortality rate in Belgium, 2020. Complement. April 9, 2020.…/350879459_Taux_de…

- L Toubiana, L Mucchielli , P Chaillot , J Bouaud. The Covid-19 epidemic had a relatively small impact on mortality in France. INSERM UMRS 1142 LIMICS, preprint, 2021.…/154‑L%E2%80%99%C3%A9pid%C3…

Mortality per million inhabitants in Belgium compared to other countries in 2020 : 

- Worldometers.

The little or no use of containment and semi-containment. 

- Q de Larochelambert, AMarc, J Antero, ELe Bourg, JF Toussaint. Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation. Frontiers in Public Health. November 19, 2020.…/fpubh.2020.604339/full

- E Bendavid, C Oh, J Bhattacharya, JPA Ioannidis. Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of COVID-19. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. January 5, 2021.

Vaccine resistance to sars-cov‑2, including English, South African and Brazilian variants. 

- E Andreano et al. SARS-CoV‑2 escape in vitro from a highly neutralizing COVID-19 convalescent plasma. Medrxiv, December 2020.

- P Wang et al. Antibody Resistance of SARS-CoV‑2 Variants B.1.351 and B.1.1.7. Medrxiv, 2021.

- L Müller et al. Age-dependent immune response to the Biontech/Pfizer BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination. Medrxiv, 2021.…/10.1101/2021.03.03.21251066v1

- T Kustin et al (Adi Stern). Evidence for increased breakthrough rates of SARS-CoV‑2 variants of concern in BNT162b2 mRNA vaccinated individuals. Medrxiv, 2021.…/10.1101/2021.04.06.21254882v1

The place of the different variants in our country. In particular the English, South African and Brazilian variants. 

- Weekly bulletin of Sciensano. The last one (April 9, 2021):…/COVID-19_Weekly_report…

- Covariants. Overview of variants in Countries. Side effects of covid vaccines (and, if applicable, of influenza vaccine). 

- Belgian site: https: // Opinion on the mortality linked to the heat wave of August 2020. 

- C de Brouwer. Heat wave: mortality of the elderly seriously increased by the coronavirus crisis? (carte blanche)…/can…/article-opinion-1334001.html

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Psittacovirus Alert

We are all too familiar with the SARS-COV ‑2 coronavirus that we have been hearing about for over a year. Less known is the psittacovirus, which nevertheless wreaks havoc in anonymity. The psittacovirus is a virus transmitted to humans by the parrot. It infects many people but primarily attacks press representatives, who are high-risk patients. This virus has been deliberately disseminated by the WHO, the European Commission, most governments of industrialized countries and the experts who advise them.

It causes a very contagious disease, psittacism[note], whose essential symptom is well known and easy to diagnose: the affected patient mechanically repeats ready-made sentences, presented as obvious, without necessarily understanding them.

The most common are the following:

Widespread vaccination is the only solution to end the Covid crisis.19Thanks to the vaccination, we will be able to live fully together again;Side effects (including death from thrombosis) are extremely rare and do not call into question the favorable benefit-risk balance of vaccination.Those who reject 5G, all-digital, screen assignment and express doubts about the usefulness, safety and efficacy of currently proposed vaccines are conspiracists or cowards;Those who question the containment and social distancing measures are irresponsible or selfish.
Systematic screening is not necessary; the symptoms evoked are sufficient to establish a reliable diagnosis.

However, you can effectively protect yourself against psittacovirus contamination by adopting simple barrier gestures:

Stop watching news and so-called objective information programs;Stop listening to the official experts and the radio news;Avoid the comments and analyses of the main editorialists of the written press.
Beyond that, strengthen your immune system by thinking critically and, to that end, consult serious information sites such as Reinfo-Covid, Doctors for Covid ethics, Kairos, the International Association for Independent and Benevolent Science Medicine (IAIBSM), Children Health Defense or Parts and Labour.

Thus, it will be possible to protect ourselves and our loved ones by limiting the circulation of a virus more dangerous than SARS-COV‑2.

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Pretending to listen to citizens is worse than ignoring them

Press release from the collective

The issue of 5G deployment is a complete divorce between citizens and policy makers. For more than 2 years, the Collectif has been doing its utmost to make the population of our country aware of the inevitable and dramatic consequences of the deployment of 5G.

Using all the democratic means to make its case, the Collective has accepted without great illusion to participate in the participatory process set up by the government of the Brussels Region. This process gave 45 selected citizens the illusion that they could influence policy decisions. In fact, it turned out that neither the principle of 5G deployment nor the radiation exposure limits were really under discussion. Clearly, only a few adjustments to antenna installation projects will be considered. It is obviously a pseudo-democratic smoke and mirrors operation where citizens are used to support a socially useless and ecologically destructive project.

In the Walloon Region, the government took care to ask a group of experts to carry out a preliminary impact study, taking into consideration the various aspects deemed relevant: economy, employment, energy, environment, health. The choice of these experts was obviously crucial to guarantee the seriousness of this study. With regard to health, the three experts appointed were obviously chosen because of their previous positions in favour of the industrial vision. According to them, the non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation would have no effect on health. Unsurprisingly, at least two of the three experts considered that the deployment of 5G does not pose any public health concerns.

However, this « thermal » paradigm has been challenged for many years by thousands of studies and by an overwhelming majority of scientists who are independent of industry (including the Belgian High Council of Health).

The Collectif thought it would be useful to propose to the Walloon parliamentarians that they hear from one of these independent, internationally recognized experts, Professor Paul Héroux of McGill University in Montreal (professor of toxicology and the effects of electromagnetism on health at the Faculty of Medicine).

The Collective has initiated a petition on this subject, which has collected nearly 4,000 signatures in record time. This petition was logically accepted by the Walloon Parliament since it was perfectly in conformity with the regulation in force.

The Environment Commission of the Walloon Parliament, after having heard the arguments of the petitioners, refused by 6 votes against 2 (PTB and CDH) to hear Professor Héroux, thus aligning itself, without any qualms, with the opinion of the Minister of the Environment, the said Minister considering that the group of experts was balanced and judging this hearing superfluous

The citizens will appreciate this contemptuous attitude towards a request made by thousands of citizens.

How can we be surprised then to see the rise of the population’s disaffection for incompetent political parties that confiscate debates while pretending to want citizen participation.

These two episodes have shown that small openings for citizens to express themselves can only marginally change the compromises negotiated between parties over their heads. By granting them only cosmetic interventions, the parties contribute to undermine democracy in depth.

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Paul Lannoye, 081 44 53 64Colette Devillers, 02 772 86 80Francis Leboutte, 04 388 39 19

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Politics, media, multinationals: the real surrealism

La Dernière Heure was obliged to mention the resignation of Sabine Moens, not because the editorial staff found it an interesting subject and elements for debate, but because, faced with the success of her publication, which Kairos relayed[note]The fact-checkers have to disprove his statements in a hurry.

Agonized, the mainstream media no longer know what to do to save the sinking ship, caught in spasms, overwhelmed by the successive waves of citizen awakenings. Instead of questioning themselves, they become even more assertive, and sink in.

Anyone who opposes the vaccine propaganda that they have been implementing for a year and a half now, will therefore be stamped  » surrealist « , directly, or  » anti-vax « , indirectly, by mentioning that  » Sabine Moens de Ferning (sic) has been praised by the most active anti-vaxers in Belgium « . Unable to write his name (Fernig’s) correctly, they are equally unable to recognize that the photo accompanying the article is taken from the live video that Kairos made during the demonstration on September 11 (see photos above)[note]. They are not more capable, perceived as collabos by demonstrators stamped  » reassurance « ,  » conspiracy theorists « ,  » anti-vaxx « …, to come to demonstrations where it is likely that they will not be appreciated: they watch the lives of Kairos and distort the words. Including those of Sabine Moens…

The latter reacted in a Facebook post:  » When the truth bothers and the mainstream press no longer does its job … » :

 » I have just read a misleading article in the DH that reduces my comments in the letter to Georges-Louis Bouchez to opposing vaccination and calling me an antivaxer.…/uccle-antivax-sabine-moens… As I have said and written on many occasions, I believe in the freedom of each person to dispose of his or her body, a freedom which is moreover enshrined in the law of August 22, 2002 on the rights of the patient (I refer you to the interview published in this regard on the Kairos profile: ). On the other hand, I denounce and will continue to denounce the discrimination against the non-vaccinated. It is indeed unacceptable in a country that calls itself democratic that citizens can be discriminated against on the basis of their vaccination status or their state of health! I will conclude by thanking the DH who strengthens my determination to fight against the democratic abuses we are experiencing. I reserve the right to request a right of reply from them and in case of refusal to publish them to take the matter to court « .

The anathemas in the media mirror

The media could look into their plate from time to time, to see that the reproaches they make to others during their fact-checking exercises, are mostly of their own making. For example, the lack of credibility they attribute to those who hold a different view? At home, this is called a conflict of interest. It’s pretty embarrassing for IMP Group, » which owns DH/Les Sports+, is itself owned by the Compagnie des Médias, which is the holding company of the Hodey group[note] « to see, for example, that N‑Side[note],  » a joint spin-off of UCL and ULg developing decision support tools based on operational research[note] « , which helps pharmaceutical companies optimize their supply chains throughout the trial life cycle, counts among its 7 identified shareholders[note] :

François Le Hodey, owner of IPM Group, Jean Stéphenne, knighted by the King, former director of GSK (Pfizer)[note], Jacques van Rijckevorsel[note], chairman of the Board of Directors of Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc and Cofinimmo. There are also university professors, such as Constantin Blome, who works at the Institute for Data Analysis and Modeling in Economics and Statistics at UCL.

Mafia turnstile

We always come back to the same thing: the media are owned by large groups that belong to the wealthiest, who vary their shareholdings and invest in pharmaceuticals, land, high technologies (5G, nano, etc.), … The porous borders between the media and politicians explain why the former frequently leave their functions to work for the latter[note], and vice versa in the end, since the latter work for the real bosses of the former: the multinationals[note]. These same companies create spin-offs and other start-ups that colonize the academic world, causing a control over the knowledge provided, generating graduates who do not leave the framework of thought that will allow them to adapt to the reality to which they want to adapt. The private sector recruits from political circles and offers highly paid positions of power, which ensures that legislation will work in their interest. A real mafia system, which will not disappear without awareness and a revolutionary awakening.

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Epistemic essay


The Categorical Imperative: RELIANCE

A plea for an epistemological renewal of medical studies

Online book written & coordinated by

Florence PARENT and Fabienne GOOSET

THE CRUCIFIXION Ethel Coppieters

With the participation ofManoé REYNAERTS, Helyett WARDARVOIR, Isabelle FRANCOIS,Benoit NICOLAY, Emmanuelle CARLIER, Véronique BAUDOUX, Jean-Marie DE KETELE

KAIROSPRESSE edition. 2022

Henry Joly affirmed: « That Socrates was thethe last of the shamans and the first of the philosophersis now part of the truthsanthropologically accepted ». To addimmediately: « but this truth, which throws astrange light on the very appearance of thephilosophy, is not clear for all that, neither for thephilosophy, nor for epistemology.

Roustang, F, Le secret de Socrate pour changer la vie, Paris: OdileJacob, 2011.

Table of Contents






Reading, terminology clarifications and index

White Cards: On the epistemic thread of this crisis of the Covid 19

WHITE CARD 1: The Role of

of Physician Education and Medical Epistemology in the Covid Crisis 19
WHITE CARD 2: Covid 19: Precautionary Principle or « Risk of Blame »?WHITE CARD 3: Globality, partnership, autonomy in health. When the emergency sweeps everything away, but reveals the essential!WHITE CARD 4: Covid Crisis and Emotional Intelligence: The Missing LinkWHITE CARD 5: Of the vegetative soul in Covid weatherCARTE BLANCHE 6 : Dancing with the CovidWHITE CARD 7: Spirituality, individuation and medicine: the covidian Kairos



Notes and bibliography


Author, Florence

I probably started writing this text at the beginning of the first confinement. Its movement was certainly initiated by my need to express artistically what was playing out, according to my emotional feeling, shared on an artist page on FB, throughout each of these days of blue sky solidarity and sunshine. The pen, through my keyboard, imposed itself on me, without my knowing it, in early December in the middle of the second confinement, it was colder and greyer. I was busy writing, with friends and writing colleagues, a practical guide on integrating emotional competencies into physician training, when a detour occurred to question the issue of uncertainty and emotions in medical decision-making. From writing a two-page column, this one grew into an article and finally, at some point, I had to stop writing and say: this text is in memory of those who made me cry and who led me to write, and I thank you for it, because from your departures more understanding appeared to me, which I have now shared. For it is urgent today, even more than yesterday, to get out of what I will call a « pedagogy of crucifixion »…

Florence Parent is a physician, a doctor of public health and author of books on pedagogy and engineering of professionalization in health organizations. Founding member of the ASBL « Are@Santé » (Association for the reinforcement of teaching and learning in health) and long time teacher at the School of Public Health (ULB) and international consultant, she is currently an independent expert and coordinator of a research group on the ethics of health curricula. As a lecturer at the Université libre de Bruxelles, she continues her teaching and research activities by maintaining as a founding principle, beyond all antinomies, a systemic perspective centered on connection. Also an artist, she maintains an essential relationship between art, aesthetics and ethics, which she sees above all as a complex process of individuation, empowerment, creativity and freedom.

Co-author, Fabienne

The first wave of the pandemic highlighted the sick bodies, anonymized by the prone position, connected to the machine to breathe, feed, live. Physical pain but also moral suffering. It is this last one that has challenged me the most because of its multiple faces: terror of contamination, cruelty of the absence of social relations, stopping artistic impulses, professional projects, cruel isolation of our elders in their retirement home, patients in services other than those dedicated to Covid.… Desperately long list which, by dint of repeating itself daily, has touched me in the deepest part until it erodes my life thread… Urgency to reassemble it, to restore what the management of this virus is eating away, in an endless loop like Penelope weaving her veil… Evidence of reflection and writing to tend to it, this book carries the trace…

Fabienne Gooset has a doctorate in literature and holds an inter-university certificate in the ethics of care. Through her thesis, she analyzed the relationship between literature and medicine as well as the more singular relationships between patient and caregiver. This approach has led her to different fields of research, including narrative medicine. She is the author of articles whose common denominator is the highlighting of the word of the suffering body.


The experience and expertise of the author and the co-author have been extended to the different views and rereadings of a philosopher, a doctor, a psychologist, a physiotherapist, an expert in education and public health, allowing, in addition to specific contributions clarifying or opening, a multidisciplinary validation of a singular text, because unusual or ‘inactual’, against the direction of modernity, use in reference to Nietzsche.

Between the journalistic and medical investigation, the scientific and demonstrative article, the philosophical argument or the poetic, artistic and literary connection, there is no possibility for whoever wants to classify this original text, representative of a categorical mesh proper to a complex and emancipated thought. It is to be taken as it is given.

Co-signer, Isabelle

Sometimes the paths cross unexpectedly and they immediately meet almost without saying a word. It is then proposed simply to go on a journey together. A common and almost inescapable desire to reflect, to position oneself beyond heavy dichotomies, to better understand the chaos, to find a thread of Ariadne. To let ourselves be quenched by other views and expertise, to try to approach the complexity of the moment. I thank the authors for being this referral that brings people together. I remain amazed by their insatiable curiosity, their talent for connections, their ever-changing erudition, and their skill at reflective judgment that they embody before promoting it. This incredible opportunity that they offer us, through this essay, to be able to feed ourselves with their analysis and their vision. The cobblestones are thrown, sometimes almost ferociously because the pools are so deep. Of course, doubt is allowed (even prescribed when it opens rather than closes), debate is ardently desired. This is precisely what is important to preserve in the end. The challenge is to bring it to the right level, not to get lost in content rhetoric but to question the container, the very foundations of our usual frames of reference. And it is there, exactly there, that Florence and Fabienne lead us. Our exchanges allowed me to put into words this blurred sensation of a dysfunctional medical world, trapped in multiple issues that go beyond it. I agree with their aim to open the eyes of us caregivers, cared for, companions, individuals, society and their invitation to fundamentally question ourselves (i.e. to the epistemological and ontological foundations of our relationship to the world, to illness, to health). I join their motivation to exchange, share, write. Shaking up our certainties in this way is, in my opinion, an ethical act, a responsibility that falls to us all, individually and collectively. Because we are also the actors of what shapes us.

Isabelle François is a psychotherapist. She has been practicing in Brussels for the past ten years after having led another life in the four corners of the world, in humanitarian work and public health research. She is a member of the thematic group « Ethics of health curricula » of the Société internationale francophone d’éducation médicale (SIFEM) and works on the development of emotional competencies in the curricula of health professions (with Florence Parent, Helyett Wardarvoir and Fabienne Gooset).

Co-signer, Helyett

Poppies are blooming!

In homage to all those fallen in battle, often isolated from their loved ones, perhaps soothed by the hand of the caregiver and fading in the depth of his or her gaze. To care, to accompany is above all an encounter, a relationship that is established. It passes through touch, the look, the experience of otherness, an experience in 3D. To let oneself be seized or unseized by the other, to accept to be moved, lost, to look for a way to move forward and arrive where life leads us. The development of emotional competencies in health professionals did not come to me from the covid19 crisis but already long before, because the signs of a medicine that is dehumanizing and weakening caregivers is not new and the issue of managing the covid19 crisis is only the revelation of the need for a paradigm shift in health curricula. What health professionals are we training through the screen at a time when all decisions in the management of the covid19 crisis are not made by health professionals. What happens to clinical diagnosis, such as palpatory observation?

What motivated me is the radical upheaval of society by the development of a life in confinement which is inscribed in our realities and our memories by interposed screens: a life in 2D. On March 12, announcement of the confinement for Friday, March 13, 2020, I teach a course in performing arts. We are upset, what will become of our co-presence, our breathing, our intertwining of bodies? As if for fear of forgetting, we dance much longer than expected, we say goodbye. Blossom the poppies that will keep our soul in motion.

What collateral damage, since in the middle of a play rehearsal with a young director, everything freezes up at .… When? Then comes the moment of incomprehension : why it’s ok to be on top of each other in a not really ventilated subway, and why it’s not ok to be 6 in a rehearsal room bigger than a half car ! What does containment mean? The cultural and artistic mediations with the young people in institutions stop for state reasons: confinement! Why do the psychosocial dimensions of health have so little prominence today? How could a humanistic model of health be so radically swept away? And what a sweep of the approach through art, yet a form of knowledge and experience of oneself, of others and of a world at a time when humans are in « survival » mode?

I went through these white cards as one would board a raft in a storm. I found there a space for reflection, expression, enunciation, as an artistic workshop could do, with its own language. Animated by the will that the human cannot be reduced to life behind a glass, that it cannot be buried under the layers of a reifying thought. That the approach to complexity by a collective reflexivity animated by a diversity of people having all for heart of reflection: the human. Convinced that poppies always bloom more beautiful and more numerous despite their fragility and the aridity of the earth.

Helyett Wardavoir, originally trained in physical therapy and contemporary dance, has a Master’s degree in Public Health and a Master’s degree in Performing Arts. Combining « Art, Health and Society », she designs public health programs using the art approach and conducts artistic projects mainly with young people in difficulty. She is a member of the thematic group « Ethics of health curricula » of the Société internationale francophone d’éducation médicale (SIFEM) and works on the development of emotional competencies in the curricula of the health professions (with Florence Parent, Isabelle François and Fabienne Gooset)

Co-signer, Benoit

« Why did it come to this? ? « This question sums up my incomprehension, my anger, my sadness, my need for humanity that many have been deprived of in the management of this crisis. Should-do we forget the basics of what we learned many years ago?

The pillars of our profession, ethics and deontology, have been badly damaged… « Those who know » have imposed their rules with a narrow vision of their field of competence. Is this public health? Is this the intended definition of health?

I could not do otherwise than to support the fewbut to support the few professors and other courageous academics who have been able to keep their freedom of expression and their honesty by constantly demanding scientific debate.

The authors of these white cards gave me the opportunity to reflect deeply on their philosophical experiences and thoughts. Not everything can be taken or left, but as a thinking person, here is some food for thought. And everyone understood that covid had played the role of revealing the dysfunctions of our societies.

What kind of medicine do we want? By which caregivers and physicians do we want to be cared for? The authors and their team have been asking themselves these questions for years and have been trying to draw attention to the deviations of the choices made. This crisis has shown us the limits of a scientistic, reductionist approach and the need for a more global, open and integrative approach. This is what the authors of this work propose. Thank you.

Benoit Nicolay is a physician, Anaesthesiologist-Resuscitator. Trained in micronutrition and hospital management. Former department head and operating room manager. Member of the ethics committee of the hospital where he practices since early 2021. A field physician well aware of the underfunding and technical and digital evolution of health care to the detriment of the humanity needed by patients and caregivers.

Co-signer, Emmanuelle

Since the beginning of this crisis, fear, essentially, has been the leitmotiv of communication for the whole of humanity.

After a few days, I had the feeling that it was not justified and since then I have been asking myselfnt to me endless questions, shaking my deepest convictions. And this has become a driving force to re-act.

When faced with something new, you have to adapt and move forward based on experience.

In this crisis, the only engine proposed was that of fear, paralyzing and toxic.

This scourge, more worrying than the virus itself-itself, has plunged the entire world into a dysfunction that has caused and will cause significant collateral damage.

Faced with this perplexity, taking a step back, reflecting and sharing my questions allowed me to find some reference points and a semblance of serenity.

Emmanuelle Carlier is a pediatrician in Brussels.

Co-signer, Véronique

Véronique Baudoux is a general practitioner in Nivelles.

Co-signatory and co-author of the preface, Jean-Marie

Jean-Marie De Ketele is Professor Emeritus of the Catholic University of Louvain and UNESCO Chair in Educational Sciences at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, which awarded him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa. The latter was also conferred upon him by the Catholic Institute of Paris where he is a visiting professor and thesis director. He is currently editor of the International Education Review of Sèvres.

Co-signatory and author of the preface, Manoé

Manoé Reynaerts is a philosopher.

Thanks to Kairospresse

The astonishment of meeting, at a given moment, like a lifeline in extremis, other people who, like oneself, wonder, perceive that « something is not right », put into action a look that listens, feels, wants to understand and gives the word even if it is unusual, or inactual: such was the meeting with Kairospresse and Alexandre Penasse, unpublished and almost solitary representative, during the first year of this crisis, of a press which, moreover in Belgium, will have to be reborn from its ashes if the aim of emancipation of the human being is always of topicality for our humanity.


We need Antigone!

In the 5th century B.C., the poet Sophocles expressed a unique figure, still present today, embodied in the features of Antigone:

« In ancient times, a terrible civil war ravaged the city of Thebes. When it was finished, King Creon ordered to leave the body of a warrior, Polynices, unburied, because he had taken up arms against his country. But Antigone, his sister, defied this ban and was arrested when she was burying Polynices. So she was taken to King Creon who asked if she knew about the law against burial and if she knew that she was facing death.

- I knew it, » replied Antigone. But it was only a human law. There are more important laws, those that are deep in our hearts. All my thoughts and my love commanded me to bury my brother’s body. In the face of these laws, human law weighed little…just as it weighs little that I must die. I would rather perish for that, than be forever in despair that I had left my brother’s body unburied. »[note]

The centuries passed, but the figure of Antigone persevered through them: in the humanist Renaissance, the man of law, Robert Garnier, inspired by the plays of Sophocles, Euripides and Seneca, made Antigone the incarnation of family devotion and the justice of the just. In the 17th century, Jean Rotrou, continuing his predecessor, sees in Antigone the defender of the natural laws of fraternity in the face of the tyrannical laws of Creon. In Racine, it is a loving Antigone who, in the face of death, chooses to live for love, while at the dawn of the French Revolution, in Vittorio Alfieri’s Italy, Antigone sets herself up as the heroine of a desperate freedom in the face of tyranny and the Reason of State. As for the heirs of the French Revolution, they saw in it their own liberal aspirations and those of a defense of human rights; it represented then for Nerval « the eternal fight of the moral duty against the human law, of the conscience or of the passion against the obedience due to the princes {…} »[note]. In Hölderlin’s romantic Germany, it embodies an ontological potential*, the announcement of a new form of being, of a becoming in realization, it covers a teleological power. At the time of the First World War, Romain Rolland launched in London in 1915, a call to the « eternal Antigone »; in 1917 in Leipzig, Walter Hasenclever prefigured an anti-militarist and pacifist Antigone; Jean Cocteau presented her as an anarchist, a social and cultural anti-conformist; Brecht put her at the service of a criticism of the capitalist and contemporary society. In 1972, Liliana Cavani, through a young protagonist named Antigone, denounced police terror, while in 1973, the director Claude Vermorel exported it to West Africa, perhaps illustrating the universality of the figure.

What is Antigone’s name? To what reality and depth does it refer us, so that through the centuries, in our souls, as a dictable hope, it lodges itself? And today even more, what face covers it, how does it invite us to dance with it, so that at its meeting we rejoice in a possible horizon? Surely then, today too: we need Antigone!

For, if it is indeed the announcement that allows itself to be shaped to the needs of our highest and most intimate aspirations, it is certainly that in it, in the figurehead that it is for us, is played out the opportunity for human beings, for the societies that they inhabit and erect, and for the world that thus unfolds, to toreflect otherwise than in the only reference to what is and to what is determined, but also in the horizon of what could be, and in what could be reflected by us, for us and according to us. As such, the figure of Antigone is akin to a focal point, within which our relationships to worlds, to those desired, to our values, those of our intimate and shared, private and public, individual and collective lives, are seen to be combined and presented as a possible reality, not as a dream that fades in the light of day, but as a utopia, certainly « not yet realized », but sensed as achievable. The content of Antigone is thus at the same time political, social, individual, committed, existential, contextual, universal and singular, it is global and animated by an aim, it is, so to speak, teleological, and the judgment to which it invites us is certainly just as much: the reflective judgment*.

Such is the stake of the reflective judgment, which it proposes to reach: the various dimensions of our existence, but also their deployment, the recollection of those forgotten or the emergence of new possibilities. It could not be only a reflection on an action or on a way of being in particular, because it is rather an action and a being. It cannot therefore only be conceived, because it must also be lived. Its ambition exceeds, perhaps, the possibility of being satisfied. But it is in the horizon of its possibility, rather than in that of its impossibility, that the authors of the white cards preferred to place their hopes.

Thus, the texts compiled here in the form of white cards begin as so many reflective possibilities, as so many points that question the singularity of practices, care situations, values and epistemologies* of care in relation to the visions of humanity that they offer or do not offer. Also, the reader will never find in these texts only an analysis, but always the occasion to measure the stake in play in the ways in which our actions and our modes of existence are summoned or could be in these contexts. The hope nourished by the exercise of reflective judgment has led the authors to orchestrate, in a vast interdisciplinary opening and according to a progressive logic, the conjugated meeting of dimensions of existence, of places and functions of society, of pedagogical and ethical approaches in the curricula of medicine, of cultural and emotional expressions, or of anthropological considerations. And it is thus in the singularity of these connections, that the globality and the complexity of our humanity were taken into account.

It is consequently that the reflective judgment, animating all the white cards, will recover the quality of an ethical judgment. Indeed, when it is a condition of a way ofbeing-in-the-world, ipso facto of a singular and chosen re-appropriation of experience and of the way of doing it, the reflective judgment then truly announces itself also as an ethical judgment. It is announced thereafter like an action in the strong sense of the term, an action on our being and our desired manners of being in becoming. Certainly, the context of the Covid seriously questions this possibility, and the capacity that we may have to seize it. It is in this sense that the time of Kairos is questioned in the carte blanche 7: spirituality, individuation and medicine: the covidian kairos — (

The reflective judgement is therefore also an ethical judgement, because it tries to reinstate in us the possibility, not only, to grasp what is singular in our contemporary experience, but also, and even more so, to produce it where it would seem to be absent, where perhaps our power of individuation would seem to be no more or in the process of being no more. Thus, the reflective judgment is the expression of a way ofbeing-in-the-world, of a way of making the world, whatever the form of adversity, as in Antigone. Even today, by her example, she encourages us in the hope of such a possibility, because we are gifted beings and capable of acts of existence. This reflective and ethical action is then the opportunity to « persevere in one’s being ».[note]To be able to persevere in our capacity to be and to emerge from being.

The white cards compiled here open with a reflection on the dominant epistemology in the curricula of future caregivers and its impact on decision making. These white cards mark the beginning by observing that this epistemology is not very capable of reflective judgment, but it does produce decisive judgment*. That is to say, a judgment capable of categorization, identification, and conceptualization, but not very apt to reflect on the way it categorizes, generalizes, identifies or conceptualizes. It is even less able to consider the global consequences on the anthropological, existential, social and political reductions of humanity when it is applied in the form of a protocol of care intervention or management. As such, the first white card mobilizing EBM (Evidence Based Medicine),  » The role of physician education and medical epistemology in the Covid crisis 19 — Kairos ( », highlights the ethical stakes of an epistemological* and methodological reflection on the way of constituting knowledge, on our relation to it, and on the possible uses which depend on it. On these ways of knowing and practicing depend in fact the possibility of visions of the world and of humanity. A vision that first interests the body: since, as we know, it is important to be able to distinguish the « Leib » and the « Körper ». The first one, often forgotten in medical epistemology, is the living body, the one that life animates — « leben » meaning « to live » in German -, the one in which we experience ourselves in the quality of living, existing, desiring, intimate and social being, in projection and animated by intention, subjectivity again. The second refers to the objectifiable and objectified body, the one that is measured, the one that must therefore be established first as measurable. Foucault has very well identified how, already since the 17th century, medical epistemology made the body a prisoner of the representations that the soul affixed to it, an object to be reduced in order to be measured and manipulated. But on the other hand, Foucault has also wonderfully accounted for the powers of the lived body, when for example referring to the plurality of the dancer’s bodies, he proposes that :

« The body in its materiality, in its flesh, would be like the product of its own fantasies […] the body of the dancer is dilated according to a whole space which is interior and external at the same time « .

The « Leib » is thus this lived body, the proper body, the one that is singular to me, the one in which I feel joy and pain as to myself, the one that could not be the simple subjective corollary of the objective, objectivable and objectified body, because the proper body is the original point, from which my opening to the world and, consequently, my being-in-the-world opens up and begins at first. It is what Martin Heidegger called the « there » of being, the one from which the meaning and the significance granted to life were possible. It is the body within which and from which utopia becomes possible, this utopian body that does not make the soul a prisoner of the body, but the body a potential prisoner of the reductive representations that the soul would project on it (the « medical body » on which a biopower* is exercised). Mr. Foucault reminds us, while: « The human body is the main actor of all utopias », that :

« My body […] is always elsewhere, it is linked to all the other places in the world, and to tell the truth it is elsewhere than in the world […] the body is the zero point of the world, where the paths and the spaces come to cross, the body is nowhere: it is at the heart of the world this small utopian nucleus from which I dream, I speak, I advance, I imagine […] My body has no place, but it is from it that all possible places real or utopian come out and radiate. »

The reader will find, in the succession of the white cards 4, 5, 6 and 7, a set of testimonies, poetic expressions, analyses and reflections taking « in hand » this theme. He will find in it the expression of a non-dualistic vision of the body, of an integrated, unified and global vision, of a vision concerned with finding and exploring the fields of the body’s being, and the possible songs of its being. Thus, the dimensions of emotions and their intelligence (white card 4), those of our vegetative soul (white card 5), of our spirituality (white card 7) and of our vital energy, which, in these times of covidian kairos, feels dancing (white card 6) will be explored.

It is thus, through reflective judgment and respect for the totality of our being, that the various white cards first initiated their progression from this observation, that epistemology also depends on ethics, that medical epistemology, more particularly, depends on the possibility for ways of being to be realized or, conversely, to be excluded from the start. Indeed, from one epistemology to another, the possibility of persevering as a practitioner of one’s practice, as a constitutive actor of one’s practice, and not only as a practitioner of a generalized, generalizable, standardized and standardizable practice, will depend. This individualized relationship to one’s practice must therefore be individuating: it can do so if subjectivity, the subjectivities and intersubjectivities in presence are stakeholders and constituents of the practice, and not relegated to the level of independent variables. However, the interest of the current crisis also lies in the fact that it encounters the medicalized relation to the body, as well as all the other fields of existence of humanity and society. Also it is in the measure of this globality and this complexity that the sciences today must impose themselves the interdisciplinarity and the transdisciplinarity as, not only an epistemological requirement, but also ethical, because of the possibilities that will depend on the cancellation of diverse forms of reductionism of the human being, and consequently, perhaps will open emancipating aims.

In this respect, it is good to remind the reader that such projects were born in our societies and still animate them. This is certainly a hope not to be lost sight of and it is in this line that, modestly but certainly, the white cards are part of. Thus, in a perfectly emblematic way, the « ever famous Frankfurt School (whose fame Horkheimer and Habermas participated in) supports the importance and the idea that, never only science or a science, but always the sciences must be able to associate, in order to open to humanity its social, anthropological, philosophical, psychological and cultural dimensions. It is not a question there simply of wanting a strict better knowledge of its being, but also of supporting an emancipating and autonomizing movement for this humanity in front of the whole of the contrary, dominant and opposite forces which tries to or calls to reduce it.

Manoé Reynaerts and Jean-Marie Deketele

Introduction: The Covid health crisis[note] as revealing our epistemological ambiguities 

This essay aims at a form of investigation at the heart of medical and health decision during this period of Covid 19. Our research was primarily conducted from December 2020 to May 2021. The many references that nourished us were added as we wrote. Some of them — and we are thinking in particular of electronic references — are likely to have disappeared by the time the reader gets to know our work.

We will consider how the choices made, by their somewhat obscure modalities, for the protagonists themselves but also for those who are confronted with them, build a breeding ground, like the opportunity that makes the thief, for logics of health dictatorships.

Our writing takes into consideration the deep fracture of the medical world on an epistemological level, and this, often without conscience, because reductionism has a long history. Thus, in 2021, the conflation of storming the Capitol with resistance through non-compliance with health regulations led to both situations being considered equally criminal[note] by a good number of doctors themselves, leading to a confusion in which the medical world participates amply and whose consequences we can no longer accept! It is all the more essential that the value of life is promoted, often in a closer way, by those on whom one is going to put, for their lack of measures, protocols and norms, a peremptory judgment, the one of the only determining judgment.

However, it is precisely (and without excluding the decisive judgment) of reflective judgment that we need today more than ever. This essay helps to understand, to situate oneself in relation to what is exposed, and this, in all fields. Reflective judgment and decisive judgment do not only apply to the medical field, they extend to all our actions, so to speak. This is where this writing takes on its full meaning and value by revealing what is behind what we want to be shown but also what we want to see, by going to the roots of actions, to find what presides over them and what, very often, we are not even aware of: our epistemic choices.

In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, we have written a glossary explaining some terms and their flexions in the meaning we have chosen. These words are preceded by an asterisk on their first occurrence.

This work of reflection proposes to offer a grid of reading on the types of decisions or judgments (and their underlying epistemologies) which prevail in the various contexts and their degree of emancipation compared to the emotions when these alienate rather than make the situations more intelligible (fear, guilt…).

Of course, it is a question of uncertainty and emotion, but probably, above all, of competence, capacity and professionalism.

This paper is also a critical contribution to a public health system in which the Covid crisis shows multiple flaws and deep failures inaction and in the consideration of globality. Globality of a medical decision, globality of a health system, globality of a person, soul and body. Globality of a World in which we, caregivers and physicians, wish to participate by emancipating it and not by dominating or reducing it. And this involuntarily, determined as we are by an epistemology of which we are not aware and which works by the hand, not of God, but paradoxically, of man!

Our references come from a wide range of backgrounds. We have made the deliberate choice to mix authorized voices with those that are less authorized or that engage in controversy in order to explore the subject as broadly as possible and to orchestrate polyphony around this topical theme. Thus, we will also find testimonies of future health professionals resulting from students’ group work within the framework of a teaching device for a course of social medicine[note].

By restoring, through the reflective judgment, fully its place to the patient and to the caregiver ‑Subjects of Act‑, it is to the universal of the Particular rather than to the universal of Knowledge that we attribute, first — in the sense of first (underlining the non-opposition) — the role of Reason, allowing, with Henry Joly quoted by François Roustang previously, to humbly question ourselves:

Are we mistaken about the universal?

Peter Fischli & David Weiss.

In their work, there is a close relationship between chaos and order. 

Through their diverse and protean works, the two artists question the contrasts, the fragility of the vital balance, the tight link between chaos and order while deliberately neglecting the classical borders between popular and founded art.

Reading, audiences, terminology clarifications & index

This essay presents texts in the form of white cards that were published regularly between February and May 2021.

Each of the seven white cards has a particular significance in relation to our hypothesis. Indeed, a thread links them, that of the decision relative to our epistemological or epistemic choices from which emerges progressively, and in an increasingly open way, a radical questioning — commensurate with this health crisis — on our knowledge in medicine. For it is indeed, for us, a « crisis of knowledge », and above all a crisis that questions the very mode of elaboration, of construction, of our knowledge. Thatis to say, a crisis that offers us the opportunity to question the epistemology that is at the base of our knowledge, behaviors, capacities, aptitudes, but also and especially, postures, attitudes and values.

Thus, insofar as it offers an analytical and critical perspective ‑in the sense of the Frankfurt School[note]- of the crisis of the Covid 19, this text participates in a better understanding of the determinants that drive the medical and public health sector.

In contrast to a society that seems to move forward with its head down, straight ahead without looking back, without digging, without trying to understand what drives and moves it, we have opted for a look, certainly introductory, but deep into the abyss of our behaviors or « actions. The interest of these white cards is to propose a necessary and salutary pause, but which interests perhaps only a minority, the others being in the train…or, in the action. Action that refers to the « man of action » that Nietzsche criticizes, the one who must always « do », and this, whatever the ideology at work, even if it is humanitarian like the (humanitarian) emergency to which the management of this crisis is in every way similar[note].

We also recognize, of course, a primary urgency when entering a health crisis, as well as the need to act against the liberticidal measures that are being put in place on the back of this crisis. However, whatever the outcome, only an in-depth look, such as that of psychoanalysis, will play on the repetitive occurrences.

As such, this text may be of interest to the health sector, philosophy, and the education sector in the broadest sense. However, in view of the opening of the debates through the networks and media on the decision-making stakes of this health crisis, and which fell very directly on the population, this text can answer, at least in part, many questions, ultimately very general:

What is knowledge?What is knowledge?What is science?What is a health decision?How was my doctor trained?Why do some physicians think very differently from their colleagues? Why do doctors attack each other so much?Why was the WHO definition of health not respected in the management of this crisis?Etc.

An introductory text precedes each carte blanche. Similarly, a discussion focusing on the social psychological processes at work closes this essay, opening up some issues that go beyond the health and medical crisis as such. Indeed, this step back seemed to us indispensable in order to satisfy the more global need to contextualize this societal and democratic crisis.

From the form…

I go with Nancy Huston when I[note] speaks about the singular writing of these texts. This essay — epistemological argument — because it was written without any a priori forms, allowed me to  » to find the « invisible attribute », forgotten when organizing my previous collections, and I felt like resurrecting it too. These texts are milestones on my path as an author and expatriate, as a mother and intellectual, as a dreamer and realist, as a soul and body. They will speak for you, or not, depending on whether your path follows mine, crosses it or diverges from it; some of them may be useful to you, others will leave you cold or throw you into the fire of anger, and that’s what’s needed; they are to be taken or left, taken and left, in complete freedom, as always.[note]  »

Indeed, these white cards, more formal and fussy at the beginning, will open up to the global connection* that we particularly need today. They are not in the claim but in the « autopsy[note] The project is based on a « reflective » approach to a health crisis, using philosophical tools among others, but also with the spontaneity of artistic and literary work. They are intended to be both a dialogue with the reader’s senses and a tool for reflection.


In order to guide the less experienced reader through this thought process, the figure below and its explanation, as well as the definitions and the proposed index, can accompany the reading at certain moments considered more complex. It is probably a good idea to return to these elements of guidance regularly throughout the reading of the various white cards. These are also independent of this preliminary text.

This figure is adapted from an original article[note] positions the perspective of epistemological renewal that is, globally, proposed through these texts. It is the one that is based on the recognition of the mode of elaboration of the knowledge, techniques and products of our culture, considering as much  » the hand that makes  » as  » the result that is « . This point of view — a true perspective in the Nietzschean sense of the term[note]- meets the epistemological thought of Richard Sennett developed in his book entitled « What the hand knows[note] ».

Figure 1: The Decision and Acting Appropriately in Health [note]

Specifically in this figure, we observe:

- a pole at the bottom right entitled « Determining Judgment », centered on stabilized, universal or generalizable knowledge. This knowledge or product is associated with the results of any form of research as a field of production (technique, culture, knowledge, concept, theories, standards, protocols, guidelines…). The results of the fake Lancet study (see white card 1), for example, are exclusively in this location. We specify this in order to draw attention to the scientific drifts mentioned in the white card 1 when one refers, without critical thinking, to Evidence-based-medicine or EBM. This pole may or may not be open to knowledge other than that mobilized by EBM alone, in reference to the notion of « plural sciences ».[note].

- a pole at the bottom left entitled « Reflective Judgment », centered on the lived experience or practice ‑the Living- referring to the field of professions as fields of activity (action, acts and know-how) of the professionals concerned (nurse, doctor, psychologist, osteopath and any other caregiver, but also sociologist, anthropologist, political scientist, teacher, economist, and the patient who has the experience of living with the illness.…). This pole refers to the theories of action in Education[note].

- an upper pole centered on the intentionality of human action, which makes it possible to question the meaning or value of the decision or of the action in health with regard to the other two poles. It questions the validity of the determining judgment as much as of the reflective judgment. She is perhaps there the figure of Antigone: she knows the human law, that of the determining judgment, she is also the reflecting subject of an experience and she will decide to act « with knowledge of the facts, with lucidity ».

Note that a theory of judgment can encompass both determinative judgment (a deductive process that relies on scholarly knowledge) and reflective judgment (an inductive process that relies on experience), as signified by the arrow on the figure


It is the consideration of these three poles at the same moment ‑for a time T- that allows a look, or even an ethical debate, on the decision.

By explicitlyidentifying knowledge (or even by modelling it in terms of training engineering by means of this figure in particular) on the one hand to: an « act-singular » (process — interiority: bottom left-hand pole) and, on the other hand, to an « object-in-itself » that we could call « shared object » (result — exteriority: bottom right-hand pole)[note]In the course of these white cards, we put our finger on the epistemological knot that needs to be untangled in order to retrain our actions with greater lucidity.

By this decentering (which is not separation!) of the object « Knowledge », of our action, we can already consider a radical assumption of responsibility of the relativity to give to the concept of science and proof. We can emphasize this by paradoxically using the framework proposed by Éric Chevet [note] But let us distinguish between enlightening science and active science. If there is no question of wanting to limit the first and « opt for the dreams of non-knowledge », would it not be possible, given certain risks linked to the consequences of our own practices, to want to limit the second? The problem is therefore to ask ourselves whether we should give up certain technical applications born of science, whether it is necessary to reduce this « progress fever » which is taking us away and which, however, seems incurable « . At this point, it is important to understand what we are talking about in the above excerpt and to clear up any confusion about the term  » action science « . It is a question of « science for science’s sake », which acts in order to act with a positivist, directive aim, without worrying too much about the consequences, the result. Also, by positioning, on this figure, science on the side of the object and not on the side of the action we give back the full power (and responsibility) to the hand that constructs this science (socio-constructivist perspective) and let us get out of a good-natured fetishism, recognizing at the same time science as enlightening. Indeed, would the obscurantism of modern man be a manifesto of his lack of self-confidence, camouflaged in a Cartesian, positivist epistemology, giving the illusion of full control?

The complementary hypothesis in the continuity of a Möbius knot would be that of a humanity that has trapped its own « action » in the necessity of proof, the legal one of the defense of a medical act progressively leaving the place to the only determining judgment.

For our part, following the thinking of Eric Chevet, we opt for an enlightening and non-acting science, leaving this responsibility radically to the hand of man, thus joining our definition (Folscheid[note])  »
medicine is […] neither a science nor a technique, but [bien] a personalized care practice, accompanied by science and instrumented by technical means
« . (Bold type is our own).

However and that is the main thingAs we can see in our figure, no frontier (opposition) is erected between these three poles ensuring a connection between action and knowledge or between practice and theory (loss of the usual binarization), without any form of sublimation of the latter to the detriment of the former.

The central question is to reconsider the interactions between these elements in order to redistribute power, and perhaps even the power to act.

Further upstream, we assert that only (and this is the hypothesis developed in the main article)[note] from which this figure 1 comes) a paradigmatic* (i.e. radical) epistemological break in medical training would make it possible to become aware of the techno-scientific drifts of our modernity and to slowly reverse the trend, culturally and historically. We see the epistemological but also ontological problematic in the medical world as  » indispensable stones of thought of tomorrow in the tumultuous world of today « . [note]

Indeed, the critical issue lies in the critical mass of its actors, or actants as Benasayag calls them[note]. It is primarily that of medical students, but also that of caregivers more generally, both of which are currently (and probably more than ever) formatted according to a positivist and reductive epistemology, i.e., too exclusively based on the sole determining judgment, which is moreover not, or not very open to a plural science. This, while our knowledge (and paradoxically those concerning our own actions) has never been so numerous [note]. Determining a health system by such ‘training’ participates in the decadence of our societies by widening the gap between our capacities — our developmental faculties inherent to the human species — to act, with our (transdisciplinary) knowledge.

In view of the successive losses in the different dimensions of diversity, it is urgent for the modern man wishing the Enlightenment to happen to give back their place to formal and final causes and not only to material and efficient causes[note]. Indeed, they are the ones who are at stake in the movement of life and thus in theaction, allowing (condition of possibility to) the diversity of form and reason to occur. Borrowing from Corine Pelluchon the title of her latest book[note]We can say that « enlightenment in the age of the living » is conditioned by an epistemic project.

Terminology clarifications

We have chosen to define here certain terms or concepts whose nuance it is important to understand. An asterisk on the first occurrence of a term identifies it and invites the reader to consult the glossary below.

Biopower : Term taken in the sense of the philosopher Foucault who « calls « biopower » the specific techniques of the power exerted on the individual bodies and the populations » [note]

Epistemology Epistemology is a young discipline which, for a century, as its etymology gives us the meaning, has made its object or its project the discourses (logos) on knowledge (epistèmê). Jean Piaget defined epistemology « as the study of the constitution of valid knowledge », allowing us to include in such a broad definition the three great questions that everyone encounters as soon as they wonder about the legitimacy of the knowledge they use to elaborate their cognitive and social behaviors (from the multiplication tables to the declarations of Human Rights): What is knowledge (knowledge of knowledge); how is it constituted or generated (method); how can we appreciate its value or its validity (ethics)? Note of clarification on the concept of epistemology (inspired by Jean-Louis Le Moigne’s book. Les épistémologies constructivistes. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2007).[note]

Randomized trial: A randomized trial is an experimental study in which a treatment (or intervention) is compared to another treatment, no treatment, or a placebo. Participants are randomly assigned to a group receiving the tested treatment or to a group receiving the other treatment or no treatment. Participants do not know whether they are receiving treatment or not [note].

Categorical imperative: this imperative posits an action as necessary and unconditional, regardless of the goal to be achieved. The set of categorical imperatives gives laws whatever the inclination of the subject[note].

Determining judgment: this type of judgment is at work when the medical and health decision is based on the measurement and the norm defined a priori of reality


Reflective judgment: this type of judgment is exercised when the medical and health decision is inserted into praxis as a conscious action


Ontology: science of the being as being independently of its particular determinations

ontology determines our relationship to the World, to the Whole, to the Oneness and founds our deepest or most hidden values.

Paradigm : it represents a theoretical framework, a set of ideas that form a model. The paradigm is therefore a common reference for scientists. It facilitates their communication within the scientific community[note].

Prevalence: the ratio of the number of cases of a disease to the total population, without distinction between new and old cases, at a given time or during a given period


Reliance: this is a notion that has been explained by E. Morin and that could be translated as the need to link what has been fragmented, disunited


White Cards: On the epistemic thread of this crisis of the Covid 19

WHITE CARD 1: The Role of Physician Education and Medical Epistemology in the Covid Crisis 19

Introductory text

Throughout these white cards, we propose to analyze the Covid health crisis by trying to better understand the relationship between certainty and uncertainty in the various decision-making processes. We will attempt to document some of the issues and consequences of these in this particular context. Indeed, it shows more than ever the epistemological ambiguities underlying medical, but also political and sanitary decisions, revealing some of the foundations of the dysfunctions of our health systems, reflections of our societies. As such, this is a moment to be seized. It is still necessary to be able to decode them in order to learn from them or, at least, to acquire a form of lucidity.

Such an analysis must necessarily begin, in our opinion, with a fundamental clarification, which consists in correctly positioning the very notion of EBM (Evidence-based-medicine). For the reader interested in the concept of Evidence Based Medicine, we suggest the article by Jean Jouquan and Florence Parent « Pour un examen critique du statut de la preuve en médecine[note] « . This work was published in the wake of this first carte blanche dedicated to the explicitation of EBM. It immediately makes us aware of what is at stake in this entire health crisis, that of of the risk of certainty, reminding us of an element of Descartes’ thought that we will recognize as essential (while his dualistic thought will be deeply fought): it is about critical thinking and this, for a doctor and a scientist, starts with a look at critical of the very use of EBM.


 » Most scientific studies are wrong, and they are wrong because scientists are interested in funding and their careers rather than the truth.  » Richard Smith, Editor-in-Chief, British Medical Journal, 2013.

 » It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, nor to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I have slowly and reluctantly come to in my two decades as an editor. « Marcia Angeli, Editor-in-Chief, New England Journal of Medicine, 2009

 » The medical profession is bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of medical practice, but also in terms of teaching and research. Academic institutions in this country allow themselves to be paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s a shame. « Arnold Relman, Editor-in-Chief, New England Journal of Medicine, 2002

 » Certain practices have corrupted medical research, the production of medical knowledge, the practice of medicine, drug safety, and the oversight of pharmaceutical marketing by the Food and Drug Administration. As a result, practitioners may think they are using reliable information to engage in sound medical practice while actually relying on misleading information and thus prescribing drugs that are unnecessary or harmful to patients, or more expensive than equivalent drugs. At the same time, patients and the public may believe that patient advocacy organizations are effectively representing their interests when in fact these organizations are neglecting their interests. » Institutional Corruption and the Pharmaceutical Policy, Edmond J. Saffra Center fr Ethics, Harvard University & Suffolk University, Law School Research Paper No. 13–25, 2014 (revised)

In addition…

In addition to such corruptive issues, the use of EBM must necessarily take into account the contextual dimension of the decision. It is also this capacity that is part of a critical mind. Indeed, the results of randomized controlled studies* are always situated. That is to say, directly related to the prevalence* of the phenomenon in the population studied (the Likelihood ratio, or probability test, is calculated from the prevalence in a given population of the phenomenon studied. Data are rarely available for all the highly variable situations in terms of prevalence of the same phenomenon, except (potentially) through meta-analyses which require even more research time). For the populations involved in the studies themselves, this may concern gender bias for example, and thus be a source of discrimination[note]. Or again, as it is recalled in the context of vaccine research, in particular for Covid 19, questioning the extension of a vaccine coverage with regard to the benefits/risks depending on the populations from which the efficacy was initially studied…

This is also true for the clinic, in relation to the decision-making level where one is (first line of health care or hospital referral for example), the prevalence of a phenomenon being directly dependent on the referral level in the health organization, the results of a test or of any protocolized decisions will be influenced.

Thus, like the title of the movie « Harry, a Friend Who Wants to Help You », EBM can be a ‘false friend’ if we take it as it is presented under the guise of science or in the absence of a necessary contextualization of its results. Consideration that the original EBM authors advocated for the understanding of the findings, on the other hand.

A return to figure 1 (introduction & guidance) reminds us that the data of science belong, as objects, to the determining judgment, but do not exempt the scientist and practitioner from his reflective judgment. Indeed, any data is always produced in a context that has its own issues. Thus, developing « a well-made head rather than a full head[note]« This is an ethical necessity and a social responsibility of medical schools.

As these students point out, once they are immersed in real life,  » We need to warm up this cold, statistical medical knowledge of EBM that does not speak to the mind that is not immersed in it. This is also pointed out by Sebastian Rushworth in his online analysis entitled: How well do physicians understand the likelihood[note]? the following excerpt summarizes its substance:  » Medical schools should think long and hard about the implications of this study. What it tells me is that medical education needs a massive overhaul on par with what happened a hundred years ago after the Flexner Report. We don’t send pilots into the air without making sure they have a complete understanding of the tools they are using. Yet, this is clearly what we do in medicine. »

Moreover, not only is it a question of mastering the use of EBM with its probabilistic logic, but it is also a question, as already underlined, of not making it the sole principle of decision, but rather a tool to help in the decision. This is what is underlined by this testimony of a doctor (anonymized), gleaned on the web of this covidian era:

 » Where all this seems totally crazy is that we prefer to do nothing rather than try a combination of early treatments that NEVER constitutes a loss of chance for a patient. The proven loss of opportunity is to send him home and tell him to take paracetamol and wait for his case to get worse. This is what history will judge…and perhaps Justice. This is what most frightens all those who have been campaigning against all forms of early treatment of Covid since the beginning. The situation is bound to change in favor of early treatment, not only existing but also in the future. These treatments will concern not only the antiviral aspect but the whole of this disease characterized by its inflammatory and thrombogenic syndrome which evolves independently of the viral load. (…) Gargling with empty words and over-interpreting the notion of EBM does not make science. Thank you also to those who love science for limiting their prescriptions to treatments validated by randomized double-blind studies. For your information, resuscitators (of which I am one) have successfully introduced in the treatment of serious conditions due to Covid-19: antibiotics; anticoagulants; corticoids. And this without reference to RCT (randomized controlled trials) but from their knowledge and observations… »

It is the role of these medical training institutions in this health crisis that is addressed, in an introductory way, in our first carte blanche. Between knowledge and skills, it is high time to balance the balance for those who want training to participate in professional development and stimulate what is called in ethics: professionalism.

Let’s continue with our first online carte blanche:

The role of physician training and medical epistemology in the Covid 19 crisis — Kairos (

WHITE CARD 2: Covid 19: Precautionary Principle or « Risk of Blame »?

Introductory text

The importance of context

The precautionary principle mobilized in health decisions and public health strategies must be differentiated, as we develop in this white paper, from the use of EBM on the one hand and the cost-benefit-risk criterion on the other. Moreover, its use requires an anchor: the real situation!

This requires a particular context, properly documented. As the popular saying goes, and the statistics should agree: « You can’t compare apples and pears ». India is not Belgium and the T0 time of a pandemic is not the T1, T2 or T3 time of this same pandemic situation. Hence the importance of taking into account the context (space and time) and, above all, of knowing it on a democratic and shared basis (patient-partner, community or national relationship)

« Indeed, if the containment was decided by fear of an accelerated saturation of the resuscitation services, it also aimed at protecting the elderly, the most fatally vulnerable to the virus. It was for this purpose that the nursing homes were closed, which, already contaminated and often deprived of everything — protection, screening tests, nurses, doctors — became, in many places, an incubator for the virus and a gas pedal of death; confinement proved to be the surest way for many residents to die. With the political and health spotlight on hospital emergencies, the closure of nursing homes went hand in hand with the secrecy of death; no one was able to put their nose in to find out what was going on or simply to help. The question is: to confine or to protect?

« The importance of context » also means knowing your communities, their living environments and their vulnerability factors. This is part of complex thinking, avoiding the simplistic drift offered by generalization strategies.

In the absence of attention to the context and, above all, of a real intention to consider it, we have seen an immoderate use of ad hominem arguments throughout this crisis. What is it about?

Ad hominem argumentation refers to a rhetorical argument that consists in confusing an opponent by opposing his own words or actions. Its frequent use by the media in the health crisis has put politicians, scientists, practitioners and field actors at fault, thus contributing greatly to the general confusion.

This rhetorical exercise has been deployed with regard to mask wearing, Covid treatment, vaccination, etc. It has thus led the population to expect from each of the protagonists a binary point of view, for or against (like a vote in politics), and which, above all, must remain constant over time (otherwise one would lose the esteem of the audience), as a guarantee of the good faith of its author.

However, such argumentation favored the slide towards an ad personam attack or an argumentum ad personam (unfair maneuver aiming at directly discrediting one’s opponent as a person). Moreover, carried out on such a large scale in the media, it has not allowed (or at least has strongly slowed down) the emergence of a critical, systematic reflection about the importance of a situated or contextual judgment (as much scientific, political, as health).

Each decision is anchored in a specific context that should give rise to a series of questions to judge its relevance (populations, prevalence, effectiveness, risks involved, multiple resources, alternative strategies, new data, issues, etc.). This approach is in line with a criterion (rather a ratio) to which we return in this white paper, that of cost-benefit or risk. It also converges with the reflection on the use of the precautionary principle.

Developing one’s capacity for reflective judgment also means developing the ability to turn around and change one’s point of view when the context changes (adaptive capacity) or if it has not been properly considered or if new data appear. Such a way of acting can only be done in total political transparency underpinned by a relationship of trust with the population (or with its patient in the case of the health care relationship), as has been the case at certain moments of this crisis in cultural contexts such as Sweden. This awareness can be achieved through active listening[note] other points of view, from different perspectives, which open up the context and the problematic. As such, reflective judgment requires the development of emotional skills in order to facilitate cognitive conflict, i.e. the ability to question oneself, to challenge one’s beliefs and to share one’s doubts and errors out loud. This is one of the topics we are developing in White Card 4, which focuses on the role of emotions in decision making.

By doing so, we do not put the situation into perspective, but rather our own views!

Such an attitude is essential in order to avoid the loss of efficiency and effectiveness of measures and to have responsible public health strategies, unless we consider that incompetence is maintained, or that other issues than the health of the populations guide the decisions. The following testimony, gleaned from a network, completes this introduction to our second carte blanche:

 » To base a common health care policy on the entire population makes no sense in medicine, which has always endeavored to develop a health care policy adapted to each individual or group of individuals.

Colonoscopies are not performed on the entire population in the name of generational solidarity, but on people over 50 years of age and on people with a genetic predisposition (even though colon cancer diagnoses are also made on patients who do not fall into this target population because they are statistically infrequent). Medicine, in order to set up procedures, is based on the benefit-risk-cost and on the proportionality of the measures to be taken in relation to the cause. Obviously, these notions are totally foreign to our politicians and their advisors who prefer the precautionary principle or the so-called umbrella technique.

The population at risk has been known since June, prevention should have focused only on this population by allowing them to have professional quality masks, as well as dedicated information in order to explain how to avoid dangerous situations while waiting for the vaccine which only concerns this population at risk. The others should have been able to live their lives normally. A targeted strategy based on benevolence, empathy and pedagogy is more likely to work than a strategy imposed on all, based on authoritarianism, violence, denunciation and fear. »

Let’s continue this reflection with our second online carte blanche:

Covid 19: Precautionary principle or « risk of blame »? — Kairos (

WHITE CARD 3: Globality, partnership, autonomy in health. When the emergency sweeps everything away, but reveals the essential!

Introductory text

 » Hi, I live in Spain, I had Covid in January and as always I was told to go home and wait taking ibuprofen.

After a week I had to be hospitalized and there I was given Dexamethasone. After 3 days I was feeling better and after 1 week I was able to go home a little weakened but that’s it.

Why don’t we treat the patients directly? This would prevent hospital overcrowding!

It’s incomprehensible!!!  »

This testimony gleaned from a network will remain, indeed, with others, of the order of the incomprehensible, except for a critical and lucid analysis of what is at stake, unconsciously or not, in this health crisis.

Indeed, how can we rationally understand such a lack of front-line care in relation to theories on the organization of health systems in public health? Beyond even the early treatments on which we come back in this white paper, it is a structural reinforcement of the base, with an improved ambulatory care line that we could have expected (such as the addition of oxygen saturation monitoring; the implementation of protocols including anticoagulants and corticoids…)

The following testimony, proposed as an introduction to this third carte blanche, reinforces the problems encountered by the health system when its front line is thus prevented from working properly.

When reflective judgment is prohibited

 » Yesterday I had to stop by to see a patient that I had to place in a nursing home. I adapted the treatment for my patient and, before leaving, the nurse gave me a sheet of paper to indicate whether my patient should take the « Covid vaccine » or not. […].

Only, underneath, there was only one box to fill out: a box to say, in a general way, that I agreed to the SARS-CoV‑2 vaccination of my patients. I felt like I was in a choice offered under a totalitarian regime, where there was only one way to vote. […].

It is especially this last sentence that caused discussion and concern among the nurses who had seen the message, because in this Home of Rest and Care we vaccinated people who had had the Coronavirus as much as those who had not. There is in fact very little experimental evidence to say whether or not patients who had previously had Covid-19 were at greater risk of developing side effects: what can reasonably be said is that the benefit/risk ratio is much less in favor of vaccinating these people (because they already have natural immunity), and that there is a greater risk of creating a painful state of iatrogenic inflammation in people who have recently had the disease « [note]

In these testimonies, we observe the crushing of the reflective judgment by the only determining judgment, and the exacerbation of a fetishism of the discourse, only centered on the result (the expectation of the proof of the effectiveness), allowing to deny the process actually lived by the persons (patients & sick) concerned. This attitude ignores the temporality of reality, jumping from time T0 to time T1 as in a video game where only the virtual counts; the real, the lived temporality, seems quite obsolete.

In the same way that the particular situation, the spatiality proper to the patient, that is to say his own space, in which he moves and lives, also seems to be obsolete, the hic et nunc belonging to the Subject is evanescent…and is lost under the sands.

Hence the interest in regularly returning to the reflective judgment, by confronting it with the decisive judgment, because by being based on the here and now, it has value in itself. It takes into account the immediacy of reality, it does not make it disappear, and this against all formalism and imposed rules, as long as this capacity for reflective judgment is sufficiently integrated, anchored in its practice.

The reflective judgment can be related, as Kant had envisaged it, to phronesis (in Greek) or prudencia (in Latin).

The foundations of the Primum non nocere principle of medicine according to Hippocrates are based on phronesis. The faculty of judgment in Kant’s « Critique of Practical Reason » is essentially based on reflective judgment.

No practice can escape the reflective judgment, except to radically deny its global, contextual and situated dimension. This would amount to a denial of reality.

This is what has been imposed during this Covid 19 crisis on a large number of caregivers, as we develop in this next carte blanche.

But before we get there, we recall, through these students’ words, that a structuring of our « actions » is always elaborated in a long time, that of our school, academic and institutional formatting:  » The last reflection concerns the individuality of specialists. We find it crucial in our profession to dare to ask for the opinion of our peers. It is unfortunate that some colleagues find it very difficult to seek advice from other more specialized providers on a case/pathology basis. This may be due to the fear of some practitioners of devaluing themselves in the eyes of their colleagues. General practitioners, for example, are accustomed to referring their patients to specialists for overall care and follow-up. However, it is common to see a lack of feedback from the latter. This is an impediment to the multidisciplinarity necessary in a optimal follow-up. We can imagine that, from the specialists’ point of view, as the years of work and the less close follow-up of each patient progress, the social reflexes are lost. »

Some chapters of the following books on medical training, on the one hand « Penser la formation des professionnels de la santé. Une perspective intégrative », and « Comment élaborer et analyser un référentiel de compétences en santé », address very explicitly the issues of professionalization linked to the capacity to work in a network and in interdisciplinarity:

Intergroup conflict theories for thinking about and implementing interprofessionality in health

;Developing organizational learning dynamics within health organizations

;The patient-partner perspective: a necessity for the future in health sciences education

;Organize the coherence of the pedagogical transposition with regard to project engineering (process and interactions of the actors)

Let’s look at how the Covid crisis came to meet a health system lacking in its capacity for collective intelligence, by extending our thinking with our third online carte blanche:

Globality, partnership, autonomy in health. When the emergency sweeps everything away, but reveals the essential! — Kairos (

WHITE CARD 4: Covid Crisis and Emotional Intelligence: The Missing Link

Introductory text

Anonymized testimony from a general practitioner:

 » À the final stage of the disease, that of the possibility of death, it is even more striking to note that, for patients over 70 years of age, the instructions issued by the scientific authorities (SSMG: Scientific Society of General Medicine) make it possible to coexist:

- On the one hand, the precautionary principle of not using Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin on the grounds of their presumed non-effectiveness and their possible side effects;

- On the other hand, the possibility of circumventing the law governing euthanasia, as soon as a single sign of severity appears, by means of a protocol pudimentarily called on the SSMG website: « Palliative management of respiratory distress: therapeutic protocol ». This protocol consists of the use of Morphine, Valium, Scopolamine and Primperan. Each of these molecules has the well-known side effect of depressing the nerve center of respiration.

While it may seem understandable to have recourse to this compassionate approach when a patient is at the end of life without any therapeutic possibility, it is an immense paradox to advise against a possible treatment (in use for other pathologies) because of its potential side effects while recommending rather dangerous molecules with the (unconfessed) intention of accelerating the death of patients who end up in respiratory distress without any treatment having been attempted. 

Each doctor obviously acts according to his or her own conscience, depending on the end-of-life project previously established by the elderly person or his or her family, but it seems legitimate to ask how many doctors have not perceived this paradox and have accepted the impotence recommended/imposed on them by their scientific authorities.[note] »

The risk of being literally swallowed up, consciously or unconsciously, by such prerogatives plays out on two levels. One, personal, regarding the conflict of loyalty, such as any manipulative process can embark us. The other, professional, in order to respect the commitment of the patients we care for. Only a well-made rather than a well-filled soul will avoid this double pitfall. 

This is where Montaigne’s thought:  » I prefer to forge my soul than to furnish it  » becomes inescapable…and that such forging abilities cannot be exempted from emotional skills[note]. This is all the more true given the prevalence of multiple mental health issues that the physician will be called upon to manage[note].

As well as intuition.

Such as the one that is noted through an enigmatic character, in Krzysztof Kieślowski’s 1988 film, « The Decalogue 1: One God Thou Shalt Worship. » The director shows the complexity and the sometimes paradoxical aspect of the relationship to the law, here to that of mathematics, in situations drawn from reality. Thus the fate of this child, skating on a frozen lake whose ice breaks, throwing him into the cold and deadly water while statistics and his father, a university professor, whom he admired, had predicted with certainty the absolute absence of risk. 

It is to such a reflection that this next carte blanche invites us.

And we are, moreover, enthusiastic to discover that the journal Pratiques, whose number 93 concomitant with this essay, entitled « Can we care without touching or being touched?[note]He is also involved in radio with the program « Les voies de la médecine utopique ». It is, indeed, in some respects, to a form of Utopia that we invite you from now on and in the continuation of these white cards… 

Indeed, and again, as the medical students remind us, we are talking about utopia because we are talking about profound changes that are desired. Changes that have an impact not only on the object in front of you, but on yourself:  » It would also be interesting to work on the ever-present taboo around mental health: someone suffering from stress or depression, for example, is often ashamed of it and fears being perceived as weak. The idea that you have to be crazy to consult a psychiatrist or even a psychologist is still very common. This is acommon problem, which hinders patients in their proper management and recovery. « …and this taboo is already present within the medical world itself, with the consequences that go with such a denial of reality. Let’s examine this with the Covid crisis, expanding our considerations with our fourth online white card:

Covid crisis and emotional intelligence: the missing link — Kairos (

WHITE CARD 5: Of the vegetative soul in Covid weather

Introductory text

« As Richard Horton, editor of the British medical journal The Lancet, reminds us , Covid-19 is not just an infectious pandemic. It is above all a syndromic disease, where the interactions between infectious disease, non-communicable pathologies and age are potentiated, aggravating the symptoms and the prognosis of the infection. The prevalence and severity of the Covid-19 pandemic is thus amplified by pre-existing epidemics of chronic diseases, which are themselves socially distributed. Indeed, these non-communicable diseases are distributed in the population according to a social gradient: their prevalence increases as the economic and social capital of individuals decreases. This social gradient also illustrates the notion of syndromes: economically fragile populations with multiple co-morbidities have paid the highest price for Covid-19 and its management. [note]« The article « When the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic goes without health promotion.[note] « This notion of the union being absent from the overall strategic vision of public health, when it is part of the principles of health promotion, is also emphasized.

Thus, some physicians in the field, who are used to focusing their practice on ways to preserve the health of patients as much as on ways to cure them, are approaching the arrival of this virus with thoughts aimed at prevention and health promotion. They can draw on their reflexes and knowledge rooted in their practice to try to improve patients’ abilities — or resources — to respond effectively to any disease or virus.

« The exclusively materialistic approach to life leads us insidiously to the weakening of the vital potential of all forms of life on the planet, or even their pure and simple disappearance, by the collapse of the immune systems, in humans, animals or plants.[note]

This is true for physicians who have developed a more global practice of their medicine. This is far from being an easy path, as what encourages openness to such potentialities is not favored, as attested by this (anonymous) testimony of a medical student:  » During my internship in general medicine, one of the doctors had submitted her application to become a training supervisor and it was blocked because she was training in nutrition. In the end, this was accepted on the condition that what was learned in training would not be taught to the students during the internships… « . And a trainer of emotional skills for practicum teachers added (anonymized testimony):  » Yes, I know. I’ve had plenty of other similar stories when I’ve been involved in training practicum teachers. This is absolutely true. « .

Such an observation is all the more decadent (in the sense of an indecent gap between knowledge and action) as the progress of science shows and demonstrates new knowledge about the importance of adequate nutrition, information sometimes relayed by the general public press as shown by this excerpt from a program on RTBF, the Belgian public channel, on the issue of microbiota[note] :  » The microbiota has a very broad and general role. Simply because it is closely related to our immune system, which is largely located there (70% of immune cells are at the intestinal). And of course, our immunity is our great guarantor of health. It must not be too active because otherwise it causes chronic diseases, it must be sufficiently active otherwise we get sick all the time, and it must work properly so that it does not turn against our own cells, which is an autoimmune disease. So in any case, it is important. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes or obesity, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, autoimmune diseases, depression, and even things like osteoporosis…

All diseases are in some way related to the microbiota. 

To break excessively with our own resources in favor of a chemical, physical and technical whole appears, to say the least, as a lack of anchoring to reality, to the body and to the present.

What a downstream site again!

Being intrinsically linked to the living, just like this virus we are trying to fight, we should rather try to listen to what it teaches us…

And it is perhaps precisely this role of prevention and health promotion that would be the most fundamental learning from this crisis in terms of global medicine (taking into account all the social and health dimensions of the human being and the corresponding social and health services), or even holistic medicine (integrating a deeper connection between the person and between the person and Nature), leading to a break in the paradigm* of medical education, which is too exclusively centered on the curative field. And this so that the definition of health of the WHO can, one day, be operationalized concretely… and not remain a vain speech, or, in fine, a tool of confusion.

It is to such a reflective perspective on our Covid 19 crisis that we invite you with this fifth online carte blanche:

Of the vegetative soul in Covid times — Kairos (

CARTE BLANCHE 6 : Dancing with the Covid

Introductory text

Art is knowledge, to take up here an idea of Nietzsche. Art is not something that would be added to the world as we know it by our intelligence and that would be a form of decoration of this world, an adjuvant, a way to embellish our world. It is also an experience, a knowledge of the world which implements our intuition and thus from that point of view, we have this other faculty by which we know the real, this other faculty by which we give ourselves another experience. And our whole human endeavor is to become complete humans who walk on our two legs, that is, who have the intelligent experience of the world and also the intuitive experience of reality. And there we put an end to the drama or tragedy and we become the complete humans that it is our task to make happen.

Souleymane Bachir Diagne

« There are those who want to die on a rainy dayAnd others in full sunThere are those who want to die alone in a bedQuiet in their sleep

I want to die on stageIn the spotlightYes, I want to die on stageThe open heart in full colorTo die without any painAt the last meetingI want to die on stageSinging to the end[note]  »

 » The « poetics », more than all the other knowledge, it was necessary to uproot it once for all « . This sentence taken from Nancy Huston in her book « Souls and bodies [note]This « intuitive, emotional, connecting intelligence », whose scope is reduced by the explanation of how and why, is reflected in the work.

And nevertheless it is indeed knowledge as she specifies it. In our perspective, this knowledge refers to personal resources ‑capacities, faculties, aptitudes- allowing this opening to the imaginary, to the symbolic, to narration, to creative expression. And all the more, or all the better that this last will emancipate itself from the conventions and the standards, within which the artistic environment, caught up by the academism, just like the scientific environment, can lock itself up or even reduce itself, enclosing the knot of Möbius in a loop always narrower in the direction of a becoming which impoverishes itself rather than opening itself.

Because, it is necessary to specify it, a person can have made 10 years of studies without having neither good sense, nor critical spirit, nor intellectual curiosity. It is a reminder that instruction should not be confused with intelligence. And intelligence is above all global, full, of all our resources, both cognitive and emotional.

Let’s expand our perspective by reading our following white card, which calls on our imaginative and creative capacities to better deal with the next health crisis.

Or else. By fostering the ability to observe and interact, as can be learned in some acting classes. Our rush to judge what is right and what is wrong confuses our observations. Yet few things are more important, more inspiring (and more overlooked) than observation. Knowing how to observe, and especially observe oneself, can be learned. It is even one of the highest forms of intelligence. In the same way that interacting means starting by making the three brains interact: head, heart and guts!

And, as no health certificate is necessary to cross the borders of the imagination together, let’s proceed with our new online carte blanche :

Dancing with the Covid — Kairos (

WHITE CARD 7: Spirituality, individuation and medicine: the covidian Kairos

Introductory text

« But is it the lake, is it the eye that best contemplates? The lake, the pond, the still water stops us towards its edge. He says to the will: you will not go any further; you are made to look at the distant things, from beyond! While you were running, something here was already watching. The lake is a big quiet eye. The lake takes all the light and makes it a world. Through him, the world is already contemplated, the world is represented. He too can say: the world is my representation.[note] »

It is to a radical reversal of perspective that we invite our reader throughout these texts. This last carte blanche suggests more particularly to leave the world of our only representation in order to enlarge it to a reality to which our own senses can give us access. Such an approach is all the more crucial today, as it is a question of « learning to pray in the age of technology », quoting the beautiful book by Gonçalo M. Tavares, professor of epistemology and an important figure in contemporary Portuguese literature. It is that the urgency is palpable and not only that of the operating room as seems to say this extract of the back cover of his book:

« The surgeon Lenz Buchmann is not a good man. In his world, disease is cellular anarchy, the scalpel a weapon. Compassion is a superfluous feeling. Eager for power and combat, he abandons medicine for politics. His credo: never lose control, refuse the irrational. Stay strong no matter what it takes. Fear is illegal. »

The urgency would be here to get rid of the « mirage of the certainty », quoting, in echo to the book of Tavares, that of Siri Hudsvedt

already mobilized in our white card 5.

The only possible way, a path of individuation ‑of subjectivation- always uncertain and which passes by the « to understand its action to understand what one is » allowing to give again « the lightness of the gravity to the man without gravity », as this next white card engages us there in order to avoid the impasse of Oedipus…

« The episode of the Sphinx possesses a singular depth which makes it perhaps the center, the node of the whole story. For Oedipus knows nothing about himself, neither his origin, nor even his name (Oedipus is a nickname). All men know how to answer the easiest of questions : who am I ? What is my name? Who are my parents? Oedipus, him, does not know it… But no man before him had been able to solve the enigma of the Sphinx, whose answer is precisely, man. So, where everyone knows his singularity (who I am, me), but not the concept (the man), for Oedipus, it is the opposite: absolute blindness on the singularity of his self, but unique clairvoyance on the generic concept. Way also to mean that this knowledge by concept gives nothing if the immediate knowledge of oneself is not present. »

This last text concludes our 7 white cards. Among the infinite number of meanings given to the number 7, we choose a meaning which is however charged with a certain anxiety because it indicates the passage from the known to the unknown: a cycle has been completed, what will be the next one[note]?

If each of these white cards represented, in its own way, a time of investigation, a true Chronos, in a duration necessary to understand , to commit is another time.

It is the time of Kairos!

The one to leave the only representation of the world and learn to Live.

 » The stars, we do not desire them; we can only rejoice in their splendor. »


Let’s continue this opening with our latest online carte blanche:

Spirituality, individuation and medicine: the covidian Kairos — Kairos (



Florence Parent


 » Yes, but, » — as many people still argue — « without measures, the disaster would have been even greater!  » If it is useless to want to convince, that is an intellectual challenge, it is now clear that the epistemology in which we will have built ourselves and the degree of openness to knowledge that we will have offered ourselves in life will, both, fundamentally determine our way of feeling, managing, reacting, understanding, or acting in this crisis.

Conversely, the observation — at the time of writing — of a whole year of trying to deal with uncertainty through numbers and witnessing the overall worsening of this same uncertainty could be unanimous.

The chaos is at its height, allowing, in the confusion that accompanies it, the mechanics of the Karpman triangle

of the Karpman triangle, by the immoderate use of it by the most accomplished, or skilful, « experts », media or politicians in the field.

Indeed, the first studies emerging at the beginning of 2021 have confirmed on the one hand, the psychological suffering[note],[note] as well as many other « collateral damages » on various levels[note]. On the other hand, they have established the uselessness or very low effectiveness of containment measures[note]. At the same time, letters and white cards [note] more and more open to officials, illustrating very critical opinions on governance itself have appeared in so-called « mainstream » newspapers and no longer only through alternative media[note],[note]. Faced with these observations, denial is most frequently encountered, sometimes manifesting itself paradoxically in a ‘benevolent’ or ‘listening’ attitude among the most dogmatic of these ‘experts’ or politicians who have promoted these same logics of confinement, and this in cognitive dissonance[note] the most total. In other words, they display an « air of nothing » or a direction « with the turning wind » passing from T0 to T1 without consideration of their fallen soldiers, in various forms (also psychic, economic, social…) on the battlefield. Would we be so easily « replaceable »?[note] ?

Among the soldiers who fell on this front, we note the unprecedented proximity between distant generations, that of grandparents and young people, as testified by the father of a teenage girl who committed suicide at the dawn of her 18th birthday[note]A young soldier, mouth open, head naked, And the nape of his neck bathed in the fresh blue watercress, Sleeps; he lies in the grass, under the naked sky, Pale in his green bed where the light rains.[note]

To the aforementioned cognitive dissonance, if not outright denial[note]confirmation bias and cognitive bias[note] quite common from « immature » authorities[note]In addition to the above, a number of other social psychological mechanisms have been added that are clearly more tendentious in terms of democracy (and contradictory debates) on a social and societal level. In addition to a rather infantilizing communication around a « behavior-reward » type of containment management close to a « stimulus-response » type of behaviorist logic (which we document a little more in a footnote, including the role of certain academic circles, including social psychology[note]), we have already alluded to media censorship.

However, by a kind of amplification, perhaps specific to our modernity so much mediatized, digitized and networked, a phenomenon of discrimination has invaded all the layers of the population[note]. The media-political logic of « pro-or-contrary » has allowed the most informed people, those who have tried to understand the more global stakes of the situation through complex and analytical thinking, to be systematically labelled as « conspiracy theorists » or other stigmatized terms[note].

 » There is the stigma of infamy, such as the fleur de lys engraved with red iron on the shoulder of the galley slaves. There are the sacred stigmata that strike the mystics. There is the stigma of illness or accident. There is the stigma of alcoholism and the stigma of drug use. There is the skin of the Black, the star of the Jew, the ways of the homosexual. Finally, there is the activist’s police record and, more generally, what you know about someone who has done or been something, and « these people, you know.… « .

What does all this have in common? To mark a difference and assign a place (…).

 » With a 50-year career as a biologist and virologist, Bernard Rentier, now retired, scans the Covid-19 figures and scrutinizes scientific articles. The former rector of the University of Liege says he is tired of hearing the anxiety-inducing speeches of some health experts. Hurt by being called a « reassurer » and even a « merchant of denial » during the second wave, the septuagenarian maintains that another approach to the epidemic is possible « [note].

The « social harm » process.

« According to sociologist and professor at Rennes 2, Stéphane Héas, co-author of the book « Les porteurs de stigmates », « this phenomenon constitutes an element of the process called ‘social prejudice’ that leads to violence to people ‑up to and including murder, intimidation, insults. »

The process has been known for decades, he assures us, whether « in history, in sociology, in psychology ». And it is cumulative. « People who undergo this process will often be burdened with other reproaches, more or less logical, sometimes completely irrational, but with very concrete effects of exclusion and avoidance. These people may then be considered as not very careful, or even ‘dirty’ because they are in contact with people who are supposedly dirty or infected. Therefore, to be avoided, or even for the most violent cases to be removed or destroyed[note]. » « .

In the face of the vaccine propaganda

In the face of the vaccine propaganda that is in full swing at the time of writing, the very heart of the intervention troops, i.e. the « medical profession », is very particularly subject to the mechanisms of social psychology, notably through the normative authority represented by the Order of Physicians.

 » (…) It is clear that a strong physician recommendation is the only way to contribute to adequate prevention, protection and promotion of health, as prescribed in Article 5 of the Code of Medical Ethics (CDM 2018). The College of Physicians will ensure that physicians fulfill their ethical duty by taking a pioneering role through the recommendation and promotion of vaccination. »[note]

The guilt mechanism, easily anchored in our Judeo-Christian past and which is also reflected in our epistemological choices (cf. white cards on this subject), is at work with a potential for reinforcement in the exclusion of some to the benefit of others, the logic of groups (identity and belonging or « the herd instinct » as Nietzsche would say!) and the zizanie that can operate according to the often known relationships between medical peers on the question of vaccination. The latter is emblematic of a certain relationship to the world (the most anchored convictions because they determine our ontological choices, in proximity with the spiritual dimension of our beings) and participates in deep values and, therefore, emotions. Such a radical imposition was made in the absence of an open debate on the issue of preventive, protective and promotional medicine as we have outlined throughout this essay.

Why play with emotions downstream rather than having developed emotional, relational and ethical skills upstream, which are conducive to debate and controversy in the medical and health world? And why radicalize the option of vaccination alone when a fundamental debate on the multiple and critical stakes of vaccination has never taken place in our medical studies, that it emerges perhaps in a salutary way (but also too late) with this crisis…

We thus see the emergence or reinforcement of the most deleterious mechanisms of social psychology, reminiscent, in some respects, of the worst hours of history[note] …Because it is a question of understanding, with the help of the fields of social psychology[note]. If Arendt developed her theory of the « banality of evil » during the Eichmann trial[note]A hypothesis remains. It is that of having missed the final explanation, that of « doing good by doing evil », having left the trial too soon, while Eichmann affirmed his action not by reason of authority but because he was doing Good[note]In opposition to a group that does good,building a group that does evilWhether it is represented by armed terrorists entering the Bataclan, or people discussing the risk-benefit of Covid vaccination, the outcome is the same: these representatives will be connoted as « anti-vax-anti-modern-anti-society-anti-well … » extremists, or anti-5G, but also associated with one political extreme or another. This is the risk of totalitarianism in the face of the instrument of social binarization[note].

How did we get here



The current binarization of society, inherited from the epistemological foundations that built us, is based, more than ever, on sterile oppositions. In this respect, it is not in vain to say that the health crisis becomes one of the major contemporary levers of this duality, setting up a form of binarization that it globalizes. The latter engulfs, or makes others dissipate. It is that of a constant need for reassurance through figures in order to manage the uncertainty of reality. The duality of « security-formal-order-institution » versus  » insecurity-informal-disorder » is confirmed in the relationship to rules, protocols, norms and measures that is splitting up all our spaces of encounter and construction of the Self through the Other[note].

This mechanism of binarization, or opposition, obviously does not favor the much-needed dialogue, which, like it or not, is the only way out. This is what this testimony tells us, gleaned among many others on the web; this one having the merit of its lucidity…


 » Let’s go beyond smoke and mirrors to find a way out!

This week, a young girl committed suicide. Her father describes his daughter’s distress, his own distress at not having been able to help her. This week, young people have dared to speak out and ask for access to life.

In the media and on social networks, the positions are polarized because they all start from the assumption that one should choose between preserving the lives of the young or the old.

And that’s the real smoke and mirrors: while we allow ourselves to be pitted against each other, we don’t stand up for the ideas that would benefit the most people. »

Establishment of a dogma allowing dual thinking

Dogma of a deadly pandemic where the only possible narrative is that of the health authorities and dogma of The solution which is that of vaccination.

In this interview

of which we propose an extract below, we clearly perceive the presence of a dogmatic thought and we detect how democracy is reduced to such a logic: to chatter!

Indeed, to the question  » what role do social networks play in this crisis? « , this social psychologist and university professor answers:  » The main role they play is to allow people who are similar to each other to find each other, to create a link, to develop a collective identity and a vision of the world. That’s pretty positive. On the other hand, some world views are not always very conducive to fighting a pandemic. Often this vision will be built in opposition to the authorities’ discourse. This polarizes society and sometimes makes democratic debate difficult. »

The use that is made by some doctors in the press[note] of the concept of discrimination is another manifestation of this religious, dogmatic logic at work. Thus, for some of them, the accessibility of the vaccine to all is sufficient to make it non-discriminatory. However, the choice of people not to be vaccinated allows them to be discriminated against at the entrance to festive events, for example. To put it another way and quoting Caroline Vandermeeren, writing on a social network about this same article:  » In short, his understanding of the principle of discrimination: if one has had the choice to refuse a vaccine that is not compulsory, one has the right to discriminate against access to events on the basis of the choice of the people… It’s funny, because it seemed to me that in the principle — for example — of non-discrimination on the basis of religious choice, precisely the principle consists of not discriminating against people in relation to a choice that is left free and that — therefore — cannot lead to discrimination in fact. »

This dogma concerning the vaccine is also well known and criticized by certain doctors who have ventured into a form of public « revelation », an exercise that is similar to social violence in terms of confrontation with the norm. As a testimonial, the one made by a resuscitation physician, gleaned in May 2021 from a network: » It is important to know that most physicians are spiritual sons of Pasteur, Koch and Jenner, by culture and training, me first. For some this goes as far as making « THE » vaccination an ideology based on almost uncreated revealed truths and not a means among others to fight against infectious diseases … with suras that are recited without having the slightest permission to discuss them and even less to criticize them. For them it is a sin not to take the whole vaccine pack, it is a kind of apostasy. The Ordre des Médecins is the guardian of this vaccine faith that even a world-renowned virologist cannot be allowed to question, even if only occasionally. (See Raoult’s book on Vaccinations)[note]. NO vaccination can be criticized insofar as vaccination is a revealed and uncreated truth… A kind of Koran. It is as useless to try to criticize ONE vaccination to a « provax » as it is to bring a proof of utility of ONE vaccination to an « antivax »..

This is a psychiatric phenomenon that is known and studied in connection with sectarian movements.

Like the belief in THE mask and the blind confinements and other grotesque curfews, vaccination has long since left the field of science.

There is no evidence to dampen the fervor of believers. »

It is not surprising that, starting from the medical discourse, a line of demarcation is deeply established in society, reinforcing in a masterly way in this crisis the simplistic logic of the organization in two rival groups, those of the pro and those of the against… like a soccer match for which it is always a question of taking sides if one wants to favour a hot atmosphere… or the zizanie in a way!

This duality, contrary to Morin’s « complex thought », removes from our view the perfect but nevertheless paradoxical meeting of the Cartesian, positivist, and here scientistic logic, which prevails in the medical field, and the neoliberal, technical, and cold logic of numbers, based on the sole logic of the market and of profit. This conjunction is the open door to all the corrupt drifts in a form of global alienation.

Many of the protagonists of these two worlds meet through what we would call « a paradoxical reversal of empathic necessity ». Namely, in some countries (are they the most Cartesian countries?), a mechanism of guilt, playing on the feeling of empathy, of populations, groups of actors and individuals, is observed. However, we would expect the opposite, as the reflective judgment built from a comprehensive logic reminds us. This is true both in terms of care and health policy. The whole understood in a democratic partnership approach, that is to say based on a collective intelligence, inclusive, also allying the patient, in coherence with the most beautiful speeches on health, since the definition of this one given by the WHO, to the Charter in promotion of health of Ottawa[note].

Discourses widely conveyed by all schools and institutions of public health in our countries, but not operationalized in the concrete of medical training and therefore not integrated into the practice — praxis — of caregivers, as we have demonstrated throughout these white cards.

However, and in contradiction with such a democratic perspective, our humanity, constitutively vulnerable, as defined above, is currently deprived of its power to act. The latter is restrained by the domination of the other, by the authority represented by governments and experts. To the figure of injury (illness and « collateral » damage) and dependence (technical, technological, economic and pharmaceutical), is added that of self-impropriation (dominance), in reference to the three figures of vulnerability developed by the philosopher, Estelle Ferrarese[note].

There would be here a form of plot without actors, where, even armed, we would not know whom to shoot. The Russian doll is renewed endlessly, while our souls are in perdition and our bodies in pain. Philosophers argue that the political system that is being set up in many countries as a result of the health crisis is a « digital totalitarianism », while the pundits of the World Economic Forum in Davos speak of a « Great Reset ».

Some, like the lawyer Régis de Castelnau, maintain that if, on the one hand, our governments[note] did not come to power through tyranny and that, on the other hand, the concept of totalitarianism popularized by the philosopher Hannah Arendt[note] cannot be applied to the functioning of these same political organizations, on the other hand the term dictatorship could in a certain way be invoked. In fact, according to this same lawyer, the way in which power is exercised poses serious problems. To speak of a form of dictatorship is not completely absurd.

Some people invoke, in front of the progressive control of our bodies, rather than the notion of dictatorship which should remain a temporary measure, a plutocracy responsible for a totalitarian drift. History will help stabilize the discourse on what we are experiencing…

Still others go radically further. A witness to the Holocaust and a survivor of the Nazi regime, Vera Sherav warns us of the dangers of what we are experiencing now with the waves of totalitarian tyranny, medical, political, economic and social absurdity that have descended on people around the world.

 » What distinguishes the Holocaust from all other mass genocides is the central role played by the medical system. The entire system at each stage of the killing process has been approved by academic and professional medicine. Prestigious doctors, institutions and medical societies have helped legitimize the mass murder of civilians[note].  »

Such a statement is in line with Sylvie Simon, when in 2009, in her book entitled « Vaccines, lies and propaganda[note] « she warned us:  » According to Plato, Socrates was sentenced to death because he did not believe in the gods recognized by the state. Later, the Inquisition burned anything that went beyond its understanding or could jeopardize the hegemony of the Catholic Church, which taught us to accept dogmas without trying to understand them. Today, as George Bernard Shaw once said, « We have not lost faith, we have merely transferred it to the medical professions. Faith in this new religion has now become a veritable fanaticism and the gods have been replaced by mandarins and experts. We no longer think, we « believe ».[note].  »

In any case, the surprise is great for us Westerners, but it is undoubtedly in line with the idea of an « evil of banality » as developed by Ece Temelkuran, who urges us to always remain vigilant to avoid falling out of democracy[note]. A form of acceptance of these liberticidal measures, and even more so of their scientific incongruities as we have developed throughout this essay, is cause for concern.

Between interiority and exteriority: a middle way to be drawn…

While we do not advocate any kind of backward step, we do seek through these white cards to initiate a debate within the medical world and more particularly at the level of its training institutions. This, in order to know which path we want to favor between two extremes, summarized (in a caricatured way) as follows: on the one hand, Klaus Schwab’s Great reset, connected objects, 5G, transhumanism, the headlong rush towards a future where we would progressively lose our humanity. We would then be at the service of an all-powerful technocracy where control and security would be the leitmotivs. On the other hand, a humanity in proximity with a philosophy of Life and Living such as the one deployed today with, as an example, the perspective of permaculture, or the one defended by Corine Pelluchon, in proximity with animal philosophy and animal ethics in order to complete the project of the Enlightenment developed in her last book « Enlightenment in the age of the Living ».[note].

Where are our Western societies headed? As an additional argument, the only sectarian aberrations denounced by « the interministerial mission of vigilance and combat against sectarian aberrations » are[note] concern the alternatives, as much of health as of education (anthroposophy for example), favorable to the emergence of the particular (singularization; individuation; emancipation). The scientistic drift, based on a positivism and a reductive, but universal materialism, does not participate of the tendentious imagination.

We could still believe exaggerated the transhumanist horizon, even post humanist, but with this crisis that hits us full force, the reality of a form of more or less conscious puzzle has taken shape and the dangers of drifts have become totally credible.

And we, doctors and caregivers, are in trouble because technocracy has decided to use the most beautiful art of all, that of healing, as a Trojan horse to accomplish its goal. What Foucault would have called: biopower.

This makes us even more responsible being in the field of care and, therefore, aware of a clear drift at the medical level.

On an epistemic and ethical level, with regard to the social responsibility of medical schools in this crisis, the shift to reflective judgment is the categorical imperative! Moreover, this is the only way out of a « pedagogy of the crucifixion » and the way of the cross that it imposes…

Bruno Edan, Crucified, 1981, reproduced with permission of the publisher, Delphine Durand. Bruno Edan, the urgency to paint (Photographs by Pierre-Marie Villereal). 2020: p. 59

At dawn…

Our conclusion will be like a dawn.

If our investigation on the field of medicine has led us to question the subsoil of human mechanisms at the basis of medical and sanitary decisions, through the epistemological choices that our societies make, in the techno-scientific habitus that freezes them in place, a wider world nevertheless exists.

On the condition of an awakening that the perspective of the robot can only offer us in mechanical form
…of a morning awakening.

Because lost we are and so let’s give the floor to Jacques Bouveresse, whose editorial note of his book « The modern myth of progress » is[note] presents a form of synthesis to this analysis of the Covid crisis and to this plea for a renewal of the epistemology of medical studies.

 » Among other remarkable aspects of this analysis of the « modern myth of progress » is the fact that most of the authors on whom Jacques Bouveresse relies have seen « the fanaticism of progress » as « the characteristic feature of our time » — even though their time seems to us, by comparison, to be quite spared. Without mentioning the authors of the 19th century mentioned in the introduction, neither Karl Kraus (1874–1936), nor Robert Musil (1880–1942), nor Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951) have known the glorious destiny of the work of the British mathematician Alan Turing (1912–1954), the originator of the computer. It would therefore not be necessary to have benefited from the promises of the Internet and the nuclear industry, nor to expect in the benefits of biotechnologies but only to have attended the beginnings of the industrialization of the scientific research to see that the religion of the progress, which replaced all the others, including like « opium of the people », does not hide any more only a report of political, social and economic domination but truncated the survival of humanity against the improvement without limit of the material conditions of life of some.

One may wonder whether the possibility of going further back in time to find the wrong fork in the road of knowledge accumulation is more reassuring or, on the contrary, more worrying. For the American historian Lewis Mumford, the danger that threatens us « does not come from scientific discoveries, nor from particular electronic inventions. The constraints to which man is subjected and which dominate contemporary authoritarian technology go back to a time before the invention of the wheel.

But once the disease of progress has been diagnosed and the myths of reason have been disemboweled, Jacques Bouveresse specifies, we still have to avoid re-establishing, « in one form or another, an ancient authority », of the kind whose « assertions do not need proofs nor commandments of justifications »: for then we would have replaced « the progress recognized as more or less mythical by a very real regression ».. »

For our imaginations need myths and rites, those that allow for connections that our ancestral and reptilian dominance and submission do not seem to have integrated yet. The challenge remains in our ability to « reflect » to the depths of our intentionalities…

About intentionality…

Is it romantic to think of rites as the fox of the little prince (carte blanche 6) when we know that they also participate in the construction of group identity, and, potentially, in a logic of violence such as that developed by René Girard[note] or recalled by Erwin Goffman in this same carte blanche 6 [note] And this, in proximity with the violence analyzed in the field of research in social psychology (theories of intergroup relations), conducive to the construction of rivalry, conflict and war.

However, not having rites anymore is also problematic as we object, with Edgar Morin, in our carte blanche 6 focused on the ability to develop our imagination and emotional skills.

Thus, from this short argument around this notion of « rite » (rites to develop our imaginative capacity and to open up or rites to reinforce our group identity and conformism, etc.), what we want to raise, or what matters above all, is the need to develop a awareness of our actions. That is to say, the ability to analyze — to understand — what determines our action, even unconsciously (influence of our environment), what guides it and for what purpose our action is mobilized. This is what we would call intention. We will not enter, here, in the theories and researches in philosophy around the concept of intentionality so much the field is vast, however it is well there that a way of emancipation is found…

… The « Dreamtime ». The mythical moment of the creation of the world by the ancients.

In Australia, in the context of a revival of Aboriginal identity, in the Papunya Tula community, elders have translated their cultural practices and symbolic knowledge into paintings. These works reflect a new field of dialogue from Gaia our common earth[note].

The Toraja

is a people who live in a mountainous region of the island of Sulawesi, it is predominantly Christian, and it has a very particular funeral rite: the burial of the deceased occurs only long after death.

For this indigenous people, death is not perceived as an end, but as a state of prolonged sleep. The cadavers are mummified with a solution based on water and formaldehyde which stops the putrefaction process. 

This particular ritual allows people to cohabit for some time, weeks or even months, with the deceased, as if they were still alive. During this period, he symbolically receives prayers and food four times a day. He is dressed, his hair is done, and his family is having conversations with him as if he were still alive.

The love they have for their ancestors is such that they find it normal to share their existence with the remains of their loved ones. The dead do not frighten them. Sometimes, some families organize a kind of « second funeral ». Called « ma’nene », the ceremony consists of removing the deceased from his tomb to clean his body and put on new clothes.

This essay was written in memory of our ancestors, for us, Westerners, who no longer know.

And the man of tomorrow, on a path lost for humanity, in a too exclusively externalized balance, clinging to the only determining judgment, dropping more and more his capacity to reflective judgment, seems to delegate all his fears rather than to appropriate them. Here is the drift of the « theoretical man », as Nietzsche might call him.

For as Clément Rosset reminds us in this extract from an interview with Alexandre Lacroix


CR: « Every life is going to end and there are no exceptions to this rule. We are faced with the most undesirable reality. I think that the finitude of the human condition, the intolerable prospect of aging and death are enough to explain the so constant, so widespread obstinacy of men to turn away from reality.

AL: Is there a connection between this denial of the real, because of death anxiety, and Freudian repression?

CR: No, I don’t think so. Sigmund Freud is interested in the mechanisms of repression in neurotic individuals, whereas the elimination of the real by what I call in my philosophy the double is the procedure used by normal people. And normal people are much harder to cure than sick people, believe me! « .

Notes and bibliography

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A look back at the floods of July 2021

On July 14, incessant rains were beating down on Belgium, particularly affecting the Liège region. Kairos went to the site to meet with disaster victims who have long since stopped waiting for the State’s benevolence. Since the beginning, citizens have come from all over Belgium to help them, including many Flemings.

However, these rains and the risk of serious flooding had been announced 4 days in advance by international organizations, and repeated several times. Belgian officials did not care. Today, the same people who did not make the decisions that needed to be made will tell us that they have nothing to reproach themselves for. They will pretend to set up commissions of inquiry that will investigate nothing and lead nowhere.

Olivier Maroy, the one who called Kairos a rag in the parliamentary commission, will perhaps decide to go and get a few hundred million euros from the Belgians mentioned in the Pandora papers, to distribute them to those who have nothing left?

After these floods, the dead will not come back, the poor will be poorer, and the real estate agents and other businessmen are waiting for the right moment.

Meanwhile, the crooked politicians remain in place. And the journalists remain silent. As usual.

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Codeco’s stories n°1

April 15, 2020 Press Conference

582 days since the press conference of April 15, 2020, where we introduced in the room  » a politically biased question « , which  » is not the habit of journalists « , says Sophie Wilmès. The habit of journalists is to ask the questions that politicians expect and to comment on their decisions, rather than to seek the truth. The mass media do not play the role of a fourth estate, but rather manufacture consent. Not being adept at such collusion, the political power will close the doors of press conferences for more than eight months. We were not counting on our determination…

Every two days, Kairos will publish the 17 press conferences we attended. More than 20 unanswered questions. In front of them, no doubts, no questioning, no desire to understand, but a fixed, rigid end that justifies all their means. Imagine for a moment if all these issues had been debated democratically. Do you think we would be there today?

Thanks to Roland De Wind for the drawing
‑Alexandre Penasse: Hello, Alexandre Penasse for You often thank the Belgians for their participation and obedience, their civility. You also talk about the fact that there will be a before and after Covid-19. So I really wonder if there will be an after covid-19? And I’m going to be a bit disturbing, I’m going to talk about the fact that Mr. Philippe De Backer worked from 2009 to 2011 at Vesalius Biocapital, and you make him responsible for the task force in charge of the research of essential materials to fight the coronavirus. So Vesalius is an investment fund specialized in healthcare in Luxembourg. You should also know that in his media cabinet, as Minister of Media, there was Luc Windmolders who works for KPN and who is involved in imposing 5G on us, so I do not see many precautionary principles in your government. Then we can also talk about Bart Vermeulen, responsible for pharmaceutical policy in Maggie De Block’s cabinet…

-Sophie Wilmes: Sir, I don’t intend to interrupt you, but if you intend to give the CVs of all the people who work and who, like everyone else, are entitled to a little privacy… I encourage you to finish your question and I will answer it.

-AP: He was head of economics at, and let’s also talk about Marc Van Ranst who was on the « Influenza » committee in 2009 and who was paid by the multinational GSK. So my question is, in relation to the decisions you are making now, what democratic legitimacy is there to make these kinds of decisions when most of the members who decide and think are part of the multinationals and finance? I don’t really see the difference between before and after Covid… Maybe there will be a lot more 5G, maybe there will be a lot more surveillance and a lot of money for the multinationals. I believe that 10 million Belgians would like to have an answer to this question and that the question to ask is not how your press services managed to get a journalist in who asks real questions, but why these questions are not debated democratically?

-SW: Perhaps an introductory answer: you have just introduced in this newsroom the politically biased question, which in general, is not the habit of journalists. Either. I would still remind you that people are free to work, people are free to change careers, people are free to decide to commit themselves to the common good, no matter what they have done before, and I can guarantee you that it is not the company you work for that defines the man or woman you are. In any case, it is the fundamental freedom in which we still believe in this country, fortunately. I will remind you, therefore, to get out of the controversy, the decision-making process in which we are involved, namely groups of experts who, because of their knowledge, because of their experience, because of their willingness to dedicate themselves, outside their working hours, without compensation, again for the common good. They work day and night to provide us with advice. Behind this, the political decision is what it is, that is to say, it is up to the politician. It is the politician who makes these decisions, and behind the politician or before the politician, there are elections, and then there are also votes of confidence in Parliament. There is also a willingness on the part of this federal government to broaden membership, since, while it is not obliged to do so, it makes these decisions in agreement with the federated entities on matters that are fundamental to the health, and I will go beyond that, the lives of our citizens.

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Codeco Stories

Almost 600 days since our first press conference, many questions, no answer in the form of a dialogue, no questioning or doubts from the power in front. Memory of those hours spent showing you that they work for something other than the common good, while they cut off the microphone, started the end credits in the middle of a question, prevented us from entering the conference for more than eight months… state censorship. Imagine for a moment, if all these questions had been debated democratically…

CODECO N°1 15 APRIL 2020 

-Alexandre Penasse: You often thank the Belgians for their participation and their obedience, their civility. You also talk about a before and after Covid-19. So I really wonder if there will be an after covid19? And I’m going to be a bit disturbing, I’m going to tell you about Mr. Philippe De Backer who worked from 2009 to 2011 at Vesalius Biocapital, and you choose him as head of the task force in charge of the research of essential materials to fight against the coronavirus. Vesalius is an investment fund specialized in healthcare in Luxembourg. It should be noted that in his media cabinet, there was Luc Windmolders, Minister of Media, who works for KPN and is involved in imposing 5G on us. So I don’t see a lot of precautionary principles in your government. We can also talk about Bart Vermeulen, responsible for pharmaceutical policy in Maggie De Block’s cabinet… He was head of economics at Let’s also talk about Marc Van Ranst who was on the Influenza Committee in 2009 and who was paid by the multinational GSK. So my question is, in relation to the decisions you are making now, what democratic legitimacy is there to make these kinds of decisions when most of the members who decide and think are part of the multinationals and finance? (…) 

-Sophie Wilmès : You have just introduced in this press room the politically biased question, which in general, is not the habit of journalists. Either. I would still like to remind youthat people are free to work, to change careers, to decide to commit themselves to the common good, no matter what they have done before, and I can guarantee you that it is not the company you work for that defines the man or woman you are. In any case, this is the fundamental freedom in which we still believe in this country. I would like to remind you, in order to get out of the controversy, of the decision-making process in which we are involved, i.e. groups of experts who, because of their knowledge, their experience, and their willingness to devote themselves, outside of their working hours, without compensation, to the common good. They work day and night to provide us with advice. Behind this, the political decision is what it is, i.e. it is up to the politician. It is the politician who makes these decisions, and behind or before the politician, there are elections, and then there are also votes of confidence in Parliament. There is also a willingness on the part of this federal government to broaden membership, since, while it is not obliged to do so, it makes these decisions in agreement with the federated entities on matters fundamental to the health and lives of our citizens. 


-Alexandre Penasse: Tens of thousands of unemployed, a massive increase in suicides, exacerbated family violence, people put on the street, massive school dropout, divorces, alcoholism, social violence, increase in psychiatric cases, loss of reference especially among young people totally unable to project themselves into the future, students in higher education riveted in front of screens all day, in depression, impoverished by the absence of a job In order to assess the cost-benefit ratio of policy measures taken against Covid: when will we account for the social, economic and health consequences of these measures? Don’t you think that the supposedly beneficial effects of your measures are counterbalanced by their negative consequences? 

-Alexander De Croo: Sir, do you know how many people have lost their lives because of Covid? Do you know what the medical cost is of people who should have been entitled to care who were not? I think you are underestimating or I think you are in denial, but we see that the societal impact of this crisis on the medical side is enormous and I think that the measures we are taking are measures that are completely justified. 


-Alexandre Penasse: There are many people who have questioned the vaccination scheme, which seems unavoidable, but you never answer these questions. The debate seems to be completely closed in Belgium. Isn’t this Covid crisis managed in a totally undemocratic way like many other things that should concern us all? Is the vaccine the only solution? 

-Alexander De Croo : Yes, we let ourselves be advised by scientists, and so far I haven’t seen a serious scientist who explains to me that there is another solution 

AP: I’ve seen a lot of that as a journalist. 

ADC: You … you see other than me, but all the serious scientists tell me that the only solution is the vaccine and we would start vaccinating at the end of the year. 

-AP: Can we discuss this democratically, Mr. De Croo? People certainly understand that you want to save lives, but they don’t understand why you haven’t done it before. You are now talking about a third wave, at the third we will talk about the fourth perhaps. What have you done since March to try to stem this? Especially for public hospitals. 

-ADC: We have refinanced hospitals to the tune of at least 4 billion. Measures were taken that were very severe, and in a period of 8 weeks, we went from the worst student to today. There are few countries that do better than us, but if you think there is a magic solution to manage this crisis, show it to me! And show me a country that today has found a magic solution except for countries that are extremely far away like New Zealand, but that geographically is a bit different. 

-AP: I didn’t say there was a magic solution. I asked you a question last time, the live feed was cut off, where I asked you about the collateral effects of the measures that are being taken with people dying, suicides etc. 

-ADC: As always, if you want to send messages, run for office, you are a candidate, you are elected to parliament, you have a message. A press conference is for asking questions, not for making political statements. 

CODECO N°4 JANUARY 22, 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: What are your real criteria for what is essential or not in the sense that the New Year’s reception of the Open VLD was essential in view of the flagrant offence and the principle of equality of Belgians before the law1 ? Can you confirm that the organizer and the guests were fined like the others? 

-Alexander De Croo : Just like here, events I participate in, I always ask if the rules are respected, and they were. 


-AP: I kind of put myself in the shoes of bartenders, restaurant owners, hairdressers, […] to get back to this point of essentials and non-essentials. How do you justify the fact that buses and supermarkets are full, while theaters, cinemas and restaurants are empty, that sports professionals can continue to play, while children, and we know that this is essential for immunity, can no longer play sports? 

-ADC: There are certain activities that we want to maintain, like schools. I don’t think there’s much doubt that we want to keep schools open. Public transport is necessary to be able to move around and I think it’s a good thing that stores are open, but it’s under conditions of rules that are very strict. I can see that the merchants are doing everything to apply them. 


-Alexandre Penasse: How do you justify the fact that citizens no longer have the right to demonstrate freely? Do you find it normal that police deployments like those of January 31 [manifestation] are systematic? The right to demonstrate is enshrined in the constitution, but people are afraid of being fined, beaten up or arrested and therefore do not demonstrate anymore or are afraid to go and demonstrate. What do you think? 

-Alexander De Croo: There is a right to demonstrate. To demonstrate in a static way with a maximum of one hundred people, but it is up to the cities to decide if they think it is allowed to demonstrate or not. For example, in the town where I live, an authorization was given to hold a demonstration, there were twelve people, but there was an authorization to do so. 

-AP: Are the Prime Minister and his government aware that one of the biggest studies has just come out from a leading epidemiologist at Stanford University? He compared different countries and showed that there is no significant benefit of the most coercive social measures on the spread of 

So SARS-cov‑2, is the government taking these studies into account? Are they going to adapt their measures when we know that the closing of hairdressers, restaurants and bars, the confinement and the curfew have no proof of effectiveness (muted), are you going to take that into account for restaurants or bars? 

-ADC: No. I saw a summary of a study that clearly shows that containment measures are the only measures that have been proven in all countries to have an effect. You cite a study that I have not seen, but there is a summary that shows that containment measures are the measures that are most effective. You see it everywhere. The countries that have a surge, Portugal, Ireland, UK, why did it happen? Because at some point, they let go and the effect was almost immediate. 


-Alexandre Penasse: All the political measures are based on figures that come from PCR tests, which Mr. Van Laethem said that the amplification cycle was much too high, in « Ceci n’est pas un complot ». Are you going to take into account the opinions of other scientists, other studies that say that we must take much lower amplification cycles and that we will no longer confuse positive cases with Covid patients? Because in terms of cost-benefit, it’s a bit catastrophic. 

-Alexander De Croo : You can doubt many things, and many facts. But if you read the newspapers, you’ll see that one thing you see a lot more of, is partings. You can doubt many things, but this is a reality that cannot be denied. 

CODECO N°7 MARCH 5, 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: Sometimes I feel like I’m on the board of directors of Astrazeneca or Pfizer. I understand that you fear for the population, but vaccination is not mandatory and yet I see in the press release you just gave to journalists that your April plan, outdoor plan and plan of massive investments in rapid tests, is conditional on the progress of the vaccination campaign. My question is: if some people, it’s their choice, refuse to be vaccinated, are these plans and therefore this resumption of a normal life going to be conditioned to the vaccination? If people don’t vaccinate, what do we do, is it a right, is it a choice? 

-Alexander De Croo : It is a right, but fortunately we see that many people are vaccinating themselves, it is a good thing. And as Mr. Jeholet said earlier, vaccination is a personal choice, but it is also a collective responsibility. If at some point we want all of us, and certainly our younger population, to be able to have the freedom they hope to have again, there is a direct link to vaccination. I’ll give you an example: in the centers, in the nursing homes, we have seen that hospitalizations have dropped by almost 80% thanks to the fact that people are vaccinated. Vaccination works and fortunately a very large part of the Belgians who receive an invitation accept and get vaccinated. 

-AP: You were talking last time about the fact that your policy measures were based on obituaries and announcements since there were more deaths. Sciensano’s March 3, 2021 bulletin indicates that deaths are only decreasing so they indicate minus 29%. I was wondering where you were going to get your figures if we don’t have the same ones, and in general, would you be ready, after a year of Covid situation, to put on the government website what scientific studies you are basing yourselves on because I repeat: we journalists have others, and we hear other points of view that don’t pass… 

-ADC: First of all, the fact that deaths are decreasing shows that the measures are working. And thankfully the deaths are decreasing because there were times when there were hundreds a day. It was people, friends, brothers, sisters that people had to leave. The scientific basis, the Sciensano reports are public, are available on the different websites, and you can use them, scrutinize and criticize if you want. 

CODECO N°8 19 MARCH 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: Who do you represent, Mr. De Croo? ‑Alexander De Croo: [hésitations]. The federal government and the governments that were part of the Consensus Building Committee. 

-AP: If you are the minister of all Belgians, why don’t you listen to those who think differently from you, why do you base your decisions on a handful of scientists when I have already pointed out to you the mistake raised by many scientists and doctors I meet as a journalist, of basing the count on PCR tests with far too long amplification cycles. I don’t understand why any dissenting voice is censored and I respect and understand your position, but normally in a democracy there should be room for debate and all different positions should be heard. My question is, for Mr. Vandenbroucke as well, why is any dissenting voice censored? 

-ADC: Sir, I understand your question. It’s quite serious what you say: where is the censorship? Where do you see censorship? Is there a voice somewhere that I would have censored? We live in a free country where people can express themselves, can ask questions. I try to be as open as possible to dialogue and I don’t really see where you’re talking about censorship. 

CODECO N°9 24 MARCH 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: On November 27, I asked you a question for which I did not get an answer. Can you quantify the human socio-economic costs of your Covid measures in relation to these benefits? I think it’s important because of what the Belgians are going to go through now for a month and I would like to add that from a psychological point of view, the psychiatric health care is overwhelmed and I have the impression that what is happening is very serious. 

-Alexander De Croo: In any case, Sir, I see that you are here, so you have clearly not been forbidden to come and you have the opportunity to ask questions, so I don’t know what you mean. The cost! Estimating a human cost is difficult. But there are still 22,000 people who have died because of Covid. Sometimes old people, but sometimes very young people too… And some countries that had thought at one point that measures were not necessary, took action anyway. Afterwards, we will analyze the overall cost of the Covid pandemic and whether the measures we took were the right ones or not. But to do the evaluation in the middle of a crisis, I think it’s a bit difficult. The question you ask is clearly one that will be answered at some point. 

CODECO N°10 14 APRIL 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: I would like to broaden the debate a little with regard to the ideological ties that can justify certain decisions… Mr. De Croo, you were a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. You recently had a video conference with Klaus Schwab, president and founder of the Forum. Klaus Schwab predicts that 80% of the hotel and catering industry will not recover from covid, he also says that the poor will be much poorer after covid, he also says that nobody will be safe until the world is vaccinated, while the results in the countries that have vaccinated, should be discussed. The countries that have massively vaccinated like Brazil, Chile or Israel show its little efficiency, its effects on the variants and the risk for the health, some say that we are in an experimental phase and that we are in the end guinea pigs, but that we can discuss it again… 

My question is: what does Klaus Schwab mean to you, Mr. De Croo, and how do the ideas of the World Economic Forum influence the political decisions you take? 

-Alexander De Croo: Not in any way. We make our decisions based on scientific claims, as I said. On what we feel and what we think are prudent and realistic decisions. And those are the decisions we made. 

CODECO N°11 23 APRIL 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: 50% of the people do not adhere to the rules of the government, Mr. Di Rupo reminded us of this last week. Mr. Van Ranst himself is under police protection. Hundreds of doctors and scientists in particular do not agree with the analyses and measures recommended by your experts. This is particularly the case with the CovidRational group, you may be familiar with it [ADC: no]. I would like to mention a few people who are part of it: there is Christine Dupont, bio-engineer and dean of faculty, Olivier Servais, anthropologist and dean of faculty, Raphaël Jungers, professor of mathematics and modeler, Vincent Laborderie, professor of political science, Bernard Rentier, whom you know, virologist, Élisabeth Paul, professor of public health, Irène Mathy, professor of law, Pierre-François Laterre, head of the intensive care unit of Saint-Luc the university clinics; but there are still others that I interviewed: Yves Couvreur, an anatomopathologist, Yves Gailliez, a family doctor, Frédéric Goareguer, child psychiatrist, Christophe De Brouwer who has just been censored on our YouTube channel and who has some very interesting words! 

Belgians want a real debate. For the sake of democracy, for the sake of the Belgian people, are you ready to organize a debate with your experts and some of the professionals I just mentioned? So Mr. De Croo, it is clear that we should not brake in the turn [expression de ADC lors de la conférence de presse], but not everyone sees the turn in the same place. My question is simple, and requires a yes or no: are you willing to have a debate with people other than your experts? Thank you. 

-Alexander De Croo: But Sir, there are no my experts. You think I have some kind of collection of my experts and I open some kind of can with my experts? That’s not how it works. We use a lot of expertise. We look at a lot of opinions and I don’t know where you get the idea that I would refuse to go into dialogue with any of them. The list of names you gave is probably interesting, but I don’t know these people, sir. 

CODECO N°12 11 MAY 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: I have been asking you questions in this very room, in this press room, since November 2020. I asked you about your work with hospitals, about PCR tests that I and others have found to be distorting the number of patients, about your criteria for defining what is essential and non-essential, etc. I feel like I didn’t get any honest, straightforward answers. You see, an answer where you look someone in the eye, you feel like you can have a dialogue. Perhaps this cold management by a partly unelected elite explains the mistrust of the population. Perhaps the tens of thousands of children, teenagers, parents and grandparents who were in the parks in the last few days is not a sign of disrespect or selfishness but that many […] 

-Alexander De Croo : Sir, just a moment, just a moment! If you want to make a presentation somewhere, you rent a room, you invite an audience, they come and listen to you. The goal here is to ask questions, I will answer your questions but you have to ask questions. 

-AP: I see that there are some who can ask several questions, but so be it… At the last press conference, you said the word vaccine 59 times, I have the impression that the path was already mapped out, hence my question: you say that there is no vaccine obligation but at the same time you talk about it all the time. There is a huge and unbelievable propaganda, and you have argued in front of the media that those who are vaccinated will have certain advantages, which is totally contrary to the most basic right. How can you explain this? 

-ADC: Honestly sir, nowhere did I say that someone who is vaccinated has more rights than someone else. By the way, in the formula we talked about for large events, the alternative is always to get tested and show that you have a negative test. There is no obligation to be vaccinated in our country, I think it is a good thing. But what we have in our country is a great motivation. And this motivation is quite extraordinary. 90% of people over the age of 65 have been vaccinated. And I think motivation is much more powerful than obligation and we see that it works in our country. 

CODECO N°13 4 JUNE 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: You said to me at the press conference on May 11: « If you want to make a presentation somewhere, you rent a room, you invite the public, they will come and listen to you. » I took into account your proposal: I rented a room, invited seven speakers from the medical and scientific world that we have heard very little in the mainstream media. I also contacted the government experts who did not answer me or said no. I have sent you an email to ask if you will be present at this debate, which will take place on June 10th. You haven’t answered me yet, will you come? 

-Alexander De Croo: I don’t know, sir, I didn’t see your invitation. We will answer you, it is not the purpose of the press conference, to answer ideas here… 

-AP: But you told me about a debate, that’s why we’re having a debate with seven scientists. 

-ADC: Sir, I can’t comment on something I haven’t read. 

CODECO N°14 ‑18 JUNE 2021 

-Alexandre Penasse: I have the impression that when you speak, vaccination seems mandatory. This is not the case Mr. Vandenbroucke, is it? 

-Alexander De Croo : No sir, vaccination is not mandatory in Belgium but it is important. It’s a nuance. 

-AP: That was just a clarification. Since you, Mr. De Croo and the government experts refused to come to the debate that we organized on June 10. I would like to announce a few points that we talked about at the time since we are in the joy of vaccination, the return to normal life, but it is still important to state a few points… 

-ADC: Sir, the point is for you to ask questions. If you have a small question to ask, ask it, but spouting off here is not the purpose of a press conference. If you want to do a press conference yourself, you can organize it. There may be colleagues of yours who will be coming, but in general, you ask the questions and we answer them. 

-AP: But you decide what questions I can ask? 

-ADC: Ask a question then, go ahead. Yes. 

-AP: Okay, it’s been fifteen months since other experts have had other views that we can’t hear. 

-ADC: You can hear them, sir. 

-AP: If we’re talking about reconfinement, in the fall, will that have any legitimacy? Can you answer all the questions I’ve been asking for the past 15 months? 

-ADC: Sir, you are invited here every time, you have the space, but ask your question… 

-AP: You never answer my question… Will you come and discuss with other scientists, with Mr. Martin Zizi, Louis Fouché, with other people who have other points of view? Will you or one of your experts come and talk to someone else? 

-ADC: I don’t know these people, sir…

-AP: But it doesn’t matter if you know them or not. I ask you if you are going to come?

-ADC: Sir, we’re not in a place where we’re issuing invitations so I don’t know what you’re talking about… 

-AP: There has been only one sound for the past 15 months. 

-ADC: But not at all. In Belgium, all opinions were discussed. And even in the mainstream media, there have been people who do not believe in the vaccine at all. And who were able to talk about it. And they got a lot of space in the press and I think it’s normal that they got a lot of space in the press. What I see is that people generally don’t believe them. In general, people get vaccinated. And you know what happens? People who get vaccinated, they don’t end up in the hospital. And that’s what we see. It is that people have trusted science, and those who have trusted science, they are protected. And that’s a good thing. 


-Alexandre Penasse: Your objective is to vaccinate as many people as possible, including children. However, more and more scientists are calling for the suspension of vaccination in view of the number of deaths and worrying post-vaccination side effects. Maybe they are wrong, but maybe not. I propose you as it is normal in a democracy to come and debate with these people. Do you accept? 

-Alexander De Croo: You have already asked this question, sir. If there were really, as you say, a lot of side effects, a lot of deaths, why would that be something that only you know about then? It’s still pretty amazing. In total, more than 5 billion doses have been administered worldwide. In Belgium, 8.5 million people have been vaccinated. Our services are following this closely. There is no indication that the vaccine is unsafe. You have information that no one else has. It’s possible, but it’s pretty amazing. 

-AP: But it’s debatable.

-ADC: Sir, I am ready to debate many things, but with people who are serious about it. 

-AP: One more quick question. Why implement a Covid Safe Ticket that will segregate people, when we know that vaccinated people can still be infected and contagious. I assume you’re looking at the numbers from Israel, the US and the UK. 

-ADC: As I said in my introduction, vaccines are safe and vaccines reduce the risk of getting sick or ending up in the hospital by more than 90%. Moreover, in all European countries, we can see that in countries that have vaccinated a lot, the epidemiological situation is clearly improving. So I find it a little odd that you continue to doubt. It’s a bit like doubting the fact that the sun rises every morning. You see every day that vaccines work, you see that there are more and more people who are motivated to do it. So if you say « I don’t believe in it », that’s your choice. But please don’t endanger others. 


-Alexandre Penasse: Please allow me to take off my mask, I have trouble breathing. I will do as you do… Mr. Vandenbroucke recently received a letter indicating that vaccination of caregivers and young people was useless and counterproductive because it neither prevents contamination nor reduces the viral load of individuals. Let me give you a quick example that is not a sham: On September 23, theIrish Examiner announced that in the city of Waterford 99.7% of people over 18 years of age were fully vaccinated. This is the highest figure in Europe. However, on October 11, Waterford News and Star announces that the city has the highest incidence rate in Ireland. I ask you: is the Covid Safe Ticket useless when it promotes contamination? And it’s proven. 

-Frank Vandenbroucke: Let’s be clear: without vaccines, we would be witnessing an unprecedented health, economic and social disaster. The risk of contamination and the risk of hospitalization is reduced in a very very very significant way when one is vaccinated. But as I said before, it’s a bit like an umbrella: vaccines are an excellent umbrella that protects against rain. But if it rains heavily, if it is windy, there are people even with umbrellas who are wet. It’s rare, but it happens. And that’s what we’re experiencing now. So there are too many viruses. But thanks to vaccination, we are not in a catastrophic situation, but we must reduce the circulation of the virus. As far as the Covid Safe Ticket is concerned, of course, it is not an absolute security. There is no absolute security. And so, as the Prime Minister said, we need to combine security and we also need to rely on common sense. And I repeat the example: an organizer of a very small public event, 45 people can use the Covid Safe Ticket. And I believe that many organizers prefer this because it creates a little more security. If at the same time, you attend an event where there is the Covid Safe Ticket, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ventilate. Therefore, a combination of security measures is required. It is the addition of security measures that is the winning formula. And so, let’s stop clichéd debates, simplistic debates about vaccination, Covid Safe Ticket, ventilation, wearing a mask. There is no such thing as a silver bullet that reduces risk to zero, it doesn’t exist. There is the combination of instruments. 

Roland De Wind

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Vaccinate! Vaccinate, whatever it takes!

According to the European Commission, the « The « precautionary principle » is an approach to risk management that states that if a policy or action poses a potential risk to the public or the environment and there is no scientific consensus on the issue, it should not be pursued. »[note].

Justified for reasons of public health or environmental protection, this principle, introduced since the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, is a key provision of the European Treaties. In particular, it has made it possible to ban hormone-treated beef and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the continent, without irrefutable scientific proof of any danger. A noble principle that quickly fell by the wayside. Across the Atlantic, it is considered a « trade barrier, » so that new generation trade agreements — for example, the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement, CETA — make it virtually « illegal. One of the levers is the insertion of a « regulatory cooperation mechanism ». Under this innocent name, the States have knowingly allowed the wolf to enter the sheepfold. For it amounts to a de facto change in the order of precedence in the legislative process. By allowing the private sector in partner countries to interfere upstream in the preparation, evaluation and implementation of regulations, it undermines the authority of national and European parliaments, which will wait their turn. This is because multinationals are a heavyweight in the economy: about 80% of world trade is linked to their international production networks[note]. In the end, it is the average European citizen who will pay the price. For example, legislation on GMOs, chemicals and pesticides, which is considered too restrictive, has been targeted by trade partners. 

The « regulatory cooperation mechanism » thus symbolizes the new face of democracy 2.0, that which is exercised within the margins granted by the private sector. It is the key to the weakening of social, environmental and public health standards. Another collateral victim: the « precautionary principle ». This is evidenced, for example, by the European Commission’s desire to weaken GMO legislation by excluding new genomic technologies from the scope of regulation, which would allow seeds derived from these techniques to escape risk assessment, labeling and traceability procedures. An offering to agribusiness companies that want to sneak genetically modified food into our fields and plates. But an arm of honor to the European Court of Justice, whose ruling on July 25, 2018[note] states that European regulations must be applied to these new techniques, otherwise the precautionary principle will be compromised and human health and the environment will be potentially harmed. The alienation of states to private interests. A precautionary principle flouted. The management of the current health crisis provides two glaring examples. 

Philippe Debongnie

5G is the catalyst for the digital economy and the deployment of artificial intelligence. Despite numerous calls from scientists on all sides to increase the number of studies on its impact on health and the environment, the European Commission is methodically pursuing its action plan: positioning Europe at the forefront of 6G networks[note] ! What do we know about the impact of 5G on Life? This is a crucial issue since the EU aims to be the international standard-bearer for climate and biodiversity. No matter what. It does not matter to the European Commission if there are gaps in the scientific data. Forget the green oath of its president, Ursula Von Der Leyen, « do no harm », even though it is a key principle of the « Green Pact for Europe ».[note]. 5G is non-negotiable. Realpolitik is the engine of its economic strategy. 

As for the Member States, they have filed the « potential risks of 5G in the drawer of the  » fake news  » by decreeing, during the EU Council of Ministers of June 9, 2020 « thatthat it is important to combat the spread of misinformation about 5G networks, especially in light of false claims that these networks pose a health threat or are linked to COVID-19 « [note]. This is because the geostrategic positioning of the EU on the world stage is not a joke. In the ongoing fourth industrial revolution, China has won the first round. The EU intends to make up for this delay. The management of the sanitary crisis, with confinement, teleworking, e‑education, etc… has miraculously allowed to remove the obstacles to the generalization of digital technology in all the spheres of our life. At the same time, the authorization of 5G passed like a letter in the post with, at the controls, two green ministers, the Minister of Telecoms Petra De Sutter (Groen) who obviously does not want to lose any more time (to avoid the delay on our European neighbors)[note]and the Brussels Minister of Health and Environment Alain Maron (Ecolo).


Reflecting the dangers of a poorly controlled scientific and technical evolution, the « precautionary principle » should be an integral part of public authorities’ management of the current health crisis. However, they have durably flouted it. 

Act 1. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs 

Upstream, in order to accelerate the production of vaccines, the political authorities have relaxed the rules, blasting away some of the safeguards in Regulation 2020/1043 on the conduct of clinical trials. Revised under an emergency procedure, without the possibility of amendments and debate by the European Parliament, it allows producers of vaccines and anti-covid treatments containing GMOs to dispense with the need to produce an environmental impact and biosafety study[note] before the start of clinical trials. An irresponsible approach in terms of health and environment. But the emergency is invoked to ignore the usual precautions. We must act. And quickly! And then,  » You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs « . The governments in Belgium, right and left wing parties alike, are leading their vaccine crusade. They tell us, in unison, that vaccines are safe and effective; that despite « unfortunate accidents », the « benefit/risk » balance is clearly in favor of mass vaccination. Vaccination invitations, without appointment, in schools, shopping malls, etc…, abound. This is the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves. In their vaccine fervor, the socialists stand out from the pack. Vaccination has become their mantra. With them, the safeguards are shattered. As proof, the socialist minister Frank Vandenbroucke is preparing a modification of the law to allow pharmacists to administer vaccines, ignoring, as the Belgian Association of Medical Unions (Absym) reminds us, that  » Vaccination is a medical procedure that involves risks of side effects, contraindications and complications, requiring the presence of a physician capable of making a rapid diagnosis and treating the patient .[note]. It doesn’t matter to him, the third dose of vaccine to be imposed on the whole population is in the starting blocks. And as the Walloon Minister of Health, Christie Morreale (PS), insists:  » We must continue to vaccinate, again and again .[note].

Act 2. Nipping the opposition in the bud 

In the financial sector, portfolio risk is reduced by diversifying investments. This is not the way the current governments are managing the health crisis. Massive neglect of public investment in prevention, natural immunity enhancement and early treatment is consistent with the goal of making vaccination a must. A narrative that cannot suffer any criticism. But the virus continues to circulate, even in ultra-vaccinated countries such as Israel, Iceland or Ireland. Whose fault is it? The non-vaccinated! For Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Walloon Minister-President Elio Di Rupo, there is no doubt. His profile: he is dangerous and uncivil. A reminder. 

On September 18, Alexander De Croo said:  » This epidemic becomes an epidemic of the unvaccinated. We cannot accept that people make the choice to put others in danger. It is those who have not been vaccinated who are responsible for the extension of certain restrictions. » […]. This situation « we cannot accept as a society », while the vaccines against the coronavirus are « safe, free and available everywhere »[note] « . The next day, Elio Di Rupo added another layer, calling on Walloons who have not yet been vaccinated to  » examine their conscience ». The non-vaccinated are ostracized, a process orchestrated by the public authorities that is as dangerous as it is unfair. Dangerous first of all, because it blows on the embers of the division of the population, by breaking the channels of discussion between the two « camps ». Unfair, because it evacuates from the debates a major issue. The risk that new variants of SARS-CoV‑2 could develop in animal reservoirs and potentially be reintroduced into the human population, against which current vaccines would be ineffective[note]. As the saying goes, it’s  » The elephant in the room  » that everyone pretends not to see. 

Act 3. All eggs in one basket 

The decay of collective common sense is to « put all the eggs in the same basket ». An option clearly assumed by the public authorities. The Corona Commissioner’s Office notice to the government  » to individuals who cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19 due to allergy or severe side effects after a first vaccination  » is symptomatic of vaccine absolutism[note].  » In exceptional situations, some people cannot be vaccinated against Covid19 for strict medical reasons […]. Only if an allergy to PEG or polysorbate is known and proven, or if a serious side effect has occurred after the first vaccination, is that person considered unsafe to vaccinate (even in a hospital setting)[note] « .

To avoid any loopholes in the vaccination, the procedure is ultra-centralized. A general practitioner or specialist who follows a patient’s file is excluded from the procedure. Only a referral physician/allergist from a government-approved list can decide whether or not vaccination is appropriate. In the event that the latter is not recommended, free PCR tests will be available to the patient at will. But  » as soon as vaccines against Covid-19 that no longer contain PEG or polysorbate are available on the market, vaccination of people allergic to these substances will be possible . » Phew! We are reassured! The way to a cure is the vaccine! Are you afraid of it? Are you concerned about cardiovascular side effects because of your personal medical history or family history? Understand: the only recognized medical contraindication is exclusively the allergy to the product inoculated by the vaccine. Period. The patient’s allergic or inflammatory background does not matter, nor does his or her cardiovascular vulnerability. Are you afraid of the lack of hindsight, of the potential undesirable effects, even irreversible, in the medium or long term, especially for your children? It’s all nonsense! The only legitimate fear recognized by the government is that of the virus and death. It is the ferment of « voluntary servitude », of the citizen’s consent to liberticidal measures, and is even encouraged. On the other hand, fear of the vaccine is forbidden ! 

In this logic, the government is waging war on a minority of non-vaccinated citizens. Guilty of the circulation of the virus, the gravedigger of the economic recovery and of a brighter tomorrow, it is the black sheep to be isolated. This justifies, in their eyes, the banning of non-injected people from hospitals, theaters, cinemas, restaurants, sports halls, etc… The challenge: to make them bite the dust, to rot their lives, so as to force them to « repent ». Deliverance? To accept, out of sheer exhaustion, the injection in order to regain freedom temporarily. Such is the stake of the « sanitary » pass, whose corollary is the quarantine of the critical word. 

Act 4: A precautionary principle put through the mill 

« Vaccination resistance: an infamous label applied by the De Croo government, which marks a divide between « good » and « bad » citizens. However, many people who have been duly vaccinated against a series of childhood diseases do not recognize themselves in the « anti/pro-vax » divide. This is to deny that there is a major difference between these new vaccine technologies and the traditional ones: the respect of safeguards and steps prior to market authorization. The first ones are still in experimental phase (until 2022 or 2023 depending on the brand), and are authorized on a provisional basis. The latter have methodically followed the successive steps prior to their marketing, the authorization of which goes back decades. 

Insofar as the medium- and long-term side effects of these new technologies are unknown, and the government’s choices involve the entire population, we have the right to expect the political authorities to temper their vaccination strategy by applying the « precautionary principle ». 

At this time, 86% of adults are fully vaccinated[note]. Is it not in the public interest to be prudent, at least to preserve the young — the next generation! ‑of mass vaccination? Knowing that it is essential to have a pharmacovigilance[note] In order to certify the efficacy and safety of vaccines in the medium and long term, why does the government insist, in its vaccine rage, on eliminating the existence of a non-vaccinated « control group »? Why doesn’t it follow the protocols of clinical trials, knowing that without a « control group », it will be all the more hazardous to establish a possible causality between the side effects and the vaccines? In short, is it not in the collective interest to refine the scientific studies, by tolerating a « non-vaccinated » minority, while respecting the « precautionary principle »? Obviously, this one is not on the radar screen of the political authorities. Nothing can sway them from their vaccine faith. By introducing the health pass (the  » Covid Safe Ticket  »), they have taken it to the next level: making vaccination (indirectly) compulsory for everyone. 

 » We have to force the horse to drink « , said the socialist Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels Region. The « young colts », in love with freedom, are singularly in his line of vision. Sports and recreational activities are essential to their physical and mental health. The CSE confiscates them for the unvaccinated. A question of bringing them into line. A perfidious « training » that works like a charm, and that delights the socialist Christine Morreale:  » Since the announcement of the Covid Safe Ticket, four times more people are registering for the vaccination « . And to add, without laughing:  » CSE means even greater adherence to immunization. And this is positive « . And to conclude  » Mandatory vaccination should not be taboo « .[note]. However, the CSE has serious advantages over the legal route. 


Because the Covid-19 vaccines were developed in an « exceptionally short » time frame, the advance purchase agreements negotiated between the European Commission and the major pharmaceutical companies include clauses exempting them from financial liability for adverse vaccine events. Which ones? Difficult to say precisely. Because the rule in force is the opacity of vaccine contracts[note]. One thing is certain though. Their framework is the « privatization of gains/collectivization of losses ». On the one hand, pharmaceutical companies are granted certain clauses of irresponsibility on the side effects of vaccines, which are transferred to the States in this case. The massive public money invested in the production of vaccines generates even greater profits for pharmaceutical companies, as no counterpart has been demanded in terms of technology transfer to facilitate production in third countries. On the other hand, states are wary of directly mandating vaccination. As long as it remains voluntary, the candidate for the vaccine assumes the risk. 

The forced march of vaccination goes through the CST. At a time when society is making the fight against discrimination a strategic priority, embodied among other things in LGBTQI+ rights, it is striking to see the general apathy in the face of the creation of a second-class citizen status, « the non-vaccinated », stripped one by one of their fundamental rights, including the right to feed themselves, since access to work is conditional on the possession of a QR code, and whose « crime » is to have refused an injection that is not compulsory on a strictly legal level. 

More generally, when De Croo and Di Rupo reproach the non-vaccinated for  » their irresponsibility and selfish use of their freedom [note]they display de facto their total contempt for the « precautionary principle », in terms of political action; their contempt for the ancestral wisdom that advocates caution in the face of technological choices that could lead to serious health consequences in a more distant horizon; finally, their contempt for the rules of ethics, by sacrificing fundamental rights on the altar of sanitary hygienism. Where are the democrats from all sides to be moved by this? 


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Of what (anti)political form is covidism the name?

To open this contribution, I will ask: what (anti)political form is covidism? ( Covidism is the way governments deal with the epidemic). 

With this in mind, Kairos interviewed three special witnesses — special because they came from the former GDR, Ceausescu’s Romania and Pinochet’s Chile. The question was whether they saw any resemblance between their country of origin and the covidist West. 

Kairos asks me for a philosophical contextualization of the three testimonies. Let’s say from the outset that the words of Maria, Anke and Jorge are very revealing, and it is out of the question for me to propose a contextualization « from above »: I see it rather as a « sideways » illumination, as a proposal of interpretation that can be discussed and enriched. This proposal is presented in the form of a small lexicon (whose entries come directly or indirectly from the three witnesses). 

QUESTIONING, THINKING: people, say Maria and Anke, do not think anymore, do not question themselves, do not question the decisions of the rulers. Certainly, demonstrations take place (against the authoritarian imposition of the mask and/or the vaccination), but globally the population behaves as if it had given up questioning the substance of things (origins of covid, liberticidal treatment). I emphasize the « as if » to be careful. A few months before the rise of the May 1968 movement, a minister declared, « France is calm. » Caution, then. But it is true that for the moment the « spirit of free examination » (Durkheim) does not seem to blow strongly on our fellow citizens. We should not be too surprised: we have long been subjected to two bludgeons, that of state biopower and that of the psychopower of multinationals, a double bludgeoning that is difficult to resist in the individualistic enculturation of every day. → Biopower and psychopower. 

Let us say in a minimal way: if there is a socio-political form organized around the ritualized collective questioning, thus around the decisional debate (which is neither a decision without debate, nor a decorative debate without decision), it is indeed the democracy. From this point of view it is increasingly difficult to say that Western countries are democracies → Democracy? 

DEMOCRACY ? Maria speaks of « authoritarian democracy » (we know the almost infinite series of synonyms: « democrature », « illiberal democracy », etc.). I would tend to avoid all these terms or locutions that mislead the reflection. We can begin by trying to understand why the users of these expressions maintain the word democracy: unless I am mistaken, they say by this word that there is still some tolerance in Europe. In Hungary or France, you can criticize the government without being put in a camp. The problem is that tolerance in itself is far from sufficient to characterize a democracy. Example: in the USSR, after the 20th Party Congress (1956), a period of tolerance (called « thaw ») began: people began to speak, a large number of previously banned writers and poets were published. Is this enough to make the USSR of 1960 a democracy? No, of course not: the Party, holder of the Marxist science of history, keeps the upper hand on power. 

It is likely that the liberal tradition (at least since Constant and Tocqueville) has largely contributed to essentializing or naturalizing democracy. The axiom would be this: as soon as the West is a little tolerant and superficially pluralist, it is democratic. Whatever happens, its essence or nature is immutably democratic. The French government may have flouted the « No » vote in the 2005 referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty, but the essence of France remains « democratic. As this essence seems indestructible, we are often tempted to respect it: so go for « democracy ». But as we feel that there is something wrong, we add an adjective. This is how « democracy » becomes « authoritarian » or « dictatorial ». This process is dangerous: it maintains the confusion and incites a certain number of people to say to themselves that « if this is democracy » (the explosion of inequalities, the destruction of nature, the contempt of the powerful towards the populations), they might as well have a « good dictatorship ». 

The current task of true democrats is to make it clear that the West has not been democratic for two centuries: it can be said to be vaguely liberal or tolerant or pluralist. But in strict terms, it is not democratic. The more time passes, the more the « historical bricolage » called ( I say « tinkering » because in fact various social movements have contributed to shaping and humanizing a « regime » that Dickens and Zola have shown to be neither very humane nor very democratic). Anti-democratic tendencies are particularly blatant in our ultra-liberal era, but let us remember that they were present from the beginning in the form of the sovereign state, its states of exception and its states of emergency. That the oligarchs of the triad State-economy-technoscience have their mouths full of « democracy », that imprecise thinkers repeat the word after them, is a given. But that’s no reason to join the chorus of novlangue. To my knowledge, only one philosopher — Cornelius Castoriadis — has had the honest precision to characterize our type of society not as a democracy, but as a « liberal oligarchy. And if we can make the adjectives « liberal » and « tolerant » synonymous, we can easily agree that in the ultraliberal age the Western (world?) oligarchies are less and less tolerant. The covid moment is the latest evidence of this. 

A democracy understood in a minimal sense implies that the citizens, in the municipalities where they live, regularly assemble within civic or political bodies (assemblies, committees, councils) to deliberate on the affairs of the city: no democracy without an active ritual presence of demos at the most basic level: the neighborhood, the municipality. That not all citizens participate in these assemblies is not a problem: historical experience shows that about a third of active citizens (possibly in rotation) is enough to keep democracy alive, to ensure a presence. I insist on this last word: because without presence (first) there is no representation (second). In other words, without the primary presence, « representation » turns into usurpation, or even a permanent coup. Only presence makes representation a living delegation that acts on a mandate from the citizens, in contrast to usurping parliamentary groups that abuse the « blank check » that the voters give them every five years. 

We know that Aristotle and, two millennia later, Montesquieu and Rousseau made election the sign of aristocracy (democracy being characterized according to them by the drawing of lots). Let us admit that on the scale of our large and vast societies the election can become one of the marks of the democracy; it is then imperative that it is placed under the sign of the precise mandate that the first presence of the demos gives to the second representation of the delegates. Liberals often contrast direct democracy (supposedly dangerous because the people are deemed unreasonable) with representative or indirect democracy (supposedly beneficial because the representatives are supposedly wise). The current ecological and health disaster actually shows how little wisdom representatives have had for at least a century. For this reason, some people think that representation should be ended. For my part, I do not oppose direct presence and indirect representation. Violence can come from anywhere: from below and from above. That’s why I think both — presence and representation — can each stem the violence of the other: each can be the other’s counter-power. Again, I repeat, there must be a presence of the demos and that it does not give blank checks to its delegates. 

Without these two conditions appear the two plagues noted by Maria: 1/ the distance grows between the oligarchy and the population, and thus distrust settles in, 2/ the oligarchy can only impose its power by police violence (against the Yellow Vests), by coercion (confinement and sanitary pass), and by the violence of propaganda, which, Maria rightly says,  » disrupts people’s emotional environment « . I would add that this emotional disturbance paralyzes the ability to think and act. Hence the resigned obedience. Not that a society can do without obedience, but it cannot stand for long if people feel that they are obeying perverse and malevolent oligarchs, worthy of more distrust than trust. 

Let’s recap provisionally: we live today not in a democracy, but in a tolerant oligarchy. Historical clarification: since the collapse of the USSR, the oligarchy is less and less tolerant. 

WHAT OLIGARCHY? Here the testimony of Jorge is decisive:  » In 2021, he says, it is complicated (…) to categorize the current political regime of Belgium and other European countries. If you talk about dictatorship, people immediately think of the words guns, kidnapping, torture, etc. The term totalitarianism is more appropriate, in my opinion. A totalitarianism is not necessarily bloody, especially since the current means of communication and mass surveillance are much more efficient than physical violence « . 

I think Jorge is right: contemporary oligarchies are totalitarian — if only in the sense that our psychosocial life is totally colonized by objective forces (the state, capital, technoscience) that turn us into objects. There is no part of our life that escapes these three forces, allied or separated. As soon as you step outside, the state is everywhere (it watches you with millions of cameras provided by capital and technoscience). When you think you are safe in your private intimacy (including in your bed), the State enters your home through capital and technoscience: 4G, 5G, the Linky electricity meter, your cell phone, your connected computer, television with its uninterrupted flow of propaganda and vulgarity from the media, the government, the economy and advertising. 

Jorge’s testimony is in fact surprisingly close to the analysis proposed in 1964 by Marcuse:  » In the way it has organized its technological base, contemporary industrial society tends towards totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is not only a terrorist political standardization, it is also a non-terrorist economic-technical standardization that functions by manipulating needs in the name of a false general interest. » 

One could further refine the analysis in light of covidism. In order to format-anesthetize the population, a hard totalitarianism (fascism, bolshevism, Nazism, Maoism) needs terror. To anaesthetize the population, a flexible totalitarianism (a tolerant totalitarian oligarchy) needs techno-consumerist addiction, supported by advertising propaganda; and when the contradictions of this productivism-consumerism provoke social and natural imbalances (pandemics, revolts, ecological disturbances, migrations), it needs fear (a degree immediately inferior to terror) to spread lethargy. The private and state media, without the need to consult each other, spread such propaganda out of fear that the population feels encouraged to keep to themselves and remain silent. In this observation, there is no conspiracy, no functionalism of the worst kind: in general, the oligarchs of the State, of capital, of techno-science or of the media do not seek to do harm. Disciplining the people may well be a strategy (since the work of the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s), but the oligarchy disciplines the people for their « good, » not to harm them. On the other hand, as soon as the strategy is put in place, it escapes the strategists in the very movement of its expansion. Without even realizing it, the strategists then begin to « freely obey » the mindless machine, the headless running duck. This means that any shock apparently fortuitous (hurricane, epidemic), but in reality caused by the machine, produces a windfall effect: it allows to reinforce the totalitarian tendency to phobology(phobos : fear). Maria sees this clearly when she says that governments are using  » public health as an excuse to impose new regulations . Anke sees this as well when she notes that  » fear has been created  » and that the medical association has stubbornly hunted down any therapeutic dissent. Jorge generalizes the observation by pointing out that the same archaic scapegoating mechanism played out under Pinochet and during the pandemic. 

In short, the propaganda of fear no longer needs orchestration: it feeds itself. When covidist Macron seeks to frighten the French («  We are at war  »), he himself is already a victim of phobological propaganda, of systemic fear, which only ricochets off him. Liberal-totalitarianism cannot do without the automation of fear, of the machine to tetanize: fear of foreign influxes (xenophobia), fear of climate disruption (eco-anxiety), fear of disease (pathophobia).

I would be tempted to formulate the following hypothesis: on the long trajectory of the history of the industrial West, the hard totalitarianisms of the 20th century were accidents. This means that the « normal » course of our historical trajectory is the one that brings about the (dis)social form that we know today: the flexible and globalized totalitarian oligarchy. This hypothesis is similar to the one proposed by the sociologist Matthieu Amiech in a recent article:  » The ruling classes […] take advantage of a health problem […]. to promote a new social organization. The essential feature of this society in the making is the over-integration of individuals, achieved through fear and permanent connection to computer networks. The leaders expect that the submission of the populations […] is thus better assured, particularly in view of the next episodes of panic caused by the consequences of global warming.[note]  »

BIOPOWER AND PSYCHOPOWER. We know that the first word comes from Foucault, and the second from Bernard Stiegler. In reality, we can agree with Bernard Legros, essayist and contributor to Kairos : there is today a psycho-biopower. Is this concept contradictory (mind on one side, body on the other)? If it is not contradictory, what is its interest? 

In the phenomenon of biopower, there is an aspect that Foucault does not address but that Walter Benjamin perceived well before him — namely, that oligarchies reduce psychosocial life to sub-life or biological survival (the « naked life » according to Benjamin). The problem for the oligarchies is that even when we reduce the human being to his biological health (and to his power to produce-consume), there is still a force — the spirit — that goes beyond or overflows the body. Yes, the mind « leaks » (like a faucet) — it leaks because it comes from a bottomless hole called imagination (that which Kant called « transcendental », Fichte « productive », and Castoriadis « instituting »). In other words, spirit is the force that comes from the abyss of imagination and goes towards a work of imagination. For the totalitarian oligarchy, the question is therefore the following: what to do with this spirit, knowing that at any moment it can set the body against biopower? Answer (which can be added to Stiegler’s analysis): the mind must be neutralized, that is to say, it must be prevented from fleeing from the biological body, it must be cut off from the imagination from which it comes and towards which it spontaneously goes. It is necessary to manufacture a mind without imagination (endowed only with an industrial imagination that does not imagine to finish with the industrial society). 

Why does the imagining mind flee from the body? Because the imagination is psychosocial and the psychosocial is not only in the body: it is a common energy which, like language, crosses the bodies by arousing the psyche (the spirit), i.e. the faculty to feel-think-speak-act. When we understand this, we understand what the televisual, digital, computer psycho-power does: it prevents the mind from going beyond the body, it reduces the psycho-social to the psycho-corporal. 

The psycho-biopower is therefore not a contradictory concept: in order to treat the health of bodies, the biopower must also treat the mind as if it were a full, hyper-dense body, without any hole of imagination. This is why psychiatric biopower abuses chemical substances. Psychiatric chemistry is one of the two great weapons of biopower against the imagining mind. The other weapon is psycho-power which, together with some other industrial factors, causes the disorders of the mind that psychiatric chemistry has to cure. Ideal complementarity of the two sides of the psycho-biopower: to provoke the evils and to treat them biomedically, without treating them psychosocially. 

Where is the interest of the concept of psycho-biopower? In the fact of saying the double barbarism, the one that amputates the body of the psychosocial spirit and the one that, in front of the spirit always too present, amputates it of the psychosocial imagination that nourishes it. Thus the psycho-biopower undoes the social link under the appearance of favoring it in the « social networks », called social, dissocial. 

Marc Weinstein, Philology and philosophical anthropology University of Aix-Marseille 

Antoine Demant

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Evacuating independent thought, imposing consensus, fact-fucking

Recommendations of the MoLiPop Circle

[Editor’s Introduction:] The following text has crossed my imagination. But thinking about current « health » policies, one can ask oneself this question: have I not captured, in the world of the mind, ideas really thought by others? From a neoplatonic point of view, the hypothesis is defensible. Thus, this MoLiPop circle could exist (despite its stupid name). So, I communicate this text as it is; thus as it passed through my imagination, coming from a still unknown source…

Satirical text by Daniel Zink

[Introduction des auteurs hypothétiques] By its name, the MoLiPop Circle refers to three great personalities, three of our main inspirers: the father of the European Union Jean Monnet; the great journalist Walter Lippmann; the illustrious philosopher Karl Popper. We are a think tank gathering members of the free world’s elites, wishing to inspire the leaders of our societies. The following recommendations address the unprecedented opportunity presented by the coronavirus crisis. Opportunity partly exploited, but more needs to be done. To be disseminated only to the most civic-minded actors.

1. Putting an end to individual thinking

The WHO considers hesitation in the face of vaccination as one of the greatest threats to the health of humanity.
1 This is excellent, because hesitation in the face of institutional choices is necessarily a sign of a certain independent thinking, an activity that is by nature deleterious. But we must generalize the idea, denounce the risks that autonomous thinking poses to our world as a whole. Because this thinking is necessarily a source of fragmentation, when there is such a need for unity and solidarity, particularly in the face of the pandemic. So let’s present individual thought as something that can spread like a virus, a destructive infection. An act that goes exactly in this direction: talking  » epidemic of non-vaccinated « as Alexander De Croo did2 ; it is pleasing that this little phrase has spread all over the world, among politicians and the media (and let’s not see it as an epidemic of bullshit!)3 Let’s multiply such slogans!

2. Targeting the real adversaries

The most dangerous autonomous thinkers are those who are the most rigorous, the most nuanced: p. e.g. those who do not reject vaccines on principle, who do not trivialize a priori the danger of a virus, etc. They should be presented more systematically as only seeking to showcase themselves in the media. On the other hand, those who fall into sensationalist and exaggerated approaches are our unconscious allies; their speeches must be put forward and mixed with the words of our rigorous opponents, in order to discredit them by amalgams. (And when these exaggerated speeches are missing, let’s create them!). Let’s also reinforce the amalgams between opponents of health laws and the extreme right. Justified links, since refusing a vaccine p. e.g., is necessarily conservative, retrograde, anti-progress. Let’s throw out the slogan: « They start by refusing a vaccine, they’ll end by voting for a new Hitler! »

3. Impose a profitable consensus

What, above all, should be protected from individual thought? Consensus. Or rather, the choice of a consensus, and the one that will be the most profitable. For as Lippmann taught us, the vast majority of citizens are incapable of understanding reality; they live in visions of things that have very little to do with reality. The trick, then, is to shape these visions in such a way that they are profitable; this we can do mainly through the media
4. It is therefore a matter of forming and imposing our consensus, the only way to bring order to society, to preserve it from the chaos induced by the individual thoughts of the masses.

4. Clearly locate the sources of progress

To be convinced of the accuracy of this conception, it is enough to think of the projects promoted by our elites and their reception by the masses, as well as the ideas that often arouse the irrational sympathy of these masses. The progressive objectives all emanate from the elite of our countries: 5 and 6G, GMOs, industrial agriculture in general, nuclear power, wars ensuring the maintenance of our domination (and cleverly combined with humanitarian goals), etc. Before being re-educated, the masses are most often opposed to such programs and goals, due to archaic instincts. Moreover, a good part of these masses is distracted by backward-looking nostalgia: attraction for the products of peasant agriculture, interest in grandmotherly remedies or those of backward cultures, inclinations for education not supported by technology, etc.

5. Focus on the most current opportunities

Currently, particularly profitable goals include health choices that, while presenting themselves as solutions, promote the economy — or at least its best actors. (Our small elected politicians are probably not very conscious of this, but they follow the paths indicated by the big media, inspired by us). Specifically, these choices are the vaccine solution (so profitable to the health industry), confinements, telecommuting, etc. For as the founder and president of the World Economic Forum has pointed out, the virus is an opportunity to promote what he calls the fourth industrial revolution: robotization, widespread connection, the Internet of Things (thanks to 5G), the achievement of artificial intelligence
5. Indeed, the social distancing justified by a virus is a godsend, to promote those developments, which precisely favor this distancing (avoidance of proximity with colleagues thanks to videoconferencing, avoidance of the need for human workers thanks to robots…) Yet these developments are necessary for the further evolution and a truly rational management of our societies (we will come to that soon).

6. To make the Institutions reign

What, par excellence, carries and defends our consensus are our institutions — or our Institutions, with a capital « I ». (European Commission, Council of Europe…). As the great Jean Monnet said:  » A certain moral force must be imposed on all: it is that of the rules that common institutions secrete above individuals
6″. This superiority over individuals must be forcefully recognized in the media, in education and in the culture as a whole. Like the great Popper, let us advocate the development of « …institutions [pour] a social engineering (…) [pour] a rationalization of society, (…) a real planning controlled by reason

7. Not « conflicts of interest », but symbiosis!

To enforce our consensus, these institutions must be powerful. One of the conditions for achieving this power is collaboration with the most influential players, capable of buying many cooperators, especially scientists. We are making progress in this area, but we need to accelerate. The so-called health emergency is a godsend to end the notion of « conflict of interest ». It must be gradually replaced by positive expressions. First of all, it is good to talk, as Sophie Wilmès did, about the need for « privacy », as regards links with industry
8. But we will have to talk about the importance of collaboration, of partnerships. These lines from the New York Times, under the headline  » Bill Gates, Covid-19 and the Fight to Vaccinate the Planet, » point the way:  » The billionaire is working with the WHO, pharmaceutical groups and several NGOs to tame the coronavirus throughout the world, including in the poorest countries. Will they succeed?
9« Collaboration with pharmaceutical and other groups, partnership, and, one might say: symbiosis ; such a word must be arrived at.

8. Citizenship as faith in consensus.

A clear and determined concept of citizenship is needed. A citizen is one who has faith in the consensus of our institutions. The current crisis has taken us a long way in this direction, highlighting the supportive attitude of those who choose vaccination and the irresponsible and selfish attitude of others, as well as the deviant scientists who justify their choices. But more is needed: those who question the consensus must be properly characterized, up to the legal level; in addition to the qualification of conspiracy theorists, which is already well used, it must be recognized that they are negationists and revisionists; this concerns in particular anyone who has the idea of questioning the official figures of the victims of covid-19
10the number of contaminations, the effectiveness of PCR tests and vaccines and, of course, the number of victims of the latter (even if, according to some studies, their number is highly underestimated
11 (when serving progress and citizenship, one does not count; or one does not count anything)
12. The possibility will be given to reintegrate citizenship through deconstruction and rectification of erroneous visions. For this purpose, we will be able to found centers of permanent education, of intensive sensitization. Training courses of several years would be organized in these (closed) centers, on the highest plateaus of the Ardennes, p. e.g. the physical exercise of community work in nature and the fresh air of winter in particular would be a useful accompaniment to training, promoting a healthy mind in a healthy body.

9. Becoming fact-fuckers

In fact, as sketched above, one can go further than Lippmann. As Popper and his master Kant have shown, all knowledge is ultimately an illusion. The conclusion we must draw from this is that « facts » do not matter; and therefore we must put forward everything that justifies our consensus, and unabashedly disqualify the other « facts ». Here too, things are on the right track, but more can be done, e.g. fact-checking sites accomplish a lot; but all too often, one still finds in them certain forms of concern for the « facts » treated; this attitude must be overcome completely. Let’s take fact-checking to its logical conclusion by making it pure and simple fact-fucking! (And of course fact-marketing for our consensus). Let’s become unabashed fact-fuckers!

10. Managing consciousness, nature, the body, the people

It’s time to put an end to the main obstacles to progress. We must make people accept that it is the whole of things that must be managed by our institutions. Robert McNamara (former US Secretary of Defense) wrote:  » Vital decision making (…) must remain at the top of the (…) The real threat to democracy comes from (…) a lack of management (…) Sub-manage (…) is to let a force other than reason govern reality13. « Yes, it is the totality of reality that, from the heights of our societies, must be managed: all citizens and their consciences, nature, bodies, refractory peoples. The current crisis lends itself so well to the idea that nature as well as living bodies are reservoirs of viruses and bacteria, which shows the need for a right of direct intervention of our institutions in organisms (notably through vaccinations). The same goes for consciences, the current emergencies demonstrating the obligation of a unanimity of our big media. As for the other peoples, let’s think for example of the African countries that dared to disdain our vaccine offers…
14 (we have certainly got rid of some of those responsible
15). On the subject of nature again, let’s take inspiration from the WHO’s lists of global health threats, which contain mostly things from nature, viral diseases. Not a word, in these threats, fortunately, about pesticides, nuclear power, 5G, productivism, neocolonial wars…16 The management must be done with all the resources of technology: productions of our large health companies, phytosanitary products, media and cultural sphere united around our consensus, armed arms of our Institutions — like NATO -, etc. Only in this way will a united, peaceful and hygienic world be achieved. The ultimate tool here is Artificial Intelligence, the synthesis and summit of all evolution, infinitely superior to any natural or individual « intelligence ».

11. A unique center of the great symbiosis

Last but not least
17 the power needed to manage this still under-managed world can only be achieved through a political partnership, around the « indispensable nation », our big brother from the West. Like Popper, let us promote  » the open society and the progress of the new ideas of imperialism, cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism.  » Yes, you read that right! The exceptional progressive that Popper was puts imperialism, cosmopolitanism and egalitarianism in the same category! Kant, too, saw salvation in an alliance around a powerful state (and not, fortunately, in the funny idea of a dialogue of independent minds and free peoples):  » if happiness wanted that a people as powerful as enlightened could constitute itself in Republic (…) there would be a center for this federative alliance (…) and this alliance could thus extend insensitively and indefinitely18. « This people can only be the « indispensable nation », its government must become the center of the symbioses mentioned; then will be born the omnipotent and omnipresent governance, the great manager who will subdue all nature, all individuals, all people. Take advantage of all the potentialities of the current crisis, to redouble your efforts in the progression towards this supreme ideal!

And most importantly:

Never join the Resistance and Freedom Network(

Do not buy this book under any circumstances: Covid-19: Beyond Censorship, Grappe/Kairos, 2021.

Limit your readings to citizen authors like those mentioned in our recommendations; absolutely avoid libertarian thinkers like Bakhunin and his Revolutionary CatechismRudolf Steiner and his Philosophy of freedomSylvia Perez-Vittoria and her Manifesto for a XXIe peasant centuryand all sorts of other members of the axis of evil ideas.

MoLiPop Circle




4 For a good synthesis of these ideas of Lippmann (with numerous quotations), see in particular a passage from the following book (in German but soon available in French:) Lüders, M., Die Scheinheilige Supermacht, C. H. Beck, 2021, p. 54 sqq. The author is unfortunately critical, but the members of our caliber will know how to go beyond.

5 Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, The Great Reset, Forum Publishing, 2020 (also in French: Covid-19: la Grande Réinitialisation), p. 115 in particular.

6 Jean Monnet, Mémoires, Fayard, 1976, p. 558.

7 Karl Popper, La société ouverte et ses ennemis — tome 2 — Hegel et Marx, Seuil, 1979, p. 161.



10 A particularly significant example is the chapter The Demographics of Covid or Facing Perilous Choices, in Covid-19: Beyond Censorship, Grappe/Kairos, 2021.

11 Including this one: https: //–0089-0024; article presenting the results of this study: https: // See also, concerning slightly older situations: https: //;

12 On all these subjects, the responsible citizen will be able to note the overweening of the scientists and other subversive analysts in the book quoted above, Covid-19: beyond the censorship.

13 Robert McNamara, The Essence of security, Harper and Row, 1968, p. 109 sq. Quoted by N. Chomsky in What Role for the State, Écosociété, 2005, p. 34.




17 Sorry for the stinking expressions of Atlanticist colonialism (like booster, too, by the way); it’s the MoKaPop circle that’s expressing itself, not me, DZ.

18 Immanuel Kant, Philosophical Essay on Perpetual Peace [1795], Fischbacher, 1888, p. 21.

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The Dead of the Covid. A state lie?

Christophe De Brouwer has been scrutinizing the covid figures for a year. The interview published here is an exclusive. He is — unfortunately — the only one to do this job. However, and above all, if his conclusions had been thought out, reflected upon and debated, we would not be where we are today — even if the world was already going wrong long before. 

Meanwhile, people are dying from their policies. This is the main thing we have to remember, we think. See the references of Christophe De Brouwer’s studies below

Study references:

C de Brouwer. Standardized mortality rate in Belgium in 2020. (preprint).…/350879459_Taux_de…

Additional references:

The impact of the crisis on the under 65s: µ

- C de Brouwer. Standardized mortality rate in Belgium, 2020. Complement. April 9, 2020.…/350879459_Taux_de…

- L Toubiana, L Mucchielli , P Chaillot , J Bouaud. The Covid-19 epidemic had a relatively small impact on mortality in France. INSERM UMRS 1142 LIMICS, preprint, 2021.…/154‑L%E2%80%99%C3%A9pid%C3…

Mortality per million inhabitants in Belgium compared to other countries in 2020 : 

- Worldometers.

The little or no use of containment and semi-containment. 

- Q de Larochelambert, AMarc, J Antero, ELe Bourg, JF Toussaint. Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation. Frontiers in Public Health. November 19, 2020.…/fpubh.2020.604339/full

- E Bendavid, C Oh, J Bhattacharya, JPA Ioannidis. Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of COVID-19. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. January 5, 2021.

Vaccine resistance to sars-cov‑2, including English, South African and Brazilian variants. 

- E Andreano et al. SARS-CoV‑2 escape in vitro from a highly neutralizing COVID-19 convalescent plasma. Medrxiv, December 2020.

- P Wang et al. Antibody Resistance of SARS-CoV‑2 Variants B.1.351 and B.1.1.7. Medrxiv, 2021.

- L Müller et al. Age-dependent immune response to the Biontech/Pfizer BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination. Medrxiv, 2021.…/10.1101/2021.03.03.21251066v1

- T Kustin et al (Adi Stern). Evidence for increased breakthrough rates of SARS-CoV‑2 variants of concern in BNT162b2 mRNA vaccinated individuals. Medrxiv, 2021.…/10.1101/2021.04.06.21254882v1

The place of the different variants in our country. In particular the English, South African and Brazilian variants. 

- Weekly bulletin of Sciensano. The last one (April 9, 2021):…/COVID-19_Weekly_report…

- Covariants. Overview of variants in Countries. Side effects of covid vaccines (and, if applicable, of influenza vaccine). 

- Belgian site: https: // Opinion on the mortality linked to the heat wave of August 2020. 

- C de Brouwer. Heat wave: mortality of the elderly seriously increased by the coronavirus crisis? (carte blanche)…/can…/article-opinion-1334001.html

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Paul Lannoye (1939–2021), death of a scout

Since Kairos was founded in 2012, for the first time we have had to deal with grief, the loss of a valued collaborator and friend. Paul Lannoye passed away on December 4th, at the age of 82 years old, after a poorly treated disease called covid. He kept his column faithfully, the readers waited for this bimonthly appointment marked by the intelligence, the relevance, the power of analysis, the clear-sightedness and the frankness which characterized him. Paul was a pioneer and the most illustrious representative of ecology in French-speaking Belgium: in the early 1980s, co-founder of Ecolo, a party he finally left some 25 years later, disappointed by its institutionalization; MEP of the Green group from 1989 to 2001, where he wielded the art of compromise without ever accepting compromise; founder of the Groupe de réflexion et d’action pour une politique écologique (GRAPPE) in 2004, co-founder of the Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance (mpOC) (political movement of growth objectors) in 2009, more recently of the asbl Fin du nucléaire (end of nuclear power), of the collectives STOP compteurs communicants (communicating meters), and, and most recently of the Resistance and Freedom Network, in reaction to the hygienic and security inflation. A doctor of physical sciences, he knew that « science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul » and was early committed to a political ecology while remaining attentive to scientific ecology.

Faithful to his column in Kairos since April 2012, from the beginning he rarely failed to do his duty, and when it happened because he was overwhelmed with work, he always regretted it. And he wasn’t the only one… the proofreaders were eagerly awaiting Paul’s text, which often appeared on page 3, a tribute to the old lion that he was, who had lost none of his righteous anger, his probity and his greatness, intractable with cowards and opportunists. When his text was not there, something was missing.

As early as spring 2020, Paul stood up to the Belgian government’s « health » policy. He had chosen not to be vaccinated and did not hide it, without bragging about it either, the man was far too discreet and modest for that. It was this disease that took him away in its severe form.  » Aaah, we said it well, he should have been vaccinated! « , comment with an indecent and imbecilic triumphalism the scientists, the hygienists and the vaccinologists.  » Now that covid has killed one of your own, will you finally admit how dangerous this virus is and change your tune?  » No, we won’t change it: apart from the impossibility of being cured early from covid — which Paul, like others, paid dearly for — the real question is not the danger of the virus, but that of psychobiopower. We make a distinction between individual cases — always dramatic — and the collective and statistical dimension. We are able to leave emotion aside and focus on reason, which should always prevail in the exercise of politics and philosophy. Paul would have been the first one to yell at us if we had made an inbound curve after he left. He has always been a step ahead in the perception of societal issues, avant-garde, pioneering, daring to swim against the tide and defend his ideas. This also applies to his latest battle, which has occupied him since the outbreak of the crisis in early 2020. No, he didn’t get lost! To the end, this capacity for vision and lucidity remained with him. To a certain extent, the last battle he fought was to die for his ideas as a coherent man responsible for himself. May his model of courage and probity inspire us, and may his free and committed spirit continue to inspire our struggles.

The editorial staff

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