Our resistance has pushed back Leviathan

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Martin Steffens in the columns of Kairos for the third time. A French humanist philosopher born in 1977, he draws much of his inspiration from Simone Weil, and often integrates the message of Jesus and the Bible into his reflections. Nathalie Roba Could you tell us when and how your passion for philosophy and teaching came about? And maybe also your faith, if that’s not too intimate… MS : My passion for philosophy and the way I came to faith are linked. I converted 20 years ago, the year I was preparing for the agrégation in philosophy in Strasbourg. I used to have an intense life: studying philosophy, I was mainly a drummer in a punk band and worked on the side. But this year of preparation, I lived it alone. It was a… Marian period. The feeling that something was giving birth inside me. At Christmas, I can still see myself confiding to my mother that I was then feeling the joys that women have when they’re pregnant! In a word, I was seized by joy, surprised by the pure, ch …

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