Miscarriages and stillbirths after vaccinations: « imaginary »…

« No one cares about imaginary side effects… Covid is over, » wrote one commenter recently below one of our Facebook posts(1). However, this is not what the latest US statistics from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) show. VAERS is a voluntary reporting system that records only 1% of vaccine side effects, as VAERS itself states on its website(2).

52 times more miscarriages reported in 2021 (3431) compared to 2020 (65). Imaginary! What will it take to get them to open their eyes?

I mean, the dead will never be able to talk… at least they won’t catch the Covid. Isn’t that right? 

Reports received regarding miscarriages and stillbirths(3)
Reports of miscarriages and stillbirths
Reports of miscarriage and stillbirth
Reports of menstrual disorders and bleeding
Notes et références
  1. https://www.kairospresse.be/kairos-hebdo-special-trolls/
  2. https://openvaers.com/
  3. La fausse couche est considérée comme allant jusqu’à 20 semaines et la mortinaissance au-delà de 20 semaines.

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