You Will Feed the World — FARMERS’ MOBILIZATION

In the face of current events, which are not an epiphenomenon but reveal a deeply sick system where a small caste decides for all, the makers of this documentary on agriculture are sharing it free of charge until February 1. Kairos decided to relay the appeal. It’s your turn to spread the word. 

Desertification of the countryside, disappearance of farmers and biodiversity, excessive farm expansion: but why?

In their documentary « Tu nourriras le monde » (You will feed the world), two young agronomists went to the heart of a region emblematic of French industrial cereal farming: Chalky Champagne. Their objective: to meet the cereal growers of Champagne and understand the reasons behind the obstacles to agro-ecological transition.


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Given the agricultural mobilizations currently taking place across France, we’re reactivating this link from 01/25 to 02/01, to be shared widely during the mobilization period. May it shed new light on the farmers’ anger…

You can support us with a donation here: https: //…

Don’t hesitate to leave us an allo-ciné commentary, or to suggest the film as a commentary under media videos covering the mobilizations!

The film is also available on the Paroles de Paysans website: https: //…

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