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Some information about the Notre-Dame de Grâce Clinic in Gosselies (CDNG)

Voici quelques informations concernant la Clinique Notre-Dame de Grâce à Gosselies (« CNDG »).

Recently, during a meeting with the doctors/nurses in charge of the departments, the director Sylvie X spoke about the future of unvaccinated caregivers. The latter replied, and I quote, « it’s almost over for the hard core ».

In the 12/22/2021 email sent to all staff, Director Sylvie X clarifies NGDC’s position on the draft legislation:

« It goes without saying that, once it has become law, we will respect the law, as we do in all our actions. Both temporary measures (e.g. regular testing of unvaccinated staff) and definitive measures (e.g. ending collaboration with unvaccinated staff) will be implemented.

Vaccination is, to date, the best protection for our patients, staff and the entire population against the medical and societal consequences of this epidemic. It is also the best defense against the collapse of our hospital system.

We would obviously regret it if some of you lost the right to practice your profession because you refused to be vaccinated. So we hope that the last hesitators will take the plunge and go get vaccinated: that’s my wish for them for the beginning of 2022. »

What can be said about the behavior of the hospital’s hygienist nurse (Mrs. Evelyne Y) who, since the beginning of this pseudo sanitary crisis, has become a PCR test Stalinist towards the caregivers, the technical staff and the patients.

This public health nurse never followed Sciensano’s procedures regarding risky contacts.

Sciensano’s procedures state that: « a health care professional is considered a high-risk contact only if there has been contact with a COVID-19 case during care or medical examination within 1.5 meters of the case, without the use of recommended personal protective equipment. »

However, despite the absence of a proven high-risk contact (as defined by Sciensano), caregivers are regularly harassed by the public health nurse to perform PCR tests.

This is in the interest of the public health nurse, who loves to do internal tracing in order to know who is positive (however, only the occupational health department is authorized to do collective screening).

Unvaccinated caregivers are lectured for no reason. The hygienist nurse (Ms. Evelyne Y) takes the liberty of looking at the PCR test results (performed at the hospital laboratory) and informing the worker. Medical secrecy is flouted, the protection of privacy does not exist.

How many unnecessary and non-regulatory PCR tests have been performed?


The public health nurse must certainly believe that money falls from the sky!

Concerning the tracing of hospitalized patients, every week, all patients in the hospital are tested once (PCR test). There is no medical reason, except that it reassures the public health nurse.

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