[SÉRIE] Chronique Juridique #4 — RGPD and EVRAS

With Thierry VANDERLINDEN: Lawyer

1. Constitutional Court ruling.

  • What does the ruling say? Under the RGPD only Parliament (in the form of a law) is empowered to authorize data transfers, not the « confidential » and undemocratic ISC body
  • Consequences of the ruling: the State was at fault in empowering the CSI to authorize data transfers
  • Principles of civil liability: fault + damage (= unconstitutional transfer of data) + causal link between fault and damage
  • Who’s concerned? All vaccinated ==> consult a lawyer (see https://www.lawyers4de mocracy.com/)


  • Education à la Vie Relationnelle Affective et Sexuelle (Affective and Sexual Relationships Education): a generalized program starting in September in Wallonia and Bxl (ministers Caroline Désir & Christie Morreale)
  • « Sex education for children must take place within the family and at a time when children are asking questions, and under no circumstances can it take place at school in a planned and standardized way » (cf. totalitarianism) — More info at: https: //sauvonsnosenfants.weebly.com/
  • What happens in the classroom? Stimulating the child’s self-determination is  frightening
  • Criminal offences: violation of sexual integrity (art. 417/7) + legal absence of consent up to age 16 (art. 417/6)
  • How to react: school principals — burgomasters — family, neighbors, friends, etc. — send testimonials to Asbl Innocence en danger: https: //innocenceendanger.be/

Excerpts from the Evras guide : 

Illustrate, with concrete examples, how friendship, love and sexuality are experienced and expressed in a child’s life (p. 183).
Positive and negative influence of peer pressure, media, pornography (p. 137)
Love, being in love, pleasure, masturbation, orgasm (p. 187)
Sexuality is present from birth (p. 193)
Many young people will be able to write or find themselves in possession of sext messages or distribute nude photos of themselves. The idea is not to dissuade them, but to give them the elements they need to prevent these practices from getting them into trouble (p. 192).
Learn about pornography, its advantages and disadvantages (p. 197), think critically when watching pornographic films. (p. 210)
Consent in transactional sexual relationships (prostitution, escorting, sexual accompaniment, but also in exchange for small gifts, meals, outings, small sums of money). (p. 197)

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