Liège — Developers at the service of eco-destruction

On the site of the Chartreuse, in Liege, what always happens in our adulterated democracies is that individuals, under the only pretext of having been elected, become the zealous servants of the private sector which, through this political intermediary, takes over the common good. This time, it concerns the « lung » of Liège, a natural site of more than 30 hectares called « La Chartreuse », a real ecosystem in the heart of the Cité ardente. Matexi wants to develop a 74-unit housing project there… with, in the long run, certainly the idea of not stopping there. Kairos went there on the first day that those who opposed what was being imposed on them were at risk of being expelled.

*Music: « Hermanas »

Composition, vocals, ukulele: Florence Arnold, @flowsings

Didjeridoo : Fabian Vigne, @aboreprojects

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