Kairos Weekly 2

Totalitarianism can be recognized by its zeal to suppress information that disturbs it.
Indeed, the tireless efforts in this direction suggest that there is something to hide. Knowledge is power, and they… know it.
Under the pretext of saving as many people as possible, they have confined, scorned, distanced.
In Shanghai, the lockdown reappeared and desperate people shouted from their windows. Is shouting still enough? On the other hand, those who now try to denounce the side effects of the covid-19 vaccine are immediately vilified, if not worse. This was the case of Melodie, a citizen who alerted about the seriousness of the effects of the vaccine on women’s cycles. It was, as if by chance, the target of a hacking. Nothing surprising in a democracy…
To end on a happier note, Kairos celebrates its 10th anniversary on May 28th. You are all welcome; more info will follow soon.

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