Independent Scientific Council (ISC) N°100

For the hundredth issue of the Independent Scientific Council, we propose a public day of conferences in the presence of speakers who have contributed to the ISC, accompanied by people involved in the life of the City.

On the program, before the hundredth anniversary of the ISC, on the evening of May 18, 2023 (in the presence of Louis Fouché, Christian Peronne, Hélène Strohl in particular), we will receive Laurent Toubiana, Pierre Chaillot, Emmanuelle Darles, Alexandra Henrion Caude, Christine Cotton, Hélène Banoun, Jean-Marc Sabatier, Giogio Agamben, Mehdi Belhaj-Kacem, Tristan Edelmann, Michel Maffesoli, Jean-Dominque Michel, Eric Menat, Philippe De Chazourne, Nicole and Gérard Delépine, Xavier Azalbert, Alexandre Pénasse, Franco Fracassi, David Guyon and many others, including politicians involved in the defense of medicine, science and fundamental freedoms. 


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