Genocide of the Amish

« The Covid 19 and what it has become are social constructions, eminently political, and therefore have shaped the collective consciousness, well the collective unconsciousness …  » observes Alexandre Penasse in Kairos Hebdo number 9 of July 4, 2022(1). In fact, there is a central urgency: to free ourselves from the sanitary field in which the covidists impose to confine the debate. In fact, they trap their opponents. Not that this dimension is not important, but it is secondary here. Indeed, these events have long been situated on another level: that of the religious in the sociological sense of the term.

No society « makes society » without an ideological-religious system: a system called cosmogony(2). Nature abhors a vacuum, as we all know. In the space left vacant by the great religious and political narratives, covidism comes to invest this space. In a world reduced to the physiological, the clerics who indicate the Sense to the great ones of this world are the transhumanist technoprophets Yuval Noah Harari and consorts. Taking over the media’s word, they hammer home the point that any idea of transcendence is an archaic and reactionary illusion. It is the reign ofHomo Deus. The human being is not reducible to an animal and a machine? According to them, only « philosophical-theological-smoking arguments(3)  » could oppose this progressive vision of the human condition. In this perspective, covidism provides all the paraphernalia to society: litanies, vestments, grand speeches, values, buildings, clergy in white robes/shields… and even enemies and scapegoats, to make a body.

The « vaccine », a gene therapy with poorly known side effects but now proven ineffective, is not a medical procedure but an archaic ritual, such as scarification or tattooing, through which the subject proves that he or she is ready to attack his or her physical integrity to prove his or her adherence to the regime. The mask is the mark of a humiliation and a voluntary servitude that many continue to demand, even a year after the end of its obligation, even after doctors warn of its consequences on health(4).

At the same time, those who do not accept this initiation rite, which consists of injecting an unknown and potentially dangerous product into their flesh, show their insubordination to the covidist dogma. They will therefore be denounced as heretics who question the cohesion of the group. The health aspect is now only the « scientific » mask intended to cover a social phenomenon. This is admitted by the covidists themselves. Thus this doctor who tweets on July 19, 2022: « Dr. Oceane MINKA @MinkaOceane_Dr — Jul 19 A covid + vaccinated caregiver can work, but an antivax covid- caregiver cannot work. The difference between these 2 is not in the level of transmission but in the relationship to science, morals, ethics. #No to the reinstatement of #antivax caregivers. » Everything is said.

Before the French presidential election, an RTL columnist remarked: « Emmanuel Macron needs opponents for the political battle to come and to position himself 5.  » One of his colleagues made an analysis along the same lines: « The remark [d’Emmanuel Macron sur les Amish] is more than a mockery of elected environmentalists who have become experts in self-caricature. No, it is a thoughtful positioning in the perspective of the presidential election. (…) An important minister explains that 2022 will be played out around three frontiers [dont] the growth-decrease divide […] Despite a real credibility deficit in environmental matters, the almost-candidate Head of State has decided to confront them 6 « . « It is the enemy who designates you » is a famous sentence of war theory. The Macronie and its Start-up Nation have designated their enemies: those who do not believe that Progress allows us to free ourselves from the laws of biophysics, and that gene therapy will not eradicate the virus. In this context of « war », it is a question of denouncing them as the enemy within, that is to say the worst danger. They will mainly be used as scapegoats to divert the anger of the population from power. « France, the world is at war with an enemy that is the virus, and you objectively place yourself on the side of the virus, on the side of the enemy! » shouted a journalist from France Info, on August 21, 2021, to an opponent of liberticidal policies.

This summer, the train station in Pithiviers near Paris was transformed into a memorial for the deportees. Yet it is the same matrix that leads to these horrors: namely, those high officials who only « obey orders » and who invariably refer the resisters to « terrorism » and today to « conspiracy ». Mr. Castex, Mrs. Borne and others, the perfect psychotype of this high administration that sends tens of thousands of workers to unemployment without batting an eyelid because of refusal of injection. Mr. Castex, Mrs. Borne and others, who, 70 years after this tragedy, make an obscene market of the victims of their predecessors. Communism, fascism, nazism… today covidism, the same malleable spirits who rely on the « competent authorities » « for their own good », who endlessly replay the same tragedy.

Everything is turned upside down by history: if the health pass is the mark of « fascism », which it is, the vote in the European Parliament on June 23, 2022 saw the ecologists EELV, in the forefront to demand the mandatory injunction, and the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon approve its extension, while the party of Marine Le Pen opposed it. Has the RN become the « antifa » party? The Left and the unions have sunk, caught up in their totalitarian impulse. Only the « woke » delusions, pure product of liberal capitalism, still seem to motivate them.

Those who do not make the connection between degrowth and resistance to covidism are missing the point. Confronted with the physical limits of the planet, Macronie is made even more crazy and dangerous. Rather than questioning herself, she will direct her anger towards the « Amish », whom she will want, according to the Girardian thesis, to make atonement victims. « A good Indian is a dead Indian » (General Philip Sheridan). The Indians here — « Amish », « décroissants », Yellow Vests, and other retards — must be, for them, eliminated. The triumph of « Progress » is at stake.

Constantin Mirabel

Notes et références
  2. Une cosmogonie est un récit mythologique qui décrit ou explique la formation du Monde. Elle se distingue de la cosmologie, qui est la « science des lois générales par lesquelles le monde physique est gouverné ».
  3. Réponse de l’auteur Antoine Bueno au philosophe Fabrice Hadjadj interrogeant ses thèses : « La vie peut-elle se ramener à des problèmes techniques? ». « Faut-il limiter les naissances pour sauver la planète ? », Le Figaro Magazine, 24 juin 2022
  4. « Une vague de maladies respiratoires déferla sur l’Allemagne. L’Association des médecins généralistes de la Sarre considère le port du masque comme l’une des causes — et prône un usage plus modéré. » (Die Welt, 22 juillet 2022).
  5. « Emmanuel Macron installe ses clivages pour 2022 », 16 septembre 2022.
  6. Éditorialiste du journal L’Opinion, 15 septembre 2020.

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